Kite Shield (5e Equipment)

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Kite Shield[edit]

Cost Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight
40 gp +3 13 Disadvantage 10 lb.

A kite shield, also known as a teardrop shield, is a heavier successor to the classic round shield, extending downward into a point at the base. To help compensate for the additional weight, kite shields are fitted with straps through which the arm is secured, rather than being held only by a handle behind the central boss.

Unwieldy. Though kite shields were developed for use by mounted cavalry, they can still be wielded by foot soldiers. While you are wielding a kite shield, your movement speed is decreased by 5 feet. Additionally, it takes 1 minute to don or doff a kite shield.

Purpose-Built. Kite shields are designed to protect both mount and rider in combat. While you are wielding a kite shield and mounted, your mount receives a +2 bonus to its AC. If your mount is wielding a shield, this bonus is is decreased to +1.

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