Gear (PSR Supplement)

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The d20

Ability Check

Ability Scores


Saving Throws
Carry Slots


Group Turns
Round‑Table Turns
Staggered Turns
Your Turn
Bonus Action
Making an Attack
Unarmed Strike


Hit Points & Damage

Temporary Hit Points
Damage Types
Max Damage

Rest & Recovery

Downtime Trading
Downtime Enterprise


Dramatic Death

Common Hazards
Extreme Climates


Goods & Currency
Material Goods


Damaging Objects
Hauling Objects


Stat Blocks
Vulnerability, Resistance, & Immunity

Gear is a catch-all term for all items that aren’t goods, attire, weapons, or tools. Examples include rope, chalk or other writing utensils, and light sources like torches or lanterns.

Common gear tends to be inexpensive, usually little more than 1 gold unless it involves glass or multiple metal parts. Potions and other extraordinary gear usually costs at least 10 gold.

Gear (Example)

While there is practically infinite gear that could be useful to adventurers, the following common gear is essential to most campaigns and could be bought virtually anywhere. This list is just an example, and your narrator's campaign might have different gear available.

Gear Value Carry Expendable
Acid 25 gold Standard E
Alchemist's Fire 50 gold Standard E
Antitoxin 50 gold Standard E
Chalk 0.01 gold Light E
Firecracker 50 gold Standard E
Fishing Tackle 1 gold Standard
Flask 0.1 gold Standard
Holy Water 25 gold Standard E
Hourglass (Phase) 10 gold Standard
Hourglass (Shift) 50 gold Standard
Lantern 10 gold Standard
Magnifying Glass 100 gold Light
Mirror 10 gold Standard
Oil 1 gold Standard E
Ration 1 gold Standard E
Red Potion 50 gold Standard E
Rope (10 feet) 0.2 gold Standard
Rope (50 feet) 1 gold Heavy
Soap 0.01 gold Light E
Tent 5 gold Heavy
Tinderbox 1 gold Standard
Torch 0.01 gold Light E
Traveler's Pack 100 gold Standard
Vial 1 gold Light
Waterskin 1 gold Standard
Whistle 1 gold Light


25 gold

Expendable. This glass vial contains a highly corrosive, violently bubbly fluid.
  As an Attack action, you can throw this vial at a creature or target within 20 feet of you. The target must make a Reflex save against your Dexterity mark. On a failed save the target takes 2d6 acid damage. Regardless of the save result this destroys the acid and its vial.
  Acid can also be used to neutralize consecrated terrain.

Alchemist's Fire

50 gold

Expendable. This glass vial is filled with a strange and highly combustible substance that ignites if exposed to open air.
  As an Attack action, you can throw this vial at a creature or target within 20 feet of you. The target must make a Reflex save against your Dexterity mark. On a failed save the target takes 1d6 fire damage and is Ignited. Regardless of the save result this destroys the vial.


50 gold

Expendable. The clear liquid in this vial has an off-putting smell when opened. You can Gulp this potion as a bonus action, or administer it to an Unconscious creature with your Use action. For a shift (or 4 hours), the drinker has advantage on all saving throws made to prevent or end the Poisoned condition on itself.


0.01 gold

Expendable. Light. This piece of chalk can be used to write or draw on typical stone surfaces. A single piece is enough to make a detailed mural covering a Large object.


50 gold

Expendable. A bundle of minor explosives. If you have two hands free and access to a tinderbox or other means of ignition, as an Attack action you can light the firecracker and throw it up to 20 feet . This creates a distinct series of cracks audible up to 1000 feet away. Any creature within a 15-foot square centered on the point must succeed on a Grit save against your Dexterity mark, or take 1d4 thunder damage. The firecrackers fail to detonate if you or they are Soaked.

Fishing Tackle

1 gold

This kit includes everything you need to catch and prepare fish. At an appropriate fishing spot, as a phase activity you can make a Perception check. Your narrator determines the mark for this check, but a somewhat decent fishing spot has mark 15. On a success you catch and prepare a fish which can provide enough food for a Medium or smaller creature to camp. Uneaten fish can spoil.


0.1 gold

This sturdy glass or clay bottle can hold about 2 cups or 500 milliliters. It isn't suitable for special substances like potions or acids, but is great for holding more benign fluids like oil, ale, milk, juice, and of course water.

Holy Water

25 gold

Expendable. This glass vial is filled with water purified by radiant magic. As an Attack action, you can throw this vial at a creature or target within 20 feet of you. The target must make a Reflex save against your Dexterity mark. On a failed save if the target is a fiend or undead it takes 2d8 radiant damage. Regardless of the save result this destroys the vial.
  Holy water can also be used to neutralize desecrated terrain.


