Topic |
Last Edit |
Last Post By |
Discord Server Verification | 04:48, 20 March 2025 | Glass |
Godhood, how does one do it? | 21:05, 12 March 2025 | Showgun |
How does an archmage work? | 20:53, 6 February 2025 | Nuke The Earth |
Idea for full caster class | 13:12, 23 January 2025 | Nuke The Earth |
How do animal companions work? | 20:41, 13 January 2025 | Latius |
One D&D (5e's 2024 update) | 23:36, 8 January 2025 | Latius |
Game of Thrones | 18:40, 28 December 2024 | SwankyPants |
My concerns about the rogue, fighter, and wizard | 21:14, 10 December 2024 | Showgun |
Anyone want to play some of the homebrew quests with me? | 22:54, 7 December 2024 | Themaesto |
Who is the primary contributor to the Jujutsu Shaman class? | 14:36, 27 October 2024 | Phin |
Are dungeons more fun when they have lore? | 18:32, 15 April 2024 | Paste |
Epic or 9th level+ spells 5th edition | 20:57, 28 February 2024 | Coaldstone |
How does one craft his own spells? | 08:41, 27 February 2024 | Coaldstone |
Adding Image to Article | 07:19, 27 February 2024 | Coaldstone |
Druid (Evaluational Base Class Layout)/Capitalized Abilities in Tables? | 02:58, 27 February 2024 | Coaldstone |
Boots of Expeditious Retreat | 08:27, 26 February 2024 | Coaldstone |
Can a half-giant wield two bastard swords? | 08:24, 26 February 2024 | Coaldstone |
Big probs with homebrew posting | 05:25, 23 February 2024 | Coaldstone |
Should we really be deleting all these classes? | 21:56, 22 February 2024 | Coaldstone |
Supplement Pages? | 21:46, 22 February 2024 | Coaldstone |
The Featured Article Should Be Changed Every Week | 21:29, 22 February 2024 | Coaldstone |
What are the best Prestige Classes of all time? | 21:25, 22 February 2024 | Coaldstone |
Why arent there "optimized" epic spells? | 10:40, 22 February 2024 | Coaldstone |
Mountless Pally | 05:30, 22 February 2024 | Coaldstone |
Suggestions for an Epic Spell? | 05:21, 22 February 2024 | Coaldstone |
Would anime ruin D&D? | 23:47, 21 February 2024 | Coaldstone |
What do you do if a PC playing a Vampire gets bit by a Lycan? | 22:54, 21 February 2024 | Coaldstone |
Need help estimating a dragon | 04:12, 20 February 2024 | Coaldstone |
Why aren't there more hammers? | 08:32, 19 February 2024 | Coaldstone |
Firearms | 08:24, 12 February 2024 | Coaldstone |
Page Deleted by a moderador, why? | 15:59, 14 January 2024 | AbraCadabra |
Where is my page? | 00:43, 14 January 2024 | AbraCadabra |
Has anyone a rule for getting help from another player when pushing an object can you combine your strength and then x by 30. | 19:28, 24 December 2023 | Gl17cHw3rk5 |
What is Vandalism? | 18:46, 14 October 2023 | SirSprinkles |
Universal Android Variant? Feasible or Foolish? | 00:15, 6 September 2023 | EthrixTheProtogen |
Drugs 3.5/5e | 13:24, 27 August 2023 | Call Me Snake |
Where is the Raesokeran Mustilus | 01:32, 21 August 2023 | Felniir |
Sockpuppetry | 16:12, 8 August 2023 | Green Dragon |
Homebrew Monk Archetype: Mage Hunter | 20:29, 22 July 2023 | SirSprinkles |
Hi-I'm new. What's the best armor for a 5th level Kenku Fighter? | 13:38, 24 January 2023 | StarGaz3r |
Homebrew creation questions | 23:12, 12 January 2023 | Marasmusine |
New Person (Hello!) | 03:19, 30 November 2022 | Finnamal |
Stats | 03:33, 13 November 2022 | Yanied |
Should i/ is there a way to show that i made a homebrew creation so that no one can take it and claim its theirs? | 04:25, 3 August 2022 | VegetaWrath |
Does anyone know of a class/build homebrew or not that is like the venom/carnage symbiotes or can be re skinned pretty easily for 5e? | 19:40, 14 March 2022 | |
Game of Thrones Campaign Setting | 11:10, 14 March 2022 | SirSprinkles |
Discord Policy | 11:10, 14 March 2022 | SirSprinkles |
Alchemist's Supplies (Tools) | 16:45, 4 February 2022 | Yanied |
Can i copy things form dndwiki | 20:33, 9 January 2022 | Guy |
Help with Homebrew | 22:21, 21 December 2021 | Green Dragon |
Mental checks while sleeping | 20:50, 16 December 2021 | Yanied |
What about a Half Kenku? | 11:20, 5 November 2021 | SirSprinkles |
What's is the archers dice | 23:04, 23 October 2021 | Blobby383b |
Forgotten Realms language phylogeny | 22:01, 12 October 2021 | MarshDASavage |
Can someone design the stand alignment Wonder of u | 18:37, 12 October 2021 | Yanied |
Magic in a Godless Setting | 10:48, 19 June 2021 | Qnang5284 |
I saw a Nosgoth vampire class, it is abandoned, would I be able to edit it? | 22:16, 7 June 2021 | Blobby383b |
The Question of Influence | 21:00, 19 April 2021 | SwankyPants |
Is there to much warhammer stuff of low quality? | 17:49, 14 March 2021 | |
I made a new bard archetype and posted it on the homebrew archetype page, but its not there! | 15:56, 22 February 2021 | Ref3rence |
Charater into tarrasque | 04:06, 19 November 2020 | 2407:7000:9B83:A300:C9F7:C10A:2483:CAFC |
How to balance NPC fights | 23:14, 18 November 2020 | Blobby383b |
My Luchador subclass | 23:03, 18 November 2020 | Blobby383b |
My Version of Limb damage Feedback wanted | 04:56, 6 November 2020 | SirSprinkles |
What qualifies you as a half or full caster? | 21:51, 3 November 2020 | Green Dragon |
5e Prestige Classes | 00:00, 2 November 2020 | Blobby383b |
I Need Some Help With A Homebrew Race | 20:45, 1 October 2020 | Chica56 |
5e Two Weapon Fighting | 18:46, 1 September 2020 | Revival |
New Creature Table | 15:15, 24 August 2020 | Ref3rence |
I've created a Sub-Class for the new Blood Hunter class but the Blood Hunter category does not exist, What do i do to have my class verified? | 19:51, 19 August 2020 | Yanied |
