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Tarot Mage Spells[edit]
1st-Level Spells[edit]
Abjur |
Conj |
Div |
Good Advice: Ask the spirits a Yes/No Question that will be answered truthfully.
Good News: Divine the best possible outcome of any specific action.
Insight: Discern the alignment of living creatures in range.
Intuition: Increases Caster's ability to detect lies and abnormalities in behavior.
Ench |
Boldness: Allies gain a +2 to Will saves but suffer a -2 penalty to AC. Allies can fight below 0 hit points.
Calm: Similar to Calm Emotions.
Charm: Similar to Charm Person.
Comfort: Disconnects a target from their senses, removing pain and impairing them.
Dedicated: Target receives a +2 bonus to the Craft Skill.
Diplomacy: Target receives a +2 bonus to Diplomacy checks.
Emotional Rewards: Target gains a +2 bonus to Wisdom score.
Enjoyment: NPC reaction rolls gain a +3 bonus, and targets receive a +2 bonus to resist fear and despair.
Moderation: Provides a +2 bonus to saves against spells or abilties that affect emotions.
Personal Doubt: Fills the targets with doubt and hesitation, giving them a -1 penalty to most rolls.
Evoc |
Illus |
Necro |
Teacher: Summons the spirit of a teacher to grant bonuses to skill, access to untrained skills, or weapon or armor proficiency.
Trans |
Univ |
Power: Boosts caster level for a short amount of time.
Success: Grants a +1 bonus to all attacks and saving throws, to allies within 50 feet.
2nd-Level Spells[edit]
Abjur |
Conj |
Vigor: Heals 1d4+1 (5d4+5 Maximum) points of damage per level, and removes nonlethal damage or fatigue.
Div |
Clarity: Caster's senses can penetrate fog and other obstacles, or the caster gains a +2 bonus to Listen and Spot checks.
Goals Understood: Similar to Augury.
Overcome: Provides a +20 insight bonus for the next ability or skill check.
Progress In Consciousness: Grants a +4 to all intelligence based skill checks.
Ench |
Anger: Targets suffer a −1 penalty to all actions; becomes hostile all, including allies.
Compassion: Targets can take no aggressive actions towards others.
Confidence: Targets gain a +2 bonus to all rolls.
Cooperation: Allows for sharing of thoughts and skills.
Courage: Targets gain a +2 bonus against fear, and a +2 bonus to attacks and skill checks.
Deceit: Target will believe the caster.
Depression: Similar to Emotion (despair).
Expression: True emotions of targets are exposed.
Failure: Target suffers a -1 penalty to all rolls and may not be able to start a new action.
Harmony: Soothes a group of creatures into a serene state of mind.
Passion: A lesser form of Emotion
Patience: Instills the targets with a sense of patience and calm, granting +2 to saving throws against anger, rage, and rashness.
Rashness: Fills targets with recklessness, granting a +2 to Strength and Constitution, but -1 to AC and Will Saves.
Satisfaction: Makes all targets satisfied and unaggressive.
Tears: Causes the targets to burst into tears, partially blinding them.
Evoc |
Illus |
Necro |
Trans |
Logic: Grants an enhancement bonus to intelligence and can benefit skill checks.
Persuasive: Grants 1d4+1 points of enhancement bonus to Charisma.
Struggle: Bestows a -2 penalty to most physical actions by targeting the muscles of the target.
Univ |
Balance: Up to three creatures gain a +2 bonus to Will Saving Throws.
Risk: Bestows +1 bonus to attack and damage to all creatures, as well as allowing overcoming of damage reduction.
3rd-Level Spells[edit]
Abjur |
Conj |
Healing Magic: Similar to Cure Moderate Wounds
Health: Similar to Remove Disease
Messenger: Sends a mundane message, in either text or voice, to a known individual on the same plane.
Rest: Allows the caster and allies to gain a full night's rest in only 4 hours.
Rest After Labor: Removes fatigue and exhaustion that comes from labor or movement.
Rest After War: Removes fatigue and exhaustion that comes from martial conflicts, as well as heal subdual damage.
Revenue: Target gains a +5 bonus to Profession Skill when attempting to earn money.
Summon Small Elemental: Summons a Small Elemental, with type depending on the card used as the focus.
Div |
Clairaudience: Allows the Caster to hear what is happening in a certain locale.
Clairvoyance: Allows the Caster to see what is happening in a certain locale.
Discovery: Target receives a +4 bonus to Search, Listen and Spot checks, but becomes more vulnerable to spells that affect the senses.
Ench |
Confusion, Tarot: Similar to Confusion.
Discipline: Target receives a +2 bonus against spells that affect emotions, and against skills such as Bluff and Intimidate.
Emotional Maturity: Target gains a +4 bonus to Wisdom score.
Greed: Compel a group of creatures to sabotage each other out of greed and self-interest.
Motivated: Motivates targets, granting the a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage.
Pleasure: Lulls targets into a stupor of pleasure, similar to stunning.
Purpose: Grants a +3 to Will and Fortitude saves, and a +2 to attack rolls.
Shared Love: Causes all affected targets to have mutual interests or passions.
Evoc |
Blast: Bolt of magical force does 1d6+1 per level.
Energy Unleashed: Caster takes a number of d4 points of damage, and deals an equal number of d12 to creatures within a 25ft radius.
Good or Evil Energy II: Loose a bolt of Good or Evil energy at a target.
Illus |
Necro |
Fatigue: Weakens the target to the point of exhaustion.