10 gold

This lantern burns one flask of oil to provide light for up to an entire shift (or 4 hours). You still need a separate item such as a tinderbox or a source of fire damage to light the lantern, which takes at least one Use action. While lit the lantern sheds bright light out to a radius of 30 feet, and dim light for another 30 feet.
 The lantern comes with a concealing hood and bullseye hood. You can change the hood with your Use action. While the bullseye hood is drawn, the lantern instead casts bright light in a 60-foot cone, and dim light for another 60 feet. While the concealing hood is drawn, the lantern only sheds dim light out to a range of 5 feet.
  The lantern can't stay lit while carried; it must be held in your hand or set out on the ground. If the lantern or someone holding it becomes Soaked, it ceases shedding light.

Magnifying Glass

100 gold

Light. Using this grants you advantage on any ability check made to appraise or inspect an item that is small or highly detailed.
 If you have access to sunlight and a highly flammable substance like kindling or oil, as a phase activity you can use the magnifying glass to ignite the substance by using sunlight.


10 gold

This small steel mirror is invaluable for the vain.
 If you have access to sunlight and a highly flammable substance like kindling or oil, as a phase activity you can use the magnifying glass to ignite the substance by using sunlight.


1 gold

Expendable. This flask is filled with highly flammable, murky brown oil from a whale or other beast. Lanterns, spells, and other items sometimes consume oil as fuel.
 As an Attack action, you can throw the oil flask at a creature, object, or point within 20 feet of you. The target must succeed on a Reflex save against your Dexterity mark or become oiled for up to 1 minute, or until it becomes Soaked. When an oiled creature or object takes any fire damage, it becomes Ignited for up to 1 minute, and is no longer oiled.
  If the target succeeded on its save or you chose a point, the oil covers a 5-foot square centered on that point, which becomes Slippery Terrain. If this Slippery Terrain is lit or otherwise subjected to fire damage, it changes to Ignited Terrain for up to 1 minute.


1 gold

Expendable. A single ration is a day's worth of dried and bland food. Consuming one is enough to provide enough food for one Medium or smaller creature to camp. Uneaten rations can spoil.

Red Potion

50 gold

Expendable. This sweet, fizzy fluid swirls vibrantly within its vial. You can Gulp this potion as a bonus action, or administer it to an Unconscious creature with your Use action. The drinker regains 2d4+2 hit points and becomes Stuffed.


0.2 gold

You can buy this hemp rope in 10-foot segments, with each occupying a different item slot; a 50-foot segment is heavy.
 Each foot of the rope has 5 hp, 10 defense, and takes max slash damage.
 You can tie a knot in the rope with a Use action. As part of this same action, you can bind a Medium or smaller Unconscious creature. This causes the creature to be Grappled (mark 20) by the rope itself.
 A Large creature can be bound with twice as much rope (20 feet) and twice as many consecutive Use acitons (2). A Huge creature takes quadruple (40 feet, 4 actions) and a Gargantuan creature takes ×8 (80 feet, 8 actions).


0.01 gold

Expendable. Light. As a phase activity, you can use water and this bar of soap to clean up to 10 objects or willing creatures of Medium size or smaller. This consumes the soap.


5 gold

Heavy. This modest tent takes a phase to set up, and provides rudimentary shelter to one Medium creature or two Small creatures. Shelter is needed to successfully camp.


1 gold

This small box contains bits of flint, steel, and other instruments for cultivating a fire. As a Use action you can light aflame a highly flammable unattended object, such as a torch or a puddle of oil.


0.01 gold

Expendable. Light. A torch burns for an entire phase (but can expire), shedding bright light out to a radius of 20 feet, and dim light for another 20 feet. After it burns out, the torch becomes a worthless stick—not even sturdy enough to use as a weapon.
  Normally you need something like a tinderbox to light one, but anything that can deal fire damage to a torch can be used to light it.
  When using a lit torch as an improvised weapon, a hit deals fire damage equal to 1 + your Strength modifier.
  If a torch or someone holding one becomes Soaked, the torch goes out.

Traveler's Pack

100 gold

Sometimes this backpack seems much larger on the inside than it should be. While you're attuned to and carrying this backpack, you can carry 5 more items, to a maximum of 30.


1 gold

Light. This small corked glass vial can contain a Gulpable amount of liquid, in the neighborhood of half a cup or 120 milliliters. This isn't enough to sate thirst, but is enough for a potion or other special substance. A vial's nature makes it ideal for holding dangerous substances that could damage a flask or warerskin. When the vial is used to contain something, it's no longer Light.


1 gold

This pouch made of beast parts can hold about 2 liters or about half a gallon of water. This is just enough for a typical person is enough to camp. It isn't a suitable container for other fluids.
  As a Use action, you can empty the waterskin to make yourself or a creature within 5 feet of you Soaked. For an unwilling creature, you must succeed on a melee attack roll using the waterskin as an improvised weapon, and on a miss the water is wasted.


1 gold

Light. Using this item as action, you can produce a high-pitched whistle audible up to half a mile away (or about 2500 feet).

  • This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at [1].
  • Both this work and the SRD 5.1 are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at [2].