5e Siege Equipment

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Siege Equipment

Siege weapons are detailed in the Dungeon Master's Guide p. 255. They are too large to be carried like normal equipment. They require creatures to move them, or are built on-site.

Item Size Cost
Accelerator Large 45,000 gp
Air Strike Small rare
All Terrain Tactical Enforcer Gargantuan 10,000,000gp-1,000,000gp
Aloota's Man-portable Ballista Medium 160 gp
Autocannon, Heavy Large Very Rare
Autocannon, Light Medium Uncommon
Autocannon, Medium Large Rare
Automatic Grenade Launcher Medium Uncommon
Ballista of Chains Huge 4000 gp
Bone Ballista Medium
Bone Battering Ram Large
Bone Catapult Large
City Taker Gargantuan
Couillard Huge 1,500 gp
Cube of Confusion Gargantuan One of each Calibri Card
Field Gun, Heavy Huge Rare
Field Gun, Light Huge Uncommon
Field Gun, Medium Huge Rare
Flame Cannon Large 2500 gp
Glass Cannon Large
Heavy Laser Cannon Huge
Hose Pump Medium 500 gp
Howitzer, Heavy Gargantuan Legendary
Howitzer, Light Huge Rare
Howitzer, Medium Gargantuan Very Rare
Ion Cannon Huge 50,000 gp
Laser Cannon Large
Light Catapult Medium 1,000 gp
Light Laser Cannon Large
Mantlet Large 500 gp
Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb Huge Legendary
Meteoric Soul Flail Huge
Mini-Missile Launcher Medium
Missile Launcher, Long-Range Huge
Missile Launcher, Medium-Range Large
Missile Launcher, Short-Range Medium
Mortar Medium 5,000 gp
Mortar, Modern Small Common
Mortar, Siege Huge Rare
Pudding Projectile Small Not for sale (Legendary)
Purificationer Large
Ribaldequin Large 6,000 gp
Rock Fists Medium
Siege Drill Huge
Siege Ladder Huge 15 gp
Siege Onion Tiny 2 cp
Springald Medium 500 gp
Staff Cannon Large
Strike Laser Medium
Trebuchet, Variant Large 8000 gp
Very Large Fist on a Spring Large 1,000 gp
Warthrower Gargantuan 10,000 gp
Warwolf Gargantuan 5,000 gp
Water Cannon Medium Common
Æther Bastion Gargantuan

See Also

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