Kalim (Grisaire Supplement)

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Kalim, The Land of Sun and Sea[edit]

Notable Places[edit]

Capital: Controlling much of the trading ports on the eastern Endixian coast, Kalim's capital, Dirgus, is located down the Dirgutian peninsula, being one of the most profitable trade sites in the world.

Houlloghen: Located within the northwest tip of Kalim, Houlloghen is a massive, walled city of wealth and corruption. It is known for being home to the Church of the Ruby Fruit, a city patronized by M'iaq, and a highly stratified city structure. Its size allows, however, for many blind spots in the law, like a large population of poor who plot anxiously to overthrow the city nobles and seize the vault of treasure accrued from unfair taxes and seizures.

Geverardi: This island is a heavily contested piece of territory, being currently split between Kalim and Doru. Historically, the Doru claim it as one of their islands, one of the biggest. It was formerly called La'ita, but this was changed following Kharim takeover of the island under the Fahbat dynasty in 8,913 AP. Because it is literally split between two nations, there is a fair amount of barriers that run along the center, per the Jafa'is Treaty.

Miscellaneous Locations[edit]

Ytrudi is the central region that both Kalim and Edim share. It is known for having decently hard soil, plenty of sun, and good moisture control. As such, this temperate area is able to host a variety of agricultural growths.

Isma'ash is the southern region shared between Kalim and Edim, and bordering The Frontier mountains. The area is characterized as a highland region with a few river valleys, deep canyons, and high plains. The slopes lead down to the desertic coastal region. The rockier parts towards the mountains are unable to foster agriculture and are considered inhospitably dangerous due to mountainous monsters.

Maesorkat: This small region is a seaside area split into two cantons: The A'Sinx and the Aacht. This region is primarily populated by two groups of lizardfolk, a minority race within the country of Kalim. The two groups are respectively the A'Sinx and the Aacht lizardfolk tribes, who are a remainder of the lizardfolk population following the emigration to Khaire, the Doru Islands, and Edim in the wake of the Jangzo Massacre of 9,972 AP. The two tribes maintain a lifestyle off fishing and hunting on nearby lands as restricted by the Ssamazen Edict.

Po Hangkon:

Drakuar: A small town known for their fields of flowers that stretch into and past the borders of Edim in the central Ytrudi region. Drakuar is known for creating a unique cologne popular among many of the people who live near the waters of Kalim. It is said to smell of fish and the trademark scent of Drakuar poppies. Due to it being a specialty product since even the times of Kharim, this is considered a luxury artisan product. The smell is said to have been a symbol of masculinity in antiquity.


Kalim is a country by the sea that has invited and received many different races over the years that eventually came to settle permanently. Following the fall of the Kharim Caliphate, some races were given special permissions to freely travel between Edim and Kalim, resulting in a share of the population being shared.








Other Races[edit]


Kalim society is largely based on different clans collaborating in various aspects of the country, whether it's economics, religion, or regular governance. These clans are formed of smaller tribes of distinct races that banded together. While there are five known clans, two are much smaller in size than the other three. The three largest clans are the halflings ("Ad'Kharan"), tabaxi ("Bi'Loka"), and the tritons ("Ma'Yoha"). The two smaller clans are the humans ("Ukah") and the lizardfolk ("Aeln").

The Token Fifth: It is important to note that the Aeln clan's place as one of the top five in Kalim is a vestige of when lizardfolk were more populous in Kalim. Following the emigration and Ssamazen Edict, all but two tribes of lizardfolk largely left Kalim. So, the Aeln clan is solely composed of the A'Sinx and the Aacht lizardfolk tribes.


There are three clans that run Kalim, them being the Ad'Kharan, the Bi'Loka, and the Ma'Yoha. They are known as the Shazrim and function as a tripartite government over all ordinances of Kalim. The Ukah and Aeln clans serve as support members in the Shazrim, known as the Taht'Shazrim. This two-layered body of government is composed of 100 members, with 20 representatives per clan. Matters appear before the Shazrim first, and the Taht'Shazrim is given voting power when there is an issue deemed too contentious. Otherwise, the Taht'Shazrim is considered a bit of a bystander in government. They can voice their opinion, but it does not necessarily mean it will be considered. The consideration of all issues is not voting by numbers, but by almost a debate-styled decision-making process.



A very similar tradition to Edim's chakuejim is Kalim's chajinjjim. They are believed to actually be the same tradition, just with slight variations. However, following the fall of the Kharim Caliphate and split between these two nations, significant efforts have been made to differentiate similar aspects of their cultures. Like Edim, Kalimese daily life always has tea and coffee in it, and the establishments serving these drinks can be found all around. However, Kalim chajinjjim has recently restricted the commercial spread of tea houses and coffee spots. Instead, the Shazrim has encouraged more people to hold social events over tea and coffee within their own houses. Rather than go out, many Kalimese workers are given a time of day to return home and relax with their family over tea or coffee. Thus, chajinjjim is seen as more intimate and private than chakuejim.

Kalim's brews also bear some notable difference from that of Edim. While Edim largely uses roots, Kalim makes use of flowers in their teas and coffee. As a result, their brews tend to have a fragrance, but are also not as strong as Edim's. Also, with Kalim's access to the ocean, they have incorporated various ingredients from overseas into their teas, like tea leaves from Lozor and even fruits from the Doru Islands.


The Lost Stirgemalion

The Stirgemalion was a wondrous ship famous for its captain's persistent search for the Isla D'Oro. The ship was a galleon able to carry hoards of treasure, which it often did for royal purposes. Unfortunately, in its last voyage, the ship was lost to a strange storm that came from nowhere. None of the crew returned, but people say that they remain alive.

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