History (Grisaire Supplement)

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The world of Grisaire has around 10,000 years of existence. Sapient life began, along with the recording of history, at around 3,000 years of time. The year names are known as "After Primus," or AP.

Genesis Era (0-3,000 AP)[edit]

The time of genesis describes the shaping of the world and the development of life. A lot of myth derives from this time when the gods were still very active in the lives of their creations, and life was exploding and evolving in continuous bursts of unpredictability.

Death of Primus (0 AP)[edit]

The Great Dismemberment was the event when Primus' dreams of the Twelve Thrones took form and waged war against the original god. Seeing Primus as a lazy and unfit being to rule them, the thrones overwhelmed their progenitor and cut the body into pieces, utilizing Primus' carcass as the foundation of their desired world, thus creating the world of Grisaire.

Days of the Forge (1-3,000 AP)[edit]

  • 300 AP - Shortly into the time of creation, the Shower of Stars occurred, where meteors rained on the soft surface of the burgeoning world for 10 days and 10 nights straight, according to legend. This is one of the theorized origins of the Uncreated. The first sunborn are also believed to come from these meteors.
  • 853 AP - The world calendar is decreed by the gods to the dwellers of the world.
  • 1,000 AP - The creation of the Old Ones begins, starting with the Sweltering Guardian, Aeolus. The last of the Old Ones is created by roughly 1,500 AP

Era of Shifting Waves (3,000-7,000 AP)[edit]

A great amount of change takes place in this era. The gods are still quite present and influential, watching as life goes on. Their intervention, however, would be cataclysmic.

Tide Pool (3,000-5,000 AP)[edit]

  • 3,200 - 3,290 AP- The High Elven kingdom of Errvasahevn rela' Tirathollon wars against various tribes in the northern regions of modern day Igribus, comprising the Huseokii War. Their expansion campaigns ultimately exhausted the kingdom on multiple fronts and the kingdom eventually collapsed and was absorbed into nearby tribes.
  • 3,321 AP- Zantin become extinct after a population of zanthani are created.
  • 4,310 AP- The Eldresin empire emerges after a series of wars known as Derletessi, encompassing what is the modern day Frigid Wastes

Tremulous Age (5,001-7,000 AP)[edit]

  • 6,360 AP - Lozor becomes a united island nation under Emperor Sukan.
  • 6,401 AP - Emperor Sukan of Lozor dies, is succeeded by her son Iji; her daughter Delu is appointed vizier
  • 6,651 AP - The Hallowed Blood Coup in Igribus occurs. It is put down after six months of bloody fighting. All believed to have involvement in the coup are executed following its end, including the honorable Darmaseth knights.
  • 6,780 AP - The first jinei were bought to shore after a mysterious island appeared in the eastern ocean. The island is believed to have been a legendary giant stingray.
  • 6,860 AP - The first signs of the Uncreated breaching the surface trigger an attack from the gods that destroys the southern and northern poles of Grisaire, creating The Wastes and Frigid Wastes. This event is known as the Ruinous Purge and marks the end of the Eldresin Empire and the Alhojar System. A massive loss of life was caused as a result of the divine wrath bought upon the land, and migrations towards the center of Endix spanned the century.
  • 6,880 AP - Tasnen opens the first mine with functioning operations in Grisaire.

Era Out of Divinity (7,001-8,000 AP)[edit]

This era marks the end of a majority of divine intervention in the world. While minor boons and such were still possible, no more earth-shattering miracles occurred. It was now that the craftiest of races began to figure their way out in the world and build magnificent and horrible things.

  • 7,130 AP - The Death Pride Prophecy is founded by Oracle Ulissia; Four Riders organization founded in same year
  • 7,500 AP - Illusion is recognized as a school separate from Enchantment.
  • 7,554 AP - The Mortal Masons are founded in the country of Zesh after observations of the aftermath following the Ruinous Purge.

Modern Era (8,000-10,000 AP)[edit]

Modernity bought about a lot of changes as people began to move towards technology. Countries that industrialized faster had an edge on neighbors, resulting in tumultuous political struggles and wars.

  • 8,003 AP - The Union of Strings is founded in Engal, which eventually evolve to become what is currently known as the Gilt Society. They begin expanding chapters into other countries.
  • 8,355 AP - The Kharim Caliphate is established under the joiner of the Five Clans.
  • 8,864 AP - The Serpent's Loop occurs within the capital of Khaire, Zalifer, and its surrounding area. The dead which were buried suddenly all arose as undead, led by the Empress Lakambi. This event is believed to be the culmination of a ritual the empress had failed at to prolong her lifespan and beauty into eternity. It essentially had a very delayed effect. This event began the Po Kolac War for the throne of Khaire.
  • 8,864-8,872 AP - The Po Kolac War is waged, with the undead Empress Lakambi and her undead forces on one side and the current reigning Rukol Dynasty of Khaire on the other. The war ends when Gunan Sy, kikura'aht hero of the Rukol Dynasty, defeats Lakambi and drives her to hiding at the Serpent's Maw, where she remains to this day, biding her time. Gunan proceeded to be crowned emperor of Khaire, ending the Rukol Dynasty and beginning the current Nafak Dynasty.
  • 8,877 AP - Scholars Ikthar and Harkos are inspired by the Death Pride prophecy and found the White Tree organization.
  • 8,911-8,934 AP - Under the expansionist dynasty of Fahbat, Kharim takes to the sea and captures several islands, including La'ita. It is renamed to Geverardi. It is assumed that Kharim, at its height of conquest, controlled half the sea between itself and Lozor.
  • 9,011 AP - The Tasnen-Eskain Commonwealth is established with (1) the coinciding merger of the royal Joylial family of Tasnen and the royal Frud family of Eskain, (2) the consensus of the joint assemblies from both the Tasnen Court of Lords and the Eskain High Parliament.