Trans |
Action: Target gains a +4 AC bonus, an extra move action, and can move one and one-half times his normal rate.
Affect Environment: Caster is able to affect the weather in a 1-mile radius.
Combine Forces: Unites the strength of allies within a 10-foot radius.
Combine Ideas: Unites the intelligence of allies within a 10-foot radius.
Increased Knowledge: Temporarily boost the Knowledge skill in one specific field.
Talented: Grants a +2 circumstance bonus to skill checks.
Univ |
Good Luck: Grant one creature a gift of good fortune.
Patience and Study: Cast a spell from any other spell list, arcane or divine, of 1st level or lower.
Trickery: Grants a +2 to Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Forgery, Perform and Sense Motive.
Willpower: Target gains a +2 morale bonus to all will saves, and can attempt a new will save to shake off an ongoing effect.
4th-Level Spells[edit]
Abjur |
Emotional Stability: Creates a moveable shield that provides a +2 bonus against compulsion spells.
Spiritual Strength: Grants target +2 to AC and Saving Throws against undead and necromancy.
Conj |
Div |
Ench |
Assuredness: Targets gain a +2 bonus to attacks and saving throws against fear and +2 to Bluff and Diplomacy checks.
Deception: Allows Caster to lie with Impunity.
Ecstasy: Targets' sense of euphoria prevents them from taking aggressive action.
Emotion: Similar to Emotion.
Emotional Balance: Target gains a +4 bonus to saves against Compulsion spells.
Hope: A more powerful version of Emotion (Hope).
Paranoia: Makes all targets paranoid and lowers their dispositions toward each other.
Responsibility: Bestows the responsibility of leadership on an individual.
Romance: Similar to Charm Person, but makes the target romantically smitten.
Spiritual Centering: Restores a target's self-confidence and restores divine spellcasting.
Spiritual Doubt: Shake the faith of targets, separating them from their divine abilities.
Evoc |
Secrets: Contacts a known individual and have an undetectable conversation.
Illus |
Illusory Attack: Attack one target from a distance with an illusory flying weapon.
Necro |
Disease: Similar to Contagion.
Spying: Scry on targets through the eyes and ears of the dead.
Trans |
Change: Similar to Baleful Polymorph.
Emotional Aid for Mental Trial: After suffering a mental attack, the target gains a +6 bonus to will saves.
Inquisitive: Temporarily boosts the senses of the target.
Mental Balance: Gives all allies within 25 feet a +4 to will saves.
Strength of Mind: Grants target a +3 bonus to all Will Saves against Illusions or Enchantments.
Strife: Deals 1d4 damage (10d4 maximum) to multiple targets and restricts their physical actions.
Univ |
Journey: Increases Caster's overland travel speed.
Prosperity: Increases potential treasure or selling gains by 15% for the day.
5th-Level Spells[edit]
Abjur |
Conj |
Div |
Ench |
Feeblemind, Tarot: Similar to Feeblemind.
Misery: Throws targets into despair, bestowing a -4 penalty on most rolls.
Peace: Forces all within the area of effect to cease violence.
Rejoicing: Fills targets with an overwhelming desire to celebrate and rejoice.
Suffer: Bestows a -2 penalty to all rolls to all targets.
Evoc |
Disruption: Creates a bolt of force that does 1d6 points of damage, 12d6 maximum.
Illus |
Necro |
Trans |
Duality: Creates a material simulacrum of the target.
Growth: Similar to Enlarge Person.
Mental Speed: Similar to haste, but affects mental processes.
Physical Power: Grants 1d4+1 points to any two physical ability scores.
Univ |
Journey for Others: Increases caster's and allies' overland travel speed.
Projects Realized: Reduces amount of time necessary to craft items, and boosts Craft skill by +4.
Sorcery: Cast a spell from any other spell list, arcane or divine, of 3rd level or lower.
Travel: Allows expedited overland movement through difficult terrains.
6th-Level Spells[edit]
Abjur |
Test By Fire: Performs a dangerous, fiery test on the target, but afterwards grants them immunity to fire.
Victory: Protective circle, centered on target, inspires allies and gives them +2 to many defensive rolls.
Conj |
Business Gains: Target gains a +15 bonus to Profession Skill when attempting to earn money.
Emotional Healing: Negates the effects of 6th-level or lower Compulsion Spells.
Outsider: Summons Outsiders.
Protector: Summon a Guardian Spirit that wards off attacks.
Div |
Ench |
Authority: Target gains a +6 bonus to leadership.
Love Spell: Forges a bond of love between two targets.
Outset: Similar to Geas/Quest.
Spiritual Growth: Grants target 1d6+1 bonus to Wisdom, and boosts cleric and paladin divine abilities.
Evoc |
Illus |
Necro |
Upheaval: Creates a wall of negative energy, dealing 1d8+2 (15d8+30 max) to all living creatures in range.
Trans |
Univ |
8th-Level Spells[edit]
Abjur |
Conj |
Legacy: Summons a powerful magical item, and attunes it to your target.
Div |
Ench |
Adjust Beliefs: Caster can alter the alignment of target.
Dread: Targets suffer an overwhelming sense of fear.
Marriage: Links two allies together so that they share abilities and damage.
Evoc |
Conquest: Creates a cone of energy that does 8d6 points of damage.
Illus |
Necro |
Trans |
Univ |
Achieve Goals: Grants target a +3 Luck Bonus to all rolls to achieve a tangible goal.
Metaphysics: Cast a spell from any other spell list, arcane or divine, of 6th level or lower.
All these lists are organized alphabetically and divided by school.
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