Equipment Compendium (Valgora Supplement)

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How many caskets do we have? Because we're going to need three more, no matter how this turns out.
—Rygar Bronzesteel, Dwarven Fighter
This page is part of the

Campaign Setting


The eccentric beings of Valgora have left behind belongings they created or used during their lifetimes. Some of these items have traveled the globe under numerous famous owners and are well known legends themselves. Keep a keen lookout for some of the world's most striking objects.

Notable Arcane Accessories[edit]

Notable Eccentric Equipment[edit]

Notable Legendary Weapons[edit]

Other Equipment[edit]

For a listing of equipment a player may wish to have, click here. Please keep in mind that some of these may be unknown to your Dungeon Master, and you should seek his approval on any item to your inventory.

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In the forgotten times, after the great war between Heaven and Hell, Vargach altered Valgora and gave dominion over it to the crafty ape he called man. And to each generation was born a creature of light and a creature of darkness. And great armies clashed by night in the ancient war between good and evil. There was magic then, nobility, and unimaginable cruelty. And so it was until the day that a false sun exploded over Sykuin, and man forever traded away wonder for reason.
Argyle Whitebeard, Lore Keeper