Automatic Grenade Launcher (5e Equipment)

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Automatic Grenade Launcher

Medium object
Armor Class: 19
Weight: {{{weight}}}
Hit Points: 100
Damage immunities: poison, psychic
Cost: Uncommon

An automatic grenade launcher is a grenade launcher that fires multiple grenades in rapid succession from a linked belt of ammunition. Combining the explosive power of grenades with the rate of fire of fully automatic machine guns, they are awesomely powerful weapons. An automatic grenade launcher can be aimed and fired with a single action; it takes another action to reload it once it's expended a belt of 50 grenades. The damage of an automatic grenade launcher depends entirely on what grenades it's loaded with.

Single Shot. The automatic grenade launcher fires a grenade at a point within 4,800 feet of it.

Short Burst. The automatic grenade launcher fires a short burst of 3 grenades at a point within 4,800 feet of it. Roll all the damage of a single grenade twice and take the higher result, and increase the saving throw DC of the grenade by 2.

Long Burst. The automatic grenade launcher fires a long burst of 10 grenades at a point within 4,800 feet of it. The damage and area of effect of the grenade is doubled, and it gains a +5 bonus to the DC of its saving throw.

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