Transcendent Slime (5e Class)
Transcendent slime[edit]
Note: This class can only be obtained using race described in it.
Slime are jelly masses without any distinguishing features. Their size, color and weight vary greatly from slime to slime, but they all acidic in nature. Slime has no internal organs. Their bodies are a homogeneous mass, each cell of which is capable of performing various functions necessary for survival, and together they are able to coordinate with frightening coherence. For this reason, the consciousness and mind of the slime (if that is) is dispersed throughout the body, which, together with its other features, makes it amazingly tenacious.
Your body is made entirely of slime, but it doesn't excrete any, so you don't leave ooze trails when you move. By consistency, you are more like jelly. You are part of and connected with Juiblex, which allows you to better understand its crazy logic, but it is more difficult to others around understand you. Often you behave strangely and have difficulty explaining things.
![]() |
Usual slime |
According to the Demonomicon of Yggville and other sources, the slime is the scattered fragments and offspring of the demon prince Juiblex. Slime does not have intelligence, which is why they often used by others sentient creatures. Their individuality and considerable intellect are manifested only when they enter a Juiblex or through his will.
Despite that they are an extremely close-knit family, which is looked after with great love and care by Father Slime. Slime, like Juiblex, cares nothing more than satisfying its endless hunger and the usual enjoyment of its own exist. Slime is convinced that everything must become a part of her in order to find out the real charm of existing.
Slime Names[edit]
Contrary to misconception, each slime has a true name given to it at birth. However, unlike normal demons, his knowledge does not give other beings control over the slime, as they are all part of their insane father.
Slimes have no gender, so their names are universal and they always have a repeating letter: Ogg, Suu, Agga, Rimma, Oozie, Jello.
When creating a slime character, you can use a table of traits, goals, ideals, and flaws to flesh out your character. Use these tables in your description of the characteristics of your origin, or instead of them.
d8 | Character traits | |
1 | I try to eat everything. Literally. | |
2 | I worship only Juiblex and am completely indifferent to other gods. | |
3 | I don't have an established identity, instead I use a new identity for every form I take. | |
4 | I consider slime to be the best species in the universe, and often remind of my superiority. | |
5 | I can't stand Juiblex for what he did to me, but I kind of like what he made me. This conflict haunts me (for those who are converted). | |
6 | My appearance and way of thinking makes me seem crazy and intimidating. | |
7 | I am nostalgic for my former life and take on a form very similar to my old one (for those who are converted).
I envy another life form (pick which one) and want my true form to be it (for slime-born). | |
8 | I love my slimy family very much and would do anything for them. |
d6 | Ideals | |
1 | Stability: I was a good ludor in my past life and I want to keep that even as a slime. | |
2 | Greater Good: The Progenitor has charged us to heal the world of imperfection. I will fulfill this holy mission by absorbing everything I can to make it a part of us. | |
3 | Knowledge: From my progenitor, I inherited an incredible curiosity for all knowledge and wisdom. After all, the more I know about something or someone, the tastier it is. | |
4 | Community: Alone, one slime is just a drop, but together we are an ocean. Likewise, others need to be able to work together. | |
5 | Supremacy: I must prove the superiority of the slime to us by the rest of the races! By any means. | |
6 | Change: The only thing that stays the same is change. Therefore, I do not resist and even contribute to it. |
d6 | Goals | |
1 | I'm working to keep or get my old life back before I became a slime. | |
2 | Juiblex changed me against my will into this form. I'll take revenge! | |
3 | I want to have a baby with ludor, but I can't because I'm not fertile. And by budding, Ludors cannot reproduce. I am looking for a way to accomplish this. | |
4 | I still appreciate my past life and I am ready to do everything for those who were dear to me. | |
5 | I want to create the first state consisting only of slime! | |
6 | I'm trying to figure out why and why Juiblex turned me into a slime. |
d6 | Flaws | |
1 | I try to impose the superiority of slimes over other races, and I do so in the most vitriolic form of criticism imaginable. That's why I don't have friends. | |
2 | I am obsessed with absorbing something new, hitherto untested. | |
3 | I'm ready to go and help anyone with anything. | |
4 | I am obsessed with revenge on my progenitor. | |
5 | I secretly think that things would be better if most of the ludors became slime. | |
6 | My sense of self and identity is very weak as a result of constant shapeshifting. |
d100 | Juiblex madness | |
1-10 | I must absorb everything I can! | |
11-20 | I refuse to part with any of my party members. Because secretly I consider them as my food. And the better I know them, the tastier they become. | |
21-30 | My identity doesn't matter. I am what I absorb. | |
31-40 | Secretly, I'm trying to find a way to turn my party members and everyone I like into slime. | |
41-60 | I judge ludors by the amount of liquid in their bodies. The bigger, the better. | |
51-60 | I secretly think that things would be better if most of the ludors became slime. | |
61-70 | I will do my best to make others eat and drink beyond their measure. | |
71-80 | In my speech, I often use the word "slime" and all its derivatives. I call all other races slime: big slime, small slime, green slime, eared slime, etc. | |
81-90 | I find gold very tasty, so I devour all the gold coins and jewelry that I see. Including their teammates. | |
91-00 | I love the swamp because there is a lot of dirty water and slime. Therefore, I try to spoil every nearest body of water. |
Slime Traits[edit]
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2 and Wisdom by 2.
