Fanmade Innate Techniques (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)

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Innate Techniques[edit]

This is where all the non-official techniques will be listed, so you may put any kind of techniques here. Most of these are not made by the original creator of the class, so don't expect for them to be constantly monitored or changed by them.

Technique Creation Guide[edit]

While the base techniques present in jujutsu kaisen are fun and all, some people just want to get more creative with their choices and do what they want, there's where the fanmade techniques come into play! This guide will serve to aid you in creating a technique that's fit for the supplement.


Chances are you aren’t a professional designer or well versed with the game, so your innate technique won’t be perfect first try. That’s fine, but you can better ensure that it’s good by avoiding a few pitfalls.

1. Never steal a feature, especially from Heavenly Restriction in this case, but really from anything. Chances are you’re not going to consider why that feature is only for that thing inherently, thus not going to be able to recognize when using it is appropriate. Plus, you want your innate technique to occupy its own niche rather than being directly worse or better at something else’s niche.

2. Stick with your theme. Anything you add to your innate technique which is a generic improvement and not directly tied to the technique should be avoided. For example, granting one in a billion to a technique built around time manipulation. Sticking to this rule will help avoid your technique turning into a themeless wishlist as opposed to a proper innate technique.

3. Avoid anything granting infinite resources. Turning hit points into cursed energy is fine, for instance, but doing so in a way which allows a cursed spirit to regenerate more hit points than they lose per cursed energy is a no-go. Similarly, sacrificing exhaustion levels for cursed energy is fine, but if you let those levels then be removed for less cursed energy than they gain from the feature is a no-go. No matter what, your technique should NEVER allow for infinite gain of resources of any kind.

4. Stick with standardized rules. Things like the general rules for domains, scaling points, and especially balancing with other options. You shouldn’t break such general rules without genuinely good reason beyond “I want my technique to be strong”.


When creating your innate technique, think about what you want to do with it. Do you want to use lazer beams? Do you want to manipulate gravity? Or do you wish to just create a funny shikigami? The possibilities are endless, however the first thing you need to think is set what does your technique does, which will be it's "lapse" state.

Lapse Technique

The 1st feature your technique gains will always be it's lapse. Lapse techniques generally cost from 1-3 cursed energy and do not deal more than 2 dices of damage at 1st level, with the die tiers never being lower than a d6. They tend to scale their damage for every subclass level you gain(3, 6, 10 etc). Your Lapse technique will be what defines the subclass, being it's main move.

However, if your technique's concept is far too broad and diverse(such as manipulating water), you can turn all of your technique's features into extensions instead.

Technique Improvements

When you have an empty level and you don't know what to put in, a technique improvement generally is the way to go. Technique improvements can be various types of small benefits, it could be a cursed feat that fits with the technique, a damage increase, or a new effect the technique does. It's really simple but very effective in many cases.

Extension Techniques

Extension techniques are new ways of applying your lapse technique but in a unique way to it's user. When making a extension, make it based around the lapse technique but give it some changes to make it do something different. You should avoid doing things such as doing the opposite of what your technique does, or things that are non-related to the technique. Extensions should deal more damage and cost more than their lapse counterparts, ranging from 2-10 cursed energy.

Maximum Techniques

Maximum techniques are the most powerful thing your cursed technique can have outside a domain expansion. When making a maximum technique use the same base you used for the extension technique, but do it in a greater scale. A maximum technique should at minimum be a 10th level feature and deal 10 dices of damage. In case it deals less than said damage, you must compensate it by making a very strong effect such as paralizing your opponent. Maximum techniques cost at minimum 10 cursed energy, and at maximum 20.

Domain Expansion

The most powerful technique a sorcerer could ever have is a domain expansion, there's no doubt in that. Domain expansions should not be given by Innate Techniques, unless the whole technique is centered around the domain expansion. These domain expansions are generally the non-lethal type, or deal small amounts of damage, since their focus is on their effects.

Cursed Technique Reversal

A cursed technique reversal is the inverse of what your technique would normally do. You must pick the concept of your lapse and revert it, for example, a technique that pushes people would instead pull in it's reversal. Due to cursed energy times two, cursed technique reversals have twice as many dice from their original technique and cost twice as many ce when using it.

Damage Scaling System

For this supplement, we use a system of determining damage scaling known as the "Hurt" system for lack of better terms. Whenever one of the following selections mentions 'per level', it represents the levels of 5th, 11th, 17th and 20th. Generally lower level and minor features obtained early in a Innate Technique have damage scaling whilst more advanced and powerful features have upfront and non-scaled damaging features.

"It Hurts A Bit." Damaging features that can deal damage but its focus is not primarily damage. Therefore, these features only increase by one damage dice per level

"Kinda Hurts." These techniques greatly deal considerable damage but it is not noticeable unless done by amplifying the feature. Therefore, these features increase by 2 damage dice per level.

"It Hurts Very Much." Techniques of this variety deal noticeable amounts of damage, and often inflict great injuries. Therefore, these features increase by 3 damage dice per level.

"It Hurts Me A Lot." Very powerful techniques that are primarily intended for solely offensive destruction. These features increase by 4 damage dice per level.

"Hurts Til I Am Dead." The most devastating techniques, capable of destroying buildings and annihilating creatures. These features have the highest increase at 5 damage dice per level.

Original Innate Techniques[edit]

Offensive Techniques[edit]


Star Shower

Lapse Technique Starting at 1st level, you’ve awakened your technique, allowing you to call upon the stars.

As an action for up to your Charisma modifier in cursed energy, you can create a star for each cursed energy you spent, each star will circle around you until used. You can have a number of stars surrounding you equal to three times your proficiency bonus.

When you take the Attack action, you can replace a number of attacks equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) on your turn with a cursed energy attack roll against a creature within 50 feet of you. Shooting a single star from the collection, if you don’t have any stars left, you may spend 2 cursed energy to make a star exclusively for the attack. Alternatively, as a reaction to a creature coming within x feet of you (x = your level times 10), you can make a cursed energy attack roll against the creature. Once a star hits a creature, the star is destroyed.

Each star deals 1d8 force damage. This damage increases to 2d8 at 5th level, to 4d8 at 11th level, to 6d8 at 17th level and to 8d8 at 20th level.

Additionally, while you have at least 1 star surrounding you, you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.

Star Shot

Technique Improvement

At 3rd level, you made improvements on your control over your stars, allowing for you to put more power with their attacks.

Whenever you attack with one of your stars, you may spend a number of cursed energy up to your proficiency bonus to increase the potency of the attack. For every additional cursed energy spent in the attack, the attack will have a +1 to hit and a +1 to damage.

If the max amount of cursed energy is used to boost the attack, the attack will deal additional damage dice equal to half your proficiency modifier (rounded down). At level 10, the amount of additional damage dice increases to your proficiency bonus.

Blanket of Darkness

Reversal Technique

At 6th level, you learnt how to manipulate the essence of space in a different manner, instead of using the light of the universe, you instead use the darkness.

As a bonus action for 10 cursed energy, you can create a thick layer of magical darkness that covers an x feet circle with you as the center (x = your level times 10). When a creature other than you starts its turn within this darkness, it must make a Constitution saving throw, on failure the creature will take 5d12 necrotic damage that cannot be reduced.

As a free action on your turn, you may use 1 cursed energy to grant a creature a star, preventing them from taking damage.

In addition, you will gain the Reverse Cursed Technique and Cursed Technique Reversal feats. If you already have Reverse Cursed Technique, you will instead gain the Improved Reverse Cursed Technique.

Astral Defense

Technique Improvement

At 10th level, you’ve learnt how to protect yourself using the stars that may surround you.

For every two stars that you have actively around you, you’ll gain +1 to your armor class, and all damage except psychic will be reduced by 1 per star.

Tokyo School Feature: Galaxy Weave

Extension Technique

Through the knowledge of the universe, you’ve unlocked a new way to use your stars.

At 14th level, if you reach the maximum number of stars that can surround you at once, you gain advantage on all saving throws, creatures of your choice within 20 feet also gain these benefits.

Additionally, your stars may now deal radiant damage instead of force.

End of an Era

Extension Technique

At 20th level, you’ve learnt how to destroy your stars, creating devastating effects.

While at your maximum number of stars, you may spend 20 cursed energy as an action to create one of the following attacks.

Dwarf Blast. By combining 6 stars, you fire a small dwarf star pushing through every creature in its path. Every creature in a 30-foot wide 300-foot long line must make a dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 30d12 force damage and are moved to the end of the line. On a successful save, they take half damage and do not take the additional effects.

Star Collapse. By combining 12 stars, you create a black hole centered on yourself, forcing every creature of your choice in a 100 ft. radius centered on you to make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 25d12 necrotic damage and is pulled to within 5 feet of the black hole. A creature that’s within 6 feet of the black hole at the start of its turn must make a successful Strength saving throw or take 8d10 necrotic damage and have its speed reduced to 0 until the start of its next turn.

Star Shine. By combining all your stars together, you create a supernova. All creatures within 60 feet of you must make a constitution saving throw, if the creature has less than 100 hit points, they make the save at disadvantage. On failure, the creature will take 30d12 fire and 30d12 force damage. After performing this attack you will be affected by technique burnout.

Moon Ark[edit]

Poisonous Cursed Energy

You have been born with a special cursed energy, granting you special properties that make you easily stand out against sorcerers. You gain the Unique Cursed Energy feat and have poison damage as your Cursed Energy Type. Poison damage dealt by your technique and shikigami bypasses immunity and resistance.

Moon Dregs

Lapse Technique

Starting at 1st level, you have learned how to summon a poisonous jellyfish like shikigami. As an action for 3 cursed energy, you can summon Moon Dregs within 5ft. of you. It acts on the same turn as you and you can control it at will. You can only have 1 Moon Dregs at a time.

Once it's reduced to 0 hit points, it is un-summoned. You can summon it again for the same cost, but when it has been reduced to 0 hit points a number of times up to your proficiency bonus, you gotta take a short or long rest to summon it again. Finally, you may choose to make it any size smaller than it is when you summon it, or after summoning it as a bonus action. You can also choose to make its size Huge at 6th level, and Gargantuan at 20th level.

Your shikigami cannot use actions on their own. You can spend a bonus action to command the shikigami to take an action, you may also spend an action to order them do something more specific, such as protect that creature, grab that, defend that area, etc. The number of shikigami you can control per round is equal to your Charisma modifier, while the others you didn't control will just keep doing something they were doing (such as fleeing, holding an object of grappling a creature,) or defend themselves to the best of their ability.

Shikigami Empowerment. Moon Shikigamis grow stronger alongside you. They will gain the following benefits:

  • They will gain extra hit dice equal to your Charisma modifier.
  • Their Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores will increase by your Charisma modifier.
  • All of their damaging features will have their die tier increased by your Charisma modifier.

Trial by Poison

Technique Improvement

Starting at 3rd level, you have gained access to your other shikigami, and you must face their deadliest feature, the poison within them.

For a number of rounds equal to the creature’s Constitution Modifier, you must be affected by the creature’s poison or venom, you must make a saving throw at the beginning of your turns for the duration, on failure you suffer any penalties of the poison. If you drop to zero hit points or suffer a status effect, the ritual fails and you don’t gain access to the chosen shikigami. If you succeed in the trial, you can summon the corresponding shikigami for the amount of cursed energy.

Cursed Energy Shikigami
1 Cursed Energy Aegaeon Shrew
2 Cursed Energy Miranda Centipede
4 Cursed Energy Titan Platypus
6 Cursed Energy Io Monster
10 Cursed Energy Mimas Octopus
12 Cursed Energy Calisto Catfish
18 Cursed Energy Ganymede Dragon

After taming a shikigami, you’re immune to any poisonous effects it may have.

All shikigami disappear after you take a short or long rest. This restriction does not apply to Moon Dregs or Calisto Catfish.

Ganymede Dragon. Due to this shikigami’s mere power, you only need to last 2 rounds to unlock this shikigami. Additionally, only one of these shikigami may be active at any given time.

Toxic Touch

Extension Technique

Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to call upon your shikigami to share their poison with you.

Whenever you summon a shikigami from this technique, you may choose to spend an additional amount of cursed energy equal to half the shikigami’s original cost to add their poison effect onto your cursed-empowered strikes. Your cursed enhanced strikes gain the following effects for a number of rounds equal to your charisma modifier + your constitution modifier:

  • Your cursed enhanced strikes will deal an additional die of poison damage.
  • Whenever you hit at least 3 poison-imbued attacks through cursed-empowered strikes in a row, the target must make a constitution saving throw against your cursed technique DC, on a failure they suffer the effects of the shikigami’s poison stated in their stat block.
  • You have advantage on attacks while within 5 ft. of the shikigami you’re currently connected to.

You can only have one instance of this technique active at a time.


Reversal Technique

Starting at level 10, you’ve learnt how to improve your time in battle, by turning your shikigami’s biggest offensive weapon into a support asset.

While you’re within 10ft. of one of your shikigami from this technique. As a bonus action you may activate Anti-Venom, for a number of turns equal to your constitution modifier. While Anti-Venom is active, any poison damage that you or a shikigami within 10ft. of you deal, will be converted to health. Healing an amount of hit points equal to the damage dealt. These restored hit points will drain from your reverse technique pool.

Other damage that you deal such as slashing or piercing, will be replaced by poison damage while this ability is active.

In addition, you will gain the Reverse Cursed Technique and Cursed Technique Reversal feats. If you already have Reverse Cursed Technique, you will instead gain the Improved Reverse Cursed Technique.

Tokyo School Feature: Gear Shift

Extension Technique

After realizing your shikigamis’ biggest weakness was their life essence, through sheer determination you’ve learnt how to prevent this issue.

At the beginning of a long rest you may choose one of the shikigami that you’ve acquired and turn them into a cursed tool. Whenever you attempt to summon the chosen shikigami, its cost will be halved, and in its cursed tool form will appear in your hand or in the grasp of a creature within 30ft. of you.

The cursed tool will disappear during your next long rest.

Whenever you select a new shikigami cursed tool, the old choice will be returned to its normal state and cost.

The descriptions of these cursed tools can be found at the end of the subclass description.

Domain Expansion: Swamp of the Spiderlily

Domain Expansion

Finally at level 20, you’ve learnt how to manifest your domain into reality, appearing as a large swamp filled with nightshade flowers and other poisonous plants as the predominant fauna with a giant spider lily growing from the center.

While inside this domain a creature must make a DC 25 constitution saving throw or take 12d8 at the beginning of their turns, this poison damage will ignore resistance and immunities.

While in your domain, you are passively under the effects of the Anti-venom and Toxic Touch techniques, without the need of a shikigami.

While using Toxic Touch inside your domain, you may create your own unique poison, deadlier than any of the poisons of your shikigami. If a creature fails the save to resist the effects of Toxic Touch, they will suffer 1 point of exhaustion and gain vulnerability to poison damage, and every time they take poison damage directly from you, they will have to succeed the Toxic Touch saving throw or gain another point of exhaustion.

As an action inside your domain, you may spend 10 cursed energy to afflict a creature of your choice within the domain with a poison from one of your shikigamis, you may choose which shikigami the poison effect will come from. A creature is affected by this poison until the domain ends. A creature can be afflicted by a number of different shikigami poisons at once equal to 12 minus their constitution modifier. This counts as the sure hit of your domain.

