A Rock In Your Shoe (5e Hazard)

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A Rock In Your Shoe[edit]

It is a small and pointy rock in your shoe. The rock may be changed to something that would have a similar effect like a piece of tree bark, or a sharp piece of bone.

Whenever you get a rock in your shoe, usually while walking though difficult terrain, roll a DC 10 constitution saving throw. On a failure take a -5 to your walking speed for 1d4-1 rounds. As a bonus action, you may attempt a DC 15 dexterity check to get the rock out of your shoe, or you may spend an action to remove the rock by hand. Until you get the rock out of your shoe, it will activate again after 1d6+4 rounds.

Optional Rule: A character wearing boots that go beyond the shin is resistant to this hazard, but needs to use a full round to remove the rock, the rock may be removed while moving at half speed. A character wearing sandals, or similar footwear, is vulnerable to this hazard, however they have advantage against the constitution save and it only takes them a bonus action to remove the rock, no dexterity check required.

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