Age. You are "born" with an understanding of how the world works or some of its features, hidden from most mortals. You do not grow up in the usual sense, but acquire new skills. You cannot die of old age.
Alignment. Slimes are mostly chaotic neutral, or chaotic good, but some have grown evil.
Size. at 1 level you are small size.
Speed. Your base walking and climbing speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Eternal hunger. You always feel a slight hunger. This does not present significant discomfort for you, but you are unable to eat fully or overeat. Your daily food intake is 2 times the standard. You are able to digest most organic and inorganic matter, but there are exceptions that must be chosen with the GM.
Legacy of Juiblex. Your unbreakable bond with Juiblex allows you to understand your insane father and think like him. Choose one madness from the Juiblex Madness table, or roll a d100 to determine it randomly.
Slime vitality. You have resistance to Piercing, Slashing, Bludgeoning, and immunity to Acid damage. You are vulnerable to Fire and Thunder damage.
You don't need to sleep, but you do need 8 hours of rest, during which time you can only be in your base form. Because of this, it can sometimes be mistaken for a stone or some other object in the environment.
Amorphous. You can move freely through narrow spaces up to 1 inch wide, provided you are not wearing or carrying anything. You also have advantage on ability checks when try to avoid a grapple.
Universality. You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice.
Languages. You can speak, read (and write when you can hold a pen) Common and Abyssal. If you were a ludor before becoming a slime, choose another language of your choice.
Creating a Transcendent slime[edit]
You were created by the 7th Prince of the Abyss, Juiblex, as one of his children, the black-and-green slime. You could be created by him from himself as an experiment, or as a ludor (mortal of any race), to interest the prince in your actions (this can be anything, like a great feat, or something completely incomprehensible to ordinary mortals, like a strange habit or goals).
In the second option, think about what your life was like before being reborn as a slime? How did you meet the prince? What made you interested in him? How did you receive his blessing? Was this process voluntary, or were you the victim of a demonic whim?
- Slime transformation process
Juiblex swallowed you completely, and you ended up in the body of the Prince of the Abyss. You don't know how long you spent there, maybe a couple of minutes, maybe hundreds or thousands of years. Your body, under the influence of demonic energy, changed its structure, and you became a slime. Think about whether the prince explained something to you? What did you see and feel during the transformation and did you feel anything at all, perhaps you were unconscious? Now you are in the world of mortals in the form of a small lump of black-green slime. You can change the color as a main or bonus action. You ended up in the mortal world no more than 10 days ago.
- Quick Build
You can make a Transcendent Slime quickly by following these suggestions. First, Constitution should be your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity or Wisdom. Second, choose any background.
Class Features
As a Transcendent Slime you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Transcendent Slime level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Transcendent Slime level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: None
Weapons: Natural weapons (your body), and simple.
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Constitution, Dexterity
Skills: Choose three skills from the following: Stealth, Arcana, Nature, Religion, Perception, Survival, Insight, Sleight of Hand, Acrobatics, Intimidation.
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- You don't have equipment or money
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features |
1st | +2 | Slime Tortuosity, Consuming, Mimicry |
2nd | +2 | Shape Control, Flesh Thief, |
3rd | +2 | Beloved Child, Ways of Evolution |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement, Flexible Body |
5th | +3 | Extra Attack |
6th | +3 | Vampirism |
7th | +3 | Ways of Evolution |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement, Genetic Thief |
9th | +4 | Slime Filter |
10th | +4 | Reactive Adaptation |
11th | +4 | Living Battery |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement, Blindsight |
13th | +5 | Magic Sponge |
14th | +5 | Ways of Evolution |
15th | +5 | Magical Thief |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement, Soul Thief |
17th | +6 | Flawless Adaptation |
18th | +6 | Ways of Evolution |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement, Flawless Adaptation |
20th | +6 | Transcendence |
Slime Tortuosity[edit]
At 1st level, while you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier.