Moon Ark - Cursed Tool Forms[edit]

Moon Joist Armor, Handaxe, Legendary

When attacking with the spear you can add your constitution modifier to your attack and damage rolls, and deal an additional 2d6(2d8 versatile) poison damage. Whenever you hit an enemy with this weapon, for every point above the target’s armor class you hit them by, the creature must succeed on a constitution saving throw with a DC equal to your cursed energy save DC (battle maneuver for heavenly restrictions) or have their movement speed reduced by 10 ft. per additional point above the target’s armor class until the end of their next turn.

Aegeon Splitter Armor, Handaxe, Legendary

When attacking with the tomahawk you can add your constitution modifier to your attack and damage rolls, and deal an additional 2d6 poison damage. If you score a critical hit with this weapon, it will split into two hand axes with the same attributes as the original. After 4 rounds, the two axes will be fused back together into one hand ax, that deals twice the amount of damage as the original, and its throwing range tripled. Additionally, if a creature is hit by this upgraded ax, its armor class will be reduced by 2 for 1 round.

Miranda Arc Armor, Longbow, Legendary

When attacking with the bow you can add your constitution modifier to your attack and damage rolls, and deal an additional 3d8 poison damage. The bow starts with 100 hundred arrows, whenever you hit a creature with one of these arrows they will stick inside of the creature, at the start of the creature’s turns they must succeed on a constitution saving throw with a DC equal to your cursed energy save DC (battle maneuver for heavenly restrictions) or take 2d4 poison damage per arrow currently inside them. The creature can use its action to remove a number of arrows equal to their strength modifier. If a creature were to roll a nat 1 on the saving throw, their strength score will be reduced by 1 until they have no more arrows inside of them.

Titan's Tail Armor, Maul, Legendary

When attacking with the maul you can add your constitution modifier to your attack and damage rolls, and deal an additional 4d6 poison damage. Whenever you hit a creature with an attack, the target must succeed on a constitution saving throw with a DC equal to your cursed energy save DC (battle maneuver for heavenly restrictions), on failure you can take the attack action a second time, with all the attacks having advantage. If you roll a critical hit with this weapon, the target must succeed on a constitution saving throw with a DC equal to your cursed energy save DC (battle maneuver for heavenly restrictions) or take 8d8 poison damage and fall prone.

Crust of Io Armor, Plate Armor, Legendary

While wearing the armor, you gain immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition. Additionally, your strength and constitution increases to 21 and your martial arts die tier increases by 3 tiers, but your speed is reduced to half its original amount. You may add your charisma modifier on top of the armor granted by this cursed tool.

Mimas Coil Weapon, Whip Katana, Legendary

|description=When attacking with the katana you can add your constitution modifier to your attack and damage rolls, and deal an additional 2d8 poison damage. Whenever you hit a creature with the weapon, they must succeed on a constitution saving throw with a DC equal to your cursed energy save DC (battle maneuver for heavenly restrictions) or take 15d4 poison damage, if the target fails the save by 5 or more the creature will have one of it’s limbs reduced to 0 hit points.

Cover of Calisto Armor, Shield, Legendary

While you have the shield equipped, you gain a +4 to your armor class and whenever a creature hits the shield, they must succeed on a constitution saving throw with a DC equal to your cursed energy save DC (battle maneuver for heavenly restrictions), on failure their movement speed is reduced to 0 until the end of its next turn.

Additionally, as an action you may fasten the shield into the ground causing it to be stuck, but while standing behind it you are under the effects of full cover. If the shield is stuck in the ground of a domain expansion, it creates the effects of a fully refined simple domain in a radius of 10ft.

Dragon-Slayer Weapon, Greatsword, Legendary

When attacking with the greatsword you can add your constitution modifier to your attack and damage rolls, and deal an additional 4d6 poison damage. (The following ability is exclusive to sorcerers) As a bonus action for all your cursed energy, you enter a bloodthirsty rage. You can the following features:

  • You gain the berserk condition for the duration.
  • You cannot regain or use cursed energy for the duration
  • Your strength, dexterity and constitution scores increase by 10, including their maximums.
  • Your martial arts die increases by 4 tiers.
  • You gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your charisma modifier times your new constitution modifier.
  • You take half damage from cursed techniques and cursed spirits, but take twice as much damage from non-magical sources.

These effects last for a number of rounds equal to your new constitution modifier.

Disaster Winds Technique[edit]

Disaster Winds

Lapse Technique

At 1st level, you’ve learned how to use the disastrous nature of this technique in its simplest form. As an action, you can expend 1 cursed energy to force every creature in a 20 ft. cone to make a Strength saving throw. On failure, they are pushed back an amount of feet equal to (your proficiency bonus x 15) and take 2d6 slashing, bludgeoning or thunder damage, if they succeed they don’t get pushed back and they take half damage. You can also do this once per turn after you land a melee attack against a creature. Your damage dice increases to 4d6 at 5th level, 8d6 at 11th level, 12d6 at 17th level, and to 16d6 at 20th level.

Combative Currents

Extension Technique

At 3rd level, you’ve discovered multiple ways you can utilize your cursed technique in different combat encounters. You gain the following techniques: Updraft. As a bonus action, you can expend an amount of cursed energy up to your proficiency bonus to imbue yourself with your technique for an amount of turns equal to the cursed energy expended. You will act as if you’re concentrating on this like a spell. Updraft provides the following benefits:

  • You gain +30 ft. walking speed.
  • You gain Advantage on all Dexterity saving throws.
  • Your jump distance is multiplied by 2.
  • You can dash as a bonus action.

At 11th level, you can touch one creature and imbue them with updraft, you both will gain the benefits. Gust. As an action, you can use up to your Charisma modifier in cursed energy to make every creature in a 15 ft. wide x 100 ft. long line to make a Strength saving throw. On failure, they will be pushed back an amount of feet equal to (cursed energy used x 30) and will be knocked prone. If they succeed, they will only be pushed half the distance and will not be knocked prone.

Headwind.. As a reaction to a projectile attack, you can use 2 cursed energy to reduce the damage by xd6 (x being your level), if the damage is reduced to 0, the attack is sent in a direction of your choice.

Flight. You gain flying speed equal to your walking speed.

Ambush Tornadoes

Extension Technique

You’ve learned how to use your technique to quickly trap your enemies before they can react. At 6th level, as a free action, bonus action, or action, you can use 3 cursed energy to summon a 10 ft. x 10 ft. tornado anywhere within 50 ft. of you. You can have an amount of tornadoes at once equal to your Charisma modifier, and you can move these tornadoes as a free action, bonus action, action, or reaction. When an enemy moves into the tornado or starts their turn inside of the tornado they need to make a Strength saving throw to resist being grappled and taking 3d12 slashing, bludgeoning, or thunder damage. On success they will take half damage and will not be grappled. This damage die increases to 6d12 at 11th level, 8d12 at 17th level, and 10d12 at 20th level. Additionally, add another damage die to your techniques.

Ashen Hurricane

Maximum Technique

At 10th level, you’ve learned the strongest way of outputting your technique in terms of raw destructive power. As an action for 10 cursed energy, you can create a hurricane shrouded in ash within 30 ft. of you for an amount of turns equal to your proficiency bonus. Anything caught in the hurricane has to make a DC 15 Constitution save to avoid being blinded and deafened, anyone inside the hurricane takes 3d8 slashing, 3d8 bludgeoning, and 3d8 thunder damage, constructs take double damage. You can adjust the size of the hurricane as a free action, ranging from 20 ft. x 20 ft. to 50 ft. x 50 ft., you can also move the hurricane as a bonus action up to 20 ft. each turn. The inside of the hurricane is considered difficult terrain. This damage die increases to 4d8 at 11th level, 5d8 at 17th level, and 6d8 at 20th level.

Tokyo School Feature: Gale Winds

Technique Improvement

You’ve been refining your technique for so long that you found out how to produce more force behind your wind, increasing its maximum range and efficiency. At 14th level, you gain the following benefits from your innate technique:

  • The range for your techniques are doubled.
  • You can use Disaster Winds as a reaction after an enemy gets within 5 ft. of you.
  • You can command all your Ambush Tornadoes at once.
  • Your flying speed increases by 30 ft.
Domain Expansion: Tailwind of The World Serpent

Domain Expansion

Finally at 20th level, you’ve mastered the art of your cursed technique, and you’ve gained your domain. Your domain is a foggy abyss over an unending ocean that harbors a mythological beast of unfathomably large size. The World Serpent—Jörumngandr—quickly erupts from the ocean depths and it bites the end of its tail, causing a massive gust of wind to follow as he moves endlessly. All hostile creatures inside the domain have to make a Strength saving throw at the end of their turns. On failure, they will take 10d12 thunder, 10d12 cold, and 10d12 bludgeoning damage and will be stunned until they successfully make the save, in which case they would take half damage and not be stunned. The entire domain is considered difficult terrain.

Cursed Farming Technique[edit]

Cursed Farming

Lapse Technique

At 1st level, you have awakened your technique, Cursed Farming. You can produce cursed crops at unreal speeds, but only when there is ground below you. When you are on the ground, you can use your technique in one of the following ways:

Cursed Corn.. As a bonus action for 1 cursed energy, you can fire a kernel of corn with a range of 60 feet. On hit, the target takes 1d8 piercing damage. Whether the kernel hits or misses, it will blow up. Each creature within 5ft has to make a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 fire damage. The damage increases to 2d8 at 5th level, 3d8 at 11th level, 4d8 at 17th level and to 5d8 at 20th level.

Cursed Rice.. As a reaction to an attack being made against you or a creature within 10 feet of you for 2 cursed energy, you can cover the target in a protective shield of rice. This boosts the target’s AC by your proficiency bonus, if the attack misses the target has to roll a Strength saving throw against your cursed energy DC to avoid being restrained by the rice. They can repeat this saving throw at the beginning of each of their turns.

Cursed Wheat.. As a bonus action for 2 cursed energy, you can grow a 30-foot-radius field of wheat out of the ground within 100 feet of you. The area inside the wheat is heavily obscured, and the wheat lasts for 1 hour unless dismissed or destroyed. The wheat field’s health equals your proficiency bonus multiplied by your Charisma score and it is vulnerable to fire damage.

Cursed Potatoes.. As an action for 1 cursed energy, you can launch a flurry of potatoes with a range of 60 feet. Each creature within a 10-foot-radius sphere must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC or take 2d4 bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. On a successful save, they instead take half damage and are not knocked prone. This area is considered as difficult terrain as the potatoes mash against the ground upon impact. The damage increases to 4d4 at 5th level, 6d4 at 11th level, 8d4 at 17th level and to 10d4 at 20th level.

Hay Bale Barrage

Extension Technique

At 3rd level, you’ve learned how to use your technique in a more destructive way. As an action for 5 cursed energy, you can send 3 hay bales barreling down a 120 feet line, these hay bales are Large. Anyone within this line has to make a Dexterity save against your cursed energy save DC to not be trampled by the barrage of hay bales. On a failed save, the target takes 1d10 bludgeoning damage for each hay bale and is moved along with the stampede until it covers all of its range, taking an additional 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet moved from their original point. On a successful save, they only take half damage and are not moved. The damage increases to 2d10 at 5th level, 3d10 at 11th level, 4d10 at 17th level and to 5d10 at 20th level.

Animal Products

Extension Technique

At 6th level, you’ve learned how to utilize animal products into your technique. You gain the following extensions to your technique:

Cursed Milk.. You gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed, this appears as you surfing on a wave of milk when you’re above the water. When you’re underwater, you can spend 2 cursed energy as a bonus action to encase yourself in milk and fire yourself like a rocket. You gain the benefits of the dash action and you can breathe underwater for 1 minute or until you crash into something. When you crash into something, they take 1d8 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet traveled that turn, instead of the usual 1d6.

Cursed Eggs.. As a bonus action, you can expend an amount of cursed energy up to your Charisma modifier to produce an equal amount of eggs that each heal for 1d12 + your Charisma modifier upon consumption. These eggs can be consumed as a bonus action by anyone who has them, and they go away after 1 minute. When you eat an egg, you must make a DC 5 Constitution save, on failure, you will immediately be reduced to 0 hit points and be put on death saves. If someone fails this saving throw two times before taking a long rest, they will immediately gain 6 levels of exhaustion and die. Every time someone eats an egg, the DC for their next egg goes up by 5, this gets reset once they’ve taken a long rest. At 11th level, this healing increases to 2d12 and the DC against heart disease is reduced to 4, gaining 4 more after each egg consumed.

Cursed Wool.. You gain proficiency with disguise kits. Additionally, you can spend 1 cursed energy and 1 minute of uninterrupted work to create an outfit that gives the wearer the benefits of the disguise self spell, this version of the spell has an unlimited duration as long as the clothes aren’t taken off or destroyed.

Quality Crops

Technique Improvement

At 10th level, your experience with farming has allowed you to harvest crops of the finest quality. Whenever you use your Lapse Technique, roll a d6, the number rolled determines how much the crop’s quality increases:

Cursed Corn.. The damage die, attack bonus, and save DC increase by the number rolled on the d6.

Cursed Rice.. The AC boost and Strength save DC increases by the number rolled on the d6.

Cursed Wheat.. The area the wheat covers increases by 10 feet multiplied by the number rolled on the d6. The health of the wheat also increases by 20 multiplied by the number rolled on the d6.

Cursed Potatoes.. The damage die and save DC are both increased by the number rolled on the d6.

Tokyo School Feature: 5-Star Fertilizer

Technique Improvement

At 14th level, you’ve learned to apply a cursed fertilizer that will grow your crops at even faster speeds. All your techniques will have their action cost reduced by 1. (Action>Bonus Action>Free Action).

Domain Expansion: Fields of Harvest

Domain Expansion

At 20th level, you’ve learned how to apply your technique in the most efficient way possible, a domain. Your domain is a vast farmland, with fresh crops, scarecrows, and farm structures. While in your domain, the Quality Crops die is changed to a d20 and your crops have infinite range. If a crop that does damage to a creature has a quality of 20, the attack will be a critical hit even if it’s an attack that forces the enemy to make a saving throw instead of you making an attack roll. Each damage die from a 20 quality crop will be rolled with advantage.

Firearm Manipulation[edit]

Sharp Energy

Due to the inner workings of your technique, your Cursed Energy Armor also undergoes changes. Whenever it is active you gain resistance to piercing damage, if the damage was dealt by a firearm it counts as immunity instead. At 11th level you gain immunity to all piercing damage.


Lapse Technique

At 1st level your technique allows for inhuman manipulation of how the bullets fired by you work, you will gain the Gunner feat you also will gain the following features:

Homing Bullets

As part of the attack action you may replace one of your bullets with a homing one. For 1 cursed energy your attack will gain the following benefits:

It will ignore all cover except total cover.

It gains a +2 bonus to it's attack roll.

You may freely change it's trajectory (to hit an enemy behind a wall for example).

Invisible Bullets

As part of the attack action you may make one of your bullets invisible for 1 cursed energy, giving it the following benefits:

An enemy who the bullet is aimed at is forced to make a perception check equal to your cursed energy dc, upon failure you gain advantage on the attack roll, the attack goes as normal upon a success.

The shot is silent, preventing you from being immediately detected (while in stealth for example).

It's critical range is increased to 19 and above.

Explosive Bullets

As part of the attack action for 2 cursed energy you may cause one of your attacks to become explosive, causing it to force any creature within 5 feet of the one struck to do a dexterity saving throw equal to your cursed energy dc, dealing the weapon's full damage on a failure and half as much on a success.

You may only use this feature an amount of times equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) per turn.