March of Gears (9,500-9,650 AP)[edit]

This 150 year period marks the largest amount of environmental destruction, wars, and migrations facilitated by artificial means. The powerful nations of Tasnen, Morkan, and Eskain were making frightening speed in taking over much of Endix, having entered an alliance known as the Premier Force. Races like the cijelese fled eastward to escape, ultimately relocating their city in modern-day Doru. It was not until around 9,600 AP that the surrounding nations had to band together to put a stop to the Premier Force's onslaught. Utilizing the primal energies of the north and south, and the ancient arcane powers of the middle east, the alliance known as the Crescent Chance pushed back the Premier Forces. The fighting continued for about 50 more years before a treaty was signed. The Premier Force became a consolidated nation in the west, known as modern-day Premius.

March Timeline
  • 9,500 AP - Premier declares war on Äschon and Zesh.
  • 9,554 AP - The original nation of Cijel falls and the cijelese flee from Zesh.
  • 9,566 AP - The Anti-Magic League is founded within the Premier Force as a faction heavily opposed to the increase of authority that artificers and general spellcasters were commanding in military roles.
  • 9,639 AP - Premier seizes Urrgarda, city of giants.
  • 9,640 AP - Premier invades Dirgutian peninsula in Kharim. Äschon declares a state of emergency and King Goraldeh issues the controversial Exclusion Decree, exiling several bodies deemed "dangerous to the country," including the 80 tribes of west Kharim.
  • 9,645 AP - (Tri-oin) Premier Imperial Salazus dies in his sleep; (Ur-oin) Closed War Room Massacre occurs
  • 9,650 AP - Battle of Bristlebone ends the war; Treaty of Fesir is signed; Premier empire disbanded and most territories are returned or taken by the victors. The remainder becomes present day Premius.

Period of Unity (9,651-9,959 AP)[edit]

This decade post wartimes was a boon for many races previously excluded from public recognition. In reflection of the efforts by many in the war, the victors of the war, as well as the losers, signed a series of amendments to their treaties, known as the Progressive Mandates. These gave legal status to many races across all of Grisaire and signaled formal recognition of the diverse body of sapients in the world. These efforts were largely orchestrated under the Crescent Chance veteran Coronius.

