Mindswap Rose (5e Hazard)

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Mindswap Rose[edit]

These roses are a blank white. If a creature touches it, its soul and mind are absorbed by the rose. Its body becomes inactive and the rose changes color to the absorbed soul and mind (a chaotic evil tiefling warlock could create a reddish-purple rose). If a second creature touches the rose, it's soul and mind are transferred to the first toucher. The soul and mind inside the rose is transferred to the second toucher. A creature with a transferred soul and mind inside has its personality, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, proficiencies, and alignment of the creature who's soul and mind came from, but has the body (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores, racial and class features, equipment, and level) of the creature the soul and mind are inside. Every 1d20 minutes the creatures make a combined DC 20 Charisma check with advantage (both creatures add their Charisma modifiers), on a success the souls and minds are re-swapped, thus ending the effect.

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