Fearless Guardian (5e Class)

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Fearless Guardian[edit]

A high-elf was grunting heavily. The dwarf he'd been fighting was only defending himself, and without any armor. He should've already found several openings, was his last thought as his head was cut from his neck.

A platoon of orcs sneak up to the dragonkin camp in the midst of night. Protecting it stands a solitary tattooed warrior. They think she is a mere barbarian whose strength they will easily overcome. The next morning the orcs, half passed out from exhaustion, plead the dragonkin camp for water and rest in exchange for their surrender.

The halfling had finally managed to get a hit in against the weird naked human. His shield was faster than any elf he'd seen before, but without any armor, his back was wide open. But the eyes of the human, instead of filled with pain and confusion, were like a serene green sea, perfectly peaceful. The halfling decided the gold wasn't worth his life, and ran as fast as his little legs took him.

Calm in the face of misfortune[edit]

A fearless guardian works to never falter in combat, for they know that their undisturbed state is all that keeps them alive when dancing with death. For others, this would be an extremely stressful state to maintain while fighting. But fearless guardians combine natural aptitude with endless lethal training to be able to achieve and benefit from this state of ennui.

Fearless guardian abilities stake their life for benefit, even if they understand the obvious risk, the closer they are to death, the more concentrated they are forced to become. But the closer they are to death, the less they can protect those around them. This thin line is what all fearless guardians learn to toe, even as it thins to a knife point.

Danger Seekers[edit]

Fearless guardians do much to push their reflexes and concentration to the limit, this starts when they choose the path of fearlessness, and throw away their armor. They are not barbarians, who use brute force and manic anger to ignore the pain and danger of their situation. Danger is their fuel, and each time they go against death, they try to go just a bit farther. Every fearless guardian thinks of this risk differently, just as every one of them thinks of death as something different. What they all share, though. Is that their views aren't shared by most, and many fearless guardians are shunned and painted as lunatics by those too complacent to recognize the merit of being pushed to the precipice of death.

Creating a Fearless Guardian[edit]

When building a fearless guardian, think of how your character came to choose the dangerous path of dauntlessness. Is it practiced around warriors they grew up around, or was it something that only the madmen in fairy-tales tried to do? Did a calm awaken in them during a traumatic life-or-death moment? Are they naturally disconnected from the world around them and their emotions, and their fighting style is just an extension of how they are? Or are they actually very neurotic, and can only achieve calmness when throwing themselves into danger? Do they truly believe they have the skills, or blind luck to skirt the edge of death, or do they not fear death for other reasons? Do they know any loved ones or companions on the other side of life, and they wouldn't mind meeting them? Or is their current situation already so bad that they think the other side can't be that much worse?

Heroic warriors who fight without protection on their body or hesitation in their hearts

By Destructive creations

Quick Build

You can make a fearless guardian quickly by following these suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the Outlander background.

Class Features

As a fearless guardian you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per fearless guardian level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per fearless guardian level after 1st


Armor: Light armor and shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Dexterity and Charisma
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, Medicine, Performance, Persuasion, Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

Table: The fearless guardian

Level Proficiency
Tranquilities Features
1st +2 - Earnest Appeal, Fearless Defense
2nd +2 2 Resolve
3rd +2 2 Dogma
4th +2 3 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 3 Extra Attack, Vigilance of the Brink
6th +3 4 Ability Score Improvement
7th +3 4 Steadfast Appeal,Dogma Teaching
8th +3 5 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 5 Unflappable
10th +4 5 Daring Spirit
11th +4 5 The Danger Line
12th +4 6 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 6 Dogma Teaching
14th +5 6 Ability Score Improvement
15th +5 6 Prescient Preparation, Unflappable (2)
16th +5 7 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 7 Dogma Teaching
18th +6 7 Unflappable (3), Daring Spirit (2)
19th +6 8 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 8 The Sublime Edge

Earnest Appeal[edit]

As a fearless guardian, you learn to attract dangers onto yourself. On your turn, you may use a bonus action to appeal to one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. Until the start of your next turn, if that creature's first damaging attack or spell effect doesn't include you as one of its targets, they have disadvantage on the attack, or the targets have advantage on their saving rolls against it. Additionally, the targets have resistance to the damage dealt by the attack or spell effect.

Fearless Defense[edit]

Beginning at 1st level, while you are wearing no armor, your AC equals 10 + your Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.


