Restore (PSR Supplement)
Common Hazards
You can restore as a downtime enterprise. Restoration entails specialized healing beyond what mere rest and common medicine can provide.
Undertaking this enterprise incurs an expense of no less than 1000 gold pieces at the start of downtime. If you are indefinitely Unconscious or otherwise Incapacitated, an ally must pay for you and undertake this enterprise with you.
After each time you undertake this enterprise, you gain one of the following effects. If someone other than you funds or causes the restoration, they choose which effect applies.
- One of your ability scores is restored to its normal value, if it has been reduced.
- You break attunement to a cursed item.
- You make a new saving throw against one curse or disease afflicting you, if it called for a saving throw in the first place. This save is made with advantage.
Some other debilitating effects can be alleviated only with restoration, such as becoming undead via the reanimate spell, or being petrified by a gorgon. The effect itself specifies if this is the case.