5e Derivative Work Weapons

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This list of homebrew content includes nonmagical weapons that were made on D&D Wiki for 5e, but are derived from existing fiction outside of Dungeons & Dragons. Many of these weapons may feature advanced technology not seen in typical campaigns. This list excludes any pages with maintenance templates.

Simple Melee Weapons[edit]

Simple Melee Weapons Cost Damage Weight Properties
Chainsaw, UAC Uncommon 3d4 slashing 9 lb. Chained damage (4), reload (50 charges), heavy, two-handed
Kabong 1 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 5 lbs. Heavy, Special
Nail Blade 10 gp 1d6 slashing 5 lb. light, Thrown (20/60). 50 gp 1d8 Piercing 6 lb. Finesse, Thrown (40/80). 30 gp 1d8 slashing 10 lb. Finesse, Thrown (20/60), Versatile (1d10).
Starcraft Plasma Charged Combat Knife Common 1d4 piercing+2d4 elemental 4 lb Light, finesse
Vibroknife 75 gp 2d4 Slashing 1.25 lb. Finesse, Light

Simple Ranged Weapons[edit]

Simple Ranged Weapons Cost Damage Weight Properties
Miniature Explosive 4 gp Special 3 lb. Light, special, thrown (range 60)
Phosphor Blast Pistol Rare 1d12 Fire 8 lb. Light, Ammunition (6), Blast (10ft),Range 60/90, Special
Phosphor Pistol Uncommon 1d10 Fire 3 lb. Light, Ammunition (6), Range 30/90, Special
Pistol, UAC Common 2d6 piercing 3 lb. Ammunition (range 50/150), reload (12 shots)
Shotgun, Combat 3d6 piercing 7 lb. Ammunition (range 30/90), two-handed
Wrist Bow 100 gp 1d4 piercing 3 lb. Ammunition (range 20 / 80), light, Reload (6), Short Burst (2), Glove

Martial Melee Weapons[edit]

Martial Melee Weapons Cost Damage Weight Properties
Ball and Chain 55 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 12 lb. Dire, heavy, versatile (1d10), thrown (range 20/60)
Bat'leth 45 gp 1d10 piercing 12 lb. Two-handed, Heavy, Special
Chain-axe Uncommon 3d8 slashing 8 lb Versitile (4d8)
Chainsword Uncommon 4d6 slashing 4 lb. Ammunition, reload (30 strikes)
Combat Wire 80 gp 1d6 slashing 3 lb. Light, Finess, Two-Handed, extended
Energy Sword Very Rare 3d12 force 3 lbs. light, Disarming, special (can use 10 times, then needs 2 hours of charging)
Feathered Edge 45 gp (or 450 rp) 1d6 slashing 1/4 lb. Finesse, Special
Feathered Spear 45 gp (or 450 rp) 1d6 piercing 1/2 lbs. Reach, Finesse, Special
