Strike Laser (5e Equipment)

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Strike Laser

Medium object
Armor Class: 20
Weight: {{{weight}}}
Hit Points: 75
Damage immunities: poison, psychic

Strike lasers are among the smallest types of laser cannon. They can be quickly assembled or packed up and dissembled, and are often used for point defense purposes or as the main guns of fighter craft. A strike laser can be aimed and fired in a single action; once it has fired 500 shots, it takes an action to replace its energy cell. A strike laser doesn't need reloading if it's connected to a power generator, or if it's running off the power supply of a vehicle.

Laser Beam: Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 20.5 ½ miles/10 miles., one target. Hit: 110 (20d10) radiant damage.

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