Firearm Creation

Extension Technique

At 3rd level you begin to notice just how much of an issue not having a gun on hand is, so why not just make one? As a bonus action for 5 cursed energy you may create any firearm that you have at least a basic understanding of, the weapon created gains a +2 bonus on it's damage and attack rolls, deals an additional d8 of necrotic damage, does not need to be reloaded and lasts an amount of hours equal to your proficiency bonus (minimum of 2). You may only have one firearm created at a time. You additionally gain the ability to fully reload regular firearms for 1 cursed energy as a free action.


Technique Improvement

At 6th level your mastery with firearms pays off granting you the following benefits:

You may now create a second firearm with the Firearm Creation feature as long as both are from the sub-machinegun or pistol variety.

You may now use a firearm in your offhand to attack once as a bonus action after taking the attack action.

You can use the Gunslinger feature an extra amount of times equal to your charisma modifier per turn, but must use twice the usual amount of cursed energy for each time you use it.

Outside the Box

Extension Technique

At 10th level it's beginning to look like being able to do anything with guns really does mean anything. You will gain the following abilities:


Requires the use of a semi-automatic or slower firing weapon. As an action for 10 cursed energy you may concentrate and enter the Deadeye state, in this state you can target up to half your proficiency bonus creatures (rounded down), causing all of your attacks against them to automatically hit, count as critical hits and are treated as if every attack rolled maximum damage. You may not attack on the same turn Deadeye was used, the Deadeye state is canceled early upon losing concentration or turning it off as a free action and lasts for 1 minute or until you take the attack action, ending once it's finished. You may not use any of the Gunslinger features while Deadeye is active.

Temporal Blossom

Requires a semi or fully automatic weapon to be used. As an action for 10 cursed energy you may fire wildly in every direction a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus added twice -2, the bullets seemingly disappearing upon being shot. On your next turn every enemy you can see within your weapon's range is hit with the bullets fired (the attacks are spread evenly between each enemy in range) make an attack roll for each bullet shot, upon a hit the enemy takes the damage of the weapon that you made the attack with. There must be at least 2 targets in range for Temporal Blossom to take effect.

Additionally you may now freely modify the features of the guns you create with the Firearm Creation feature (such as adding a scope to an assault rifle or changing the position of the trigger on a revolver). Each modification costs you 1 additional point of cursed energy and you may have a maximum of your charisma modifier modifications at once.

Tokyo School Feature: Gunslinger Messiah

Technique improvement

In Kyoto you were shunned for your usage of conventional weaponry but in Tokyo they taught you that the weapon is just an extension of self, at 14th level you will gain the following features:

Deus Ex Machina

Maximum Technique

You may now choose to only target a single enemy with your Temporal Blossom feature, if used this way the attack comes out immediately and each bullet deals an additional d10 of damage, this damage can be increased by spending up to your charisma modifier of cursed energy, up to a maximum of 6d10 extra damage.

Superior Focus

Maximum Technique

If you choose at least 2 attacks to target single a creature with your Deadeye feature active you may spend 5 more cursed energy for the attacks to gain additional 4d10 force damage and ignore both resistances and immunities of the target.

You may now also use the Gunslinger features with both the Deadeye and Temporal Blossom features.

Domain Expansion: Bullet Hell

Domain Expansion

Finally at 20th level you learned how to expand your domain, the domain takes the shape of an enclosed room with bullets bouncing off of it's walls wildly, each creature inside except yourself takes your currently created (or held) gun's damage 5 times at the start of their turns, additionally every attack you make or cursed technique feature you use that includes firearms counts for the sure-hit effect of the domain.

Conjure Gun[edit]

Conjure Gun

Lapse Technique

At 1st level, as an action you gain the ability to summon a Tier 1 firearm from the table. This weapon’s damage and range is determined by the weapon chosen. You gain a Tier 2 weapon at level 6, a Tier 3 weapon at level 10, and a Tier 4 weapon at 14. Weapons summoned this way cost an amount of Cursed Energy to summon equal to their tier.

Weapon Tier Weapon A Weapon B
Tier 1 Pistol (1d8 Piercing, 30/90 ft, reload 10) Shotgun (2d4 Piercing, 20/60 ft, reload 6)
Tier 2 Uzi (3d4 Piercing, 40/120 ft, burst, reload 30) Assault Rifle (2d6 Piercing, 60/80 ft, burst, reload 20)
Tier 3 Sniper Rifle (2d12 Piercing, 80/240 ft, reload 5) LMG (6d4 Piercing, 40/120, burst, reload 50)
Tier 4 Grenade Launcher (4d10 Force, 50/150 ft, reload 3, lobbing, 10 ft radius) Rocket Launcher (5d8 Force, 60/180, reload 1, targeting, 15 ft radius)

Lobbing – Ignores cover if projectile can be fired over it

Targeting – for a bonus action and 5 cursed energy you can lock on to a target with cursed energy

When reloading a weapon, it cost an amount of cursed energy equal to the weapons tier x 3 and you reload as a free action. At level 5, this becomes only times 2. At level 11, reloading no longer has an action cost. At level 17, reloading only cost an amount equal to the weapons tier.

Your summoned firearms are counted as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances.

Additionally, you gain the Cursed Weapon Enhancement ability.

At level 3, you are able to add additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus to your damage rolls with your summoned guns. At level 10, this increase becomes equal to your proficiency + charisma modifier.


Technique Improvement

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to summon and add attachments to your weapon. As part of a long rest, you are able to choose and add a number of attachments equal to your proficiency bonus to your weapons. At level 10, this number is increased to twice your proficiency bonus. These attachments remain equipped to your weapons even when the weapons are unsummoned.

Attachment Effect
Scope Increases Range by 30 feet
FMJ Increases the damage tier of the dice by 1 tier. Does not work on the shotgun or Tier 4 Weapons
Extended Clip Doubles the amount of shots needed before a reload. Does not work on Tier 4 weapons
Silencer (NOT COMPATIBLE WITH FMJ) Firing the weapon no longer creates sound
Grip Grants a +2 to attack rolls
Buck Shot (SHOTGUN ONLY) You now fire in a 15 foot cone instead, targets make a Dex save against your Cursed Energy DC or take half. The weapons damage also becomes 4d4 Piercing
Tripod (Tier 3 weapons only) Works per the Rogue’s Steady Aim ability
Range Scanner You ignore disadvantage at long range
Cursed Energy Enhanced Bullets You may spend up to your proficiency modifier in cursed energy to increase the damage of the shot. For every 2 cursed energy spent this way, increase the damage dice by 1
Hair Trigger (Pistol only) Whenever you make an attack as part of the attack action using the pistol, you instead shoot at the target twice
Dragon’s Breath (Incompatible with buckshot. Shotgun only) The attack’s damage is now considered fire damage. The target must make a con save against your Cursed Energy DC or start burning, taking 1d4 fire damage at the beginning of each their turns. They may use an action to put out the fire
Dual Wield (Pistol and Uzi only) You now summon 2 when summoning instead of one and can wield both. When you attack with one of these, you can make an additional attack with the other as a bonus action. When you put an attachment on one, the other gains the attachments as well
Military Martial Arts

Technique Improvement

At level 6, your combat experience has led you to developing a new style of martial arts. Whenever you would make an unarmed strike, you can instead choose to fire your equipped firearm instead.

You may now swap between your summoned firearms as a bonus action.

If you do not have any guns summoned, you increase your martial arts die by one tier.

Projectile Interception

Extension Technique

At 10th level, your accuracy and timing has reached even greater lengths. You gain a passive +2 bonus to your attack rolls with ranged weapons. This increases to +3 at level 14 and to +4 at level 20.

As a reaction, when targeted by a ranged attack or while within the area of a line attack, you can attempt to lessen the damage or destroy it completely. Roll the damage of your currently equipped weapon, reducing the damage of the incoming attack by that amount. If this would reduce the damage to 0, the attack is nullified. You gain a number of reactions equal to your Dexterity modifier. If you have the Athlete History feat, you may use your Strength modifier instead. If you have the Cursed Energy Reinforcement feat, you can use your Charisma modifier instead.

Tokyo School Feature: Favorite Weapon

Technique Improvement

Your experience has led you to favor a certain combat style and weapon. Choose one of the firearms that you can summon and it becomes your favorite weapon. Your favorite weapon gains the following benefits:

  • You cannot be disarmed while wielding it
  • You can add half your proficiency rounded down to the attack and damage rolls
  • You no longer suffer the detriments of firing at long range. If you already have the Sharpshooter feat, you instead double the range of the weapon.
  • You can spend 4 cursed energy to give yourself advantage on the attack roll.
Seal Team Kaisen

Extension Technique

At 20th level, you’ve reached the pinnacle of firearm mastery. By spending 20 cursed energy, for a minute you enter a state where your cursed energy control is at its peak. All unequipped weapons float behind you and act as pseudo equipped. Whenever you make an attack with your equipped weapon, you can also make an attack with one of your pseudo equipped weapons.

In addition, your AC increases by an amount equal to your proficiency modifier while in this state.

At the end of the minute, this forms ends and you gain a level of exhaustion. For, 10 cursed energy, you can instead extend this mode for another minute. For every 2 minutes beyond the first, you gain an additional level of exhaustion.

Quick Swap

Must have the Cursed Technique Reversal cursed feat

With your mastery of Reverse Cursed Technique, you have learned Conjure Gun’s reversal. You may spend 5 cursed energy to swap to the alternate weapon of the currently equipped weapons tier and immediately add attachments equal to half your proficiency. This swap lasts for one minute and then the gun will be unsummoned.

Impact Packer (Kyo's Variant)[edit]

Special Cursed Energy

You have been born with a special cursed energy, granting you special properties that make you easily stand out against sorcerers. You gain the Unique Cursed Energy feat and have Force as your Cursed Energy Type. You also gain both the Wellspring Of Energy and Dynamic Striker features from the background feat.

Dynamic Striker Add-on

When you crit someone, they must make a con save with disadvantage. Fail and they become stunned for 18 seconds. Succeed and They simply take full damage (ignoring the resistant feature) and can't be stunned by this feature for 18 seconds. When an opponent is stunned, hits performed on them have their crit range increased by 1. If you are stunned at the end of your turn each round you may redo your con save, succeed and you are no longer stunned and cannot be stunned for what would be the rest of the duration of the ability. Fail and you remain stunned.

Impact Packer

Lapse Technique
Starting at 1st level, You now may Store impacts made by your physical strikes, currently these impacts are weak, but What you've learned is that potential exists within this. Even if certain people either don't see it or don't like it. When making a successful attack roll, you may absorb the attack after rolling its damage. This costs 1 ce.

When an impact is stored you keep it inside of your body. You may now release it at any time as either a free action during your turn or a reaction during someone else's turn. It has a 100% chance of hitting. You can maintain stored impacts equal to your charisma modifier, these impacts can at max only be maintained for a single round

Built Up Power

Technique Improvement”
At 3rd level, After a small bit of training you had a revelation. The longer you maintain impacts, the stronger they get. You are now not limited to having it only be in your inventory for 1 round. But, after holding it for 3 rounds, a drawback comes in. Technique Blowback. You must make a charisma save, the AC being 12 + the impact has been stored. Fail the save, and you have the impact activate on your own body, taking the damage of the impact. Every round a Impact is stored, it gains another damage worth of your martial arts dice.

You gain 2 martial arts dice Naturally at level 11, 3 martial arts dice at level 17, and 4 at level 20. This can be increased by the Tokyo buffs.

If boosted by level 3 tokyo power Enhancement, you gain an extra martial arts dice. If boosted by level 7 Tokyo feature, you now instead gain 2 extra martial arts dice. If you boost it by both, you gain 3 extra martial arts dice per round. These Enhancements give no extra cost to your lapse.

Risky Tricks and Plan B

Technique Improvement
At 6th level, Even more training has let you realize that there's more usages for stored impacts. You may now instead of unleashing it just normally, add it onto an attack you're going to make. This is a Risk, But in turn, your critical hit range is increased by 1 when adding it on to an attack. This costs the CE used in the attack multiplied by 2.

You also gain the ability to reabsorb stored impacts instead of using them, Regaining any cursed energy spent on the impacts. This can be used as a Reaction or Bonus action.

The Extra Little Kick

Technique Improvement
At 10th level, Your Stored Attacks Have a bit more kick to them, and you know it. When using a stored impact on top of an attack, your critical hit range is increased by 2. When you reabsorb stored impacts, you may now do it as a free action. You may now have stored impacts equal to your proficiency bonus + your charisma modifier.

Rumbles of Thunder

Extension Technique
At 10th level, You may expend a stored impact to convert it into an AOE thunder damage attack. Striking the literal air itself to unleash an attack. This costs double the amount used to make the original impact and has a range of a 50 feet circle from the user. This also in turn multiples the original damage by 1.5

Tokyo School Feature: Let's Get Risky

Extension Technique
At 14th level, At Kyoto they said it was impossible to reduce the risk of your technique. Tokyo said Risk is apart of life, you can lower it but you can still take some chances. As a bonus action after an attack as missed, you may expend two stored impacts to rush at an opponent and hit them with an attack. The opponents AC Is now lowered by your charisma modifier divided by 2 (rounded down). If you land the attack, it Is a critical hit. If you miss the attack, you take the damage that was stored in the impact you expended. This attack cannot be reacted to.

Impact Master

Technique Improvement
At 20th level, It's not the end of the road but a new beginning. When having a Stored impact infused into an attack, your critical hits can be pulled off at a nat 17 or higher, guaranteeing a hit. Your impacts do not have a limit on storage

Weave Nation

Extension Technique
If you have all features of this CT, you gain this extension. When you are getting hit by an unarmed strike or weapon attack, you may decide to expend a single impact and a reaction to make the attack roll fail. If you do not have any reactions, you may expend 2 impacts to give you another reaction which will be immediately expended to dodge the attack.

Impact Frames[edit]

This technique allows you to harness your martial potential by allowing you to massively enhance your strikes with cursed energy to the point that they leave behind impact frames when you hit.

Impact Frames

Lapse Technique
Starting at Level 1, your Cursed Technique has developed into a form that allows you to hit your enemy with the power of a battering ram. You gain the following abilities:

Heavy Strike

Before making an Unarmed Strike, you may spend Cursed Energy up to half your Charisma modifier to deal 2d8 Bludgeoning damage per Cursed Energy spent if the attack hits. If the attack misses, the effect stays until you hit a creature or until 1 minute has passed. At 5th level, you may spend an amount equal to your Charisma Modifier. At 11th level, you may spend an amount equal to your Charisma Modifier added twice. At 17th level, you may spend an amount equal to your Charisma Modifier added thrice.


When you take damage from something that deals Bludgeoning, Slashing, Piercing, or Force damage, you may spend 2 Cursed Energy as a Reaction to hold onto half that damage dealt to you. On your next Unarmed Strike, you may spend 2 Cursed Energy before making the Unarmed Strike to put that power into the punch. The damage source must have Kinetic energy.

Hard Palm

Before making an Unarmed Strike, you may lower the dice tier by 1. On a hit, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw or become Stunned until the end of their next turn.

Muscle Max

Technique Improvement
Starting at 3rd level, due to the strain on your muscles, you have developed a stronger exterior as the muscle fibers are damaged and healed. You gain the following benefits:

  • You may add half your Strength Modifier (rounded up) to your AC (minimum of 1)
  • You reduce damage taken from Slashing, Bludgeoning, and Piercing by your Strength Modifier (minimum of 1)
  • When making an Unarmed Strike, add your Strength Modifier twice (you must be using Strength).
Fighting Style

Extension Technique
Through many fights, you have learned others can out speed you and push you around, but you have found a way to counter that. Starting at 6th level, for 3 Cursed Energy, you may enter your Fighting Stance as an Action. In this state, you have to use your Bonus Action to move and you gain the following benefits:

  • You add your Strength Modifier to your AC instead of Half
  • Attacks you make with Heavy Strike double the amount of Bludgeoning damage you deal
  • As a Bonus Action for 5 Cursed Energy, you slam your heel into the ground, creating a shockwave. All creatures within 20 ft must make a Strength saving throw or be knocked Prone and take 2d8 Force damage.