Giant Door Shield 80 gp Special, see Blind Charge below 40 lb. Heavy, Two-Handed, Special
Glaive (Destiny) 75 gp 2d6 slashing/ 1d12 piercing 3 lb. Two-Handed, Heavy, Finesse, Reach, Special, Ammunition (12), Range (40/120)
Glaive (Warframe) 225 gp 2d6 slashing 6 lb. thrown (30/60), finesse, special(see below)
Grenade, Spike Uncommon 1d8 slashing 4 lbs. Thrown (30/60), light, special
Guardian Spear Very Rare 3d10 slashing/ 4d6 force, Ranged 5d8 Piercing 50 lb. Heavy, Two-Handed, Reach 15ft, Ammunition (100), Range (160/320) ,Special
Heavy Chainsword Rare 6d6 slashing 8 lb. Reload (20 strikes), Heavy, Two-Handed
Hidden Blade, Variant 750 gp 1d4 piercing 1 lb. Finesse, glove, hidden, light
Ifrit Claw 15 gp 1d6 piercing 1 lb. Light, Special, Thrown (range 20/60)
Killling Edge 35 gp 1d8 slashing 4 lb. Special
Kor Hook 10gp 1d6 slashing 4 lb. Reach, Light, Special
Lightning Claw Rare 4d6 slashing 2d12 lightning 35 lb. Heavy, Armor Piercing (-1), glove
Lightsaber Very Rare (major tier) 2d12 radiant 2 lb Finesse, light
Lightsaber, Double-Bladed Rare 2d12 radiant 2 lb finesse, double weapon (2d12), two-handed
Ma'Tok Staff Rare 1d8 bludgeoning, ranged 2d12 radiant 10 lb. Heavy, Ammunition (range 100/300), Two-Handed
Monofilament Wire Rare 2d6 slashing 1 lb. Two-Handed, Finesse, double weapon (2d6)
Nail Blade 10 gp 1d6 slashing 5 lb. light, Thrown (20/60). 50 gp 1d8 Piercing 6 lb. Finesse, Thrown (40/80). 30 gp 1d8 slashing 10 lb. Finesse, Thrown (20/60), Versatile (1d10).
Power Scythe Very Rare 3d8 slashing 25 lb. Heavy, Two-handed, Reach, Special, Reload (40 strikes)
Retractable Wrist Blade Uncommon 2d4 piercing or 1d8 slashing 0.5 lb. Finesse, glove, Hidden, light, special
Saw Cleaver 25gp 1d6 slashing 8 lbs versatile (1d8), special
Splitleaf Greatsword 25 gp 1d8 slashing 8 lb. Heavy, Reach, special, versatile (1d10)
Tail Attatchment 15 gp 1d4 Slashing, Piercing or Bludgeoning (choose one). 10 lb Special: Must have a natural tail
Threaded Cane 50 gp 1d6 slashing 2 lbs finesse, light, special
Threaded Cane, Variant 60 gp 1d6 bludgeoning/1d8 slashing 2 lb Finesse, light, special
Umbrella of Pei 15 gp 1d8 slashing 3 lb. Two-handed, Special
Vibroblade Common 2d8 slashing 8lbs. Light, finesse
War Fan 15 gp 1d6 slashing or bludgeoning 3 lb. Light, Finesse, Thrown (20/40), Returning