My Discussion/What is a "character ability based on class levels"? | 10:06, 8 July 2020 | Sonochino |
I f you have the time, rate my race! | 10:03, 8 July 2020 | Sonochino |
How big is too big a party? | 18:49, 24 June 2020 | 2605:E000:60C6:5B00:C050:1CBC:C0D0:8D45 |
Ability score improvement formatting? | 01:26, 20 June 2020 | Soulless Anger |
Need help with level 35 non caster non frenzy | 03:14, 17 June 2020 | Calidore Chase |
Trying to create / finish a homebrewed class | 12:09, 8 June 2020 | Aanx |
Homebrew Class Concept: Biomancer | 15:20, 16 May 2020 | Blobby383b |
Flaw Addition Page is Bad | 03:50, 23 March 2020 | Coaldstone |
We need a smaller version of Campaign Setting | 01:56, 23 March 2020 | Coaldstone |
Sorcerers with healing? | 21:46, 9 March 2020 | Arquebus |
Lichdom, how does one do it? | 03:35, 4 March 2020 | 2600:1700:63C0:1B30:8C05:3493:D68F:C751 |
White Plume Mountain | 01:51, 3 March 2020 | Revival |
Weapon enhancements | 06:56, 16 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
What is the best way to get the highest critical chance? | 06:29, 16 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
What should you do when two of your party members are beginning to team up on you? | 06:29, 16 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Will anyone post requests on my talk page? | 06:29, 16 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Variant classes | 06:28, 16 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Large containers | 06:17, 16 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Leveled weapons/ armor | 06:17, 16 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
For the 5e homebrew mage class there is a feature called tricks of the trade that allows a feat/trait to be taken from another class/domain/tradition. For the purposes of this: would something like otherworldly patron count? | 06:07, 16 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Shroedinger's dwarf | 05:24, 16 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Np nedding help muticlassing Dragon Knight and Paladin | 04:59, 16 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Is it possible to empower polymorph spell? | 23:05, 15 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
If my background is hunter and my class ranger, I can start with two companions? | 23:04, 15 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
I'm a new DM and can some one help me out | 23:03, 15 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
How to add extra columns on the table while creatinga class | 23:03, 15 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
How do you create a class page | 23:03, 15 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Homebrew Race Level Adjustment Question | 23:02, 15 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Help me balancing and complete my Spellblade homebrew class | 23:02, 15 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Help Requiered: Crafting Weapons and Armors | 23:01, 15 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Dark puppeter | 22:45, 15 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Class Idea: Armed | 22:44, 15 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Reverse Vampirism in a Player | 17:58, 14 February 2020 | Revival |
Paladins of different alignments? | 17:56, 14 February 2020 | Revival |
Buying property | 17:50, 14 February 2020 | Revival |
Vorpal Sword Versus Hydra/Question | 17:49, 14 February 2020 | Revival |
So I got to thinking about the clutter here | 17:47, 14 February 2020 | Revival |
Powerful charicters | 04:13, 13 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Dealing multiple damage types | 04:08, 13 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Directional Gravity in Portable Holes | 04:07, 13 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Psionic powers per level | 04:06, 13 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Can a person have a familiar and an animal companion at the same time if they have the classes? | 04:06, 13 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Can I use kilos/meters? | 04:02, 13 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Can a summon swarm spell hurt another swarm? | 04:01, 13 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Newbie QnA. Starting a Character. | 03:34, 13 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Need help balancing a weapon | 03:27, 13 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Need help making a fun class based of the Katekyo Hitman like it would use the 7 flames of the sky. | 03:26, 13 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Need help making a minotaur pc | 03:26, 13 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Need help with ny character. | 03:25, 13 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
5e: Repeating Saving Throws | 05:48, 1 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Made a 5e edition Luchador class, tell me what you think also is there a way to add it to the 5e homebrewclass section? | 05:45, 1 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Is anyone else getting a 500 Limit on everything? | 05:43, 1 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Rhinos with Spear Charge | 05:37, 1 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Rough "Quantumancer" Idea | 05:36, 1 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Samurai Homebrew Class - Stances? | 05:25, 1 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Shadow hearts type Harmonixer need help... | 05:24, 1 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Should I change a misleading page title? | 05:24, 1 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Should a new tab be made for homebrewed planes and demi-planes? | 05:23, 1 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Should this race have a level adjustment? | 05:23, 1 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
