Shamisen of Solitude (3.5e Equipment)

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How many caskets do we have? Because we're going to need three more, no matter how this turns out.
—Rygar Bronzesteel, Dwarven Fighter
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The Shamisen of Solitude is an instrument made famous by legendary bard Douie Solitude. The shamisen is a three-stringed instrument. When played, it enables the performer to work one suggestion (as the spell, Will DC 14 negates) into the music for each 10 minutes of playing if he can succeed on a DC 14 Perform (string instruments) check. If the check fails, the audience cannot be affected by any further performances from the harpist for 24 hours.

Faint enchantment; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, suggestion; Price 7,500 gp;Weight 5 lb.

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