Starting at level 2, your style of battle allows you to showcase inner strength that would be unthinkable for other combatants. Your fearlessness is represented by a pool of resolve points. You can never have more resolve points than your total level times two. Resolve points are your unflinching confidence in the face of imminent danger, as such, you earn resolve points when put in situations that breathe fear into others:

  • On the first turn of combat you take, you get your proficiency bonus amount of resolve points.
  • If you are not wearing any armor, you get one resolve point at the start of each of your subsequent turns.
  • If you are blinded, poisoned or incapacitated because of an enemy effect, you get one resolve point at the start of your turn.

You can spend these resolve points to activate tranquilities. You start knowing two of these tranquilities, which you choose from the Tranquilities list at the end of this class. Your fearless guardian level determines the number of tranquilities you have, as shown in the Tranquilities column of the fearless guardian table. Whenever you gain a tranquility, you may chosoe to forget one you already know for another one.


A fearless guardian's state of tranquility in battle is their greatest strength. Once they achieve enough resolve to become the calm in the middle of the storm in battle, they become insurmountable walls, wearing their opponents down with ease.

  • You can spend a bonus action or action to activate a tranquility. If you have the Extra Attack feature, you can activate a tranquility instead of taking one attack.
  • All tranquilities last for a minute, or until the battle ends. (whichever happens second)
  • The number of tranquilities you can perform at the same time is equal to your proficiency bonus
  • Tranqulities call you to roll stillness at certain times. When this happens, roll a six sided die. If the results are 2 to 5, nothing happens. If the result is a one, fear takes over you and the effect of the tranquility is lost. But if you roll a six, your nerves hold, and you get one resolve point.
  • You can stop performing a tranquility as an action or bonus action.
Performing tranquilities outside of combat.

A fearless guardian lives and breathes the dangers of life and death, and as such only then are they able to access the full extent of their calm. Although, it is possible to try and access their well of courage outside of battle. To perform a tranquility outside of combat, roll a Charisma check of DC equal to 10+the resolve required for that tranquility. If you fail, all tranquilities you are currently performing immediately stop, and you cannot try performing any tranquility in this way again until you finish a short or long rest. (You can perform them in combat as normal, though)


At 3rd level, you chose a dogma. Choose between the dogma of life, the dogma of steel, or dogma of death, all of which are detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you a teaching at level 3, and again at levels 7, 13, and 17.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack[edit]

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Vigilance of the Brink[edit]

You have gotten used to being next to death, you no longer lose your cool when you realize you are nearing her embrace. Instead, your resolve only strengthens under the size of the great beyond. Starting at level 5, you receive the following benefits:

  • If you have half or less hp remaining, you gain one resolve at the start of each of your turns, except the first one you take in any combat.
  • Your hp needs to drop to minus double its original value for you to be killed instantly.

Steadfast Appeal[edit]

Beginning at level 7, you have gotten so used to inviting danger to yourself that, with enough courage, you can grab the attention of multiple enemies at once. You may choose to spend resolve points to add additional targets to your Earnest Appeal ability. You may add one additional target for every resolve point you spend this way. Additionally, your Earnest Appeal feature's range is extended to 60 ft.


Your continuous dance with danger has given you a level of confidence and concentration that helps you in achieving most anything you put your mind to. Beginning at level 9. You can choose to add your Charisma modifier to any skill or attribute roll, including ones that already add your Charisma modifier. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. You can use this feature twice between short or long rests starting at 14th level and three times starting at 18th level.

Daring Spirit[edit]

You are filled with a foolhardy belief that you will protect yourself and your companions, even if the crowding wounds on your body would tell a different story. From level 10, you can use your bonus action to spend and roll up to your Constitution modifier of hit dice, you gain temporary hit points equal to double the result of your rolls. These temporary hit points last for 10 minutes. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again. You can use this feature twice between long rests starting at 18th level.

The Danger Line[edit]

You have become not just accustomed, but adjusted to the state of imminent danger you are put in when you are close to the edge of consciousness. When you cross "The danger line", all your senses are pushed to their limit, and you fight with a tenacity most can't achieve with years of training. Beginning at level 11, when you are at or below half hp, you gain the following benefits:

  • You have resistance to piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning damage
  • You add your Charisma modifier to all your saving throws.
  • You can use your Constitution modifier in place of strength for your melee weapon to-hit and damage rolls.
  • You can take two reactions between your turns.

Split-Second Peace[edit]

At 14th level, your mind has become so adjusted to the thoughtless form of battle you engage in that performing tranquilities doesn't take as much effort as it once used to. You can begin performing a tranquility as a bonus action. Additionally, you can stop performing any number of tranquilities as a free action.

