Siltsand (5e Hazard)

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Siltsand looks like a grey coloured sand and generally appears in large craters. people who have escaped siltsand have said that it coted their clothes and bodies with a grey layer that is hard to remove. They also say that is has a soft but strong grip.

When a creature walks onto siltsand it sinks down one stage. A creature which is in siltsand can struggle to try and escape (DC 14 +1 for every stage they have sank) but if they fail, they sink another stage down. A creature that can still use their arms can try to free a creature by making a strength check (DC 12 +1 for every stage the creature has sank) but if they fail then they get trapped in the siltsand. A creature must make a Dexterity check (DC 16) at the start of their turn. If they fail then they sink down another stage.


  • 1: (Up to Ankles) The creature's speed is halved
    • 2: (Up to Knees) The creature's speed is reduced to 5ft
      • 3: (Up to Waist) The creature cannot move and all attacks against it have advantage. The creature has Disadvantage on Dexterity Checks (Other than the checks made for the siltsand)
        • 4: (Up to Chest) Disadvantage on attacks and automatically fails any Dexterity checks (Other than the checks made for the siltsand)
          • 5: (Up to Neck) The creature cannot use their arms and cannot cast magic or attack.
            • 6: (Up to Mouth) The Creature can not speak.
              • 7: (Under the siltsand) The creature cannot breathe.
(one vote)

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