User:Guy/1p Spells

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   ← Cantrips  •  2p Spells →

  • 1-Point Spells. Each of these spells costs 1 spell point to cast (DMG'14 p288), with power comparable to a ½ level spell. They fit a narrow niche stronger than most cantrips* but weaker than most 2-point (or 1st-level) spells.
  • Demanding. As your level increases, spells that were once exhausting become easier to use. When you cast a spell with a point cost equal to your level, you must finish a break before you can cast another spell with a cost equal to your level.
  • One Cast per Turn. You can only use the Cast action once per turn. This is especially notable with spells with a cast time of 1 bonus action.
  • Materials Required. If a material component (M) is listed, it is required. There is no effect that lets you broadly ignore material components within this system.


1-point conjuration (alchemy, ooze)
CAST TIME Phase (or 10 minutes)
DURATION Permanent
COMPONENTS V, S, M (2 pp, which the spell consumes)

You dissolve a Medium or smaller object you touch, or up to a 5-foot cube of a larger structure you touch. The target cannot include any magic item, cannot have any metal materials, and cannot have any materials with a defense above 18. (See Damaging Objects.)
  At the end of the cast time, the object is completely destroyed and a small puddle of acidic material is left behind. If you supply a vial as a material component for this spell, you can capture the melted object, which has become a vial of acid indefinitely. The entirety of the object is chemically stored within this acid, so sufficiently powerful restorative magic could restore the object from this acid if it is preserved.

Inspired by destroy wall.


1-point transmutation (time)
RANGE 30 feet

You send a packet of time from yourself to a creature in range you can see. That creature can immediately use its reaction to Attack (once), Deduce, Help, Influence, or Use. After casting this spell, you can't use a reaction until the start of your next turn.

Inspired by temporal surge and attack.


1-point abjuration (arcana)
CAST TIME Reaction
RANGE 60 feet

When you see a creature Cast a spell, you can cast this spell as a reaction. If the creature's spell is a cantrip, that spell dissipates with no effect, and any action used to cast it is wasted. If neither applies, you regain any magic points you expended on this spell, and your reaction is wasted.

Inspired by countertrip.


1-point transmutation (beast, blade, dragon)
DURATION 1 minute

A willing creature you touch grows impressive blade-like claws for the duration. While these claws persist, the target's unarmed strike can deal slashing damage equal to 2d4 + your casting ability modifier, instead of the normal damage for an unarmed strike. If you cast this spell on yourself, during this turn only you can use your bonus action to attack with these claws.
  This spell ends if you cast it again.
Upcast. If you are 2nd level or higher, in casting this spell you can choose to expend 2 points instead of 1. If you do, the 2d4 becomes 2d6.


1-point abjuration (radiance, protection)
DURATION Day (or 24 hours)

A 15-square of ground centered on the point you touch is infused with positive energy, becoming consecrated terrain for the duration.
  You can provide a vial's worth of holy water as a material component (M) to be consumed by this spell when you cast it. If you do, the duration becomes permanent.
Inverse. If you inverse this spell with a special ability, treat the spell's effect as desecrate.

Dark Vision

1-point illusion (abyss, cave, figment)
RANGE 60 feet

You cloud the vision of a creature in range you can see.
  If the target has darkvision, it fails to function until the end of your next turn.
  If the target doesn't have darkvision, blindsight, or other forms of special sight, then until the end of your next turn the target suffers disadvantage on ranged attack rolls—and on all ability checks, saving throws, and attack rolls made using Perception.

Inspired by ring of dark vision.


1-point necromancy (plague, undead)

Your touch rots the flesh of a creature you touch. Make a melee spell attack against the target, and on a hit deal 1d10 necrotic damage. Any construct is unaffected.
  If you touch an undead creature, the rotting touch restores to the target a number of hit points equal to 1d10 + your casting ability modifier. You needn't make an attack roll when targeting an undead or other willing creature.
Upcast. You can expend any number of magic points in casting this spell, up to an amount not exceeding your level. For each point expended beyond 1, increase the damage or healing by 1d10.
Inverse. If you inverse this spell with a special ability, treat the spell's effect as life.

Inspired by inflict wounds.


1-point necromancy (inferno, undead)
DURATION Day (or 24 hours)

A 15-square of ground centered on the point you touch is infused with negative energy, becoming desecrated terrain for the duration.
  You can provide a vial's worth of acid as a material component (M) to be consumed by this spell when you cast it. If you do, the effect becomes permanent.
Inverse. If you inverse this spell with a special ability, treat the spell's effect as consecrate.