Prescient Preparation[edit]

Your body and the wounds on it are reminders of how you could die at any moment. You have learned to be always prepared to look death in the eyes, wherever it may come from. Whenever you finish a long rest, choose one tranquility with cost equal to or lower than your proficiency bonus divided by two (rounded down). You are always performing that tranquility. You can change the tranquility you prepare this way after you finish a long rest.

The Sublime Edge[edit]

At level 20, you have become absolutely unwavering. At your most desperate moments, when all others have no choice but to lay down their weapons. You stand up without wincing. You have learned to fight in critical condition better than men fighting in perfect health. The power you have is not magic, just the effect of pure concentrated calm in the face of all circumstance. The first time you drop to 0 hit points, you don't fall unconscious. Instead, you keep fighting:

  • You don't make a death saving throw at the start of each of your turns.
  • You receive your proficiency bonus number of resolve points at the start of each of your turns.
  • A result of one on a stillness roll no longer stops your tranquilities.
  • You gain resistance to all types of damage.
  • You gain advantage on all saving throws.

This effect lasts for 10 minutes. It can be stopped prematurely by suffering 3 death saving throw failures or receiving any hit points (except temporary hit points). Once this feature is used, a short or long rest must be finished before it can be used again.


Hesitation is the poison of fearless guardians, they are always one moment from disaster. As such, every single guardian has teachings they repeat to themselves in the midst of battle so that doubt will never sneak into their thoughts. The kind of dogma a guardian adheres to defines how they view battles and danger, and how they choose to try and control the chaos they throw themselves into.

Dogma of life[edit]

Dogma of life guardians think of life as precious, and every wound they suffer deepens their appreciation of it. They think that others mustn't be made to suffer the trials they put on themselves. They put themselves in danger so that the ones they care for won't have to get hurt, and they have abilities to make sure their companions finish the fight in one piece.

Life Doctrine

At 3rd level, you gain access to the following tranquilities, and they don't count towards your total tranquilities:

Tranquility of Life
2 resolve

You are a silent protector, your allies know you are at their side.
When you perform this tranquility and at the start of each of your turns, you and all allied creatures within 15 feet of you gain temporary hp equal to your Charisma modifier. These temporary hit points last for a minute after this tranquility stops. Roll stillness each time this effect triggers.

Tranquility of Reassurance
1 resolve

You make sure nobody you care about will have the chance to be hurt
Your calm in battle spreads all around you, reminding your allies to remain focused and alert. All friendly creatures within 15 feet of you gain +1 AC and add 2 to all saving throws they make. Whenever a friendly creature loses hit points, roll stillness.

Unified Resolve

Beginning at 7th level, gain one resolve if at the start of your turn if there is at least one friendly creature within 5 ft. of you. Additionally, you learn the following tranquility, it doesn't count towards your total tranquilities.

Tranquility of Compassion
1 resolve

You swear to your allies that you will not let them die.
Whenever a friendly creature within 15 feet of you takes damage, they instead take half damage. This effect stacks with resistances. After this effect is used, roll stillness. If you have more than half health, you can choose to take the same amount of damage instead of rolling stillness. Roll stillness at the start of each of your turns.

Upholder of Life

Beginning at 13th level, your tranquilities that affect friendly creatures within 15 feet of you now have their range extended to 30 feet. And your Unified Resolve feature now works if at least one friendly creature is within 10 ft. of you. Additionally, whenever you are at half or below hit points, all friendly creatures within 30 feet add your Charisma modifier to all their saving throws.

Vast Tranquility

At level 17th, you learn the Tranquility of Harmony, it doesn't count towards your total tranquilities.

Tranquility of Harmony
4 resolve

Your aura of concentration is contagious. You have learned to share your training.
When you begin performing this tranquility, choose another tranquility, except Tranquility of Compassion. The effects of that tranquility spread to all friendly creatures that are within 30 ft. of you. If either this tranquility or your chosen tranquility would end, end both instead. Roll stillness at the start of each of your turns. You can activate this tranquility multiple times, choosing a different tranquility to spread each time.

Dogma of steel[edit]

For most guardians, battles are tests in which their abilities to stare skirt death are measured. Dogma of steel guardians think of battles as opportunities to show their unflinching endurance. They do not let enemies slip by them, and they create situations to push themselves to the limit. The fact that those same enemies aren't let to bother the guardian's less composed allies is a fortunate side effect.

Steel Doctrine

At 3rd level, you gain access to the following tranquilities, and they don't count towards your total tranquilities:

Tranquility of Entrapment
2 resolve

You make an ample gesture to challenge everyone next to you
When you begin this tranquility and as a bonus action on subsequent turns, you can use Earnest Appeal on all hostile creatures within 5 feet of you. Additionally, you may choose to spend your reaction to half the damage a creature afflicted by this tranquility dealt to you, make a stillness roll afterwards. Make a stillness roll at the start of each of your turns.

