Duplicate Riches (3.5e Spell)

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Duplicate Riches
Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Tarot 5
Components: V, F
Casting time: 1 hour ritual
Range: 10 feet
Area: One treasure type within area of 10-ft radius
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Duplicates up to 2,000gp of coins or gems.

This spell will duplicate one type of treasure (one type of gem or coin). It will not duplicate any magical treasure, weapon, armor, special item or anything that has more than one component, only money or gems. The total value to be duplicated cannot be worth more than 2,000 gp.

The caster cannot cast this more than once per week and cannot cast the spell on the same treasure more than once, ever. Each time the spell is cast there is a 30% chance that the spell will backfire and the original treasure will disappear.

GMs must be very cautious with this spell because it can easily be abused. If a player uses this spell too much, the GM should increase the chance of spell failure.


This spell can only be cast using 6 of Pentacles as a focus.

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