You may end this ability as a Free Action.

Shockwave Strikes

Technique Improvement
Starting at 10th level, your strikes have become stronger and stronger, creating a lot of force with each hit. When using Heavy Strike, upon landing a hit, you deal an additional 1d8 Force damage to all creatures in a 10 ft cone. If you would critically strike, the cone is expanded to 25 ft and the Force damage becomes 2d8 per cursed energy spent

Tokyo School Feature:Booming Blows

Extension Technique
At Kyoto, they wanted you to focus solely on your melee prowess, but in Tokyo, they wanted to help you fix that flaw to become unstoppable. When you make an Unarmed Strike, you may spend 4 Cursed Energy to make it a Ranged Attack. The range is equal to your Strength Score 5 times and all Bludgeoning damage you would deal becomes Force Damage.

Death Punch

Extension Technique
At 20th level, you have finally mastered your combat style and your heavy blows. As an Action for 15 Cursed Energy, you may give yourself Disadvantage on an Attack Roll, but if it would hit, you deal double the damage dice. This ability ignores resistances and immunities to Bludgeoning damage.

Precise Strikes

Technique Reversal
Compared to your heavy hitting punches before, your Reversal allows you to make precise strikes with each blow. You gain the following abilities:


When you would miss an Unarmed Strike roll, you may spend 3 Cursed Energy to make the roll again.

Pinpoint Accuracy

Before making an Unarmed Strike, you may target a specific part of the body for 6 Cursed Energy. When attacking a limb, you may halve the reduction.


As a Reaction to a creature missing a melee attack roll against you, you may spend 3 Cursed Energy to make an Unarmed Strike against them with Advantage.

Erasure Technique[edit]

This cursed technique allows the user to erase anything; Matter, space, time, and enemies. However, it is incredibly taxing and exhausting to use frequently. This technique functions as a sort of opposite to Gojo’s Limitless cursed technique.


Upon choosing this innate technique, you choose whether you obtain the Cursed Strikes or Cursed Armor cursed energy enhancement. While cursed strikes or cursed armor is in use, you have the ability to make a charisma check against the user’s cursed energy save DC to break through techniques that are meant to stop or slow you by affecting the space around you, like Infinity or Barrier.

Hole Puncher

Lapse Technique
Starting at 1st level, you have learned how to manifest your technique as a small bullet of antimatter. During an action or bonus action, you can spend cursed energy up to your proficiency modifier to shoot a small projectile made of antimatter that deals 1d6 per cursed energy spent. This projectile travels in a 35ft line and can pass through creatures, objects, and structures until it reaches its maximum range. You gain a +1 to the damage of hole puncher at 5th level, +2 at 8th level, +3 at 13th level, and +4 at 18th level.

Space Wipe

Lapse Technique
At 3rd level, you can now erase short spans of space around you, allowing you to quickly move somewhere you need to be. During a bonus action, you can spend cursed energy up to your charisma modifier to erase the space around you in order to instantaneously move 15ft for each cursed energy spent in a direction of choice (similar to Gojo’s Teleport). Space Wipe can be done as a reaction, however it costs 3 cursed energy. If moving within 5ft of another creature, you can then make an unarmed or melee attack using your martial die against them.

Obliteration Orb

Extension Technique
At 6th level, when push comes to shove, sometimes bigger is better. Once per turn while using Hole Puncher as an action, you can spend an additional 6 cursed energy to increase the size of antimatter so that it can now hit anything within a 60ft long line that is 10ft wide, along with its damage being increased from 1d6 to 1d12. All creatures that are hit must make a dexterity save against your cursed energy save. On a failure, they take full damage and become prone. On a success, they take half damage and are not knocked prone. This technique can be used as many times as your proficiency modifier and will be restored upon taking a long rest.

Space Maker

Reversal Technique
At 6th level, sometimes you need some breathing room, and in order to do that you have to put some distance between you and your attacker. During an action or bonus action, you can spend 2 cursed energy (maximum of 10) in order to move a creature within 10ft, 15ft directly away from you. If done as a reaction, the cursed energy spent increases to 4. If the creature is pushed against a wall or object, they take 1d10 bludgeoning damage, and if pushed into another creature, they both take the damage. The creature affected must succeed a dexterity saving throw or they will be knocked prone by the force.

Time Deletion

Lapse Technique
At 10th level, you have learned how to erase short spans of time itself, however this is very costly on your cursed energy. As a reaction to being attacked, you can spend 7 cursed energy to skip an attack that another creature makes on you, making it so that it never happened in the first place. Using this more than once will result in gaining 1 level of exhaustion for each use after the first before taking a short or long rest, which lasts for 10 minutes.

Tokyo School Feature: Physiological Exploit

Technique Improvement
At 14th level, you have learned about the functions of the human body and how you can weaken it by hitting certain parts. After hitting a creature using Hole Puncher, you roll a 1d4 which grants a certain debuff for a minute from the list below:

Number Rolled Area Hit Effect
1 Arms Gains a -1 to strength, strength checks, and saves (max of -5)
2 Legs Gains a -1 to dexterity, dexterity checks, and saves (max of -5)
3 Chest Gains a -1 to constitution, constitution checks, and saves (max of -5)
4 Foot Gains a -10 to movement speed and disadvantage on athletics checks (max of -50, min of 10 movement speed. Disadvantage does not stack)

Rolling a critical hit doubles the effect and its duration..

Time Stretcher

Reversal Technique
At 17th level, you have learned how important time is, and how you need more of it. So why not do just that? As an action or bonus action, you can spend 5 cursed energy to create a short pocket of time for yourself that elongates your turn, and gains an additional action. This can be repeated to a maximum of 5 times in one turn. For every use after the first before taking a short or long rest, you gain 2 levels of exhaustion for 10 minutes.

Touch of Eradication

Maximum Technique
At 20th level, your constant training and practice with your technique has allowed you the skill to obtain your ultimate ability. As a bonus action after making an unarmed strike, you can spend 10 cursed energy to deal 4d12 damage that increases by another 4 die for every 10 cursed energy spent that ignores resistances and immunities. If this attack reduces a creature to 0 hit points, they are physically erased from the world, dropping all of their belongings and carried items as they are reduced to nothing.

Poison Armada[edit]

A technique built for assassination or the most inconspicuous acts, allowing you to mold your cursed energy into different types of poison, allowing it to form various effects.

Poisonous Cursed Energy

Your Cursed Energy is mutated up by your poison, you will gain resistance to poison damage when you activate your Cursed Energy Armor. When you deal damage with the Curse-Empowered Strikes or Cursed Energy Ray feature, you can change its type to poison damage.

Crawling Chaos

Your body’s fluids have changed with time, making it manifest various types of poison. When any of your saliva or blood hits a creature, it has to make a Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. At the end of their turns, they may remake the save to end the effect early. If they are poisoned, they then gain disadvantage on saves against any of your features in this Technique. Poison damage from your technique bypass resistances and immunities.

Natural Vaccination

Your poisons are potent that's for sure, but the human/curse body has its own countermeasures against invasive effects like these. If a creature manages to pass a Constitution saving throw against any of your features, they are immune to that feature's poison effect for an amount of rounds equal to their constitution modifier added twice.

If you use Maximum Output, you can bypass this immunity.

Poison Armada

Lapse Technique
At 1st level, you unlock the basics of your technique, the ability to convert your cursed energy into dangerous cursed poison. As a free action if cursed strikes or cursed armor is active, when you touch a creature (whether willingly or by hitting them), use a weapon that has Cursed Weapon Enhancement active or when you use a ranged cursed energy features such as a cursed energy ray, you may force a creature to make a Constitution saving throw .On a success, nothing happens. On a failure, you are able to induce a poison into the system via the transmission of cursed energy. They are poisoned for 1 minute and get the effect of any of the following poisons:

Tetrodotoxin. For 3 cursed energy you transmute your cursed energy into a paralytic poison, the target's nervous system will be targeted, rendering the creature paralyzed.

Aconitine. For 2 cursed energy you transmute your cursed energy into a poison that opens up sodium channels, the target will start hallucinating, as it starts to see it's surroundings as if it was in a vast and empty desert.

Carbon Monoxide. For 2 cursed energy you can transmute your cursed energy into nature's very own solution, the poison attacks the target's respiratory and cardiovascular systems, giving it 1 level of exhaustion. This can stack up to 3 levels.

Ricin. For 5 cursed energy you transmute your cursed energy to create a poison that attacks the nerves, the target will feel immense pain, being incapacitated.

Scopolamine. For 6 cursed energy you transmute your cursed energy into a poison that affects the nervous system, the target has it's mind affected, being berserk.

All these poison effects last as long as the Poisoned condition. However, the affected creature may remake the constitution saving throw at the end of their turns, on a success, ending the poisoned condition and thus the poison effect.

Nigeki Kessatsu

Extension Technique
At 3rd level, priding yourself on your ability to quietly kill with your poisons. You've created a move that can kill within two strikes through poison. Whenever you damage a creature's Limb with any of your features, you can spend 10 Cursed Energy to force them to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are "stinged", being marked by a butterfly-shaped stamp on said limb and are Majorly Envenomed for 1 minute. On a success, they are immune to this ability for 24 hours.

You can have an amount of stamps active equal to your charisma modifier.

If you hit the same limb that's "stinged" again, they take xd12 additional necrotic damage(with x being your Charisma modifier). At 5th level, it is now your charisma modifier + half your charisma modifier (rounded down), at 11th level, it is now your charisma added twice, at 17th level it is your charisma modifier added twice + half your charisma modifier (rounded down) and finally, at 20th level, it is now your charisma modifier added thrice. If a target is reduced to 0 by this feature, they are killed outright due to being dissolved by the poison on a cellular level.

Venomous Armada

Improvement Technique
At 6th level, your ability to create poison has evolved in such a way that it now includes venom upon the creation of poisons. Something usually impossible. When a creature fails the Constitution saving throw, it is now also envenomed for as long as it is poisoned. Additionally, you can now force the following venoms to affect a creature while it is envenomed.

Venom Of The Komodo. For 6 cursed energy, the target suffers intense tissue damage. The target takes Xd6 (with X being your charisma modifier) acid damage at the start of each of its turns. The venom from the Komodo dragon promotes the breakdown of tissues, leading to necrosis and slow internal decay.

Venom Of The Viper. For 4 cursed energy, the venom induces excessive bleeding. The target takes Xd6 (X being your charisma modifier) necrotic damage at the start of their turns and must succeed on a Constitution saving throw to stop the bleeding. If they fail 3 times, they suffer an additional 1d6 necrotic damage per failed save.

Venom Of The Gaboon Viper. For 7 cursed energy, the venom makes the target's bones brittle, causing them to suffer disadvantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws. Additionally, any fall or forceful impact results in 2d8 piercing damage per 10 feet fallen or impact force.

Venom Of The Wagler's Pit Viper. For 4 cursed energy, the venom causes rapid blood clotting in the target, causing restricted movement and internal pain. The target suffers disadvantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks, and any movement that requires fine motor skills or quick action causes the target to take 1d4 necrotic damage.

A venom's effect lasts as long as the target is envenomed. If the poison effect ends, so does the venom condition.

Poison Master

Improvement Technique
At 10th level, your ability with poisons and venoms have risen so much that you are naturally able to counteract any attempt. You can use the deadly venom Poison Armada secretes as a counter poison. If you attack yourself with any of your technique features while being poisoned or envenomed you lose said conditions.

Additionally, your poisons have grown potent. A creature may only be immune for an amount of rounds equal to their Constitution modifier.

Tokyo School Feature: Poisonous Constructs

Extension Technique
At 14th level, while the other schools only saw the surface base of your technique and urged you to focus on something else, the Tokyo School felt unsatisfied and helped you develop your poisons to something more tangible. When you use your Poison Armada technique, you can now do the following techniques.

Tetrodotoxin Claw of Paralysis. You create a giant claw formed of condensed cursed energy. The claw can make a ranged cursed energy attack roll against a target within 60 feet. On a hit, the target is paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns to break the paralysis.

Aconitine Daggers of Hallucination. You create a set of daggers made of cursed energy, equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). These daggers replace a single attack you make during your attack action. Each dagger, when thrown or used to strike, forces the target to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target suffers hallucinations, seeing the world as a vast and empty desert for 1 minute. These daggers deal force damage on a successful hit, and the effect is triggered on each dagger used.

Ricin Sword of Agony. You create a telekinetically controlled sword formed from cursed energy. You are automatically proficient in this weapon. When in hand, it makes a melee cursed energy attack roll using your Cursed Energy Attack Bonus, and when out of hand (within a 20ft radius), it makes a ranged cursed energy attack roll. On a hit, the target is incapacitated for 1 minute due to intense pain, and must make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end the effect early. The sword can be controlled telepathically within 20ft and counts as a magical weapon for the purposes of overcoming resistances.

Scopolamine Gloves of Madness. You create gloves made of cursed energy, which count as your unarmed strikes. Every time you hit a target with an unarmed strike (every second hit), you have a chance to affect the target’s mind. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw or become berserk, attacking anyone within range and unable to distinguish friend from foe for 1 minute. The target can make a new Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of their turns to end the effect early.

Quicksilver Whip of Exhaustion. You create a whip formed from cursed energy, capable of being wielded as both a ranged and melee weapon. When used in melee, it deals slashing damage, and when used as a ranged weapon, it extends to 30ft. On a successful hit, the target is inflicted with 1 level of exhaustion. This effect can stack up to 3 levels of exhaustion.

All constructs are an action to create and cost twice as cursed much energy as their poison versions.

Poison Hydra.

Maximum Technique
At 20th level, due to the mastering of your Technique, you've developed a maximum technique designed to eradicate your enemies in one destructive go with poisonous acid. As an action for 30 Cursed Energy, you summon a hydra of poisonous acid, with multiple heads that lash out in all directions, covering a 60-foot radius around you. Each of the hydra's heads targets different creatures within range, and as the heads strike, each creature within the radius must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, creatures take 30d12 poison and 30d12 acid damage. On a successful save, creatures take half the damage.

After the hydra strikes, the acidic poison lingers on the ground. Once the hydra touches the ground within a 60-foot radius, that area becomes poison-soaked terrain. Any creature that starts or ends its turn within this affected area must make a constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 15d10 acid damage and on a success, they take half damage.

The poison-soaked terrain lasts for 1 minute or until a fire-based technique attack is used within the area (fire damage causes the poison to dissipate immediately). You may apply the effect of Poison Armada on this Maximum Technique.

Eldritch Embodiment Technique[edit]

This Technique allows you to embody and transform yourself into the incomprehensible, becoming an old one.

Cosmic Energy

You have been born with a special cursed energy, granting you special properties that make you easily stand out against sorcerers. You gain the Unique Cursed Energy feat and have psychic as your Cursed Energy Type. You also gain both the Wellspring Of Energy and Dynamic Striker features from the background feat.

In addition, whenever you deal damage with an unarmed strike while using Cursed Energy Enhancement, you add psychic damage to your damage roll equal to your proficiency bonus.

Eyes of The Old One

You have gained a special sight due to your ability to perceive a bit beyond what the average person cannot. You gain a bonus of +5 to your insight and perception checks.

