D&D Wiki:Sandbox

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This is a sandbox. It will be periodically cleaned. Play around in this sandbox to see how things look like; however, please do not edit above the line!

Last cleaned byGeodude Chatmod.png (talk | contribs | email)‎‎ . . 11:18, 27 January 2023 (MST)


Item Type Subtype
Armor of Gleaming
Bead of Nourishment
Bead of Refreshment
Boots of False Tracks
Candle of the Deep
Cast-Off Armor
Charlatan's Die
Cloak of Billowing
Cloak of Many Fashions
Clothes of Mending
Dark Shard Amulet
Dread Helm
Ear Horn of Hearing
Enduring Spellbook
Ersatz Eye
Hat of Vermin
Hat of Wizardry
Heward's Handy Spice Pouch
Horn of Silent Alarm
Instrument of Illusions
Instrument of Scribing
Lock of Trickery
Moon-Touched Sword
Mystery Key
Orb of Direction
Perfume of Bewitching
Pipe of Smoke Monsters
Pole of Angling
Pole of Collapsing
Pot of Awakening
Rope of Mending
Ruby of the War Mage
Shield of Expression
Smoldering Armor
Staff of Adornment
Staff of Birdcalls
Staff of Flowers
Talking Doll
Tankard of Sobriety
Unbreakable Arrow
Veteran's Cane
Walloping Ammunition
Wand of Conducting
Wand of Pyrotechnics
Wand of Scowls
Wand of Smiles


Item Type Subtype
Alchemy Jug
Emerald Pen
Sentinel Shield


Item Type Subtype
Crystal Blade
Dragon Wing Bow
Flying Chariot
Helm of the Gods
Molten Bronze Skin
Potion of Aqueous Form
Siren Song Lyre
Two-Birds Sling

Very Rare[edit]

Item Type Subtype
Amethyst Lodestone
Battle Standard of Infernal Power
Sling Bullets of Althemone


Item Type Subtype
Aetherius, the Dragon Slayer Weapon greataxe
Armor of the Last Guardian Armor plate
Armor of the Warleader Armor half plate
Ascalon Weapon longsword
Bane of the Abyss Weapon greatsword
Beowulf Weapon Gauntlets
Blade of Glory's Wrath Weapon greatsword
Blades of Hanzo Weapon shortsword
Brahmastra "Forge Casters" Weapon flintlock pistol
Destroyer Weapon ultra greatsword
Dragon Tooth Weapon maul
Flail of Tiamat
Hammer of Might Weapon maul
Kataima Incarnate Weapon varies
Kiba Weapon 2 shortswords
Kurikara Weapon longsword
La Fleur du Mal Weapon longsword
Pahlem Weapon greatsword
Pyxis of Pandemonium
Randur's Helm Armor great helmet
Sword of Answering
Taulmaril Weapon longbow
Tempus Weapon trident
Vibranium Plate Armor plate
Wilt and Bloom Weapon katana and crossbow, light
Windslicer Weapon rapier
Winterweiss Weapon rapier


Item Type Subtype
Aegis Armor Shield
Akmon, Hammer of Purphoros
Armor of Thrynn Armor Full Plate
Blade of Io Weapon Longsword
Blade of R'lyeh Weapon rapier
Cadmus Weapon Dagger
Champion's Lance Weapon lance
Cloak of Kewil Wondrous Item
Dekella, Bident of Thassa
Diabolus ex Nihilo Weapon longsword
Draconomicon Wondrous Item Book
Dragon Kusarigama Weapon kusarigama
Egidas Armor Shield
Eisenbrand Weapon Longsword
Ephixis, Bow of Nylea
Eternal Mind Blade Weapon Sword
Frostspeaker Weapon scythe
Goldenor, Vanquisher of Kings Weapon Greatsword
Gorehowl Weapon battleaxe or greataxe
Green Serpent Weapon Glaive
Hama no Tsurugi Weapon greatsword
Hammer of the Lightbringer Weapon Warhammer or Maul
Hummingbird Weapon rapier
Khrusor, Spear of Heliod
Living Lightning Armor Plate
Masterpiece of the Smiths Weapon captain's sword
Mastix, Whip of Erebos
Robes of the Fallen Wondrous Item
Templar Cross Weapon any sword
The Boom Book Weapon Spell Book
The Oculus Weapon Captain's sword
The Pipes of Fionnghall Musical Instrument Bagpipes
The Shaed of Shadows Armor cloak
Tome of the Vanguards Guild Wondrous Item
Whisper Blade Weapon dagger

Incomplete Items[edit]

Items with one or many improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template.
Item Type Subtype