Standing Jumps and Jump Bonus From Speed | 05:16, 1 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
The Nature of Downtime | 05:14, 1 February 2020 | Blobby383b |
5e Ritual | 14:05, 2 October 2019 | Revival |
Whats the CR for 7 lvl 3s? & how do i figer that out | 01:18, 20 September 2019 | Blobby383b |
Ki-Empowered Strike Reflavoring | 16:51, 6 September 2019 | Revival |
Homebrew Eldritch Invocation Balance | 16:57, 22 July 2019 | WiserVisor |
I want to begin a multiclass of my character being a Barbarian and a Monk | 21:24, 22 June 2019 | Geodude671 |
5e Old Arcane Warrior | 18:37, 21 May 2019 | Guy |
Help with a riddle? | 14:39, 13 May 2019 | Revival |
Homebrew Cantrip Balance | 23:34, 9 April 2019 | WiserVisor |
Can I edit Mastermind? | 20:06, 3 March 2019 | |
Lucy Hearthfilia class | 18:54, 21 February 2019 | Revival |
Need halp developing and (mainly) balancing ma class | 17:17, 21 February 2019 | Revival |
House rules, lets share. | 03:07, 22 January 2019 | Sir Dinadan |
Updating the Foul Language policy | 16:46, 23 December 2018 | Green Dragon |
Top 10 of D&D 3rd edition | 19:26, 19 December 2018 | Geodude671 |
Can you mind control stuff to turn yourself into a god? | 19:23, 19 December 2018 | Geodude671 |
Featured Article Logistics | 21:25, 16 December 2018 | Varkarrus |
New Class - Warhammer Fantasy's "Slayer" | 17:33, 13 December 2018 | Revival |
Where would I put my idea for a type of metal? | 22:21, 15 November 2018 | Quincy |
Need some metals | 16:10, 15 November 2018 | RealityUnhinged |
Is the fighter underpowered? | 04:18, 6 November 2018 | PickleJarPete |
Homebrew Warlock Hexblade ability | 13:19, 17 October 2018 | Revival |
Playtesting Application | 18:19, 16 October 2018 | |
Land of Tramonte | 01:05, 11 October 2018 | Varkarrus |
Need advice for unofficial homebrew class balancing | 21:09, 5 October 2018 | Blobby383b |
NOOB needs a little help | 13:02, 28 September 2018 | Guy |
Critique - Arcane Duelist | 09:03, 28 September 2018 | Guy |
Is a starting stat of 30 to much with if all other stats are 8 and no racial abilities are given? | 20:36, 27 September 2018 | Greyfox |
Need help making a fun Harmonixer class from the Shadow Hearts games. | 01:57, 9 September 2018 | Revival |
Variant 3.5e potionmaking | 01:55, 9 September 2018 | Revival |
Which book contains the plague of ravens? | 10:56, 6 September 2018 | Guy |
Change homebrew class incomplete to complete? | 17:37, 27 August 2018 | Revival |
Reverse Dungeon Idea | 13:13, 22 August 2018 | Revival |
Constructive Criticism | 23:50, 21 August 2018 | NorMak3 |
Using gold as a Weapon | 15:29, 3 August 2018 | Revival |
I want to play a game of 5e d&d but i live in a remote area | 11:18, 3 August 2018 | EpicBoss99 |
Class Variant Location | 21:10, 13 July 2018 | Blobby383b |
Wolverine class incomplete | 20:30, 12 July 2018 | Revival |
Aarakocra Variant Questions/Creation | 17:23, 2 June 2018 | Blobby383b |
Do I need permission to flesh out the 5e hombrew? | 17:10, 2 June 2018 | Blobby383b |
Divine Sacrifice with Stoneskin, in your opinions, would stoneskin absorb the 10 pts. take from each attack? | 17:09, 2 June 2018 | Blobby383b |
Do you still accept AD&D 2nd Edtion Stuff? | 17:09, 2 June 2018 | Blobby383b |
Does partial armour remove Unarmoured Defense | 17:08, 2 June 2018 | Blobby383b |
Looking For 3e SRD Docs | 19:30, 21 May 2018 | SgtLion |
Spell mechanics/Question | 03:16, 15 May 2018 | Geodude671 |
Who's up for some fun worldbuilding? | 21:43, 20 February 2018 | Quincy |
How do I add the feats I've created to the Pathfinder Feats page? | 06:45, 7 February 2018 | Geodude671 |
So domains in the deity section mean what they "rule over" right? | 00:46, 20 January 2018 | |
Most Unbalanced Class | 16:29, 13 January 2018 | 2600:1008:B158:45BD:9AE9:B185:66E7:9179 |
Lets test it out | 04:46, 15 December 2017 | 2600:6C64:6C7F:F8FD:EC5A:D74C:480D:DF6E |
Getting your homebrew stuff onto the main list | 14:56, 11 December 2017 | Guy |
Looking for some creative ideas for character plot hooks | 14:53, 11 December 2017 | Daxio |
Playing a character with a violent character flaw. | 14:43, 11 December 2017 | Daxio |
Losing the ability to edit my own contribution/Question | 11:04, 2 December 2017 | SgtLion |
Are Mind Flayers to Psions as Rakshasa are to Sorcerers? | 12:17, 15 November 2017 | SgtLion |
Eidolon Attacks for Spatial Summoner | 19:59, 13 November 2017 | Guy |
Where Should i Start? | 21:51, 12 November 2017 | SandyBleach |
D&D Wiki plays...Diplomacy? | 14:34, 23 October 2017 | Geodude671 |
Homebrew Race feedback and playtesting | 16:19, 5 October 2017 | Drahsid |
Caves of Chaos (Potential Recruitment) | 23:49, 15 August 2017 | GamerAim |
Heist Campaign Idea | 03:38, 15 August 2017 | Guy |
Homebrew class might need balancing. | 18:41, 5 August 2017 | IanGMs |
Copyright policy clarification: Uploading of copyright images under fair use | 00:18, 26 July 2017 | Geodude671 |
New Campaign Idea: Need Some Help | 00:09, 6 July 2017 | WeirdoWhoever |
New to DnD, Creation a Character and Dice rolling | 20:11, 28 June 2017 | Dr Roach |
Demon Summoning | 19:22, 28 June 2017 | Dr Roach |