Martial Ranged Weapons[edit]

Martial Ranged Weapons Cost Damage Weight Properties
Adrathic Pistol Very Rare 4d8 radiant 18 lb. Ammunition (Range 80/320), reload (12), disintegrate
Adrathic Repeater Very Rare 4d8 radiant 32 lb. Ammunition (range 60/240), reload (12), burst (4), rapid (4), disintegrate, heavy, two-handed
Adrathic Rifle Very Rare 5d8 radiant 25 lb. Ammunition (range 100/400), reload (6), two-handed, disintegrate
AIE-486H Heavy Machine Gun Uncommon 2d10 piercing 20 lbs. Ammunition (range 60/240), reload (200 shots), heavy, two-handed, stabilizing, special
Baragwin Heavy Repeating Blaster Legendary 3d8 fire 32 lb. Ammunition (ranged 60/300), reload (30), heavy, two-handed, upgradeable
Barnstormer RPG 15 gp 6d6 piercing 15 lb. Ammunition (Range:80/240), heavy, reload (2 shots), two-handed
Blaster Launcher Rare 5d12 fire 3 lb. Heavy, ammunition (range 15/45), loading, two-handed
Blundergat Legendary 4d8 piercing 3 lb. Ammunition (range 15ft cone), Loading, Two Handed
Bolt Pistol Rare 3d8 piercing 5 lb. Ammunition (range 50/150), heavy, reload (10 shots)
Bolter Rare 4d8 piercing 15 lb. Ammunition (range 80/240), heavy, reload (30 shots), short burst (2), two-handed.
BR55 Battle Rifle Uncommon 2d8 piercing 10 lbs. Ammunition (range 150/300), reload (36 shots), scope (225), special
Cable's BFG Uncommon 1d6 piercing 10 lb. Ammunition (range 200/600), Heavy, reload (30 shots), short burst (3), two-handed
Combat Pistol 'Jackal' Very Rare 3d8 piercing 35 lb. Ammunition (range 60/180), reload (6 shots), armor piercing (-3), heavy
Combi-bolter Rare 8d8 piercing 30lb Ammunition (range 80/240), heavy, two-handed, reload (60 shots), short burst (5)
CQS48 Bulldog (Halo Supplement) Uncommon 2d6 piercing 10 lbs. Ammunition (range 40/120), reload (8 shots), two-handed, special
Cruciform Auto-gun Rare 2d4 Piercing 200 lb. Ammunition (range 30/90), Reload (200 shots), Heavy, Deployable, Special
DC-15S Carbine Blaster Rare 2d8 Radiant 3 lbs. Ammunition (Range 100/300), Reload (100 shots), short burs (2), Special
Disruptor (Halo Supplement) Common 1d8 lightning 10 lbs. Range (30/120), light, plasma cartridge, special
Duplex Bow 90 gp 1d4 or 2d4 piercing 2 lb. Ammunition (range 20/60), two-handed, special
Dur-24 Wrist Laser Rare 3d8 radiant 1 lb. Ammunition (range 60/120), Finesse, glove, light, reload (50), special
E-11 Blaster Rifle Rare 3d8 radiant 6 lb. Ammunition (range 120/360), reload (100), two-handed
Element Gun Rare 3d6 fire/cold/lightning damage 1 lbs. Ammunition (30/120), light, reload (20 shots)
Fragrance Bazooka Rare 5d4 Thunder 10 lb. Ammunition (range 60/120), Reload (5 shots), two-handed, special
Fragrance Gauntlets Rare Special 8 lb. Ammunition (range 15ft cone), Finesse, Light, loading, Special, Glove, Reload (5 shots)
Fusion Rifle 100 gp 4d8 elemental damage 2 lb. Ammunition (15), range (30/90), two-handed, Special
Galvanic Carbine 1000 gp 3d6 Force 3 lb. Two-handed, ammuniton (30), range 500/1500, Armor Piercing (2)
Galvanic Rifle 5000 gp 3d8 Force 6 lb. Two-handed, ammuniton (15), range 1000/3000, Armor Piercing (4)
Gauss Cannon 5d10 piercing 8 lb. Ammunition (range 120/360), armor piercing (-2), reload (4 shots), two-handed, heavy
Guardian Spear, Variant Very Rare 4d8 piercing, 4d10 slashing 35 lb. Ammunition (range 100/400), reload (20), reach, two-handed, special
H-165 Forward Observer Module Legendary 20d6 fire damage / 20d6 bludgeoning 10 lbs. Special
Harkonnen Very Rare 10d8 piercing 120 lb. Ammunition (range 180/540), armor piercing (-4), heavy, reload (5 shots), special, two-handed, scope (range 540), stabilizing
