City Taker (5e Equipment)

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City Taker

Gargantuan object
Armor Class: 25
Weight: {{{weight}}}
Hit Points: 3200
Damage immunities: Resistant to piercing and slashing damage. Immune to Psychic, Poison, Fire, Radiant, and Necrotic

The City Taker (or "Helepolis") is an immense siege tower, 70 × 70 feet at the base and 135 feet tall. The sides of the wooden structure are protected with iron plates, and it rests on eight iron wheels.

The City Taker has nine floors, each of which can hold 150 Medium creatures. The first two floors each have three forward-facing ballistas (DMG p. 255); the next five floors each have two ballistas; the two uppermost floors are each armed with two springalds. Each artillery piece is operated by two creatures, and protected by shuttered embrasures.

The City Taker has a speed of 15 feet if an internal capstan is turned whilst the engine is pushed from behind. A total combined Strength score of 2,400 (about 200 humans) is required to turn the capstan, and a Strength score of 24,000 (about 2000 humans) required to push.

Creatures and artillery pieces in the tower has total cover from attacks outside the tower.

Image from "Warfare in the Classical World" by John Warry (Source)

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