I am playing a Death knight in a good guy campaign how should i play him? | 00:39, 28 June 2017 | WeirdoWhoever |
5e paladin questions | 16:48, 15 June 2017 | AngelsAndAarakocra |
2ed Ability Checks? | 14:35, 14 June 2017 | |
Would anyone look at my stuff im lonely:'( | 06:41, 7 June 2017 | AngelsAndAarakocra |
Should a new tab be opened for homebrewed planes and demi-planes to help expand your D and D world? | 09:00, 3 June 2017 | Marasmusine |
Stand User Variant Stand ideas? | 18:45, 30 May 2017 | Luca Anescu |
H. H. Holmes character | 05:28, 30 May 2017 | AngelsAndAarakocra |
Creating an Igor | 05:59, 29 May 2017 | Luca Anescu |
Messiah via Chronomancy | 17:35, 24 May 2017 | AngelsAndAarakocra |
How does one kill a diety? | 17:15, 28 April 2017 | Bannanameds |
Best Editors or Reviewers For Homebrew D&D Content | 16:45, 28 April 2017 | Bannanameds |
What do you do with a powerful charicter | 18:47, 24 April 2017 | Kydo |
The Sword Of Truth and other artifacts | 22:17, 11 April 2017 | Bannanameds |
Polymorph spells/races | 01:45, 7 January 2017 | Blackbando |
Avenging Barbarian questions... | 13:51, 31 December 2016 | Xandour |
Useless Overpowered and Parody Crap Abroad | 19:10, 28 December 2016 | Kydo |
Why does a fighter's simple weapon proficiency not cover unarmed strike? | 00:45, 7 December 2016 | Kydo |
FA Update. Help Please. | 23:09, 11 October 2016 | Kydo |
Homebrew 'n SRD Differentiation and other issues | 12:00, 9 October 2016 | Green Dragon |
Progress Made | 19:03, 23 September 2016 | Kydo |
Doppelganger variants | 04:13, 17 September 2016 | Kydo |
Preserving Races of War original content | 12:10, 14 September 2016 | Tivanir |
Are there 5e divination spells which require ability checks? | 21:19, 8 August 2016 | Marasmusine |
What kind of abilities should a Ninja Have in D&D 5e? | 11:38, 15 July 2016 | Kydo |
What is a paragon? | 11:46, 14 July 2016 | Kydo |
How to became a Lich? | 20:08, 24 June 2016 | |
Leveling up in 2nd edition | 18:54, 24 June 2016 | |
Void-Influenced Sorcerer | 01:08, 29 May 2016 | Slay33 |
Jump attack | 13:23, 26 May 2016 | SgtLion |
Geode problem | 16:21, 27 January 2016 | |
Where is my base class? | 19:58, 1 November 2015 | Jaekaido |
"The Widow Maker" Magic Revolver | 19:03, 24 October 2015 | Marasmusine |
Cambions and Tieflings | 14:55, 23 October 2015 | Kydo |
Learned spell-like abilities | 12:39, 7 October 2015 | SgtLion |
Recommendations for editing wiki pages? | 12:58, 6 October 2015 | SgtLion |
Prosthetic limbs | 12:43, 6 October 2015 | SgtLion |
The Big Six | 11:39, 2 October 2015 | SgtLion |
Which should I follow the book or the wiki? | 13:47, 30 September 2015 | SgtLion |
Is there such thing as too many templates for one creature? | 09:40, 29 September 2015 | SgtLion |
Undead vs ray of enfeeblement | 15:52, 25 September 2015 | SgtLion |
Can You Still Add AD&D 2Ed Here? | 14:18, 25 September 2015 | SgtLion |
Paladin Prestiege Classes? Anyone? | 14:00, 25 September 2015 | SgtLion |
Locke - Spear weapon (B)AB; Str or Dex ? | 13:57, 25 September 2015 | SgtLion |
What do you guys think of this Luchador class I made? | 13:05, 25 September 2015 | SgtLion |
Knockdown and Hold the Line | 15:00, 8 September 2015 | SgtLion |
Posting Converted Spells | 10:59, 28 June 2015 | Marasmusine |
Re-opening the tavern? What does the community think? | 23:59, 15 May 2015 | SgtLion |
What does homebrew mean? | 05:30, 12 May 2015 | Kydo |
Where should philosophies fall under? | 07:02, 8 April 2015 | Marasmusine |
Planetouched twins | 00:13, 26 March 2015 | |
D&D WIki Magazine | 05:06, 19 March 2015 | Azernath |
Anyone Read the Elemental Evil Companion? | 19:51, 15 March 2015 | ConorOberstIsGo |
Article 1 of Homebrew | 00:18, 14 March 2015 | ConorOberstIsGo |
Help Making An Odd Monster a Player Race | 23:12, 10 March 2015 | |
Warfare Combat And New Large Battlefield System/Need Help | 16:16, 9 March 2015 | |
Character sheets | 15:00, 31 January 2015 | Lemiel14n3 |
What is the difference between (Wight, Wraith, Ghost, Specter and Spirit)? | 10:42, 11 January 2015 | Marasmusine |
Need help with a magic item called the ring of evasion for tyranny of dragons | 00:59, 30 December 2014 | Lemiel14n3 |
My Discussion/Question To beat a armor class of let's say 10 would you have to get above or below it? | 08:59, 7 December 2014 | |
Had an argument with another player about my psionic power "Entangling Ectoplasm", what is your take on this? | 11:18, 9 November 2014 | SgtLion |
My Discussion/Question time line | 20:54, 26 October 2014 | |
How many undead can you control? | 03:38, 15 October 2014 | Mordred the dark |
Should being rude be tolerated? | 03:16, 15 October 2014 | Mordred the dark |
A new kind of experience points? | 00:25, 15 October 2014 | Mordred the dark |
When creating a character to what extents are the limits? | 22:21, 14 October 2014 | Mordred the dark |
Brilliant Energy vs Fire Resistance on Armor | 17:10, 14 October 2014 | Mordred the dark |
Created feat-is it balanced? | 17:00, 14 October 2014 | Mordred the dark |
Is it possible to make a member of your party age faster with a spell/powder/potion ? | 02:10, 14 October 2014 | Mordred the dark |
Import/Export Ideas for towns and cities in the middle ages | 02:05, 14 October 2014 | Mordred the dark |
150 DC... how? | 01:21, 14 October 2014 | Mordred the dark |
Barbaric Sorcerer or Bardic Sorcerer? | 02:05, 13 October 2014 | Mordred the dark |
Could someone look at my home brew | 01:44, 13 October 2014 | Mordred the dark |