At 1st level, you are able to absorb living and non-living matter of your size or one size larger/smaller. You are unable to absorb energy (fire, magic, electricity, etc.). When consumed, you must move within 5 feet of the target and take the grapple action. On a success, the creature is freed and enters a space of its choice within 5 feet of you, taking 2d6 acid damage. Constructs, slime, undead, immaterial and gaseous creatures, water, air, and fire elementals automatically succeed on the save. If a creature you are trying to consume is dead and not of the different types that automatically succeed the saving throw, you automatically consume that creature. If the creature is of the large size, it takes 1 hour to consume it, then for every size category beyond that, you ad on 2 hours, so for a huge it would be 3 hours, and for a gargantuan 5 hours if you are medium sized.
On a failure, the target is grappled by you and takes 1d6 acid damage each round. When you move, the consumed creature moves with you. The trapped creature can attempt to free itself each of its turns by taking an action on a Strength saving throw, difficulty listed below.
If the target is incapacitated, unresistant, down to 1 or 0 hit points, it is consumed by you.
At 1st level, you can mimic any non-living object you have consumed within the last 24 hours. As an action, you become such a copy of its object, but you cannot change its appearance, do not copy its abilities, characteristics, and feel more like jelly to the touch. You can also only transform into one object at a time, and cannot combine one evocation with others. Any sapient creature can expose you, by making Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) check with difficulty listed below.
Shape Control[edit]
At 2nd level, as your strength grows, so does your size, and your ability to control body control. You are now considered a medium-sized creature. You can change your body, give yourself a head, one or two arms, one or two legs, makeshift feet and hands, or you can return to a drop shape (no action required). This allows you to use armor, use weapons, and speak. At the same time, you are look like a humanoid jelly.
With a free action, you can push the pseudopedicle out of you up to 6 inches and 10 feet, or put it back in. You can use this pseudopod to manipulate objects. As an action, you can attack, dealing 1d6 bludgeoning damage + 1d6 acid damage. If the target is nonmagical metal armor, it partially dissolves and suffers a permanent cumulative -1 penalty to AC. The armor is destroyed if its AC concentration penalty is less than 10.
Flesh Thief[edit]
At 2nd level, you can use an action to mimic any living creature you have absorbed within the past 24 hours. You become an exact copy of him, but you cannot change his appearance, do not copy his abilities, characteristics, memories, skills, features and feel more like jelly to the touch.
The clothes and personal effects of the absorbed creature are part of your body. For example, if you absorbed a guard in armor and with a wound on his neck, when you transform, you will be in armor and with a wound. You will not be able to remove or use armor (clothes, personal items) and heal wounds. Wounds do not bring you any discomfort and do not harm, but they may cause questions from others.
Any sentient being can try to expose you by making an Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) check with difficulty listed in "Mimicry".
Beloved Child[edit]
At 3rd level, Juiblex has taken more notice of you and is watching you with one of his thousand eyes. If your hit points are reduced to 0, Juiblex once per day, by its intervention, restores 1 HP to you. Why only once a day? Ask the 7-prince and his logic. Within 120 feet of where you were resurrected, one of the following influences appears under the influence of the void:
DC throw | Effect | |
1-10 | Any living creature within 120 feet of you except you takes 1d20 acid damage. | |
11-20 | The entire area is littered with apples carved with the number 222. Each apple has a 50% chance to heal or poison for 1d4. | |
21-30 | Juiblex considered all of your enemies tasty and consumed 2d12 of their health. | |
31-40 | Juiblex decided to equalize the chances of his child winning and left everyone exactly 1 HP. | |
41-50 | The entire area is covered in slime and is considered difficult terrain. The slime disappears after 1 hour or after being burned by fire. When the slime appears, each creature in its area must succeed on a DC Strength saving throw. 15 or become held. The held creature sticks for the duration of the slime zone or until it breaks free. The restrained creature, or another creature that can reach it, can spend an action to free itself or another creature with a successful DC 15 Strength check.
If the slime engulfs the fire, it burns out after 1 round. You don't stick because you are slime too. | |
51-60 | Each sentient creature must make a successful DC Wisdom saving throw. 13 + your proficiency bonus or become a victim of frenzy determined by the Juiblex Madness table for 1d10 hours.