At 5th level, your eyes can begin to peer through surfaces. You may ignore cover when making Perception and gain Advantage on Perception and Insight checks.

The Faceless God

Lapse Technique
Starting at 1st level, you can transform your body to suit your needs. You can transform into a person you have memorized the face of for 2 Cursed Energy by making a charisma saving throw against their cursed energy DC. On a success, you can transform into them and on a failure, nothing happens.

This is where your true lapse shines, you are able to transform your body to become an eldritch horror of some sort. As a bonus action for 4 cursed energy, you gain the following benefits for an amount of rounds equal to your charisma modifier:

  • You gain an amount of body function points you may spend on the body functions of the cursed spirit race equal to double the cursed energy spent.
  • Your entire visage is now a horrible incomprehensible state, when you roll initiative, you may force an amount of creatures up to your charisma modifier within 120ft of you to make a wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they are frightened for 1 minute. On a success nothing happens. A creature may attempt the save again at the beginning of your turns.
  • You gain the evolving monster racial trait of the cursed spirit race.

At 5th level, it lasts for an amount of turns equal to your Charisma modifier added twice. At 11th level, your transformation lasts until dismissed or you take a long rest. At 17th level, your transformation is now considered as if you were a Special Grade Curse.

Free Flowing Form. Due to your body being constantly morphing and filled with chaotic cursed energy, you are unable to gain the Reverse Cursed Technique feat.

At 3rd level, your abilities have morphed further, making it unknown if you are truly human, you may take the Regeneration feat if you qualify for it. You may only use it whilst transformed.

At 5th level, your descent from humanity is further prominent. You may take the Advanced Regeneration feat if you qualify for it. You may only use it whilst transformed.

At 11th level, the line between you and monstrosity really weakens, making you question if you were human to begin with. You may take the Improved Body Functions feat if you qualify for it. You may only gain the benefits of this feat whilst transformed.

At 17th level, you show others that you truly were a monster to begin with. You may take the Cursed Biology feat if you qualify for it, for the purposes of this feat, you count as an imaginary cursed spirit born from the negative emotion of the eldritch. You may only gain the benefits of this feat whilst transformed.

He Who Lies Within The Dream

Extension Technique
Starting at 3rd level, you gain otherworldly knowledge not meant to be understood by the normal and thus you can cause others to go crazy by hearing it. As an action for an amount of cursed energy up to your charisma modifier whilst transformed, you may force a creature within 120 ft of you to make a wisdom saving throw. On a failure, you may choose to inflict the charmed, berserk or frightened conditions for an amount of rounds equal to the amount spent. On a success, nothing happens. A creature may repeat the saves at the end of their turns.

At 5th level, your alteration of the mind causes the deterioration of the mind. Whenever a creature is charmed or frightened by you from this feature, they take 4d10 psychic damage at the beginning of their turns. At 11th level, they take 6d10 psychic damage at the beginning of their turns and at 17th level they take 8d10 psychic damage.

Mind Link. At 5th level, your ability to invade the mind is now able to be used to share with others. While a willing creature within a 120 ft radius is within sight range, you may spend 2 cursed energy as a free action to connect with their minds. For the next hour, you are able to speak telepathically with the creature as long as they are within your charisma scores times 10 feet range.

Shared Slumber. At 11th level, while a willing creature is sleeping within 120ft of you, for 4 Cursed Energy as a free action, you may also fall asleep and enter their dreams, allowing you to manipulate and distort their dreams however you see fit. During this, you may also bring other willing sleeping creatures with you. If this is used on unwilling creatures, they must make a wisdom saving throw. On a failure, you invade their dreams and you can manipulate and distort them. On a success, nothing happens.

The Darkness That Prowls Unknown

Extension Technique
Starting at 6th level, you have learned how to manipulate the darkness, letting you warp space with its constant presence. As an action for 8 cursed energy whilst transformed, you may summon a dark fog that covers a 120ft radius centered on you for 1 minute, this dark fog counts as magical darkness and you can see through it. As a reaction to being targeted by an attack while within the fog, you may spend 4 cursed energy to teleport up to your movement anywhere within the fog, you may only do this once per round. When a creature enters the fog, you are notified of their presence unless they use the cursed energy concealer feat.

When you strike a creature with a melee weapon attack within the fog, you may force them to make a charisma saving throw for 6 cursed energy. On a failure, you may teleport them up to their movement within the fog. When teleported this way, their next attack against a creature within the fog has disadvantage.

At the end of the minute, you may spend 2 cursed energy to extend the duration for this feature for another minute.

Absorbing Fog. At 11th level, you have become aware how much you crave negative energy. When activating The Darkness That Prowls Unknown, you may spend an additional 4 cursed energy to instead lose the ability to teleport creatures and yourself within the fog. In exchange, while hostile creatures of your choice are within the fog, they lose an amount of cursed energy equal to your charisma modifier at the beginning of their turns.

At 17th level, they lose an amount of cursed energy equal to your charisma modifier added twice.

The King in Yellow

Technique Improvement
Starting at 10th level, your technique grows even more unstable, allowing you to warp the reality around you to become incomprehensible. While transformed, you may as a bonus action inscribe a sigil onto a place of your choice within touch (Ex. Object, person, wall). These sigils have a cost and an effect that happens unique to them, you gain the following sigils:

Play Of Madness. You may craft a sigil that causes all who gaze upon it to go mad. For 8 cursed energy, you may inscribe this sigil. Any creature who lays their eyes on this sigil must make a wisdom save, on a failure they are berserk and bloodlusted for 1 minute. On a success, nothing happens.

A creature may repeat the saving throw at the beginning of their turns.

Play Of Terror. You may craft a sigil that causes all who lay their eyes onto it to go mad with fear in their system. For 8 cursed energy, you may inscribe this sigil. Any creature who lays their eyes on this sigil must make a wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they are now frightened and paralyzed with fear for 1 minute or until they take damage for the paralyzed condition to end. On success, nothing happens.

A creature may repeat the saving throw at the beginning of their turns.

Play Of Infliction. You may craft a sigil that causes all who lays their eyes on this sigil to have their minds ravaged with incomprehensible knowledge. For 6 cursed energy, you may craft this sigil, a creature who lays their eyes upon this sigil must make a wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they take 8d12 psychic damage and on a success, they take half as much damage.

At 11th level, they take 12d12 psychic damage and at 17th level, they take 16d12 psychic damage.

Upon a creature being affected by the Glyph, it fades away. A glyph will be destroyed after 1 hour of being placed or by the user dismissing it. The user can create a glyph in the air in front of them, in which case, all creatures the glyph is facing in a 120 ft cone must make the save.

Golden Robe Of The Theatre. At 17th level, you have begun to distort reality further, and have even given your cursed energy a physical form. As a Bonus Action for 10 cursed energy while transformed, your cursed energy has become a Golden Cloak that covers all but your face. This Cloak provides a bonus to your AC and saving throws equal to half your proficiency bonus rounded down. A creature may attempt to peer inside the robe or you may show creatures what's inside the robe. When done so, the creature must make a wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they are stunned until the beginning of their next turn as their mind can't comprehend the unknown within and on a success, nothing happens.

If they fail by 5 or more, they are paralyzed instead. The Cloak is considered a Special Grade Cursed Tool. If it is destroyed completely, all creatures in a 90 ft radius of the user must succeed a Wisdom Saving Throw, and on a failure, they take Xd12 Force damage and be knocked back X times 5 ft. Afterward, your Cursed Energy is reduced to 0.

(X is equal to your current cursed energy.)

Tokyo School Feature:The Key and The Gate

Extension Technique
Starting at 14th level, through long hours of researching and reading old text and experimenting further with your abilities, you have finally gained new knowledge on this chaotic and unknown Technique, thanks to the help of Tokyo. As a full round action for 15 cursed energy, you may unleash the seals on your power for 1 minute. The User gains the following effects:

  • You gain immunity to any effect that would negatively affect your mind.
  • You gain the ability to pass through any barrier freely unless a vow is stopping you. (This includes domain expansions, however you will still be affected by the sure-hit effect and feature)
  • You gain immunity to psychic damage.

Additionally, as an action for 5 cursed energy while Transformed, you may target a creature within 90ft of you and try to bind them in chains. The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw, or become Restrained. On the beginning of each of their turns, they may make the save again. Upon succeeding the saving throw, the creature cannot be affected by them for 1 minute.

The Nuclear Chaos

Maximum Technique
Finally, you have unlocked the power to end all living creatures. Starting at 20th level, you can now condense raw energy into a single attack that both destroys the body and mind. As an action for 30 cursed energy, you may force all creatures within a 200ft radius to make a constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 30d12 force damage and 30d12 psychic damage and are stunned from their mind turning to mush briefly. On a success, they take half as much damage and aren't stunned.

The Great Old One

Domain Expansion
The all seeing have finally arrived. As an action for 25 Cursed Energy, you may create a 90 ft. Domain. Inside the domain is an endless black abyss with a single platform in the center. After 1 turn has passed inside the domain, a great old one emerges and looks down on all the creatures, having a different effect depending on the Horror that appeared. Roll 1d6 to determine which Eldritch Horror appears.

Nyarlathotep. All creatures in the domain must make a DC 20 Wisdom Saving Throw. On a failure, the creature gains the Berserk Condition for the rest of the domain’s duration. This repeats every other turn.

Cthulhu. All creatures must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw, or become stunned until the end of their next turn and take 20d12 Psychic damage.

Darkness. All creatures become blinded for the duration and take 5d12 Necrotic damage every turn.

Hastur. The entire domain is considered difficult terrain except for the user. Creatures that attempt to teleport or fly in some way must make a DC 20 Wisdom Saving Throw or be stunned for 1 turn. When using The King in Yellow, it affects all creatures inside the Domain.

Yog-Sothoth. All creatures become restrained and cannot use cursed energy inside the domain. They may make a DC 25 Strength saving throw to escape the chains, however, they still cannot use Cursed Energy.

Azathoth. The eldritch horror himself comes approaching at great speed. All creatures at the start of every turn must make a DC 30 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened. If the domain is shattered due to its duration, every creature within the domain not under the effect of an anti-domain defense must make a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw, or having the horror slam down into them, trying to swallow them whole. They will take 60d12 Force damage which ignores resistances and immunities, and if they do not survive their bodies will be erased, having been devoured by Azathoth. On a success, they take half the damage. If they used a Domain canceling effect, they are fully immune to the effect of this horror as it will simply pass right through them.

The various saving throws and their effects are the sure-hit of this domain. The user and everyone touching them cannot be targeted by the sure-hit.

Lifeless Enlightenment[edit]

Domain Expansion:Sacred City of Amaravati

Domain Expansion
At 1st level, your technique is unique being based around your Domain Expansion! Your Domain Expansion costs no cursed energy the first time you cast it, however the cursed energy cost increases by 5 per domain cast up to a maximum of 30. This increase of Domain Expansion's cost will reset after you complete a long rest. Additionally, you may expand your Domain as a bonus action as opposed to its normal action cost. Whenever you activate your Domain Expansion, creatures need to spend 2 reactions in order to react to the Domain Expansion’s activation.

Once per turn when damaged by you, creatures inside the Domain must make a Charisma saving throw or gain the Cleansed Condition, as the Realm of the Lifeless tries to bring them beyond their current form of being.

Dark Craft. Your Domain grants you the capability to fire blasts of cursed energy. one of those attacks with a ranged cursed energy attack roll against a creature within the domain. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 force damage per cursed energy spent and must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are knocked prone. On a success, they receive no additional conditions.

You can replace multiple attacks with Dark Craft, but you must spend appropriate cursed energy for each attack. This cannot replace attacks from features such as Cursed Blast of Blows.

At 5th level, you can spend up to your Charisma modifier when using Dark Craft. At 11th level, you can spend up to your Charisma modifier + half of your Charisma modifier(rounded down). At 17th level, you can spend up to your Charisma modifier added twice. At 20th level, you can spend up to your Charisma modifier added thrice.

Cursed Corpses Of Amaravati. Your Domain Expansion allows you to summon all those who have died due to being accused of being a witch from the graves of Amaravati. As an action for 4 cursed energy, you can summon an ethereal warrior, resembling a tortured soul, that protects you. The warrior appears in an unoccupied space of your choice within 30 feet and remains for 1 minute or until it drops to 0 hit points. The warrior uses your spell attack bonus for its attack rolls, and it has a number of hit points equal to 2x your level + your charisma modifier. You may only summon a number equal to double your proficiency bonus, each costing 4 energy, these warriors act during your turn. When creating, you may summon them with 1 of 3 weapons.

  • Sword Swing: Melee Weapon Attack: +?, reach 5 ft., 1 target. Hit: 3d8+Charisma Modifier Slashing damage
  • Hammer Blow: Melee Weapon Attack: +?, reach 5 ft., 1 target. Hit: 4d8+Charisma Modifier Bludgeoning damage
  • Spear Strike: Melee Weapon Attack: +?, reach 10ft., 1 target. Hit: 2d10+Charisma Modifier Piercing damage
Outside Svarga

Technique Improvement
Starting at 3rd level, through greater understanding of your technique and the teachings related to it, you have begun to be able to use your powers outside of the realm they were once restricted to. You may now use Dark Craft and Cursed Corpses of Amaravati outside of your Domain. Dark Craft has a range of 120ft outside of your domain, and Cursed Corpses of Amaravati can be summoned outside for 6 cursed energy to an unoccupied space within 5 ft of you.

The Ascended

Technique Improvement
With more control of one’s abilities and understanding of Ascension, you have finally gained a means to get there. Upon reaching 6th level, as an Action, you may wrap yourself in your own magic for 10 Cursed Energy, giving yourself a Flight Speed equal to your Movement for 1 minute. While active, your Dark Craft range is doubled. While inside your Domain, you gain advantage on Saves while active. After 1 minute, you may continue using this for another minute as a Bonus Action for 5 Cursed Energy.

Lotus Shield

Extension Technique
Your control of your energy, alongside you having created the Cursed Corpses of Amaravati, has allowed you to create something new to protect yourself. Starting at 10th Level, as a Reaction to a successful attack roll being made against you that you can see, for 6 Cursed Energy, you may make a shield to block the damage, reducing the damage to 0. Also as an Action, for 8 Cursed Energy, you may create a large shield that covers floats just in front of you and is 15 ft around. This shield has an AC of 17 and an amount of HP equal to your Charisma Score times your Proficiency Bonus

Tokyo School: Samsara Cubes

Extension Technique
At 14th level, as an action for 12 cursed energy, you may trap a creature within 60 ft within a cube of cursed energy. The creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are trapped inside the cube, which takes up space equal to the creature’s size. The creature inside is put in a form of stasis, unable to move or take any actions. The cube can be broken from the outside. Concentration must be held on the cube for it to stay. The cube lasts 1 minute. While inside your Domain, you may target 1 creature inside the domain, where they must succeed a Wisdom saving throw, or be sent to the top of the Temple and trapped inside the cube. Every turn they are there, they take 4d10 Force damage. The cube cannot be destroyed. The creature may make the Wisdom saving throw again at the end of each of the creature’s turns. Upon the cube being broken inside the Domain, the User must wait 1 turn before using it again. The Cube has an AC of 20 and HP equal to your Charisma Score times your Proficiency Bonus


Extension Technique
After much trial and tribulation with your technique, you have finally reached its full potential and gained Nirvana. At 20th level, as an Action, you may spend 20 Cursed Energy, and for 1 minute, gain the following effects:

  • Gain Truesight up to 120ft
  • You cannot be Surprised
  • Halve the cost of all cursed energy features rounded up (this does not count for Domains)
  • You are cleansed of all Conditions and cannot be affected by any while active

After the time ends, you gain 2 levels of Exhaustion. This feature cannot be used while you have the Exhaustion condition. When used inside Domain, all creatures have Disadvantage on attack rolls against you and you gain Advantage on saves caused by hostile creatures

Support Techniques[edit]

Thread of Fate[edit]

Thread Attachment

Lapse Technique

Starting at 1st level, you’ve learnt your innate technique and its possible power.