First time D&D player: Paladin? | 01:36, 13 October 2014 | Mordred the dark |
Brand new player - basic gameplay and character selection Q's | 20:09, 7 October 2014 | Marasmusine |
How do you convert 3.5 items/stats/creatures to 4e? | 18:01, 25 September 2014 | Marasmusine |
Golems and artificers | 07:57, 13 September 2014 | SgtLion |
Vampire's Undead Traits. | 07:53, 13 September 2014 | SgtLion |
How does one add an image to their homebrew class? | 20:54, 12 September 2014 | SgtLion |
Featured Article Stagnation | 19:31, 2 September 2014 | Green Dragon |
What about Dragon Shaman? (3.5e) | 18:42, 18 August 2014 | |
Homebrew license | 01:26, 22 July 2014 | Zellfaze |
Shardmind Love? | 07:27, 12 July 2014 | Marasmusine |
Hey :) New Dm any tips? | 14:12, 10 June 2014 | |
Can an Undead Barbarian Rage? | 02:33, 2 June 2014 | |
Level 1 fighting an owl bear, what to do? | 12:53, 5 March 2014 | Green Dragon |
What did I miss? | 10:47, 2 February 2014 | SgtLion |
Disproportionate damage increase between weapons for medium and large | 09:14, 2 February 2014 | SgtLion |
Newbie DM with newbie players | 20:36, 28 January 2014 | Titan |
Races are from which books? | 07:40, 2 January 2014 | Marasmusine |
Is there spell failure in 4th ed and if a wizard takes the right feats will he be able to wear full plate? | 17:48, 24 December 2013 | Marasmusine |
Is there a 4e Red Mage class? If not..make one. | 15:18, 24 December 2013 | SgtLion |
Is there a limit for the number of class/prestige classes a PC can take? | 15:18, 24 December 2013 | SgtLion |
Is there an item that allows you to essentially rebuild your character | 15:18, 24 December 2013 | SgtLion |
Soul Reaper Class Help | 15:17, 24 December 2013 | SgtLion |
Hello, I Was Recently Born Today | 15:16, 24 December 2013 | SgtLion |
Elf Druid question | 15:16, 24 December 2013 | SgtLion |
Formating problems | 15:16, 24 December 2013 | SgtLion |
Flying Thunder God Technique | 15:16, 24 December 2013 | SgtLion |
Help making a Ninja | 15:16, 24 December 2013 | SgtLion |
3.5 edition warlock | 15:15, 24 December 2013 | SgtLion |
DM Stumped by PC's Custom Classes. | 14:31, 24 December 2013 | SgtLion |
Difficult group member | 14:30, 24 December 2013 | SgtLion |
Demi-god? | 14:30, 24 December 2013 | SgtLion |
DEATH BY....lvl 0 spell???? | 14:30, 24 December 2013 | SgtLion |
Can you create spell based feats for your ninja from the sorcerer/wizard spell list levels ranging from 0-4 like they did in dragon issue 354 april of 2007 ? | 14:30, 24 December 2013 | SgtLion |
Converting 4th Edition Races to 2nd Edition? | 14:30, 24 December 2013 | SgtLion |
Converting D&D to Modern | 14:30, 24 December 2013 | SgtLion |
Can Avengers ordain marriges? | 14:30, 24 December 2013 | SgtLion |
Can a character have more than one magic arm slot item and can a weapon have multiple magic item bonuses on it? | 14:30, 24 December 2013 | SgtLion |
Bloodlines (3.5e Discussion) | 14:29, 24 December 2013 | SgtLion |
D&D Monster Hunter | 14:29, 24 December 2013 | SgtLion |
3.5e thoughts on balancing caster / melee imbalance in combat | 14:26, 24 December 2013 | SgtLion |
I need to know if this happens to anyone else's group. | 18:40, 4 December 2013 | Blue Dragon |
How to deateat true seeing? | 21:25, 2 December 2013 | Salasay |
Does a Warforged's Composite Plating Limit Monk Abilities? | 21:26, 9 November 2013 | Marasmusine |
Rating a level adjustment | 08:01, 9 November 2013 | Marasmusine |
What is Your Favorite Mount? | 18:27, 1 October 2013 | Sir Dinadan |
Taking 20 with delayed result? | 15:06, 22 September 2013 | Sir Dinadan |
Campaign idea | 18:43, 5 September 2013 | AFknight |
How do you keep players' attention while DMing? | 00:20, 31 July 2013 | ToxicRay |
Would It be OK if | 22:31, 25 July 2013 | Marasmusine |
3.5 Land Ownership | 03:07, 15 July 2013 | Rasttlin |
Reverse Vampirism in a player | 15:56, 1 July 2013 | Marasmusine |
Can you use defender aura after activating berserker's fury? | 14:26, 28 June 2013 | Marasmusine |
Does something called "Twin familiar" exist? | 10:38, 22 June 2013 | |
Champion of the Ferine (Review) | 12:48, 11 April 2013 | Argent Fatalis |
Custom Creature CR | 01:40, 14 March 2013 | |
3.5 CG Paladin | 00:51, 8 March 2013 | VictorZsasz29292 |
More Ideas for the Wiki | 23:19, 18 February 2013 | Salasay |
Feindish Codex II Questions. | 23:19, 18 February 2013 | Salasay |
Mounted Combat Damage Multipliers... | 23:03, 18 February 2013 | Salasay |
Is there anyway to become a deity? | 22:29, 18 February 2013 | Salasay |
Gargantuan Greatspear | 21:04, 18 February 2013 | Salasay |
3.5 solo gaming help needed | 20:34, 18 February 2013 | Salasay |
AnimeOtaku137/How would someone go about taking control of a Golem after it's creator has been destroyed? | 22:04, 17 February 2013 | Jintoya |
New dm | 22:00, 17 February 2013 | Jintoya |
Could species other than elves, humans, and orcs interbreed? | 21:18, 17 February 2013 | Salasay |
Godhood? | 21:11, 17 February 2013 | Salasay |
Large Scale Battles | 20:26, 17 February 2013 | Salasay |
Dealing with Powerful PC's | 20:23, 17 February 2013 | Salasay |
What are the differences between 4e and 3.5? | 19:53, 17 February 2013 | Salasay |
What color is Adamantium? | 05:13, 3 February 2013 | Maninorange |
Will someone take a look at evomancer and tell me what they think about the class for a difficult campain setting ? | 03:15, 8 January 2013 | LokiTheHarvester |
Yuan-ti CR | 18:36, 12 December 2012 | |
Does DR stack? | 03:48, 11 November 2012 | |
3.5 cleric abilities into 4th edition | 10:42, 15 September 2012 | Marasmusine |
