Backgrounds (Grisaire Supplement)

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The world of Grisaire, with its many connections, creates more backgrounds that are tied to specific organizations not present in core material. There are a lot of backgrounds that are still generic enough, however, to be used in this setting. You can use any core material backgrounds from the PHB in addition to these options. Generic backgrounds do not necessarily have any special flavor, and can belong in a setting outside of Grisaire easily. They also are not heavily constrained to a very niche idea or profession. Specific backgrounds might have ties to elements unique to Grisaire, or be more exclusive and narrow in concept.

Generic Backgrounds
Monster Hunter
Royal Cavalry for members of organizations like the Crownsguard or other royal guards
Specific Backgrounds
Archivist and Chronicler - possible links to Essence Scholars and Secret Keepers
Executioner and Torturer
Mage Hunter - In cahoots with the AML
Shadow Bringer - In cahoots with the Ashen Face
Shadow-Taken - People corrupted by the Uncreated who live to tell the tale

Grisaire Navigation
Grisaire Campaign Settingv
Grisaire logo.png Players Guide Races, Backgrounds, Classes, Spells & Magic, Downtime Activities, Feats
World of Grisaire History, The World, Society, Cosmology, Religion, Worldly Mechanics, Languages
Dungeon Master's Guide About, Treasure, Bestiary, Tables, Help, Adventures, NPCS, Variant Rules,
Soon the world's fate will be determined solely by the strong, and everything will be destroyed. How frightening, no?
Halik Farrad, Four Riders

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