Inspired by desecration and desecration.


1-point divination (writing)
CAST TIME Action or Ritual
DURATION Until dispelled
COMPONENTS V, S, M (a writing implement, which this spell consumes)

You press the material component of this spell to parchment, a book, chalkboard, or other writing surface that can fit within a 5-foot cube. Until dispelled, the implement will write all words that are spoken at an audible volume within 30 feet of it.
  If the spoken language is unknown to you, the speech will be written phonetically in a script you know (such as spelling "phoenix" as "fee-nicks"), but the spell will not translate. This spell won't write the verbal components of another spell. If there is more than one speaker, the implement will only write for the most clearly understood speaker (usually the loudest).
  When you cast this spell, you can also instruct the implement to write out non-verbal sounds emitted within 30 feet of it. For example the sound of a river may be written as 'sound of rushing water.' If the sound is unclear the implement will write out a more vague description, such as 'a continuous rumble.'
  This spell ends if the writing implement becomes unable to write, if the implement runs out of room to write, if you die, or if you choose to end it as an action.


1-point conjuration (beast, glamour)
RANGE 30 feet
DURATION 2 shifts (or 8 hours)

A creature in range that you can see is smothered in fluffy feathers that stick to its body, which persist for the duration. While smothered in feathers the creature automatically succeeds on any save made for extreme cold (including the save at the end of this shift, if applicable). If the creature becomes Soaked, the feathers wash off and this spell ends.
Flammable Feathers. If the creature takes fire damage, the creature becomes Ignited as the feathers go up in flame, and this spell ends.
Cushioned Fall. If the creature takes bash damage, it has resistance to to that damage, and this spell ends.

Inspired by downy.


1-point divination (beast, cave, sea, vampire)
CAST TIME bonus action

You emit a high-pitched supernatural shriek, audible up to 300 feet away. Until the end of your next turn, you have blindsight out to a range of 30 feet. You can't use this blindsight while you are unable to hear, or if you have disadvantage on checks made to hear.
Upcast. When you cast this spell, instead of 1-point you can expend any number of magic points up to your level. For each point expended beyond 1, increase the blindsight's range by 30 feet.

Inspired by echolocate and aural scan.

Fickle Wardrobe

1-point transmutation (forge, glamour, time)
CAST TIME Bonus Action

Once before the start of your next turn, you or a creature you touch can change its entire outfit with supernatural swiftness. As a Use action, the target can replace any or all of its attire with any unattended items within 5 feet of it that it can reach, including any items it is carrying. As part of this action the target can also change what is held in its hands, such as donning or doffing a shield.

Heart's Desire

1-point divination (guidance, psychic)
RANGE 30 feet

You conspicuously point towards a creature in range that you can see, which must make a Will save. Your mind is filled with a brief phrase that describes a strong desire held by the creature.
  On a successful save the phrase is something vague that is common to many creatures of its type, such as “food”, “wealth”, or “sex.”
  On a failed save you gain deeper insight into something more unique to the creature that would be difficult to guess. An example is a father who wants “his son to become a skilled archer,” or a raven who wants “to build her nest using red stuff.”
  Regardless of the save result, you can’t affect the same target with this spell again for 24 hours.

Hired Help

1-point divination (brew, chef, glamour, handy)
CAST TIME Phase (or 10 minutes)
DURATION 2 shifts (or 8 hours)

You imbue knowledge of your trade into a creature you touch. Choose one tool in which you have proficiency. Until this spell ends, the target also has proficiency in the chosen tool.
Upcast. You can expend any number of magic points in casting this spell, up to an amount not exceeding your level. For each point expended beyond 1, you can target 2 more creatures.


1-point abjuration (heal, radiance)

Your magical touch mends wounds and restores health of a creature you touch. The touched creature regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your casting ability modifier.
  An undead creature instead takes 1d8 radiant damage. A construct is unaffected. To affect an undead or other unwilling creature, you must succeed on a melee spell attack roll targeting that creature.
Upcast. You can expend any number of magic points in casting this spell, up to an amount not exceeding your level. For each point expended beyond 1, increase the damage or healing by 1d8.
Inverse. If you inverse this spell with a special ability, treat the spell's effect as death.

Inspired by cure wounds.