How Do I Calculate XP? | 10:53, 16 July 2012 | Marasmusine |
How do I create a Navigation tab for my campaign settings | 07:27, 21 June 2012 | Cool Dude 123 |
Pathfinder SRD | 02:08, 18 May 2012 | Green Dragon |
Combat when Prisoner Chained to You | 08:41, 20 April 2012 | Gary0509 |
I think it's time to change the rating system | 16:40, 19 April 2012 | Tivanir |
Where Can I Find a Former 4e Race? | 00:41, 6 April 2012 | Xeiharioukou |
A thought about Grapple | 14:56, 20 March 2012 | Irykyl |
Concerning wildshaping/shapeshifting/polymorph | 14:48, 20 March 2012 | Irykyl |
Has anyone played the Dragonheart Mage Prestige? | 16:29, 8 March 2012 | Green Dragon |
Super Powers/Question | 07:46, 4 March 2012 | Rogue The Demonchild |
Anyone have a recommendation for a gnomish wizard looking to go archmage to 20? | 16:39, 31 January 2012 | Green Dragon |
How do I ask for another user's homebrew class/race for my campaign setting? | 00:16, 15 December 2011 | Cool Dude 123 |
Is hide in plain sight broken? | 01:12, 8 December 2011 | |
Why are there no void classes? | 01:13, 31 October 2011 | Green Dragon |
What's up with racial abilities? | 01:22, 25 October 2011 | Jsalad |
Do Flaming Burst and Frost Burst stack? | 06:37, 6 September 2011 | Badger |
Where to finde a 3.5e earthqake dragon | 00:25, 25 August 2011 | Badger |
Are half-elves useless? | 01:11, 21 August 2011 | |
Half-Demon Combinations | 16:55, 25 July 2011 | |
The Abyss | 03:12, 11 July 2011 | Milo v3 |
DM help | 20:37, 28 June 2011 | Jazzman831 |
Open Game License | 20:37, 26 May 2011 | Talon74 |
My Discussion/Teoryran | 19:06, 23 May 2011 | Klas |
Defeating spell resistance | 09:17, 8 May 2011 | |
The Tavern: use, expansion, and availability. | 04:04, 3 May 2011 | Xanos Knyghtshade |
Can the "Gate" spell be used to get a cheaper wish? | 20:00, 2 May 2011 | Elkinzel |
When upgrading a monster does its breath weapon increase aswell. | 09:19, 8 April 2011 | DeinDMmonk |
Languages | 14:43, 5 April 2011 | Jazzman831 |
Intelegence bonus papers? | 16:19, 4 April 2011 | DeinDMmonk |
Suggested New Categories | 22:43, 21 March 2011 | Christine |
Are Half-Orcs Balanced? | 16:28, 3 March 2011 | Crashpilot |
Can anyone help with a Mass Effect campaign? | 09:00, 12 January 2011 | Milo v3 |
What Happened to the Discussions? | 03:43, 5 January 2011 | Blue Dragon |
Wiki Comparisons? | 03:02, 20 December 2010 | |
Ring Prices? | 18:55, 15 December 2010 | Rogue The Demonchild |
I need help making the pyromancer power page | 00:02, 8 December 2010 | DarknessFe11 |
Ghouls Ghasts and ghosts oh my! | 00:33, 21 November 2010 | Milo v3 |
Druids and Elves | 00:00, 21 November 2010 | Badger |
Alignment Exemplars | 05:16, 20 November 2010 | Milo v3 |
Which class features can monks use with their natural weapons? | 01:36, 4 November 2010 | |
Are Orcs Balanced? | 04:02, 29 October 2010 | Green Dragon |
Help? | 20:27, 28 October 2010 | Badger |
Very Low Magic Setting | 17:21, 7 September 2010 | Vrail |
Happy Birthday | 16:02, 3 September 2010 | Vrail |
Druid question | 00:55, 29 August 2010 | Milo v3 |
Two valid concepts | 05:35, 25 July 2010 | Badger |
Tome of Battle Questions & Answers | 20:47, 22 July 2010 | Sledged |
Looking for Group in Ireland | 02:42, 17 July 2010 | Hooper |
Why Can't a Decent D&D Movie Be Made? | 07:17, 15 July 2010 | Vrail |
Worst 10 of D&D 3rd edition | 02:05, 12 July 2010 | Vrail |
3.5e Artifact Creation | 03:56, 10 July 2010 | |
How do movement actions in combat work? | 04:15, 30 June 2010 | Green Dragon |
4e problem | 16:56, 26 June 2010 | Green Dragon |
Monster LA | 21:04, 23 June 2010 | Jazzman831 |
4e SRD | 17:11, 20 June 2010 | Green Dragon |
Sorcerer Variant | 04:28, 6 June 2010 | Name Violation |
Some newbie questions | 08:28, 5 June 2010 | Ux999 |
Improved Critical? | 02:58, 1 June 2010 | Jazzman831 |
Creating a class | 23:20, 31 May 2010 | Vrail |
Dragon mating? | 17:13, 30 May 2010 | Jazzman831 |
Ooze Questions | 03:05, 18 May 2010 | Jazzman831 |
Dice Variants | 16:33, 8 May 2010 | Green Dragon |
Is D20 the same as Dnd? | 21:17, 7 May 2010 | Jazzman831 |
Map making sites | 16:52, 29 April 2010 | Vrail |
Would you allow the use of 3.0 books in a 3.5 campaign? | 22:58, 26 April 2010 | Ezzetabi |
If an Undead cleric turns he will destroy himself? | 21:05, 25 April 2010 | Ezzetabi | Login/Database error | 02:10, 25 April 2010 | Green Dragon |
New to D&D, looking for advice on DM'ing and campaign building | 18:50, 22 April 2010 | Jazzman831 |
Issue submitting PrC | 12:08, 22 April 2010 | Hooper |
Licensing | 01:05, 12 April 2010 | Airos |
Where are winged elves mentioned in 3.5e dnd? | 21:33, 5 April 2010 | Vrail |
Codes of Conduct | 17:34, 5 April 2010 | Airos |
New user-noob question/Question | 21:22, 4 April 2010 | Vrail |
DM advise for a new DM | 22:19, 24 March 2010 | Jay Freedman |
DC's for Running up/along walls? | 21:10, 24 March 2010 | Regulus |
What is the weight of an ingot? | 03:20, 24 March 2010 | Green Dragon |
Equip me Good Sirs and Madams! | 02:59, 24 March 2010 | Green Dragon |
What all stacks? | 16:35, 16 March 2010 | Green Dragon |
Why isn't every Prestige Class on the Wiki? | 03:14, 9 March 2010 | Green Dragon |
Files? | 19:24, 3 March 2010 | Sabelkatten |
What book is the spell "Vision of the Omniscient Eye" from? | 03:44, 2 March 2010 | Hooper |
What is the hp of, oooh, a mountain? | 15:23, 11 February 2010 | TK-Squared |
Do stamina rules exist? | 05:50, 28 January 2010 | Green Dragon |
Casting with stuff in your hands? | 14:41, 25 January 2010 | Hooper |
