5e Hazards

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Hazard Summary
A Rock In Your Shoe A rock that is, for whatever reason, in your shoe.
Aberrant Earth Weird earth that wracks the mind with pain and absorbs the bodies of those slain while standing upon it.
Aggravating Stone Rock that flips you off.
An Inconvenient Rock Literally just a rock.
Annoying Damage Annoying damage that can't kill you nut just makes your hitpoints change to annoy you.
Astral Fracture A tear in reality that pulls creatures closer, distorts space, and inflicts necrotic decay.
Black Slime Aquatic variant of green slime.
Black Tangle Thorny black vines found in dark forests.
Bladeweed Tall grass with leaves as hard and sharp as steel.
Blood Root A bloody red, subterranean and parasitic plant that uses its deadly red roots to attack unsuspecting creatures.
Brown Slime A sticky brown ooze that prefers to feed on humanoid flesh.
Coffin Tree & Pods
Corringal Tree A tree with a sap that causes a very nasty process.
Corrupted Titan Relic A powerful artifact warped by Voidblight, radiating dangerous energy.
Curse of Stairs Something awful happens when you go up the stairs…
Deathspore Fungus A rare fungus that kills with poisonous spores that cause its victims to rise as undead minions.
Dreaming Water Supernaturally still water that causes those that touch it to enter a deep trance-like state.
Ephemeral Rift A regional distortion caused by a teleporation disaster.
Ethereal Storm An inverted storm, in which rain and lightning come from the ground and where each thunderbolt has a small chance of sending you to the ethereal plane.
Flash Flood Did you choose the Swim skill?
Forest of Silence Trees These trees appear as any other tree would, though when threatened, the dark truth of these trees become known.
Glowing Ashes Floating red lights that burn skin and boil blood.
Great Wall of America The Most Powerful Wall in the Universe
Growth Fruit A stinking berry that enlarges those who consume it.
Hail Hail the natural hazard, not the spell.
Healing Vacuum
Hushrooms Hushing mushrooms, a very dangerous hazard in certain circumstances.
Illusion Storm A vicious maelstrom of false sights, smells, and sounds.
Jabberwock's Snare A thick bramble with magical origins that thrives in the darkness.
Lake Leeches Swarms of unusually large leeches, drawn by the smell of blood.
Loading Zone A region of space that causes two distant locations to border one another.
Magical Wild Path
Maiden's Kiss The main source of Maiden's Blood Fever.
Man-eating Mushrooms Giant average looking mushrooms that consume those who draw near.
Manchineel Trees Possibly the most terrifying natural tree in existence.
Memory Imprint Re-live an emotionally supercharged event that happened at the place.
Mesmerising Glade This will mess with your mind for a while.
Miasma A substance that strikes fear into the hearts of Vein Revenants.
Mindfog Pollen Pollen that sends anyone unlucky enough to sniff it into a trance-like state.
Mindslicer Crystal Crystals found deep underground that disrupt the thoughts of sentient creatures.
Mindswap Rose These roses swap the souls and minds of creatures who touch it.
Mist from the Beyond A strange mist that causes short-term madness.
Mutation Mushrooms Gives mutation sickness upon touching.
Orchard Plum Plums that cause one to fall asleep
Patch of Dust Go dust your room!
Patch of Sand Hazard ... or Weapon!
Quagmire Thick, sticky mud infused with elemental energy.
Quickslush Like Quicksand but in frosty areas
Radiation Field An area polluted with radiation.
Ragestone Odd stone that causes unfeeling rage in those that stand upon it.
Sand Slime A grainy ooze found in deserts.
Shadowflame Wall A wall of shadowflame.
Shrinking Violet Releases a cloud of shrinking spores.
Sleet The exciting weather event (!), not the spell.
Slipstone A patch of magically slippery stone.
Slope of Loose Rocks A rocky slope on a mountainside, eager to break some legs or turn into an avalanche.
Snapback Sapling Hey, watch out for the...WHAP!
Sorcerer's Vine A magic-infused vine that interferes with spellcasting.
Spellbane Rose Flowers that inhibit magic.
Sucker Plant A plant that grows on walls, sucks people up and spits them out
Sunrays Blending in nigh perfectly with the Forest floor, Sunrays are a danger to adventurers and the inhabitants of the Forests alike.
The Ledge Just a simple ledge that should be no trouble to cross.
Thin Planar Barriers Locations in space where the barriers between planes are especially weak.
Time Flower A crazy purpleish-blueish flower. Totally harmless.
Tornado A whirling, moving, deadly cone of wind.
Trip Wire Vine-root Symbiotic vine that helps to spread the pollen of other plants.
Twilight Chamomile Just let your instinct take over, and become a animal.
Variable Magic Zones Did you really think magic behaved the same everywhere?
Wild Winds An uncontrollable gale that moves even the mightiest of creatures.
Yellow Wallpaper The geometrically impossible design combined with the nauseating color scheme has a debilitating effect on those who examine it.


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