Tranquility of Pressure
1 resolve

Your peaceful expression is more demanding than any glare
Choose a number of creatures up to your proficiency bonus. Whenever one of them attempts a movmement that would put it farther away from you then it started, it must make a Wisdom saving throw of DC equal to 8+(your proficiency bonus)+your Charisma modifier. On a fail, the movement fails. Roll stillness after a creature makes this roll (whether they succeed or fail).

Reinforced Resolve

Beginning at 7th level, gain one resolve if at the start of your turn if there are more hostile creature than there are friendly creatures within 5 ft. of you. Additionally, you learn the following tranquility.

Tranquility of Steel
2 resolve

You are a machine of war, your will is stronger than any armor
When you begin this tranquility and at the start of each of your subsequent turns, you lose hp equal to your proficiency bonus times your Constitution modifier, and gain double the amount you lost as temporary hit points. The hit points gained by this tranquility stack with themselves. These hit points last until 10 minutes after you stop performing this tranquility. If your hp is half or less than your maximum hp at the end of your turn, this tranquility ends.

Upholder of Steel

Beginning at 13th level, you have the ability to impose disadvantage on an attack made from a creature that you've used Earnest Appeal on in your last turn, as a reaction. Additionally, the effects of Vigilance of the Brink and The Danger Line now trigger when you are at or below two thirds hit points, instead of half. Booming Guardian At level 17th, you learn the Tranquility of Reverberation, it doesn't count towards your total tranquilities.

Tranquility of Reverberation
5 resolve

Not just your weapon and shield, but your soul itself booms when it is hit.
Whenever an enemy creature damages you, they take the same amount of thunder damage (before applying resistances). If an enemy creature misses an attack roll against you, they take 4d8+your Charisma modifier thunder damage. Roll stillness the first time you are damaged in a round.

Dogma of Death[edit]

All guardians approach death as part of their training. It is a crucial part of how they are trained that they learn to live in the dangers of the brink of the corporeal and incorporeal. But some guardians focus on another aspect of their training. The pain they suffer. They realise that it's not only danger, but pain itself that brings out their absolute courage. Dogma of Death guardians do not relish killing and death any more than other guardians, but they most appreciate the power of suffering inflicted onto them an others. They're not as gloomy as most think.

Death Doctrine

At 3rd level, you gain access to the following tranquilities, and they don't count towards your total tranquilities:

Tranquility of Imperfection
2 resolve

Nobody is perfect, we all bleed, some just hide it better
When you start performing this tranquility, choose a target you can see within 20 ft. and a damage type. That target gains a vulnerability to that damage type. Alternatively, if they have a resistance to that damage type, they lose the resistance. Roll stillness every time they take damage of your chosen damage type. You can perform this tranquility multiple times, choosing a different damage type on a target or a different target each time you do.

Tranquility of Death
1 resolve

Death comes for us all, so let's not keep her waiting
When you start performing this tranquility, you create a 20 ft. aura of death around you. Whenever a hostile creature within this aura takes damage, they also take necrotic damage equal to your Charisma modifier . On the flip-side, whenever you are damaged, you also take Charisma modifier (minimum 1) times your proficiency bonus damage. This counts as a different source of damage. Roll stillness every time you are damaged.

Wounded Resolve

Beginning at 7th level, you gain one resolve the second time you take damage in a round, except the first round, from any source. Additionally, you learn the following tranquility:

Tranquility of Onslaught
2 resolve

You display your wide-open body, forcing your enemies to focus on you instead of your allies.
Your allies get advantage on to hit rolls against enemies you've used Earnest Appeal on. On the flipside, all enemies you've used Earnest Appeal on get advantage on to hit rolls against you, and you have disadvantage on saving throws against damaging spell effects cast by those creatures. Roll stillness whenever an enemy misses an attack against you.

Upholder of Death

Beginning at 13th level, whenever you take damage and have any temporary hit points, you can choose lower your hit points instead. Additionally, while you are at or below half hp, you triple all temporary hit points you gain, and gain one resolve whenever you start performing a tranquility you've learnt from this dogma.

Roaring Quiet

At level 17th, you learn the Tranquility of Silence, it doesn't count towards your total tranquilities.

Tranquility of Silence
3 tranquility

All sounds are muffled by fog, your resolve has finally called her
Double all the damage you take. Whenever you take damage from any source, deal 3d8 necrotic damage to all hostile creatures within 30 ft.. When you are at or below half hp, double the damage you take again, and the damage you deal raises to 9d8. This tranquility only ends when you stop performing it, or die.