Where to put multi-racial ability? | 16:16, 24 January 2010 | Sabelkatten |
DM's playing as characters too | 04:30, 24 January 2010 | DM weeshnaw |
How can i get my friends interested in d&d? | 02:52, 24 January 2010 | DM weeshnaw |
Good Deal and Charitable | 18:38, 20 January 2010 | Hooper |
Can someone make World of Warcraft classes and races? | 16:39, 1 January 2010 | NeoArden |
Why are core book deities not present? | 20:46, 17 December 2009 | Green Dragon |
What is D20? | 20:52, 26 November 2009 | Hooper |
Trust Issues | 22:01, 23 November 2009 | Jay Freedman |
Author requested deletions, licenses, and policies regarding. | 10:22, 4 November 2009 | Jay Freedman |
3.5 E homebrew help | 19:57, 3 November 2009 | Hooper |
Question regarding magic weapon creation | 19:45, 17 October 2009 | Hooper |
What are some good epic level class choices? | 19:50, 9 October 2009 | Green Dragon |
Combat rules during extended falls | 02:21, 7 October 2009 | Hooper |
Required reading | 19:19, 3 October 2009 | Hooper |
Previous Editions | 13:44, 26 September 2009 | Hooper |
What book is this feat from? | 20:57, 11 September 2009 | Hooper |
Help Needed -- WotC Articles | 23:48, 5 September 2009 | Green Dragon |
Negative Level Adjustment | 23:05, 2 September 2009 | Name Violation |
Size re-calculation justified? | 19:31, 31 August 2009 | TribalJack |
What wishes do you allow? | 12:18, 27 August 2009 | |
My Discussion:copyright/trademark | 18:34, 20 August 2009 | |
New user questions | 08:36, 15 August 2009 | SharkD |
Making In-Combat Healing Viable in D&D 3.5 | 02:14, 15 August 2009 | Ghostwheel |
House Rule - Lengthening spellcasting to 1 round | 07:53, 14 August 2009 | Ghostwheel |
How could you implement "Black Magic" in a ballanced way? | 04:21, 7 August 2009 | TheWarforgedArtificer |
Minions or swarms for large battles? | 01:55, 7 August 2009 | Ghostwheel |
Healing Surges in 3.5e? | 21:10, 3 August 2009 | |
The Passing of a Giant - RIP Gary Gygax | 04:05, 26 July 2009 | Surgo |
What's your favorite base class? | 07:48, 25 July 2009 | Lord Dhazriel |
How do you post in these? | 17:43, 24 July 2009 | Ganteka |
Where Could I Pick up a Copy of the 3.5 Player's Handbook? | 21:46, 23 July 2009 | Ganteka |
What are some good aquatic mounts? | 21:44, 23 July 2009 | Ganteka |
Need help multi-classing my barbarian | 17:17, 23 July 2009 | Ganteka |
How do you use the homebrew race creator? | 20:52, 17 July 2009 | Ganteka |
Unearthed Arcana: Flaws - Unbalanced? | 17:25, 14 July 2009 | Ghostwheel |
Unearthed Arcana: Does anyone have any ideas for new domains for the Domain Wizard wizard variant? | 23:56, 13 July 2009 | Rithaniel |
If I used to play Advanced D&D, how do I choose which version/edition to play now? | 00:32, 13 July 2009 | |
Animal Companions with an intelligence of 3 | 00:26, 13 July 2009 | |
How do deities acquire more Divine Ranks? | 21:38, 8 July 2009 | Ganteka |
Downloadable Wiki/SRD? | 06:17, 4 July 2009 | GaaaaaH |
Does a PrC base attack bonus add to Flurry of Blows? | 05:08, 4 July 2009 | GaaaaaH |
Question about rule 0? | 15:01, 23 June 2009 | Jota |
What should I do about troublesome players? | 02:15, 3 June 2009 | Green Dragon |
What's up with the tavern? | 16:39, 13 May 2009 | Green Dragon |
Are there any tools for generating an in-game (weapon and/or magic) store's inventory? | 01:14, 8 May 2009 | Rithaniel |
What to do about 4e class deletion | 04:00, 6 May 2009 | Dracomortis |
Stumped on Making things, and adding to the sight | 22:49, 3 May 2009 | Rithaniel |
How fast does fire spread in D&D 3.5e? | 17:14, 13 April 2009 | Surgo |
How does a dragon's natural weapons roll into the monk class? | 01:08, 13 April 2009 | Surgo |
What are some good ideas for some new types of weapons? | 16:28, 31 March 2009 | Green Dragon |
Spelling and Grammar Only restricted editing should be avoided | 00:53, 31 March 2009 | Lord Dhazriel |
Transferring Enchantment Bonuses | 12:08, 26 March 2009 | |
How many size categories bigger is a human to a cell? | 21:13, 24 March 2009 | Aarnott |
How much treasure should be in a dragon's hoard? | 22:50, 13 March 2009 | TK-Squared |
Assurance on Party choices | 02:56, 6 March 2009 | Dracomortis |
Is there a feat called "epic Rage"? | 02:20, 6 March 2009 | Roenagar |
Does D&D Wiki contain more 3.5e or 4e content? | 20:30, 4 March 2009 | Green Dragon |
What are the rules for land-ownership? | 20:23, 4 March 2009 | Green Dragon |
Is Divine Metamagic broken? | 19:54, 3 March 2009 | Sam Kay |
How does Tripping work with Fliers? | 02:27, 3 March 2009 | TK-Squared |
Ugly Intimidation | 14:45, 2 March 2009 | S1Q3T3 |
Multi-classing Druid | 14:38, 2 March 2009 | S1Q3T3 |
What is homebrew? | 12:32, 2 March 2009 | Green Dragon |
Are NPCs and creatures treated the same way in 4e? | 12:30, 2 March 2009 | Green Dragon |
Lore/Mechanic Info for People New to D&D??? | 19:41, 1 March 2009 | Sledged |
Philosphy Fans: Nietzsche Superman Template | 12:29, 26 February 2009 | Hijax |
4e Poison Pricing | 23:13, 25 February 2009 | Dracomortis |
Point buying: what is it and how does it work? | 00:27, 25 February 2009 | TK-Squared |
Does arcane disciple count as acess to domain? | 14:14, 20 February 2009 | Hijax |
Can anyone please explain me how to use the homebrew class template? | 02:38, 11 February 2009 | Ganteka |
Power Attack and Strength Checks | 12:41, 5 February 2009 | Hijax |
Has anyone seen spell creation rules..? | 10:35, 29 January 2009 | Wesinator5 |
What happens if you have combat reflexes and a surprise round occurs? | 06:38, 28 January 2009 | S1Q3T3 |