A creature that makes a successful saving throw cannot fall victim to this regional effect for the next 24 hours. You have nothing to fear, you are already a little crazy. | |
61-70 | You and all your allies have advantage on all checks and saving throws for the one hour. But you have disadvantage on Wisdom and Intelligence checks for the same amount of time. | |
71-80 | Any non-slime creature that starts its turn in the area must succeed on a DC 15 + your BR or be poisoned until the start of the creature's next turn. Poison effects and damage taken are determined by the DM. | |
81-90 | 1d6 clots of black slime appear around you to aid you in reading the hour. After this time, she will attempt to consume you and your allies if she is within 3000 feet of you or your allies. | |
91-00 | Each creature in the area of 120 feet receives one trinket, which is determined on the 1D100 Trinket table. |
Ways of Evolution[edit]
At 3rd level, you can choose the path of further evolution as a slime, and get its benefits at levels 3, 7, 14 and 18.
- Optional
- You can take abilities from different evolution paths, but only at the appropriate level. For example, you can take a level 3 ability from the Path of Immortality at level 3, a level 6 ability from the Path of Assimilation at level 6, and a level 14 ability from the Path of Madness at level 14. Note that you can't take an ability from any path that doesn't match your level! Be sure to discuss with the GM the possibility of using this rule.
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Flexible Body[edit]
At 4th level, your body becomes extremely elastic and begins to tolerate physical activity well. If you fall, you can use your reaction to reduce fall damage by five times your slime level.
Extra Attack[edit]
Starting at 5th level, as part of the Attack action, you can push another pseudopedicle out of yourself to make two pseudopedicle attacks instead of one, or make two weapon attacks.
At 6th level, having tasted the taste of flesh, you become its true connoisseur. Now, using "Consuming" you grapple the target with advantage. The captured creature takes an extra 1d6 damage for 6, 12, 16 levels. At 20th level, your damage dice becomes 5d10. Half of the damage dealt this way is converted to your hit points.
Genetic Thief[edit]
At 8th level, you have learned to better assimilate and store the genetic memory of other beings. This allows you to copy one racial ability or one damage resistance after "Consuming" for 1d8 hours. You cannot use this ability until you finish long rest.
Slime Filter[edit]
At 9th level, you have evolved to the point where you can now completely filter most of the harmful substances and pathogens out of your body. You make a saving throw to resist any poisons and ill effects with advantage.
Reactive Adaptation[edit]
Your ability to control your mind and your body doesn't stand still. At the 10th level, you can cause specific changes in your body in response to environmental changes. This makes you immune to the blinded, deafened, and knocked down conditions.
You can also make an action to rummaging through the genetic memory archives, creatures that you ever absorb and use their DNA. After that, you gain a one more additional damage resistance for one hour. You cannot use this ability until finish a short or long rest.
Living Battery[edit]
At 11th level, your hunger, which manifests itself in the ability to absorb, is getting stronger. Now you can absorb even non-magical sources of energy, except for fire and sound. When absorbing non-magical energy, you can choose one of the following benefits:
- Decrease in sleep duration by X hours;
- Add the number X to one ability check of your choice;
- Get temporary hit points, equal to Xd4 + your Constitution modifier;
The ability effect strength is proportional to the amount and type of absorbed energy. The number X is decision by the master according to the logic, but cannot be higher than 6.
By level 12, your senses sharpen. If you can sense or sense sensations, you know the location of all the hidden and unseen within 30 feet of you.
Magic Sponge[edit]
On the 13th level, by gradually absorbing magical particles into each living being and object, you have developed the ability to absorb magical energy. Now using the once-per-long rest reaction, you can absorb a spell of 5th level or less, thus nullifying its effect.
In addition, you gain benefits with Living Battery'. If you are hit by a spell, up to a number of times equal to your proficiency, you can absorb energy equal to half the level of the magic, at least 1.
Magical Thief[edit]
At the 15th level, you have absorbed so much magical energy that you are now able to hold it in yourself. As a reaction, you can absorb a spell of 5th level or less and keep it on you until the end of the next round. The spell can be cast on any target within the radius of the spell absorbed, or consumed, gaining the benefits of the "Living Battery". This feature can only be used once for long rest.
You can't hold a living creature and a spell at the same time. .
Soul Thief[edit]
At 16th level, your magical evolution continues. You can now absorb elementals and intangibles beings. They are also can be affected by "Mimicry", "Reactive Adaptation", "Genetic Thief" and "Vampirism" abilities.