Oil Spray

1-point conjuration (alchemy, forge, urban)
RANGE 10 feet
DURATION Concentration, up to a minute

A deluge of dark-colored sludge blasts out from you, filling a 10-foot square centered on a point within range.
Slippery Terrain. Ground within this square becomes slippery terrain for the duration.
Oiled Targets. Any creature or object in the square when it is cast, or who fails a Reflex save against the slippery terrain, becomes oiled. An oiled creature has advantage on any save to end the Grappled condition on itself. If an oiled target takes fire damage, it takes an additional 1d6 fire damage and becomes Ignited, then it is no longer oiled. When this spell ends, any targets oiled by it become no longer oiled.
Upcast. When you cast this spell, instead of 1-point you can expend any number of magic points up to your level. For each point expended beyond 1, increase both the range and square size by 5 feet, and increase the fire damage by 1d6.

Purify Water

1-point abjuration (brew, radiance)
DURATION Day (or 24 hours)
COMPONENTS V, S, M (a vial of water)

The water contained within the vial becomes holy water for the duration. The water is also cleaned of dirt and disease, becoming safe to drink for the duration.
Permanency. You can provide 2 silver bars (worth 20 gp) as a material component (M) to be consumed by this spell. If you do, the duration becomes permanent.
Inverse. If you inverse this spell with a special ability, the water instead becomes acid for the duration. The effect can still be made permanent in the same way.


1-point evocation (air, cosmic, explosive, wrath)
CAST TIME Reaction
RANGE 5 feet

You can take this reaction after you are hit with a melee attack by creature in range you can see. If that creature is of Large size or greater, it must succeed on a Scuffle save or be shoved 5 feet directly away from you by an invisible shockwave of force. A Medium or smaller creature is shoved 5 feet directly away from you with no save.
  If the triggering attack reduces you to 0 hit points, you can use this reaction before you fall Unconscious or lose a carry slot as a result of dropping to {0 hit points}.


1-point abjuration (brew, forest, heal)
DURATION 1 minute

A nourishing energy fills a beast, plant, or folk you touch. For the duration, the target regains 1 hit point at the end of each of its turns, to a maximum of 10 hit points across 1 minute—even if another effect extends this spell's duration. A creature affected for the entire duration is nourished as though it drank a day's worth of water.
Upcast. When you cast this spell, instead of 1-point you can expend any number of magic points up to your level. The hit points restored per turn equals the number of points you expended to cast this spell.

Inspired by goodberry and replenishment.


1-point evocation (lightning, tinker, undead)
RANGE 20 feet

You send a revitalizing shock to the system of a creature in range that you can see, and that creature must make a Grit save. A creature automatically succeeds this save if it is undead, a construct, or has immunity or resistance to lightning damage.
  On a successful save the target regains 1d12 hit points, and is alleviated from being if it has any of these conditions.
  On a failed save the target takes 1d12 lightning damage, unless it is already at 0 hit points, in which case the target momentarily spasms without harm.
  Regardless of success or failure, the target is alleviated of the Unconscious, Stunned, and Charmed conditions (unless it Unconscious as a result of being at 0 hit points).
Upcast. You can expend any number of magic points in casting this spell, up to an amount not exceeding your level. For each point expended beyond 1, increase the damage or healing by 1d12.

Return to Sender

1-point transmutation (time)
CAST TIME Reaction
RANGE 150 feet

You take this reaction in response to an item being thrown or shot, or an object or creature being shoved or knocked prone.
 The target teleports back to the position it was before being thrown or shoved, and recovers from being Prone if it was knocked Prone. If the item was thrown or shot the thrower or shooter can choose to catch it, and if not the item drops harmlessly at the thrower's feet. This reaction cannot interrupt a ranged attack, but can return the ranged attack's projectile after the attack resolves.


1-point enchantment (speech, swamp)
RANGE 60 feet

A creature in range that you can see must succeed on a Will save or become unable to speak in anything but frog-like croaks and ribbits for the duration. While affected the target cannot provide the verbal components of spells, and cannot use abilities requiring it to be heard and understood. However, the target can communicate with frogs, toads, and those able to speak with them via magical means.
  The target can breathe both air and water for the duration. A willing creature can voluntarily fail the save.
  As an action, an affected creature can repeat the save massaging its vocal chords or practicing vocalization. A successful save ends the effect on that creature.
Upcast. When you cast this spell, instead of 1-point you can expend any number of magic points up to your level. For each point beyond 1, you can target 1 more creature in range.


1-point enchantment (air, beast)
DURATION 2 shifts (or 8 hours)

A creature you touch gains Keen Smell for the duration. If the creature is unwilling, you must succeed on a melee spell attack roll to affect it.
  The affected creature can pinpoint the origin of any strong scent within 60 feet, and it has advantage on any ability check made to follow a creature's trail.

