5e Special Classes
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Prestige Classes[edit]
Name | Prerequisites | Summary |
Absorber Berserker | Strength 13, Constitution 13, Wisdom 13; Proficiency in the Arcana; Access to the Extra Attack feature; Access to the Rage feature. | A barbarian capable of absorbing magic. |
Acrobat | Dexterity 15 or higher; Proficiency in the Acrobatics and Athletics skill; Proficiency in Dexterity saving throws; Character level 5th. | Agility based martial class, focused on enhancing the character's mobility in combat |
Angelic Warrior | Charisma13; Constitution15; Wisdom13; Good Aligned; Martial Weapon Proficiency; Divine Caster; 12th Level Character; Moment of Pride | The path for only the most righteous and devote warriors. |
Arcanist | Int 13; proficiency in the Arcana skill; sorcerer 3rd; wizard 1st; find a formula from your innate magic. | You have innate source of magic within you, and you delved further into yourself to find the formula that can be applied to any magic you wield. |
Archcleric | ||
Archdruid | ||
Archmagus | ||
Archpaladin | ||
Baelnorn | 10th level or higher in a full caster class | A divine being of undeath. |
Berserker, Prestige | Str 15+, Con 15+, Extra Attack class feature | Fierce nigh-unkillable soldiers of war |
Capoeirista, Prestige | Dexterity 20 or higher; Proficiency in the Acrobatics skill; Monk level 8th | Martial Art-based class to be used as a Monk prestige class |
Defier | 20th level Fearless Guardian (5e Class), Slay an Epic Foe, Epic Trial:Expedition into Oblivion | One who masters using their own soul to surpass the limits of his flesh. |
Demon Eye Hunter | Constitution and Wisdom 13 or higher; Proficiency in the Survival and Perception skill; Character level 5th; ;Access to Extra Attack. | A warrior who replace one of his eyes for that of a demon, in order to track and kill their enemies. |
Draconic Champion | Strength 13 or higher; Charisma 13 or higher; Proficiency in the Athletics skill; Know the Draconic language; Character level 5th | A warrior that wields the power of a dragon. |
Dragon Disciple | 5th level, 1st-level arcane spell, Arcana proficiency, Draconic language, not a non-draconic sorcerer | Spellcasters who embrace their draconic heritage and learn to channel their abilities can become dragon disciples, fearsome warriors who possess not only the repertoire of an accomplished sorcerer but also the ability to unleash the furious power of dragons upon their foes. |
Dragoon, 2nd Variant | This is a dragon-like class. | |
Extended Cleric Levels | ||
Fey Warden | Wisdom 13 or higher; Charisma 13 or higher; Proficiency in the Nature skill; Know the Sylvan language; Character level 5th | A soul imbued with fey magic. |
Forbidden Art of Asura | Strength 13, Constitution 13; Proficiency in the Athletics; Access to the Extra Attack feature; Complete a special task. | Martial Art-based class that harness Red Qi to unleash the rage of the Asura. |
Heavenly Demonic Arts User | Strength or Dexterity 13, Wisdom 13; Proficiency in the Religion or Medicine skill; Access to the Extra Attack feature; Complete a special task. | Martial Art-based class that harness Qi to produce a powerful aura. |
Hellknight | 10th level character; Proficiency in simple weapons, martial weapons, light armor, medium armor and heavy armor; able to cast at least a 1st-level spell; Lawful Evil; Friendly contact with a devil. | A warrior who struck a pact with the devil for power. |
Hidden Fist | ||
Intelligent Ooze | Creature categories must include ooze, character level 10th or higher | Oozes exploring their dark connection to Jubilex and learning powers of agility and subversion. |
Irontail Ascetic | WIS/CHA >=13, Stunning Strike, Metamagic, Ki Points, Sorcery Points | Hybrid Monk/Sorcerer with draconic powers and martial skills |
Lich, Prestige | Intelligence13; Constitution15;Arcana Proficiency; 11th spellcaster; Special Ritual | An undead and immortal spellcaster. |
Master of War | ||
Master of War, Variant | ||
Multi Wielder | 13 dexterity, four or more hands, 10 class levels | Use more than two hands, sacrifice a bit of durability for damage. |
Mystic Theurge | ||
Nature Shaman | 1 Druid level, 13 Wisdom | |
Occult Slayer | 13 Str, 5th Level Minimum, proficient in Arcana and Religion, Have the Mage Slayer feat | A warrior focused on the slaying of spellcasters. |
Ronin | Non-Lawful Alignment, Strength and Dexterity Ability Scores of 13, Proficiency in History, Diplomacy and Samurai Weapons, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian, Rogue, Monk or Warlock of 5th level, special condition. | Lawless Master of War. |
Spectral Arm | Must be a Zora or aquatic race, and have been blessed by a water elemental or aquatic royalty. | Blessed by a water elemental, you have gained the ability to create water weapons in the shape of any you see. |
Stigmas | ||
Talon of Tiamat (3.5 Draconomicon Conversion) | Evil, Charisma 13, Constitution 13, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon, Draconic. | A devout follower of the Dragon Queen. |
Ultimate Magus | Blend your innate spellcasting abilities with your learned spellcasting abilities | |
Vampire Spawn | 1st level in any other class, Constitution 13 or Wisdom 13, humanoid, be bitten by a vampire or be a Dhampir | You are a creation of a vampire, given a fragment of their power in exchange for unwavering loyalty whether you want it or not. |
Vigilante | Dex 15+, Cha 13+, Nonevil, Proficiency in Intimidation, Investigation, and Perception, Minimum of 5th level. | Deliver justice outside the eyes of the law |
Weaponsmaster | Proficiency with all martial weapons; 10th level; Extra Attack feature |