Flawless Adaptation[edit]
At 17th level, your physiology has adapted under the influence of magic and now your body is able to partially absorb it at the slightest contact. You gain resistance to damage from magical weapons. You also no longer need sleep, and your daily food intake becomes equal to a normal human.
At the 19th level, your physiology is far superior to that of any member of your species. This allows you to choose between using the value of your Constitution or Wisdom skill score instead of the check result if it is less than the value of these characteristics.
At 20 level, you have evolved to a point beyond what is to been possible for your species. Now you can absorb an infinite amount of energy, matter and creatures of any kind. What gives you next benefits:
- Immunity to necrotic and psychic (except mental attacks) energy and force field damage;
- The temporary hit dice provided by the "Living Battery" ability becomes d8 instead of d4.;
- The value of X when collecting a "Living Battery" can reach any value;
- You don't need food anymore;
Path of Assimilation[edit]
Your evolution follows the path of mimicry of others in order to draw your strength from them.
- Partial Mimicry
At 3rd level, you learned to gain the consumed living creature's memories for the last 24 hours. You also can change the size of an object/creature you have absorbed in the last 24 hours from its original size to one larger or smaller, change its color, and combine the appearances of different objects/creatures.
- Improved Mimicry
At 7th level, you learned to gain the consumed living creature's memories for the last few years, as well as some important memories such as relationships, places, turning points, etc. You have also learned how to imitate texture, smell, density and other properties, which allows you to easily impersonate a simulated object/creature. You add double your proficiency bonus to the difficulty of your expose checks.
- Full Mimicry
At 14th level, you learned to gain the consumed living creature's all lifetime memories. When using the "Genetic Thief" ability, you may copy of your choice:
- two racial abilities;
- one skill and one language;
- two damage resistances;
You have no time limit for "Genetic Thief" benefits, but still no more than once a day until a long rest. When reused, all copied aspects of the creature are nullified and replaced with new ones.
- Perfect Mimicry
At 18th level, you can become an exact copy of another creature whose CR does not exceed your level. This mimicry is similar to using the Shapechange spell, except:
- you can use the creature's legendary actions, but no more than once per transformation;
- the number of your hit points does not change and is not transferred to a new form. If your new form hit points will drop to 0, it means the same for you;
Path of Immortality[edit]
Your evolution goes by the way of survival in any conditions under any circumstances.
- Improved Regeneration
At 3rd level, your evolution has begun. You stabilize each time you are in a dying state at the start of your turn. After that, you become incapacitated. In addition, each time you roll the Hit Dice to regain hit points, you double the number of hit points recovered.
- Supernatural Regeneration
At 7th level, during a long or short rest, you are able to enter a special state that cancels debilitating effects. You can reduce your exhaustion level by 1 or end one of the following effects:
- Charm;
- Petrification;
- Deafness;
- Disease;
- Paralysis;
- Poisoning;
- Blindness;
- Any reduction in one of the characteristics;
- One effect that reduces maximum hit points;
- Supreme Regeneration
At 14th level, you have learned to continuously absorb energy from the environment and use it for self-healing. You regain 10 hit points at the start of your turn. If you're taking fire or radiant damage, this ability doesn't function at the start of your next turn. You only die if you start your turn with 0 hit points and don't regenerate.
- Ethereal Regeneration
At 18th level, you have learned to passively absorb the fundamental energies of this world that make up reality itself and become inextricably linked with them. You now regain 20 hit points at the start of your turn. If your hit points drop to 0, your body vaporizes and your gear is left lying on the ground. Your soul gradually forms a new body after 1d10 days. All your hit points are restored and you become alive again. A new body appears at the nearest safe distance from the place of death.
Path of Madness[edit]
Your evolution goes by strengthening the connection with your progenitor in order to draw your strength from it.
- Acid Gift
At 3rd level, the Allfather of Slime pays more and more attention to you and allows you to draw crumbs of his power. You learn the Acid Splash spell, which you can use as a bonus action.
- Juiblex Touch
At 7th level, your connection grows stronger, filling your body with its power, which you can transfer to others. You learn the Contagion spell, which you can cast a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier .
- The Gift of Knowledge
At 14th level, your connection grants you the infinite wisdom of the Allfather, which you can share with others. As an action, you can touch a creature, which must make a successful Wisdom saving throw with difficulty 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier or become a victim of madness, determined by the Juiblex Madness table. A creature that makes a successful saving throw cannot be the victim of this ability for the next 24 hours. You cannot use this ability again until your next long or short rest.
