Autocannon, Heavy (5e Equipment)

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Heavy Autocannon

Large object
Armor Class: 19
Weight: {{{weight}}}
Hit Points: 250
Damage immunities: poison, psychic
Cost: Very Rare

An autocannon is a fully automatic vehicle-mounted weapon, half-way between a machine gun and a field gun or other artillery piece in form and function; notably, unlike a machine gun, it fires armor piercing or explosive shells rather than bullets. Heavy autocannons are somewhere in the 40mm to 60mm range. A heavy autocannon can be aimed and fired in a single action; once it has fired 100 shots, it takes an action to reload it. Typically, a designated loader does the job, allowing for the gunner to keep on firing uninterrupted.

Heavy Autocannon: Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 5,000 ft./15,000 ft., one target. Hit: 55 (10d10) piercing damage. This attack has the burst fire and armor piercing (-5) properties.

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