Snowball Stock

1-point conjuration (cold, game)
CAST TIME Bonus action
RANGE 5 feet

On an unoccupied space within range, you summon a never-ending pile of snowballs which fills a 5-foot square. This pile has 10 hit points, 5 defense, vulnerability to fire, and immunity to both cold and psychic. This spell abruptly ends if the pile is destroyed.
  While the pile persists any creature within 5 feet of the pile can use an Attack action to pick up and throw one of the snowballs. This attack has a range of 120 feet. The attack roll uses your PB and casting ability modifier, even if the snowball is thrown by someone else. A hit with one of these snowballs deals 1d12 + 1 cold damage.
  A creature can move between plucking and throwing a snowball, without using a separate action. Any snowball separated from the pile melts away completely at the end of the turn whether it's thrown or not.
Upcast. When you cast this spell, instead of 1-point you can expend any number of magic points up to your level. Each snowball deals 1d12 + X damage, and the pile has X × 10 hit points, where X is the number of points you spent.


Conjuration cantrip (cave, beast, swamp, vampire)
RANGE 30 feet

You conjure leathery monster that looks like a nasty cross between a bat and an oversized mosquito. This strix is a Tiny beast with 15 defense, 1 hit point, 60 feet of darkvision, and a fly speed equal to the range of this spell. Any ability check or save it is forced to make has a -2 modifier and no PB. This strix vanishes at the end of the current turn, but also vanishes immediately after taking any damage.
  When you cast this spell this strix appears in your space, and flies directly to any creature, item, or point in range as you specify. The strix's movement can provoke opportunity attacks or other effects just like any creature. What this strix does upon arriving at the target depends whether it is a creature, unattended item, or point:
Creature. The strix attacks the creature with its mosquito-like proboscis. Make a ranged spell attack against the target, and on a hit the target takes 1d4 pierce damage plus 1d4 poison damage.
Item. If the item is worn or carried by a creature, the strix attacks that creature instead. Otherwise, if the item is not heavy, the strix carries the item back to your space. If you have a free hand you can catch the item as part of the action used to Cast this spell.
Point. If you direct the strix to an unoccupied space, for a moment you can telepathically see through the strix's senses from that vantage point, including its darkvision. As your bonus action this turn you can Deduce from the strix's vantage point.
Upcast When you cast this spell, instead of 1-point you can expend any number of magic points up to your level. For each point beyond 1, the pierce and poison damage both increase by 1d4, and the range increases by 10 feet.

Tabletop Illusion

1-point illusion (game, writing)
CAST TIME Action or ritual
DURATION 2 shifts (or 8 hours)

On a flat surface you touch, you create the illusion of a schematic, drawing, map, or gaming set. If creating a detailed map or schematic you must provide a map or schematic for this spell to copy and potentially scale up or down. This illusion cannot extend beyond a 5-foot square.
  As part of the illusion you can include up to 100 simple tabletop tokens, such as board pins, game cards, or dice, of no greater size than your hand; these tokens vanish forever if moved outside of the 5-foot square. You can also create magical quills or brushes to draw on the illusory board or on other tokens. Any creature can interact with the tokens or the flat surface as if it was solid, but can discern the tokens as illusions by interacting with them, as they are weightless and do not inhibit movement. A creature can discern the surface or objects as illusions from a distance with a Deduce action with a successful ability check against your spell save DC.
  You can end this spell at any time with an action.
Permanency. This spell's duration becomes permanent if you supply at least 10 platinum as a material component (M) to be consumed by the spell. Even when permanent, this effect can still be dispelled.

Terror Plague

1-point illusion (plague)
DURATION 2 shifts (or 8 hours)

Your magical poisons become laced with mind-affecting horrors and terrifying illusions. For the duration, whenever you Cast a spell that deals poison damage to a creature, if the creature has resistance or immunity to poison damage, that creature instead takes psychic damage equal to the poison damage you would have dealt without resistance or immunity.

Timely Wick

1-point divination (cave, game, time)
CAST TIME Action or ritual
DURATION Day (or 24 hours)
COMPONENTS V, S, M (a candle or lantern)

A candle or lantern you touch is lit and burns for precisely the duration. The duration can be any amount of time up to 24 hours as chosen when you cast this spell. Wind or a lack of air won't cause the target's flame to extinguish, even underwater, but the flame won't spread to places a normal flame could not.
  When you cast this spell, you can choose for the target to emit a single loud chime when the spell ends. The chime will sound even if this spell ends early.
  If the target is a candle, you can also precisely mark different lengths of the candle with perfect accuracy, with each mark representing a different amount of passed time, such as once every hour. You can also choose for the candle to emit the chime each time it passes one of these marks.
Upcast. When you cast this spell, instead of 1-point you can expend any number of magic points up to your level. For each point beyond 1, you can target 5 more candles or lanterns.