- Sign from Above
At 18th level, you become Juiblex's biggest favorite. Once every 4 rounds, you can ask him for help on the battlefield. As you do so, a large bolus of corrosive slime falls from the sky onto a creature of your choice that you can see up to 60 feet away. The target must succeed on a Dexterity DC 21 saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 55 (10d10) acid damage. Except when the target avoids taking this damage, any metal armor worn by the target permanently suffers a -1 penalty to AC, and any metallic weapon worn by the target permanently suffers a -1 penalty to damage rolls. The penalty increases each time the target falls victim to this effect. If the penalty to an object reaches -5, that object is destroyed.
Path of the Lord[edit]
Your evolution follows the path of becoming like your creator, imitating his power to govern and create his own kind.
- Slime Swarm
At 3rd level, you speak words in the language of the abyss, calling on part of your family to help you. Roll on the following table to determine who will appear.
d6 | Summoned creatures | |
1-2 | Two slimes with a CR of 2 or less. | |
3-4 | Four slimes with a CR of 1/2 or less. | |
5-6 | Eight slimes with a CR of 1/4 or less. |
The GM chooses slimes, such as Plasmoid Explorer or Gray Ooze, and you choose free spaces you can see within 60 feet in which they will appear. The summoned slime disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when you release it. Slimes are friendly to you and your companions. Make an initiative check with the summoned slimes as a group, and they will take their own turns. Slimes stalk and attack nearby non-slime to the best of their ability. You cannot use this ability again until your next long rest.
- Slime Guardian
At 7th level, you speak words in the language of the abyss, calling on your personal guard to help you. You can summon one Black Pudding or Adult Oblex. The summoned one appears in an unoccupied space that you can see within 60 feet. The Guardian disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when you release it. Make an initiative check as the slimy guardian, who will make his own moves.
When you summon him, and on each of your turns thereafter, you can give a verbal command as a free action, telling him what he should do on his next turn. If you don't issue any commands, the guard spends his turn attacking any creature within range except you. Your companions can also be hit. You cannot use this ability again until your next long rest.
Also, when using the "Slime Swarm" ability, you can summon twice as many slimes.
- Slimeflood
At 14th level, Juiblex observes him, finding him infinitely small and weak, thus granting him protection, sending part of the acidic essence that makes up slimes, into a large wall to protect him. As an action, You can summon a 60-foot cube of slime, which rises to a point you can see within 120 feet. The cube lasts for 1 minute. When the cube appears, each creature in its area must make a Strength saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier). On a failed save, they take 6d10 acid damage, or half as much damage on a successful one.
At the start of each of your turns, after the cube appears, it, along with all creatures on it, move 30 feet away from you. Each giant or smaller creature within the cube, or whose space the cube enters as it moves, must succeed on a Strength saving throw or take 5d10 bludgeoning damage. A creature can only take this damage once per turn. At the end of the turn, the cube's height is reduced by 5 feet, and the damage taken by creatures on subsequent turns is reduced by 1d10, remaining at a minimum of 1d10, for the rest of the duration.
Creatures trapped in the cube can move by swimming. However, because the slime wave is so strong, the creature must succeed on a Strength (Athletics) check (DC described above) to be able to move. If the check fails, the creature can't move. A creature that escapes the area of the slime cube falls to the ground. You cannot use this ability again until your next long rest.
Also, when using the "Slime Swarm" ability, you can summon three times more slimes.
- Ravenous Orb
At 18th level, for one minute, you create a sphere up to 40 feet in radius leading directly to Juiblex at the specified point within 1000 feet. For the duration of the sphere, everything within 100 feet of it is difficult terrain. Any objects completely inside the sphere are destroyed.
When the sphere spawns and at the start of each of your turns, loose objects within 100 feet of the sphere are pulled to the center of the sphere and consumed by Juiblex. A creature that starts its turn within 100 feet of the sphere must succeed on a compound Strength saving throw DC 21 or be pulled directly to the center of the sphere, also being absorbed. Any creature that enters the orb's area of effect for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there takes 5d10 acid damage and is restrained until it leaves the orb's area of effect. If the sphere is in the air, the restrained creature is pulled towards the center of the sphere.
The creature can use its action to check Strength of a compound DC 21, ending the entangled state on itself or another creature in a sphere that it can reach. If a creature in the sphere drops to 0 hit points, it is completely consumed by Juiblex. The consumed creature, as well as everything that it carried and wore, becomes part of the allfather of slime. You cannot use this ability again until your next long rest.
Also, when using the "Slime Guardian" ability, you can summon two slimes of the same type or one Elder Oblex.
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