Prestige Classes Based on Existing Fiction[edit]
Name | Prerequisites | Summary |
Ascended Saiyan | 20th level Saiyan Fighter, Variant (5e Class) with a Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, or Wisdom score of at least 20. | A saiyan warrior who has surpassed their mortality. |
Ascended Saiyan, Variant | 20th level Saiyan Fighter, Variant (5e Class) with a Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, or Wisdom score of at least 20. | A saiyan warrior who has surpassed their mortality. |
Breath of Thunder | Dexterity and Constitution 13 or higher; Proficiency in the Acrobatics skill; Access to the Extra Attack feature. | A swordsman who uses breathing techniques to conjure the power of lightning. |
Cannibal Ghoul | 20th level Tokyo Ghoul | A ghoul who has awakened a dark power through cannibalism. |
Deep Scion | 1st level in any other class, Constitution 13 or Wisdom 13, humanoid, be transformed by a kraken. | |
Dread Fighter | Str or Dex 13, Int or Wis 13, proficiency with one type of artisan's tools, character level 5th, complete a special task | A warrior with resistance to magic. |
Enlightened One, Variant | ||
Illithid, Variant | 1st level in any other class, Constitution 13 or Wisdom 13, humanoid, be infected by an illithid tadpole | |
Jecheondaeseong | ||
Knight Protector | Strength and Charisma of 13, 5th level minimum, any lawful alignment, Proficiency with heavy armor and shields | Become adept at protecting your allies |
Mipha's Chosen | con 13+, wis 13+, 2nd-level spell slot, Zora, special task | Zora that are excellent at defense and recovery. |
Philosopher of the East | 20th level Homunculus (5e Class). | An artificial lifeform that has surpassed the bounds of all other life, and potentially even the concept of life itself. |
Philosopher of the West | 20th level Transmutation Alchemist (5e Class). | An alchemist who has mastered the powers of life and death, and may even learn to surpass equivalent exchange as a whole. |
Tattooed Monk | Dexterity and Wisdom of 13, Proficiency in Religion, and have the unarmored defense trait or the natural weapon trait. | Inscribe magical tattoos on your body for |
Xaositect | Charisma 13 or higher, 4th level minimum, any chaotic alignment, and proficiency with all weapons and armors | Become a promoter of chaos through magic and marital strife |
Z Fighter | 20th level Saiyan Fighter, Variant (5e Class) with a Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, or Wisdom score of at least 20. | A warrior without limits. |
Racial Classes[edit]
Name | Prerequisites | Summary |
Angel Paragon | Angels are spiritual beings created by a lawful good deity to act as servants, messengers and warriors. | |
Angel Paragon, Variant | You must be of the Angel race to be an Angel Paragon. | |
Animated Armor | ||
Cannibal Ghoul | 20th level Tokyo Ghoul | A ghoul who has awakened a dark power through cannibalism. |
Coalescent | ||
Confessor | Human race, Female, Cha 17 | Those Brought forth to reveal the truth. |
Demon King | ||
Ditto | ||
Drider | Drow | |
Drow Paragon | Dark Elf or Half-Dark Elf | Most drow paragons embody all their race’s evil nature and delight in calculated cruelty, but some manage to pull away from this dark path, instead embodying the potential that all elves share for beauty, grace, and martial skill. |
Elf Paragon | Elf or half-elf, not a dark elf | With their long life spans and many talents, elves excel in numerous areas and classes, but a few exemplify to an even greater degree the complex and powerful nature of their race. |
Gnoll Supplicant | Gnoll | |
Grippli Metamorph | Grippli | |
Hollow Knight | ||
Human Paragon | Human | Human inventors, explorers, and others who push the boundaries of knowledge and experience may become human paragons. |
Illithid | ||
Intelligent Ooze | Creature categories must include ooze, character level 10th or higher | Oozes exploring their dark connection to Jubilex and learning powers of agility and subversion. |
Kobold Inventor | Kobold, an intelligence score of 13 or higher | Crafters of highly-fragile weapons, which are more dangerous than they look. |
Kuo-Toa Deep One | Kuo-Toa | Channel the imaginary power of the kuo-toa gods within yourself |
Life-fiber Hybrid | ||
Medabot | ||
Mind Flayer, Prestige | ||
Mipha's Chosen | con 13+, wis 13+, 2nd-level spell slot, Zora, special task | Zora that are excellent at defense and recovery. |
Nano Spider | ||
Parasite | ||
Predator | ||
Quaggoth Thonot | Quaggoth | |
Sahuagin Raider | Sahuagin | As a sahuagin grows in maturity and devotion to Sekolah, their command over the sea grows. |
Sainted | Sainted subrace or sainted race variant | The exalted descendants of a martyr. |
Scalekin | ||
Sentinel Construct | ||
Series 800 Terminator | ||
Tiefling Paragon | Tiefling | Tiefling paragons, both good and evil, are those who most successfully come to terms with their family's history. The good ones see themselves as rising above their ancestry, while the evil ones embrace its power. |
Transcendent Slime | ||
Vampire Spawn | 1st level in any other class, Constitution 13 or Wisdom 13, humanoid, be bitten by a vampire or be a Dhampir | You are a creation of a vampire, given a fragment of their power in exchange for unwavering loyalty whether you want it or not. |
Wendigo | ||
YoRHa Troop |
Other Special Classes[edit]
Name | Prerequisites | Summary |
Incomplete Classes[edit]
Classes with one or many improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template.
Classes that are works in progress.
External Links[edit]
- Prestige Classes and Rune Magic at WotC
- Modifying Classes at WotC