Laser Cannon (5e Equipment)

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Laser Cannon

Large object
Armor Class: 20
Weight: {{{weight}}}
Hit Points: 500
Damage immunities: poison, psychic

The mainstay gun of a futuristic fleet, laser cannons can be seen in just about any battlefield on ships, tanks, and fortifications alike. A laser cannon can be aimed and fired in a single action; once it has fired 100 shots, it takes an action to replace its energy cell.

Laser Beam: Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 6 miles/18 miles., one target. Hit: 330 (60d10) radiant damage. Targets with natural armor or worn armor take a penalty to AC against the laser beam determined by referencing their AC against the following table:

AC AC Penalty
12-13 −1
14-15 −2
16-17 −3
18-19 −4
20+ −5

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