Magical Wild Path (5e Hazard)

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wild magic path[edit]

A wild magic path is a brick road that unannounced to the adventure has been build with strange or even forbidden means. Every 10ft walk they take on these cursed steps they get affected by a random effect. If detect magic is cast the player senses wild magic in the path

table designator
Dice roll (row start) Said to the player Effect
1 you feel drowsy and suddenly black out the player falls asleep for 2 rounds
2 it's quiet warm and it begins to climb drastically the player takes 1d4 fire damage and 1d4 more for every round they're on the path.
3 a chill runs down your spine and shatters to your feet where ice begins to grow the surrounding 20ft of space become cold and the player takes 2d6 cold damage until they leave.
4 a floral breeze blows through the air as flowers and vines sprout around you the player has to fight a grapple of 15 or is knocked prone and the surrounding 5ft becomes difficult terrain.
5 everything makes you feel nauseous as words turn to babble and thought to mush the player must make an intelligence check of 18 or can't understand any language or speak for 3 turns 1 turn on a save.
6 you sense a goodness in the air and a buzz in your step as good energy flows through you the player is charmed and all beings in a 30ft radius of the player must make a wisdom check of 15 or be charmed. After 5 rounds all charmed beings take 5d4 lightning damage half on a dexterity save and take +2 disadvantage on dexterity.
  1. Any effects last even if the players step of the path
  2. If a player or other being gets unwillingly moved/gets pushed 10ft they still get affected
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