Harkonnen II Very Rare 10d8 piercing 300 lb. Ammunition (range 40/120), armor piercing (-4), heavy, burst fire, reload (70 shots), special, two-handed, short burst (3), stabilizing
Knocking Gun Uncommon 1 Piercing 1 lb. Ammunition (Range 40/120), Light, short burst (1), reload (6 shots), Special
Knocking Gun, Delicate Type Rare 1 Piercing 1 lb. Ammunition (Range 20/60), Light, reload (3 shots), Special
Knocking Rifle Uncommon 2d6 Piercing 2 lb. Ammunition (Range 60/180), Light, reload (12 shots), Special
Lasgun Uncommon 3d4 radiant 12 lb. Ammunition (range 80/240), heavy, short burst (3), reload (30 shots), two-handed
Laspistol Uncommon 2d4 radiant 4 lbs. Light, Ammunition (range 30/120), short burst(2), reload (15 shots)
Long-Las 205 gp 3d6 Radiant 15 lb. Two-handed, ammuniton (30), range 500/1500, Heavy
M41A Pulse Rifle MK2 Uncommon 3d6 piercing 11 lb. Ammunition (range 80/200), reload (40 shots), burst fire
M45 Shotgun (Halo Supplement) Uncommon 3d6 piercing 10 lbs. Ammunition (range 30/90), reload (5 shots), two-handed, special
M57 Pilum Uncommon 3d6 bludgeoning 25 lbs. Ammunition (range 30/150), reload (2 shots), heavy, scope (75), special
M6 Grindell/Galilean Nonlinear Rifle Legendary 10d10 Radiant 45 lbs. Ammunition (range 150/200), Reload (4 shots), Heavy, Special
M68 Gauss Cannon Rare 3d8 lightning 20 lbs. Ammunition (range 1,000/2,000), reload (1 shot), heavy, two-handed, special
M6C PDW Common 1d8 piercing 10 lbs. Ammunition (range 45/180), reload (12 shots), light, special
M6D Magnum Uncommon 2d6 piercing 10 lbs. Ammunition (range 60/180), scope (90), reload (12 shots)
M7 SMG Common 2d4 piercing 10 lbs. Ammunition (range 45/90), reload (60 shots), light, special
M90 Shotgun (Halo Supplement) Uncommon 3d4 piercing 10 lbs. Ammunition (range 20/100), reload (12 shots), two-handed, special
MA5B Assault Rifle Uncommon 2d8 piercing 10 lbs. Ammunition (range 45/180), reload (60 shots), two handed, special
Malorian Arms 3516 Legendary 4d6 piercing 7 lb. Ammunition (range 80/320), reload (10), light, smart.
MM9 Mini Concussion Rocket Launcher Rare depands on the missile 1 lb. Ammunition (range 60/120), Finesse, glove, light, reload, special
Phosphor Blast Carbine Legendary 4d6 Fire 15 lb. Two Handed, Ammunition (20), Short burst (3), Blast 15ft, Range 90/280, Special
Phosphor Serpenta Very Rare 2d10 fire 7 lb. Light, Range 80/220, Ammunition (12), Special
Phosphor Torch Legendary 6d8 fire 40 lb. Heavy, Two handed, Ammunition (4), Range 40ft cone, Special
Precision Bolt Rifle Uncommon 2d8 piercing 9 lb. Ammunition (range 80/240), reload (60 shots), short burst (2), two-handed
Radium Carbine Legendary 3d6 Necrotic 6 lb. Two-Handed, Burst fire, Short burst (3), Ammunition (40), Range 80/260, Special
Radium Jezzail Legendary 6d8 Necrotic 30 lb. Heavy, Two-Handed, Ammunition (4), Range 1000/3000, Special
Radium Pistol Very Rare 2d6 necrotic 8 lb. Light, Ammunitions (6), Range 30/90, Special
Railgun Common 2d6 piercing 3 lb. Heavy, Special, Ammunition (range 30/120), Loading
Repurposed Firework Launcher 75 gp special 3 lb. Heavy, two-handed, range (45/90), loading, special
Shock Rifle (Halo Supplement) Uncommon 3d6 lightning 10 lbs. Range (45/135), two-handed, heavy, plasma cartridge, special
Sniper Rifle System 99C-Series 2 Anti-Matériel Rare 3d8 piercing 10 lbs. Ammunition (range 100/1,000), reload (4 shots), heavy, two-handed, scope (750), special
SPNKR Rocket Launcher Uncommon 3d8 bludgeoning 25 lbs. Ammunition (range 60/150), reload (2 shots), heavy, two-handed, special
Starcraft c-10 Rifle Rare 4d8 piercing 20 lb Ammunition (range 140/480), heavy, two-handed, short burst (3), reload (15 shots)
Starcraft C-14 Rifle Very Rare 4d6 piercing 50 lb Ammunition (range 80/240), heavy, two-handed, short burst (4), burst fire, reload (500 shots)
