Shomba (Shard Ne'Vaal Supplement)

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The second-largest shard of the root level, Shomba hosts a lot of ruins and former civilizations, with mixes of pieces from the continents of Okut, south Dasoon and south Bevel. There are no nation-states here, but instead a smattering of cities and regions. Only a few cities are given note on most maps. There exist many towns which can disappear and rise overnight due to the turbulent living conditions and migrations of people on this shard. Despite that, many types of people still choose to call this place home.

Shomba has a special composition of climates and terrains due to its pieces. There is not much water here, and where there is in the swamps can create fetid environments. Thus this shard attracts many unsavory characters for its location away from the law.

The shard of Shomba

Danbo Mountainous Region[edit]


Ajata Desert[edit]


This city is a den for criminals, a haven for those who wish to operate away from the law's eyes. It is a crime-ridden city built off the greed and power of some of the most powerful factions of the blackest hearts in Shard Ne'Vaal.


Kaj, or Kej as it is sometimes called, is a city built into the deserted desert ruins formerly located in the desert regions of Okut. The shards comprising this compressed region come from Aulordimo, Ameretat and southern Reza. It houses a variety of colorful nomadic figures that have criminal backgrounds. Kaj is led by an orc baron named Barzabab, who ruled with his cabal of muscle. As it is a city located in a harsh desert area, Kaj is often a stop for travelers no matter how reluctant, as it controls a major oasis. However, the nature of the area is dangerous and rife with extortionist criminals and highwaymen.

Rjat Ruin[edit]

Eshuat Plain[edit]

Argara Swamp Region[edit]


Lost Temple[edit]

Sudo Steppes[edit]

The southern edge of Shomba is inhabited by a mix of orc and half-orc tribes that form a network of warbands. They are known to have subjugated all the humans in the entire region and relegated them to slaves. The influence of these powerful tribes also touches that of the Lost Temple in the Argara Swamp Region.

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