Personal Combat Shield (5e Equipment)

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Personal combat shield[edit]

Rarity Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight
Rare +2 1 lb.

Personal Combat Shields , also called shield emitter were plasma shields that could be activated from the Mandalorian vambraces worn by the Mandalorian warriors.

You can activate it on your turn or turn it off again as an object interaction. When you do so, it generates a shimmering, blue or purple-colored round shield-shaped barrier which can deflect incoming attacks. The shield runs on Energy Cell, with one energy cell powering the shield for 1 hour.

Energy Shield. While you are wearing this shield and it is activated, you have immunity to damage from the blaster fires. Furthermore, when you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you may add the personal combat shield's AC bonus to your saving throw.

Special. Personal combat shield is used while installed on a wrist gauntlet or in a Mandalorian Vambrace.

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