Transmute Metal

1-point transmutation (alchemy, forge)
DURATION Permanent
COMPONENTS V, S, M (smith tools)

As part of casting this spell you work one of the following metals with your smith tools:
Iron, Copper, Silver, Gold, or Platinum.
  With each casting of this spell you can work 1 heavy item of this metal, or up to 500 coins of it, or up to 5 kilograms (or 11 pounds). You can change the metal one step to the left or right on the list above. For example you could change iron to copper, or change copper to silver, but you couldn't change iron directly to silver without casting this spell twice.
  When you transmute to the left, the amount of metal is reduced to 10%. For example 500 coins become 50, or 5 kilograms becomes 500 grams. When you shift to the right, the amount of metal is multiplied tenfold. For example 500 coins becomes 5000, or 5 kilograms becomes 50. In all cases the metal retains its market value. This process also removes virtually all impurities from the metal.
Alternative Metals. When casting this spell you can substitute any amount of copper with an equal amount of tin; you can substitute any amount of iron with an equal amount of lead or zinc; and you can substitute any amount of gold with an equal amount of cobalt. You can transmute directly from or into these metals interchangeably, for example transmuting cobalt directly into platinum by reducing its quantity by 10%, just like you could do with gold. You can also transmute one directly to another, for example changing lead directly into zinc.
Fool's Gold. Transmuting iron into gold was long thought to be the secret to riches, before alchemists realized just how much mass is lost in the process. Over time, the existence of this spell has seemingly led to the common market values of different metals, where for example silver has ten times the value of copper, and gold has ten times the value of silver.

Inspired by transmute coins.


1-point conjuration (forest)
RANGE 30 feet

In an unoccupied space in range, you conjure a Large tree of any height of your choosing up to 10 feet. This tree is of any type of your choosing. It has 15 defense, 15 hit points, immunity to psychic damage, and vulnerability to fire and slash damage. Despite being an object, this tree's hit points can be restored by other spells and other effects as if it were a plant creature.
  The tree can serve as half cover for a Medium creature, up to three-quarters cover for a Small creature, and potentially total cover for a Tiny creature.
  Once on each of your turns, you can use your bonus action to cause the tree to vanish and instantly reappear at any point within 30 feet of where it was and where you are now.
Upcast. When you cast this spell, instead of 1-point you can expend any number of magic points up to your level. For each point beyond 1, increase the tree's hit points by 15. Permanency. As part of the casting of this spell, you can supply 10 platinum as a material component (M). If you do, and the spell lasts for its full duration, the tree persists as a natural plant if it is settled upon suitable soil. If not, the tree immediately withers away into nothingness and the platinum (if any) reforms.

Water Tendril

1-point transmutation (abyss, ooze, sea)
RANGE 120 feet
DURATION Concentration, up to a minute

Target an unoccupied 5-foot square of water in range, whether a puddle or sea. As part of the action used to cast this spell, you can dump a 1-liter bottle of water on an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you to create the needed square of water. (To do so, you must have this bottle prepared ahead of time.)
  A Medium watery tentacle emerges from the square of water, which has 10 hit points and 10 defense. It has resistance to bash, pierce, and fire damage; and immunity to poison and psychic damage. If the tentacle is reduced to 0 hit points, the spell abruptly ends.
  On each of your turns within the duration, you can use your bonus action to move the tentacle and have it manipulate an object as a prehensile tail would, or make a melee spell attack with a reach of 10 feet. Each time the tentacle moves, it teleports to a different 5-foot square of water in range of you that you can see.
  Any creature hit by the tentacle becomes Soaked and suffers one of the following effects as you decide:

  • The creature takes 1d10 bash damage.
  • The creature is Shoved 10 feet directly away from the tentacle.
  • The creature becomes Grappled. While the tentacle is Grappling a creature, it cannot move nor attack any other creature.

Upcast. You can expend extra magic points when you cast this spell. The total expended can't exceed your level. For each point expended beyond 2, increase the damage by 1d10 and the hit points by 10.

  • This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at [1].
  • Both this work and the SRD 5.1 are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at [2].