  • 9,651 AP - Monstrous Civilian Laws passed and signed into effect in all countries.
  • The modern-day Cijel is established in the Doru Islands with land allocated from the central territorial kingdom, next to the island of Sa'mwan.
  • 9,652 - 9,658 AP - Äschon undergoes its Industrial Reformation. Nation name changes to Aerzale under Queen Halia.
  • 9,849 AP - The 80 tribes in west Kharim (modern-day Edim) are forced to sign a treaty of nonviolence under pressure from 79 Blades, creating the notorious legend of 79 Blades.
  • 9,887 AP - The Washaeen Agreement between Engal and Aerzale is signed, allowing for shared ownership of the city of Eaurroue on the Ygathas Delta.
  • 9,654 - 9,958 AP - Kharim Civil War; Kharim is split into Edim and Kalim.
  • 9,654 AP - The split of the caucus is strained beyond negotiations. There are the S'bad "separatists" and M'had "centralists." The S'bad would become the modern-day Kalimshites and represented a large portion of the seaside inhabitants of the empire that wanted more autonomy due to their valuable location by the Wallow. The M'had were against this and are the modern-day Edimites. During this time, the M'had wanted to refuse Igributian passage to the wallow through the Tyrn region due to their harboring of wanted separatist intellectuals. The S'bad ended up allowing Igributians access. In retaliation, the M'had sent forces to enforce curfews and surveillance on the region, which S'bad retaliated against by declaring war, thus starting the series of battles that would become the Kharim civil war.
Note: Rumor has it that part of the M'hadis war effort was to utilize forbidden magic in the hope of quelling their enemy forces. These efforts were concentrated within a holding nowadays known as the Thorsha Ruins in the Tyrn region, where centralist sentiment was higher.
  • 9,654 - 9,657 AP - Initial war effort favors the M'had, as their desert regions are virtually unaffected by the fighting, along with their stockpiles of resources. The S'bad have limited success targeting their trade bloodlines from the north, but cannot secure those to the west. While the M'hadi had no way of combating the S'bad in naval warfare or cutting off their trade routes, the fighting was largely on land anyway. When the M'hadi forces push towards the coast, the S'bad solicit the forces of 1,000 able-bodied mercenaries from the neighboring Doru Islands and mount a successful counter offensive that pushes the M'had back. Much of the fighting is centered in the southern Isma'ash and central Ytrudi regions.
  • 9,750 AP - Around this time, the natives on Geverardi that are sympathetic to anti-Kharim sentiment revolt, along with several other islands. Kharim is unable to keep their footholds here with the trouble brewing at home, and they lose all islands save for some settlements on west Geverardi.
  • 9,755-9,759 AP - There is a temporary ceasefire in the civil war for Kharim to settle matters with Doru, who demands Geverardi be returned wholly to the island nation. However, a lot of Kharim-descent have made their homes on the island and are still loyal to their home country. The Everford Nations are called to intervene. At the Ghira Summit, it is eventually agreed that Geverardi would be split in half between Kharim and Doru through the Jafa'is Treaty.
  • 9,957 AP - Igributian and Adumese forces move to occupy the Tyrn region amid the fighting, claiming concerns of safety. The fighting in Tyrn grows particularly fierce, drawing from even the southern conflicts.
Note: Scholars say that if the M'had had focused their war efforts towards the Isma'ash and Ytrudi without diverting attentions towards maintaining the Tyrn region, they would feasibly have defeated the S'bad entirely, who were highly invested in keeping the Tyrn region. At the time, the M'hadi general in charge was Ubad Alfim, facing against S'badi general, Gahdi Al'Rakesh. It is believed that Gahdi sent a heartfelt plea to Ubad in secret, imploring him to put aside their differences and to drive away the foreign northerners (Igribus and Adum), or else that land of Kharim's would be lost. Thus, this convinced Ubad to divert his forces towards Tyrn. As such, some remaining M'hadi sentiments are highly critical of Ubad's legacy as the reason that Kalim even exists.
  • 9,958 AP - A series of treaties are signed to end the fighting and establish Edim and Kalim as separate nations. The Mosholol treaty, the last treaty of the series, establishes the Tyrn region as Edim territory, but is extremely limited in any capabilities save for commercial, and is mandated to be an open-trade region for other countries to pass through. All existent Kalim naval bases are dismantled and moved south, but the people remain, along with any settlements by Igributian, Adumese, and Edimite peoples. Kalim is also given control of the island of Geverardi portion
  • 9,752 AP - Illit Rhyzor is believed to have gone into eternal slumber within his tomb, the Tazzma'At, in Hagai.
  • 9,775 AP - The Venirez Canton is established following the dispersal of the peasant uprisings. The sightings of the White Haired Maiden in the Regis Range begin after this year.

9,960 AP-9,979 AP[edit]

  • 9,961 AP -Griks Zalow is recruited into the Premius scientific research force.
  • 9,962 AP - Project Tercera begins, to transform Premius capital Maqi Rex into a moving city. This project is led and designed by Griks and approved by Iron Crown Margul Van Aechetaon.
  • 9,965 AP - The first sightings of kra'akas in Sa'mwan
  • 9,969 AP - The Sayif Consortium is founded by Sayif I. Additionally, the 5th Ashen Expedition concludes in failure.
  • 9,970 AP - The first sights of the newly risen Darmaseth occur in west Igribus.
  • 9,972 AP - The Ssamazen Edict is signed by the Shazrim tripartite government of Kalim. This edict severely restricts the livelihoods of hunters in certain designated areas, limiting what can be hunted, where, and imposing quotas. In response to this, the A'mog tribe of lizardfolk attempt to organize and seize control of the town of Drakuar in the month of Igu-oin. The ensuing scuffle with state forces wipes out a large portion of the A'mog tribe in the event known as the Jangzo Massacre. The massacre left 53 A'mog dead, most of whom were the hunter-providers for the tribe. Seeing this brutality and loss of their way of life, all but two lizardfolk tribes of the original seven in Kalim emigrate out to other surrounding lands. The remaining lizardfolk tribes, the A'Sinx and the Aacht, are assigned to live in two designated cantons that make up the region of Maesorkat.

9,980-9,999 AP[edit]

  • 9,980 AP - Iron Crown Margul Van Aechetaon dies unexpectedly due to alleged health complications. Redbrauch Masshelsman becomes the 19th Iron Crown of Premius to date.
  • 9,982 AP - Project Tercera ends with completion. Maqi Rex is now a living city. Capital relocates from the Lowlach region to northwest Premius in the span of half a month (Tri-oin).
  • The spiger and spiderling races are created, along with a variety of other arachnid creatures, courtesy of Zalow's experiments.
  • 9,985 AP - Coronius mysteriously disappears after a week's leave of absence in Spir-uin.

Current Day/Age of Precipice (10,000 AP)[edit]


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Someday, when routine even like death is gone, we will rue the days we took them for granted.
Illit Rhyzor, Servant of Survelem

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