As an action for a number of cursed energy up to your proficiency bonus, you may attach a spectral thread to an ally within 100ft feet of you, this thread grants your ally a number of temporary hit points equal to your charisma modifier times your proficiency bonus per cursed energy spent.

While these temporary hit points are active, as a reaction to the targeted creature being targeted by an attack you may spend 1 cursed energy to make the attacker roll at disadvantage, or if they’re targeted by a saving throw you may spend 2 cursed energy to have the targeted creature roll at advantage.

These temporary hit points will last for a number of turns equal to your sorcerer level + your charisma modifier, or if the target moves .

You can have a number of active threads equal to half your dexterity modifier (rounded up).

Balance of Fate

Technique Improvement

You’ve realised that your enemies keep trying to disrupt the future told for your allies.

Upon reaching 3rd level, if your targeted ally is subjected to the poisoned, petrified, frightened, deafened, blinded, paralyzed, or stunned conditions you may expend 3 cursed energy to end one of these conditions.

Thread Efficiency

Technique Improvement

Starting at level 6th, you’ve learnt how to increase the speed and efficiency of your threads.

You may have a number of threads active at once equal to your Dexterity modifier, and may now expel a thread as a bonus action or reaction.

Acceleration of Fate

Extension Technique

You’re tired of waiting for fate to work its magic, so you’ve learnt how to take the wheel and make it more entertaining.

At 10th level, you may spend a bonus action to spend a number of cursed energy up to your charisma modifier to enhance the targeted creature’s Armour Class, Saving Throw modifier, and attack modifier equal to amount spent. This will last for a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus.

Tokyo Feature: Fate Intertwined

Technique Improvement

People at Kyoto were fearful of your possible manipulation of fate, but your Tokyo teachers were far too interested in your potential.

Whenever you would hit a Natural 20 and hit a Black Flash, any and all creatures you’re connected to will also be put under the effects of In the Zone.

Additionally, if a creature you’re connected to hits a Black Flash you will be put under the effects of In the Zone.

If you don’t already have the Black Flash feat, you gain it as a part of this

Surpassing Fate

Technique Improvement

You’ve learnt over the course of your life, that fate doesn’t exist, for you control life and death.

Upon reaching level 20, if an ally within 100ft. of you is reduced to zero hit points, or would take damage that would reduce them to zero hit points, you may use your a reaction to expend 20 cursed energy to instantly stabilise that creature and restore a number of hit points equal to your charisma modifier times the target’s constitution modifier.

Additionally, if you may add your cursed energy attack modifier to your death saving throws.

House of Cards[edit]

House of Cards is a technique that utilizes cursed energy to manifest effects or creatures based off of the different suits and values in a deck of playing cards, allowing its user a versatile and flexible style of combat, if luck is on their side.

An Ace card with Sukuna's finger drawn on it, Source [1]
Dealer's Hand

Lapse Technique Starting at 1st level, you have a deck of cards containing a standard set of four suits and two jokers, one black and one red.

Additionally, you gain proficiency in the Sleight of Hand skill, if you already have proficiency you gain expertise.

Cards in the spades suit are more melee oriented, cards in the clubs suit are more defensive, cards in the hearts suit are for healing, and cards in the diamonds suit are for ranged damage.

Draw. Once per turn, you may spend 1 CE as a free action to draw two cards from your deck, rolling 1d4 for the suit, and rolling 1d14 to decide the card, with aces being a 1 and jokers a 14.

1 for Clubs(♣), 2 for Diamonds(♦), 3 for Hearts(♥) and 4 for Spades(♠)

The roll becomes 1d14-1 for that suit if you have one summon of its type active or defeated, 1d12 for two, and so on, decreasing in tier for every two persistent cards of that suit played until it becomes 1d4-1 when only effect cards remain. This persists until you reshuffle the deck, which you may do as a Bonus Action.

You may draw an additional card at levels 3, 6, 10, and 16.

Depending on the rank of the card the action and CE cost may vary, as shown in the list below. You may play the card in order to summon creature(s) if the card is a number card from 5 to 10, a face card, or a joker, or in order to trigger an effect if it is a 2 through 4.

Card Cost Action Cost
Joker 30 CE Full Round Action
Ace 25 CE Full Round Action
King 20 CE Full Round Action
Queen 15 CE Action
Jack 10 CE Action
10 8 CE Bonus Action
9 6 CE Bonus Action
8 4 CE Bonus Action
7 2 CE Bonus Action
6 1 CE Bonus Action
5 0 CE Bonus Action
4 0 CE Bonus Action
3 0 CE Bonus Action
2 0 CE Bonus Action

If you play a 2, 3, or 4, an effect is triggered based off the value of the card.

A 2 will apply a stronger touch ranged damage (spades) or defense (clubs) buff, or a touch range healing (hearts) or damage (diamonds) effect.

A 3 lets you apply a weaker buff an ally or to heal or do damage at a 60 ft range.

A 4 creates an aura applying a moderate effect, that is weaker than the 2 but stronger than the 3, in a 15 ft radius around you that can buff or heal allies or damage enemies.

All summoned cards disappear after you take a short or long rest. Shikigami that are reduced to 0 hit points can only be summoned again after a long rest.

Nothing Up My Sleeve

Technique Improvement
Starting at 3rd level, on a short or long rest you may pick an amount of cards up to half of your proficiency bonus rounded up. As a Bonus Action, you can make a Sleight of Hand with a set DC listed below to "pull" your chosen cards instead of rolling.

Card DC
Number Card DC 10
Face Card DC 15
Ace DC 20
Joker DC 25
Blank Slate

Extension Technique
Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to store items such as tools, weapons or your shikigami onto the blank cards left over from summoning. With no action required, you may pay one cursed energy to store an item or shikigami within touch range into a card. You require a free action to remove an item from a card. Upon storing an item or shikigami within a card, an image of the item, or a number and suit that pertains to the shikigami that was stored will appear on the surface of the card.

Advanced Storage

Technique Improvement
Once you reach 14th level, through practice and experimentation you've learned how to store larger objects such as vehicles like boats or motorbikes or furniture such as bookshelves or cabinets, and even other creatures into your cards. For 5 CE, as a Bonus Action you may store or remove a larger object or creature onto a blank card.

If the creature is willing, they enter the card and may stay as long as they wish, exiting the card when they decide to leave if you permit it or are removed by you. If the creature is unwilling, they must make an Intelligence save against your curse save DC. On a success, nothing happens. On a failure, they are stored in the card for 10 rounds minus their con mod, with a minimum of 1 round. They may repeat this check each round at the end of their turn to escape early. If the card is attacked or torn, the creature is simply released into an adjacent square to the card holder and takes no damage.

Cursed Sealing Technique[edit]

Cursed Body Seal

At a very young age you've been able to understand the inner most workings of your own body as a seal for cursed energy allowing unfathomable things.

Seal Body

At 1st level you turn your body into a tall slender figure with multiple cursed seal paper sprouting from your body forming a flowing mummy look. For 1 cursed energy as a action you active your cursed seal body and you can spend an amount of turns in this form up to your charisma modifier. While in this form you gain a claw and bite attack, claw dealing 1d6+your strength modifier slashing and bite dealing 1d8+your strength modifier piercing damage, both of these deal double damage to undead and fiend type opponents and opponents of this variety hit by your attacks while transformed must make charisma saving throws against your save DC on a failure they cannot use any of their cursed techniques on thier next turn. You can only use this once per long rest.

Your damage dice increases to 1d8 slashing and 2d6 piercing at 5th, 2d6 slashing and 2d8 piercing at 11th and finally 2d8 slashing and 2d10 piercing at 17th level. You can also use this form twice per long rest at 5th level, three times at 11th level and as many times you like at 17th level with the duration being your charisma modifier in minutes.

Technique Sealing

At 3rd level you can lock cursed energy in you to increase your fighting prowess. While your Seal Body is active, you can spend 2 cursed energy after a creature hits you with an attack from thier innate technqiue or you attack them with your claw and bite attacks they must make a charisma saving throw against your save DC, if they succeed than they have nothing but a merely disadvantage on using their innate technique the next turn, if they fail however then until they succeed the save at the beginning of their turns they cannot use their innate technique. For every 5 cursed energy spent on a attack that hit your from thier innate technique you may increase the DC by 1 and this does not change after usage until you deactivate your technqiue.

This becomes for every 3 cursed energy at 5th level, for every 2 cursed energy at 11th level and for every 1 cursed energy at 17th level.

Adaptive seal

At 6th level you learn to enhance your own strength by consumption of cursed energy and further advancing your sealing arts. Whenever you use your bite attack you can choose to spend 5 cursed energy to add your charisma modifier to hit and if it lands you bite a chunk out of a creature, the amount is 1/5th of their maximum weight, for every 4 pounds you devoured you gain 1 cursed energy and can choose 1 positive aspect of theirs to choose from and use, e.g you can choose to use thier strength modifier instead of your own or gain their movement speed or use one of their innate techniques that you meet the level requirements for.

Anti Curse Seal

At 10th level you become an anomaly amongst curse technqiues as you gain an improved negation ability. You gain access to the Simple domain feat additionally it lasts indefinitely while you're transformed after paying the initial cost and at 17th level it's active after transforming instead of paying the initial cost and you always count as having concentration on it without the need of concentration

Tokyo School Feature: Improved Beneficial Sealing

At 14th level now when you use adaptive sealing you do not gain any one positive aspect from the creature, instead you gain an attack and damage bonus equal to their proficiency modifier and you gain a movement speed increase of their proficiency multiplied by 10. You cannot change this an cannot chose to gain a positive aspect, this costs 8 cursed energy extra with the 5 needed for adaptive sealing and you can use this more than once to gain the benefits on top of each other at 17th level.

Holy Cursed Body Chokusen-in

At 20th level you gain the precipice of your technique now becoming a seal unlike any before. Your transformation lasts indefinitely with no time limit and your bite and claw attacks deal an extra xd6 radiant damage, with X being cursed energy you spend up to your charisma modifier. Your AC is now calculated 14+your dexterity modifier+ your Charisma modfeir and you now whenever you make an attack or are hit with an attack creatures must make a charisma saving throw against your save DC and failing results in their cursed energy being stopped until you detransform, fiends and undead have disadvantage on the saves against these effects and you have advantage against attacks on creatures of this category.

Witchcraft Initiation[edit]

Witchcraft Initiation manipulates cursed energy at an extremely advanced level, enabling the creation of complex, ethereal structures, and a variety of spiritual weapons.

Ethereal Arsenal

Starting at 1st level, you can now use your cursed energy to form ethereal structures. As an action, for 3 cursed energy, you can construct a variety of spiritual weapons that use your spellcasting ability modifier for attack and damage rolls. You can also form shields that add +2 to your AC until the beginning of your next turn. The weapons and shields vanish after one minute or when dismissed as a bonus action.

Any weapon you form is made of cursed energy and it lasts for 1 minute. The weapon deals 1d8 + your Charisma modifier in force damage. The weapon damage increases to 2d8 at 6th level, 3d8 at 11th level, 4d8 at 15th level and 5d8 at 18th level.

Ethereal Blast

At 3rd level, you may now shape your cursed energy into powerful rays of cursed energy that "attack" the space around it, ignoring barriers such as Infinity. As an action for 5 cursed points, you can fire a blast, beam, or ball of cursed energy at a target within 120 feet. Target is forced to make a dexterity saving throw against your save DC, taking 2d10 + your Charisma modifier force damage and gaining the stunned condition on a failure. On a failure they only take halved damage. The damage increases by 1d10 at 6th level (3d10), 10th level (4d10), 14th level (5d10) and 20th level (6d10).

Armor of Amaravati

At 6th level, your mastery over witchcraft Initiation increases. As an action for 7 cursed points, you can summon an ethereal warrior, resembling a suit of armor, that protects you. The warrior appears in an unoccupied space of your choice within 30 feet and remains for 1 minute or until it drops to 0 hit points. The warrior uses your spell attack bonus for its attack rolls, and it has a number of hit points equal to 2x your level + your charisma ability modifier. You may only summon a number equal to your proficiency bonus, each costing 7 points.

Large automaton, unaligned

Armor Class 14 + your Charisma modifier (natural armor)
Hit Points 2x your level + Charisma
Speed 30 ft.

15 (+2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 2 (-4) 1 (-5) 4 (-3)

Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Cursed Blocker. When a creature makes an attack against another creature within 10 feet of you, you may use your reaction to move in between the attacker and your ally. The attack target is changed to you. If the attack deals damage to you, reflect 10 damage to the opponent.

Domain Expansion: Sacred City of Amaravati

At 10th level, you now can as an action for 20 cursed points, you can expand your domain to create a massive temple complex made of cursed energy. The domain encompasses a 165-foot radius centered on you and lasts for 1 minute or until you dismiss it as a bonus action. While inside your domain, your attacks cannot miss, and you can see everything within the domain. Creatures within the domain when it is created, or that enter the domain thereafter, must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 5d10 psychic damage and is stunned until the start of your next turn. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and isn’t stunned.

Kyoto School:Samsara Cubes

At 14th level, as an action for 3 cursed points to trap a creature within a cube of cursed energy. The cube is a 10-foot square and can trap any creature within 60 feet of you. The creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be trapped within the cube, unable to move or take action. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. For the duration, the creature is counted as being restrained, and all attacks against it can be made with advantage.

Witchcraft Mastery

At 20th level, your mastery over your innate technique has increased, allowing the total manipulation of all objects. As an action for 10 cursed points, you can cover an object you can see within 60 feet in cursed energy and move it up to 30 feet in any direction. The object must be able to fit within a 10-foot cube, and can't be held or worn by another creature. If you use this feature to move an object into a creature, make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the object deals force damage equal to 6d10 + your Charisma modifier.

Maiden Sorcery[edit]

This technique allows you to embody the essence of a shrine maiden, worshipping your gods and supporting your allies.

Torii Durability

Your Torii Gates aren't ethereal objects but physical, as such they can be targeted. They have an AC equal to your cursed energy DC and automatically fail all saving throws and are resistant to bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage and are immune to psychic damage.

They have an amount of hit points equal to half your maximum hit points. At 10th level, this becomes equal to your maximum hit points.

For every size your Gates are above the normal Torii Gate, which is small, you multiply their hit points by the number of size tier they are above small. (Ex. Huge is 4 tiers above small, counting small and as such you multiply the hit points by 4.)

If your Torii Gates are destroyed, you cannot teleport using that Torii Gate until you resummon it again.

Torii Gates

Lapse Technique
At 1st level, you gain access to the basics of your cursed technique, being able to manifest small Torii gates. As a bonus action for 1 cursed energy, you may mark a location of your choice within 60ft of you, once chosen, a Torii Gate appears, floating atop the chosen location for 1 minute.

When you create another Torii Gate, you may choose to teleport with a bonus action for 2 cursed energy as long as the gates are within 100 ft of each other as if casting the teleport spell, always reaching your desired location as the Torii Gates act as beacon. You may have an amount of Torii Gates up to your proficiency bonus active all at once. Additionally, you're aware of all creatures within the range of your Torii Gates, no matter which variation as if you were using the cursed energy tracker feat, as they are now within your God's Sanctuary.