Starcraft C-20A Rifle Rare 3d8 piercing 25 lb Ammunition (range 120/300), heavy, two-handed, reload (24 shots), special
Starcraft Chain Gun Rare 5d8 piercing 80 lb Ammunition (range 40/90), heavy, two-handed, short burst (5), reload (750 shots), special
Starcraft Hellfire Shotgun Rare 2d6 piercing and 2d6 fire 10 lb. Ammunition (range 35/60), reload (10 shots), burst fire, two-handed, special
Starcraft t2 Firestorm Flamethrower Rare 5d6 fire 23 lb. Ammunition (range 60/110), heavy, reload (4 shot), two-handed, special
Starcraft t3 Hellfire Flamethrower Very Rare 6d6 fire 27 lb. Ammunition (range 40/90), heavy, reload (3 shot), two-handed, special
Starcraft Tier 1 C-140 Flamethrower Rare 4d6 fire 27 lb. Ammunition (range 120/220), heavy, reload (5 shots), two-handed, special
StarCraft Wrist Cannon Rare 4d8 piercing 30 lb Ammunition (range 60/180), reload (5 shots)
Stickybomb Launcher Rare 2d8 fire 3 lb. Ammunition (range 40/120), heavy, loading, special, two-handed
Swallow Bow 50 gp (or 500 rp) 1d8 piercing 1 lbs. Ammunition (range 90/330), Two-Handed
Trace Rifle 450 gp 1d8 elemental damage 3 lb. Range (100ft/300ft), Two-handed, Reload (15), Special
Transuranic Arquebus Legendary 10d10 Force 50 lb. Heavy, Two-Handed, Range 1000/3000, armor piercing (-3), stabilizing, reload (3), Special
Type-25 Brute Shot (Halo Supplement) Very Rare 2d6 fire and 2d6 bludgeoning 20 lbs. Ammunition (range 30/60), reload (5 shots), two-handed, heavy, special
Type-25 Directed Energy Pistol Common 1d4 lightning 10 lbs. Range (20/120), light, plasma cartridge
Type-25 Plasma Rifle Uncommon 2d8 lightning 10 lbs. Range (60/240), plasma cartridge, special
Type-33 Fuel Rod Cannon Very Rare 6d8 fire 25 lbs. Ammunition (range 60/150), reload (5 shots), two-handed, heavy, special
Type-33 Needler Uncommon 1 piercing 10 lbs. Range (30/60), reload (20 shots), special
Type-33b Assault Cannon Very Rare 3d12 Fire 25 lbs. Ammunition (range 60/150), reload (10 shots), heavy, special
Type-50 Beam Sniper Rare 3d8 lightning 10 lbs. Ammunition (range 150/300), plasma cartridge, heavy, two-handed, special
Type-51 Carbine Uncommon 2d8 piercing 10 lbs. Ammunition (range 150/300), 2-handed, plasma cartridges
Type-52 Mauler (Halo Supplement) Uncommon 2d6 piercing 10 lbs. Ammunition (range 20/80), reload (5 shots), light, special
Volkite Caliver 15,000 gp 3d8 Fire 30 lb. Two-handed, heavy, ammuniton (20), range 80/260, burst (6), rapid (6) special
Volkite Charger 10,000gp 2d12 Fire 35 lb. Two-handed, heavy, ammuniton (30), range 60/240, Short burst(2), Rapid 2, special
Volkite Serpenta 5,000gp 2d8 Fire 15 lb. Light, ammuniton (15), range 40/200, special
Whipcord Thrower Uncommon 1d6 piercing 1 lb. Ammunition (50/100), Finesse, glove, light, special
Whistling Bird Very Rare 3d6 piercing 0.5 lb. Ammunition (range 120), Finesse, glove, light, reload (10), special
Wrist Gun Uncommon 2d6 Piercing 3 lb. Ammunition (range 30/90), light, Reload (6), Short Burst (2), Glove, Special
Yautja Bow Uncommon 2d6 Piercing 5 lb. Heavy, Two-Handed, Ammunition (range 200/800)
Zat'nik'tel Rare 2d8 lightning 3 lb. Light, Ammunition (30/120), Special
ZX Miniature Flame Projector Rare 2d8 fire 1 lb. Ammunition (range 15ft cone), Finesse, glove, light, reload (20), special


Ammunition Cost Weight
Alloy Flechette (4) 1 lb.
Energy Pack, UAC 2 lb.
Fragrance Containers
Hellsing Special Ammunition (10)
Pistol Magazine, UAC 1 lb.
Power Cell, UAC 1/2 lb.
Razor Seed
Rifle Bullets varies
RPG, UAC 1 lb.
Shotgun Shells (4)
Type-12A anti-personnel rocket
Type-12B capsule
Web Cartridge

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