Perception (PSR Supplement)
Common Hazards
Perception (or “Wisdom”) is one of the six ability scores.
Perception reflects the sharpness of senses, the accuracy of instincts, the capability for empathy, and common sense.
Common Senses
Almost every creature is able to see and hear, and most creatures can smell. A typical Perception check measures a creature's attempt to notice something that isn't obvious using either these senses or its intuition.
You can become proficient in different common senses, just like you can become proficient in different skills. If you're proficient in a sense, it's called keen.
Keen Vision. If you have keen vision, or if you are proficient with vision, add your PB to Perception checks to notice a hidden object or creature with your sight. These are called Perception (Vision) checks.
Keen Hearing. If you have keen hearing, add your PB to Perception checks to notice a hidden object or creature with your hearing. These are Perception (Hearing) checks. Additionally, if there's a loud noise within 60 feet of you, you can pinpoint its origin within 5 feet of accuracy.
Keen Smell. If you have keen smell, add your PB to Perception (Smell) checks. Additionally, if a creature or object within 60 feet of you has a strong odor, you can automatically detect its presence and pinpoint its location within 5 feet of accuracy.
Uncommon senses like darkvision and tremorsense might rely on your Perception, as detailed on that page.
Other Perception Checks
Sensory checks like those described above are only made to notice something physically hidden from you. They don't model your ability to discern deeper meaning from what you perceive. Other Perception checks fulfill that purpose.
Such a Perception check can model tasks made to discern that which isn’t obvious, whether through attention, empathy, or intuition. Possibilities include:
- Athletics. Predict an opponent’s next move in a fight or a physical sport.
- Insight. Read body language. Discern deception. Identify true intentions behind a lie or false front. Understand someone’s feelings.
- Medicine. Care for an injured person. Intuit an unconventional remedy or treatment.
- Wilderness. Predict weather. Follow tracks. Discern the intentions or feelings of a beast.
- Unskilled. Get a hunch or "gut" reading that points in the right direction in the absence of evidence.
Reflex Saves
The higher modifier between your Dexterity and Perception is added to your Reflex saving throws.
Perception Mark
Your Perception Mark equals: 8 + PB + Perception modifier. If a creature tries to hide something from you and there's a chance you'll notice, that creature makes a secret ability check against your Perception mark. If their check fails, you notice.
Attack and Damage Rolls
When you attack with an aimed weapon, you can add either your Dexterity or Perception to the attack and damage rolls.