At 3rd level, you may designate an amount of locations at once equal to half your proficiency bonus, rounded down. At 5th level, you may have an amount of Torii Gates up to your proficiency bonus + half your proficiency bonus, rounded down. At 11th level, you may have an amount of Torii Gates up to your proficiency bonus added twice. At 17th level, you may have an amount of Torii Gates up to your proficiency bonus added thrice.

Shrine Gates

Technique Improvement
At 3rd level, you've discovered a way to massively increase the range of your teleportation by creating bigger Torii Gates. When you use Torii Gates, you may choose to increase its action cost by 3, making it a rooting full turn action and 6 cursed energy, to create a huge Torii Gate, called a Shrine Gate. When created this way, Shrine Gates count as 3 Torii Gates for the purposes of the amount of Torii Gates you can maintain and last for a week instead of 1 minute.

Shrine Gates increase the range of your teleportation to (your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus + your Jujutsu Sorcerer level) x 100 feet, and you can now use the teleport as a reaction to an attack. You still need to have other Torii Gates manifested in order to teleport.

You gain an amount of reactions equal to your proficiency bonus for the purposes of this feature.

Titan’s Gates. At 5th level, you've improved your creation of Shrine Gates, being able to make them quicker in exchange for them being smaller. When using Torii Gates, you may choose to increase its action cost by 2, making it a full turn action and 4 cursed energy, to create a large Torii Gate, called a Titan's Gate. When created this way, Titan Gates count as 2 Torii Gates for the purposes of the amount of Torii Gates you can maintain and last for 12 hours instead of a week.

Titan Gates increases the range of your teleportation to (your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus + your Jujutsu Sorcerer level) x 50 feet, and you can now use the teleport as a reaction to an attack. You still need to have other Torii Gates manifested in order to teleport.

You gain an amount of reactions equal to half your proficiency bonus, rounded down for the purposes of this feature.

Sentinel Gates. At 11th level, you've improved the creation of your Shrine Gates to the upper most limit you could, thus making it even smaller. When using Torii Gates, you may choose to increase its action cost by 1, making it an action and 2 cursed energy, to create a large Torii Gate, called a Sentinel Gate. When created this way, Sentinel Gates count as 2 Torii Gates for the purposes of the amount of Torii Gates you can maintain and last for 6 hours instead of 12.

Sentinel Gates increases the range of your teleportation to (your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus + your Jujutsu Sorcerer level) x 25 feet, and you can now use the teleport as a reaction to an attack. You still need to have other Torii Gates manifested in order to teleport.

Maiden Sorcery

Extension Technique
At 6th level, to further embody a maiden, you've chosen to create an extension technique that shows off their sorcery capabilities. As an action, or replacing an attack as part of the attack action if you target a creature you are grappling, you can spend 4 cursed energy to make a melee weapon attack roll or a range cursed energy attack roll against a creature within 30ft of you. On a hit, they take 6d12 psychic damage. The cursed energy is not spent if you miss it using the melee variant. If you have any Torii Gate active, your range for the ranged variant of this feature increases to the range of your Torii Gates teleportation range.

This technique’s damage increases to 10d12 at 11th, 14d12 at 17th, and 22d12 at 20th level.

Okiku’s Dolls. Additionally, you're able to summon Dolls that become your faithful servant, as if sent by your Gods. As an action for 2 cursed energy for every doll, you may summon a number of doll up to your proficiency bonus for 1 minute.

These Dolls are considered constructs and act during your turns. They have an amount of hit points equal to double your jujutsu sorcerer level and have an AC equal to your cursed energy DC.

These Dolls use your cursed energy attack roll to attack creatures within the range of your Torii Gate Teleportation range and deal Maiden Sorcery’s damage on a hit. When you use these Dolls to attack, they are immediately destroyed after they hit or miss and must be summoned again in order to be used.

Miku’s Blessings

Extension Technique
At 10th level, you've created a second extension, allowing you to bestow blessings to creatures on behalf of your Gods. When you have Torii Gates active, you may pray for and spend 6 cursed energy as a rooting distracting full turn action to designate it a “Sanctuary”, which has the range of your teleportation of your normal Torii Gates. Any creature of your choice that walks through the gate gains an amount of temporary hit points equal to 10 times your charisma modifier and have advantage on any cursed energy effect targeting them; this doesn't apply to domain saves. You may choose an amount of creatures up to your charisma modifier.

You may also choose to designate the Sanctuary as a “Solo Area” instead, causing the Gate to fly 60ft up and decrease to a small size. Any creature of your choice (with the same limit as a Sanctuary) underneath this Torii Gate within a 20ft radius will regain an amount of cursed energy equal to half your charisma modifier, rounded down at the beginning of their turns to a minimum of 1.

Tokyo School Feature: Doll Invasion

Extension Technique
At 14th level, you've created a unique move belonging only to you, not even within the teaching of the Shrine Maidens. As a bonus action for 4 cursed energy or reaction to being targeted by an attack, you may transfer your mind to any active Okiku Doll, causing your body to be considered unconscious and paralyzed. When your mind is transfered into your Doll, you transform it into an epicer version of itself.

This Doll now lasts as long as it has hit points above 0 and has an amount of hit points equal to half the current hit points you had before transferring. You gain a bonus to your AC equal to half your charisma modifier rounded down. Additionally, you gain advantage on charisma checks and saving throws and are considered immune to the frightened and charmed conditions. You can still use any of your cursed technique features.

You stay in this body as long as the Doll has hit points or you choose to return to your body as a bonus action, destroying this doll.

Gate to The Gods

Technique Improvement
At 20th level, your creation of the Torii Gates far surpasses any shrine maiden before and after you. When you create any type of Torii Gate, the action cost is reduced by 1. (Rooting Full Round Action → Full round action → Action → Bonus Action → Free Action) and the action cost for your teleport is reduced by 1. (full turn action→action→bonus action→free action).

Additionally, any of your Torii Gates last longer. Your Torii Gates now last for 6 hours instead of 1 minute. Your Shrine Gates now last for 1 month instead of 1 week. Your Titan Gates now last for 1 week instead of 12 hours. And your Sentinel Gates last for 12 hours instead of 6 hours.

Yin and Yang[edit]

You are a balanced force of nature your curse energy allows you manipulate that balance within you.

Balanced Energy

Your curse energy is almost all the time at a perfect balance causing you to gain an understanding of both sides of your curse technique. You gain Reverse Cursed Technique and Cursed Technique Reversal


Technique Lapse

Starting at 1st level you can calm yourself to a degree that no one has witnessed. Has a bonus action for 3 curse energy you are now in the form “Yin” you add to your AC = 2 x Cha Mod. However whenever you attack someone whatever you attack them with it goes down a damage tier EX: you attack someone with an unarmed strike your unarmed strike goes down from a 1d6 - 1d4 (to a minimum of 1)This transformation would last an amount of rounds equal to your Charisma. If you wanted it to last longer you would have to use 3 curse energy per round to keep it.


Technique Reversal

Starting at 3rd level you can quickly turn into a murderous force to a degree that is considered dangerous for your enemies and you. You can spend 3 curse energy as a bonus action to gain the form Yang in this form you gain these benefits. Your unarmed strike gets additional damage equal to your charisma modifier and your unarmed strike die increase by 1 but you must use your two lowest stats for your AC EX: if your two lowest stats are Int and Wis you would have to use them to replace your Cha and Dex. This transformation would last an amount of rounds equal to your Charisma. If you wanted it to last longer you would have to use 3 curse energy per round to keep it.

Reactive Change

Technique Improvement

Starting at 6th level you switch between Yin and Yang with relative ease. As a reaction you can switch to and from either yin and Yang for 6 curse energy (you can use Yang before an attack however you must declare you transform into Yang before the attack roll), however when you do your timer stays the same as if you didn’t switch.

Transfered Peace

Technique Improvement

Starting at 10th level you can gift people with one side of your balanced energy. As an action you can give a creature your yin or Yang for 6 curse energy however you can only gift this to 2 creatures max.

Tokyo Feature: Selfless Gifts

At 14th level you give your gift to others but you choose to Martyr the consequences. You can now give out only the benefits of yin or Yang but you take the drawbacks. Ex: you give an ally Yang their unarmed strikes damage is increased by their charisma modifier but you now have to reduce your AC by your two lowest ability scores.


You finally get a an understanding of mysterious curse energy leading into the understanding of how to balance it. At 20th Level as an action for 20 curse energy you use both aspects of yin and Yang. You add your charisma modifier to your AC 3 times additionally your unarmed strike damage is increased by twice your charisma modifier and your unarmed strike is increased by your proficiency bonus. You gain a +4 to your charisma score and your movement speed is increased by 30ft. This form last rounds equal to your charisma modifier however due to how long you have been simultaneously using your curse technique lapse and reversal your brain is getting heavily damaged when the form ends you gain 4 levels of exhaustion additionally your AC is now calculated by your two lowest ability scores. Your unarmed strike die is now reduced by your charisma modifier this last until the end of a long rest.

Soul Train[edit]

You have the ability to use the foundation of someone soul

Soul Buffet

At 1st level Everytime you knock a creature unconscious you can choose to suck out its very soul as a bonus action 3 cursed energy killing the creature but giving you the following benefits for a minute and gain a soul.

A +1 in a ability score of your chose The ability to attack the soul directly meaning you ignore any resistance when you attack a creature You gain 10 temporary hit points This effect will stack with every kill at 6th level. You also gain 1 soul knowledge every time you use this

Regel Spirit

At 3rd level you imbue your souls into things permanently. You can now choose 2 things to permanently imbue with your souls(you must imbue these out of combat). One will act as a battery and one other thing.

  • You can imbue souls into an item to act as a battery for your souls. It can hold up to your cha mod amount of souls.
  • You can choose one other thing to imbue with souls and it will have the following effect depending on what is imbued. A weapon will get a damage die increase every one soul you imbue into it ex:1d8-2d8
  • If you imbue your unarmed strikes with souls every one soul you imbue into it you will get a stage increase ex:1d8-1d10 and you bypass resistances
  • If you imbue your body you gain 10 extra hit points to your maximum hit point and for every soul (after the first one) that gets imbued you gain 2 hit points to your maximum hit points. The number of objects you can imbue increase to 3 at 14th level
The Hand Of Sorrow

At 6th You can now make souls into physical matter. You can now for an action temporarily give up all the souls in your objects to make a shikigami. This shikigami is a hand with a mouth on its palm with the ghost on the dead making it stronger. This shikigami lasts for rounds equal to the amount of souls you put in it, if it dies you lose all the souls you imbued into it.

The Hand Of Sorrow

Large Unaligned Undead

Armor class 12 + cha mod + soul Hit points: (12d12 it gains another 2d12 every time the user gains a level) Speed: 40 ft Str(10+ cha mod + souls) Dex(12) Con(10+ cha mod +souls) Wis(10) Int(8) cha(0)

Actions: Slam: melee weapon attack: Str mod to hit, reach 10 ft,one target. Hit: Str mod (1d10) + Str mod bludgeoning damage.

Deadly Ghoul

At 10th level you are able to maintain the form of ghoul you can now mix your curse energy with the souls of the dead you can attack the very soul. For 6 curse energy you gain the following benefits for 1 minute. Your unarmed strikes add an additional damage die, this will increase by one for every soul you can put into this. You gain temporary hit points equal to 10 x how many souls you put into this You can spend 5 curse energy before you make an attack to treat your attack as vulnerability to the creature you attack or you can chose to deal damage to the soul. You can put the amount souls equal to your Cha mod.

Tokyo Feature: Ghostly Aid

In Tokyo you learned that you can aid your allies with your curse technique. At 14th You can now spend 3 curse energy to give a soul to your allies. They get the same benefits as “Soul buffet” but not the soul knowledge.

Domain Expansion: Soul Train

At 20th level you get to understand the sorrow of those you have taken. Your domain doesn’t have a sure hit but now you can now project their pain to those in your domain. When you expand your domain the creature is put to the back of the train and you are put to the front. The creature now has to face the pain of those who have suffered due to them. The creature now has to make a Wis save throw. They have to make this save for every train car they pass (there are 5 train cars) . There are penalties for every time the creature fails this save. 1st fail the creature is dazed until the start of their next turn 2nd fail the creature takes 2 levels of exhaustion 3rd fail the creature takes 3 levels of exhaustion 4th fail the creature takes 4 levels of exhaustion 5th fail the creature is incapacitated for 3 minutes If a creature fails all five saving throws, all attacks for the creature who opened the domain against the creature who failed the saving throw is treated as vulnerability.

Chrono Mystique[edit]

You can use your curse energy to affect time allowing you to view the future and maybe even change it.

Future Sight

1st level you are capable of uses your innate curse technique to see in the future for a few seconds. You can spend 1 curse energy per attack to give your next attack roll with advantage.

6th level you can use this as a reaction for 2 cursed points to give opponents disadvantage on their attack rolls for one attack.

Eno Surge

At 3rd level You can now choose to rewind time to attack you opponent multiple times. When you make an attack action you may choose to spend 8 curse energy to make 2 attacks that will be make on the same attack afterwards you may not be able to do this until the start of your next turn

Chrono Interruption

6th level you can now use your innate technique better in fact you can change the properties of it. you can make an attack hit an opponent from the future which makes it a guaranteed hit.

For 6 cursed energy you can make a guaranteed melee hit but it will not count as a critical.

Time Carrade

At 10th You have learned how to truly use this one aspect of your innate technique to its fullest. You may spend 10 curse energy to enter Time Carrade and you gain the following benefits: you gain an advantage to all your melee attacks, your ac is now increased by +2, you advantage to dexterity saving throws and when you use emo surge you may make 3 attacks instead of two.

Tokyo Feature: Temporal Apex

Nobody understands how your curse technique works but you do. You understand just how malleable it is, time is your playground and you choose what role you play in it. At 14th level you can now have a zone of your where your Chrono Mystique is in effect. You can now choose up to 3 creatures that your innate technique can affect. You can choose to fine the benefits of one of the features Future Sight, Eno Surge and Chono interruptions to affect multiple creatures. You can choose to use different effects for each creature.

Quantum Cascade

You’ve unlocked it is the first sign of being someone that will be remembered beyond time. You may whenever you are hit with an attack you may choose spend 7 curse energy to rewind time and cause this attack to auto miss (this doesn’t work on domain sure hits) you may now make 4 attacks with eno surge. Your Time carrade now causes all attacks against you to be at disadvantage and now you ac increase by your charisma modifier instead of by two.

Tantalizing Gluttony[edit]

Tantalizing Gluttony is a unique cursed technique that manipulates the hunger and thirst of the target, sapping their cursed energy by exploiting their most primal desires.

Sapping Strikes

Due to your innate technique, you have now grown with the ability to eat away at another person, you will gain resistance to necrotic damage when you activate your Cursed Energy Armor. When you deal damage with the Curse-Empowered Strikes or Cursed Energy Ray feature, its type will be changed to necrotic damage.

Voracious Hunger

At 1st level, as an action for 4 cursed points, you can focus your cursed energy on a single target within 30 feet of you. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier). On a failed save, the target becomes overwhelmed with hunger, gaining one level of exhaustion. Additionally, they take psychic damage equal to 1d6 + your Charisma modifier. If the target is already suffering from exhaustion, they instead take 1d10 psychic damage, and the exhaustion level increases by one. At 3rd level the damage increases to 2d6, 10th 3d6, 14th 4d6, and 20th 5d6.