Suggest a Feat! | 18:20, 24 January 2009 | TK-Squared |
What are some ways I can turn video game things into playable/usuable D&D things? | 22:52, 22 January 2009 | AshuraK |
InputBox Extension Update | 22:30, 18 January 2009 | Sleaker |
Can an Undead Barbarian Rage | 19:44, 5 January 2009 | TK-Squared |
Quicklings and Sprightlings | 06:07, 1 January 2009 | Ganteka |
Long Pages | 05:54, 1 January 2009 | Ganteka |
What is the origin of this unknown item? | 17:24, 28 December 2008 | |
How "In Character" are your campaigns? | 11:43, 24 December 2008 | Scratch |
Neutral Negative Energy Cleric | 15:16, 23 December 2008 | TK-Squared |
What happens with fewer or less people than 4? | 02:57, 23 December 2008 | Greivous The High-Arch Druid |
DnD Other Idea | 18:23, 22 December 2008 | Hooper |
The flair, but with a purpose | 05:20, 18 December 2008 | Aarnott |
What should I multiclass into? | 20:28, 17 December 2008 | Aarnott |
How do spellcasting and flying work together? | 03:53, 2 December 2008 | Surgo |
Can I Use 3.5e Content w/ 4e Rules? | 17:16, 1 December 2008 | Hooper |
How could I implement a class based on momentum? | 16:51, 1 December 2008 | Green Dragon |
Risek-made minor changes to Grotesque Dilettante | 07:19, 21 November 2008 | |
Does anybody know of any 3rd edition stuff that I could convert for the Arachonomican? | 12:48, 6 November 2008 | Dmilewski |
SRD pictures on DnD wiki | 04:23, 6 November 2008 | Aarnott |
Could I get some help Balancing a HB Class I'm making? | 21:35, 26 August 2008 | JayKay |
Can a Lycanthrope overcome its alignment restriction? | 17:39, 20 August 2008 | JayKay |
What are some good dungeon building computer programs? | 19:20, 9 August 2008 | Green Dragon |
Should I implement banks and doctors into my campaign? | 08:24, 6 August 2008 | Hijax |
How does one play a level adjusted character? | 22:29, 7 July 2008 | Green Dragon |
Second opinion? | 04:50, 4 July 2008 | Green Dragon |
Grafter Questions | 04:45, 4 July 2008 | Green Dragon |
What alignment are the classic elements? | 19:35, 17 June 2008 | Sir Milo Teabag |
Can you help me with table formatting? | 13:07, 9 June 2008 | Sam Kay |
What is your opinion of 3D Maps? | 10:09, 8 June 2008 | Sam Kay |
How Should a DM decide who a monster will attack? | 17:52, 27 May 2008 | Aarnott |
Good thing to control? | 21:38, 19 May 2008 | Lord Dhazriel |
Oversized Weapon Reach... | 20:26, 17 May 2008 | Sledged |
Can large weapons be wielded in one hand? | 00:21, 15 May 2008 | 123098zxcmnb |
What happens when a player throws a body at an enemy? | 00:46, 14 May 2008 | Ghoul |
When shall we go Into the depths of Hell? | 16:58, 10 May 2008 | Sam Kay |
Best Animal Companion for Druid | 20:27, 7 May 2008 | Hatman |
New Idea: Assist classes | 05:41, 6 May 2008 | Sabre070 |
Rating System | 22:32, 28 April 2008 | Cronocke |
Does Mithral Armor actually change the armor type? | 14:46, 24 April 2008 | Fallen.Angel09 |
How do sea battles work? | 19:20, 21 April 2008 | Green Dragon |
What makes a mature campaign? | 19:14, 21 April 2008 | Green Dragon |
How would the battle of five armies work best? | 23:17, 6 April 2008 | Kelly |
How does hiding in other people squares work? | 17:57, 5 April 2008 | Green Dragon |
What are some good mounts for an Illithid Paladin? | 16:35, 31 March 2008 | MorkaisChosen |
Nine Swords... legacy Abbilities | 21:55, 30 March 2008 | Green Dragon |
How do huge and larger mounts work in combat? | 04:45, 24 March 2008 | Finfreeze |
How does burrowing work? | 18:45, 9 March 2008 | Green Dragon |
Death of a Familiar! What do we do? | 02:13, 1 March 2008 | Mander |
What is Lycanthropy? | 18:44, 22 February 2008 | Green Dragon |
HD ≠Racial HD? | 02:03, 15 February 2008 | Flession |
Golem Manual Price | 12:05, 3 February 2008 | Sam Kay |
Monotheism in a Campaign: How do I do it? | 18:57, 15 January 2008 | Green Dragon |
Pickpocketing Bags of Holding | 04:34, 15 January 2008 | Green Dragon |
Do the modifiers of arrows and Bows stack? | 13:46, 12 January 2008 | MorkaisChosen |
Thaumateurge of Charisma, Anyone? | 12:49, 12 January 2008 | Sam Kay |
Can golems use magic items? | 00:53, 12 January 2008 | 123098zxcmnb |
Will FR Gods Becoming Core (Greyhawk) Gods? | 04:26, 28 December 2007 | Green Dragon |
Can you critical on a sunder attack? | 04:49, 16 December 2007 | Green Dragon |
How can I make this psion work? | 04:00, 16 December 2007 | Green Dragon |
How does swinging on a rope work exactly? | 01:18, 11 December 2007 | Eiji |
Where can I find OA information? | 03:19, 10 December 2007 | Green Dragon |
How much does a quarterstaff cost? | 02:55, 12 November 2007 | Sledged |
Predictions for 4th edition | 19:08, 30 October 2007 | Sledged |
What Do You Want to See in 4E? | 19:53, 24 October 2007 | Sledged |
Alignment restrictions for paladin possibly flexible enough? | 01:02, 19 September 2007 | Green Dragon |
When one is ECL 20 do they become epic? | 02:59, 23 August 2007 | Green Dragon |
How does one determine the craft DC to make a poison? | 17:23, 16 August 2007 | Green Dragon |
What happens when a wizard takes VoP? | 04:36, 9 August 2007 | Green Dragon |
Should a druid upgrade his companion? | 23:12, 3 July 2007 | Pwsnafu |
Can one max out skills they did not put ranks in at level 1? | 16:18, 21 June 2007 | Skwyd |
Can a homunculus be a familiar? | 17:32, 13 June 2007 | Sledged |
Does a Wizards Barred School Carry over when Muticlassing to a Non-Arcane Class? | 00:18, 13 June 2007 | Green Dragon |
What Determines ones Manifester Level? | 16:23, 6 June 2007 | Sledged |