Tranquility of Breathing
1 resolve

You regulated your breathing as if you are meditating.
You gain a resolve point at the start of each of your turns. Roll calm every time an enemy makes an attack roll against you or casts a damaging spell effect with you as one of its targets.

Tranquility of Sense
2 resolve

Your senses become relaxed, and your reflexes are sharpened
When you perform this Tranquility, choose an attribute. You gain advantage in saving throws of that attribute. Roll stillness after rolling a saving throw of the attribute you've chosen. You can perform this Tranquility multiple times, choosing a different attribute each time.

Tranquility of Heart
2 resolve

You remember the old stories of great heroes before you, and your body is filled with their presence.
You gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier at the start of each turn. The temporary hit points from this tranquility stack with themselves, up to a maximum of your Charisma modifier times your level. Whenever you get these temporary hit points, you can choose to spend a number of resolve points, and get a temporary hit point for every point spent. These temporary hit points last for a minute after this tranquility wears off. Make a stillness roll after you receive the temporary hit points. When you reach level 5, double all hp given from this tranquility, triple it instead at level 11, and quadruple it instead at level 17.

Tranquility of Joints
4 resolve

Your ligaments become flexible like water, and you start flowing with and around strikes done around you.
When you activate this, and at the start of each of your turns, your AC increases by one, up to a maximum of your Charisma modifier. Roll calmness the first time an enemy fails a to hit roll against you each round. (Not each turn, so you would roll once between your turns.)

Tranquility of Warfare
2 resolve

Your soul burns, your strikes are guided to finish the fight, not because you are taken with emotion, but because you know to fight is your duty.
Your weapon attacks deal an extra d6 of damage, of the same type as your weapon. You can also choose to use any amount of resolve points after declaring an attack but before rolling to hit. Add an extra d4 of damage to the attack for each point of resolve used. Roll stillness after you take the attack action on your turn.

Tranquility of Composure
0 resolve

Your expression, softens, making you look perfectly peaceful. Though your enemies see this as a mocking gesture.
Your Earnest Appeal's effect lasts for all of a creature's attacks, instead of just its first one. Roll stillness every time you are targeted with an attack or damaging spell effect. Even if you fail this check, the effect of this tranquility lasts until the start of your next turn.

Tranquility of Determination
1 resolve

Nothing will break your peace, you've sworn to yourself.
Whenever you roll one on a stillness roll, you may choose to take 5*(your proficiency bonus) damage instead of ending a tranquilty. If you drop to or below half your maximum hit points, this tranquility immediately ends.

Tranquility of Animation
4 resolve

Like a kid inundated with presents, you are filled with excited glee.
You can take a second action on your turn. Roll stillness after you take any action. (but not bonus action or reaction).

Tranquility of Desperation
1 resolve

Desperation flashes in your eyes, you decide to make yourself resolute.
At the start of your turn, you take damage equal to three times your proficiency bonus (this damage doesn't trigger any effects that trigger when you take damage), and gain one resolve point.

Tranquility of Guidance
2 resolve

You swing your weapon like a deadly dagger, slamming your enemies with conviction"
Add your Charisma modifier to your weapon to-hit and damage rolls. Roll stillness after you perform the attack action.

Tranquility of Six Senses
4 resolve

All your senses sharpen to a fine point, you become aware of everything happening around you.
You gain advantage in every saving throw. Roll stillness every time you make a saving throw.

Tranquility of Mobility
2 resolve

You gain enough balance to support yourself on a finger
Your speed increases by 20 ft. you gain the ability to move along vertical surfaces and across liquids on your turn without falling during the move. Roll stillness at the end of your turn if you ended it on the same space you started it.

Tranquility of Encouragement
5 resolve

Your allies can put their all into attacking, their enemies won't hit back with you here
All friendly creatures within 15 ft. of you deal an extra 1d12 damage when they hit with a weapon attack. Roll stillness at the start of each of your turns.

Tranquility of Excitement
2 resolve

Your calm grows restless in the face of deadly combat
While you are performing this tranquility rolling a 5 or a 4 on a stillness roll gives you one resolve. Rolling a 2 has the same effect as rolling a 1. Rolling a 3 means you must roll again. Roll stillness for this if you rolled a 3 during a stillness roll.

Beyond 20th Level[edit]

A level 20 Fearless Guardian who wishes to go further beyond in their powers may take the Defier prestige class.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the fearless guardian class, you must meet these prerequisites: 13 Charisma

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the fearless guardian class, you gain the following proficiencies: Shields, simple weapons, martial weapons

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