Withering Thirst

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to make your targets extremely thirsty, sapping away the water and cursed energy from the target. When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, your attack can sap its cursed energy. The target must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier). On a failed save, the target's hit points are reduced by an amount equal to your level, and you gain temporary hit points equal to the amount of hit points drained. On a success the target's hit points are not reduced and they only take half damage.

Additionally, as an action for 5 cursed points, you can fire out a burst of water toward a target. Within a range of 30 ft, the target must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 2d8 force + 3d4 cold damage and are knocked prone. On a success, they only take halved damage.

Energy Drain

Starting at 6th level, your mastery of your innate technique allows you to siphon your target's cursed energy while they are afflicted by hunger or thirst. When a target affected by your Voracious Hunger or Withering Thirst feature takes damage from any source, you can use your reaction to absorb a portion of their cursed energy, healing yourself for an amount equal to half the damage dealt.

Stark Vortex

At 10th level, you can create an aura of insatiable hunger and thirst around you, affecting all creatures of your choice within a 30-foot radius. As an action for 10 cursed points, you can force affected creatures to make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier). On a failed save, the creatures take 6d6 necrotic damage and are incapacitated until the end of their next turn. You regain hit points equal to the total damage dealt by this ability.

Additionally, when you siphon cursed energy using the Energy Drain feature, you gain temporary hit points equal to a quarter of the target's current hit points.

Domain Expansion:Preta's Realm of Tantalus

At 20th level, you have reached the pinnacle of Jujutsu, allowing you to perform a domain expansion. As an action for 20 cursed points, you enclose a barrier around a target, covering a 165 ft radius. Within the domain, a fruit tree with tantalizing fruits hangs just out of reach, and a pool of water constantly recedes as anyone tries to drink from it. Any creature within the zone must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) at the start of their turn or become subject to the curse. While subjected to the domain, the targets take 10d10 psychic damage, and their maximum hit points are reduced by the same amount. This reduction in hit points lasts until they complete a long rest.

Any target reduced to 0 hit points within the sphere is not killed but instead falls into a state of eternal suffering, mirroring the curse of Tantalus until the domain expansion ends.

The domain expansion lasts for one minute or until it is dismissed as a bonus action.

Matching Scars[edit]

Matching scars is a cursed technique that takes the essence of pain to boost the user's own attacks.

Scarring Symbiosis

At 1st level, upon receiving a scar, you gain the ability to harness cursed energy associated with the nature of that scar. This energy allows you to create and manipulate specific manifestations of power. The more unique and diverse your scars, the more versatile your abilities become. At this level, choose a scar and gain access to the corresponding ability. The scar doesn't need to be fresh, but it must not have faded. You have a number of scar-based abilities equal to your charisma modifier (minimum of 1). You can switch your chosen scar during a long rest.

Additionally, when you take damage from an animal, fire, or slashing damage you gain access to a unique kind of amplified scarring abilities.

  • Cutting: If the user's primary scar is the result of a cutting injury (e.g., a knife wound), they can channel their cursed energy to create razor-sharp, spectral blades. As a bonus action for 2 cursed points, they can make a melee attack that deals slashing damage equal to 1d8 plus their Charisma modifier. This damage increases to 2d8 at 3rd level, 3d8 at 6th, 4d8 at 10th, and 5d8 at 20th level.
  • Burning: If the primary scar comes from a burning injury (e.g., a campfire burn), the user can generate flames from their body. Once per long rest, they can unleash a burst of cursed flames in a 10-foot radius, dealing 1d12 fire damage to all creatures within the area. This increases to 2d12 at 6th level, 3d12 at 10th, 4d12 at 14th, and 5d12 at 20th.
  • Animal: When the user's main scar originates from an animal attack (e.g., a dog bite), they can summon a spectral pack of three wolf-like shikigami for 3 cursed points. These shikigami have their own initiative in combat and can make bite attacks, an AC of 8 + the user's proficiency bonus + Charisma, and a number of hit points equal to 3 times the user's Charisma + 10. The user can command them to attack a target or defend, and their attacks deal 1d10 piercing damage.
Resilence of Scars

At 3rd level, your connection to your scars grants you resilience. You gain advantage on saving throws against effects that would cause you to become incapacitated or stunned. Additionally, your maximum hit points increase by an amount equal to your character level.

Mirroed Wounds

At 6th level, your scars not only reflect your past injuries but can also recall the pain endured. As an action for 5 cursed points, you can touch one creature, forcing it to experience the pain of one of your scars, dealing 6d6 psychic damage. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be stunned until the end of its next turn.

Additionally, you can channel your cursed energy to manifest your scars on others. As an action, you can force one creature you can see within 60 feet to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes damage equal to your level and gains a scar identical to one of yours. This scar does not grant the creature any abilities. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.

True Scarring Mastery

The user's control over their scar's power reaches its peak. Their chosen ability now becomes more versatile and potent.

  • Cutting: The user's spectral blades can now be thrown up to a range of 30 feet. They can make a ranged attack, and on a hit, the target takes extra slashing damage equal to the user's Charisma modifier. Additionally, these attacks have the Vorpal property. On a natural 20 attack roll, they can decapitate the target instantly.
  • Burning: The radius of the cursed flame burst increases to 20 feet
  • Animal: The user's shikigami gains an additional ability. Once per long rest, they can perform a group attack, allowing each wolf to bite a different target in their immediate vicinity simultaneously. Additionally at 20th level, as a full turn action for 20 cursed points, the user melds with their shikigami, becoming a monstrous wolf-like creature with enhanced speed and strength. During this fusion, they gain temporary hit points, increased damage, and resistance to common damage types.

Additionally, when you roll a Hit Die to regain hit points, the maximum number of hit points you regain from the roll equals twice the number of scar-based abilities you have.

Domain Expansion:Malpracticed Emergency Room

At 20th level, you have reached the pinnacle of Jujutsu, allowing you to perform a domain expansion. As an action for 30 cursed points, you can enclose a 165ft space centered on you in a barrier. Inside the domain, it appears as a hospital setting with blood everywhere, and sitting in a chair are all targets trapped in the domain. Target must make a constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are considered incapacitated until their next turn. At the beginning of each turn, every creature must remake the saving throw, aside from those already successful. Those under the anesthetic created by the domain will receive 8d12 psychic damage, forced to relieve the effects of their previous injuries. The domain lasts for 1 minute or until you dismiss it as a bonus action.

Cursed Music[edit]

A Cursed Music exorcist is capable of flowing cursed energy into music and vice-versa. He is capable of making the emotions he feels on music come to life as he drops the mic and his curses to the ground, as well as turning beats into powerfull cursed spells to damage his foes.

Mutual Feeling

Starting at 1st level, you gain headphones and a music player with wich you can listen to music at all times. You also can channel cursed energy into your music player and make, not only you, but every creature around 30ft of you listen to the same music you hear. Choose a feeling the music gives you and choose up to your Charisma modifier creatures in a 30ft radius centered around you. The chosen creatures will feel what you feel, but literally.

Name Cursed Points Cost Effect
Heartbreaking 2 This sad music makes you feel heartbroken, and also breaks the heart of the creatures you chose. The creature must succeed against your Cursed Energy save DC or will take 1d8 of necrotic damage centered on their heart. You may increase the amount of damage dices every 2 cursed points used.
Irritating 2 This music is so bad it makes you sick, and also makes your enemies distracted. The creature gains a 1d4 penalty on their next attack.
Breakbeat 2 This music is hyped and fast, and so is your allies. The creature gains 10ft of moviment and a 1d4 bonus on Dexterity saving throws till the end of their next turn.
Calming 2 This music calms you in battle, and so does your allies. The creature gains temporary hitpoints equal to your Jujutsu Sorcerer level.
Electro 4 Such hype music, to hype up your allies. The creature does an extra 1d8 damage of your choice against creatures on their next attack.
Hard Rock 4 Make them hear your rage while the guitar solo turns up! The creature has -5 AC against the next attack made by you.
Ambience 4 This is the perfect background noise to help concentrate on the task, and so your allies think. The creature gains a 1d8 bonus to ability checks.
Lullaby 8 The song you hear as a child, making everyone feel safe. The creature gains the benefits of using the dodge action as if they've used that action on their turn.
Lofi 8 This music makes you so sleepy it may put your enemies to sleep. You may cast sleep without any components, with a reduced area of effect, but with an extra die on the die rolled againts hit points.
Phonk 8 You feel so powerfull with this song, and that scares your enemies. The creature makes a wis saving throw or becomes frightened by you till the end of your next turn.
Dubstep 16 The powerfull sounds and distorted vibes of this song get to your enemies. The creature must make a con saving throw. The creature takes 2d8+4 damage of a physical type of your choice and a 2d6 damage of a magical type of your choice. The creature takes no damage on a sucessfull save, but gains disadvantage on their next attack.
Prefered melody

Additionally at 1st level, you may choose the damage type of your Cursed Energy Ray and Cursed Energy Strike.

Focused Energy

You may focus your cursed energy into one of the elements of your song and disrupt the battle field with them. When you reach 3rd level, by spending 4 cursed points, you can choose one of the following effects to take place around your music while you concentrate, up to 1 minute, if the effect is not instant.

  • Chords. All your cursed point usage is halved.
  • Lead. You deal an adittional damage die with your cursed techniques and cursed weapons your attuned to.
  • Bass. Every start of your turn, all creatures around 10ft of you that you choose have to make a Constitution saving throw against your cursed DC or will be pushed 5ft away from you.
  • Percussions. You may use Cursed Energy Ray twice instead of once in a single action.
  • Drums (Instant). Choose a creature within 5ft of you. You make 4 unarmed strikes against that creature, with disadvantage, and deal double your martial arts die damage if you hit.
  • Vocals (Instant). Choose a creature within 60ft of you. The creature makes a Wisdom saving throw. It takes 2d6 + your Charisma modifier psyquic damage and can't take reactions. If suceed then half that damage and can take reations normally.
Feel the Drop, Feel this theme

You've built it up for this moment, now you may drop all you got! Once you reach 6th level, after 1 minute in battle, you gain a +2 bonus to AC, attack rolls, saving throws and ability checks. This effect ends imidiatelly once the current battle ends. Alternatively, you may listen to a song that fits the current mood to gain a 1d8 bonus to your next ability check. This bonus increases when you reach 10th level (+3 and 1d10), and again at 20th level (+4 and 1d12).

Random Playlist

When you reach 10th level, you now have a full random playlist of wich you can play at the cost of an action. Your song randomly generates a magical effect around a target you choose. When you use this characteristic, roll a d20, and then a d100. Then check the Wild Magic Surge Table, Variant to see the random effect you've gotten. You may use this characteristic a number of times equal your proficiency bonus and regain all uses spent in a long rest.

Boss Theme

You've gotten your own theme, your boss theme. Once you've reached 10th level, if you have half hitpoints, using an action and spending 18 cursed points, you may start your epic monologue as your boss theme starts playing on the battlefield. This trait stays active for 1 minute, or until you stop it with a free action. When your boss music starts playing, you gain the following benefits:

  • You may spend 2 of your hit dice to recover hit points.
  • You gain your bonus proficiency*3 of temporary hit points.
  • You regain 1d6 cursed points every start of your turn.
  • You can become resistant to a type of magical damage of your choice.
  • You gain 1 legendary action. A Legendary Action can be used at the end of another creature's turn. Spent Legendary Actions are regained at the start of each turn. You can forgo using them, and you can’t use them while Incapacitated or otherwise unable to take actions. If surprised, you can’t use them until after your first turn in the combat.
    • Attack. You may make a single attack against a creature in your reach.
    • Move You may move up to your moviment, you cannot be targeted by an opportunity attack while moving this way.
    • Resist If you are being affected by a condition or magical effect of wich you need to make a saving throw. You may roll that saving throw once more without drawbacks.

After using this trait, once your boss theme stops, you gain 2 points of exaustion and become unconscious. You may not use this trait again until you complete a long rest.

Domain Expansion: Complete Musical Arena

You've mastered the music making process and can now make music mixed with cursed energy become a whole new thing. Cursed energy molds itself and turns into powerfull pure cursed energy bolts, rays, blocks, slashes, waves and forms that move in perfect sink to the music that's playing on all of the domain. As an action and spending 25 cursed points, you create a 165ft musical dome. Every creature inside it, except you, makes a Dexterity saving throw. On failure, the creatures takes 6d6 force damage and is pushed 5ft to a direction of your choice. On sucess, the creature takes half as much damage and isn't pushed. Then, at the start of every creatures turn except yours, the creatures must succeed a Dexterity saving throw against the same effect. This goes on while your domain is active. If you've used your Boss Theme before, you regain its use. You may spend 1 cursed point to maintain your domain at the end of your turn as a free action, and you may dismiss your domain with a bonus action. Your domain is broken if you do not have cursed points to maintain it.

Oni Incarnation[edit]

This technique allows you to transform into a raging berserking monster that seeks to destroy all that it can see.

Oni Incarnation

Lapse Technique
At 1st level, you acquire the basic transformation of your technique. As a bonus action for an amount of cursed energy up to your charisma modifier, you can activate Oni Incarnation. Your skin turns red, and you gain multiple black markings across your face and horns on your forehead. For an amount of rounds equal to your charisma modifier added twice, you gain the following:

  • You gain the berserk and bloodlusted condition.
  • You have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws.
  • You have disadvantage on Intelligence and Wisdom checks and saving throws.
  • You automatically fail Charisma checks and saving throws.
  • You grow one size larger (ex. Medium to Large)
  • Your Unarmed Strike damage die increases by one for every 4 cursed energy spent (if you have no damage die for unarmed strikes, you count as if you had a d4 for the purposes of this feature).
  • Your strength and constitution scores increase by 1 for every 4 cursed energy spent up to their maximums.

You can only activate this technique again after the full duration has passed.

At 5th level, you can now spend up to your Charisma modifier + half your Charisma modifier (rounded down) in your technique, this increases to your Charisma modifier added twice at 11th level, to your Charisma modifier added thrice at 17th level and to your Charisma modifier added four times at 20th level.

Flames Of The Oni

Extension Technique
At 3rd level, you gain a trait most often linked to Oni, the first flame. As an action for an amount of cursed energy up to half your charisma modifier rounded up while Oni Incarnation is active, you may force creatures within a 30ft radius that are within 30ft of you to make a dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d10 fire damage for every cursed energy spent and get first degree burns. On a success, they take half as much damage and aren't burnt.

If they fail by 5 or more, they get second degree burns.

At 5th level, you may spend up to your charisma modifier. At 11th level, you may spend up to your charisma modifier + half your charisma modifier rounded down. At 17th level, you may spend up to your charisma modifier added twice and at 20th level, you may spend up to your charisma modifier added thrice.

Nova Flames. At 11th level, your flames evolve from a deep orange to a blueish black flame, giving you a new mastery of it. You may now use your Flames Of The Oni feature whilst untransformed and it now makes creatures gain second degree burns on a failure.

If they fail by 5 or more, they get third degree burns.

The Incarnation of Shuten-Dōji

Extension Technique
At 6th level, you've developed an extension technique to form into your inspiration of an Oni, the legendary Shuten-Dōji. When you would activate Oni Incarnation, you may spend an additional 5 cursed energy up to the maximum for every 1 cursed energy spent on Oni Incarnation to gain the following benefits for the duration of Oni Incarnation:

  • You gain the berserk and bloodlusted condition.
  • You have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws.
  • You grow two sizes larger and if there's no space for you to grow, you destroy the place with your size and your reach increases by 5ft. (Medium to Huge)
  • You gain resistance to slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing damage.
  • You gain temporary hit points equal to twice your level for every 5 cursed energy spent.
  • Your movement speed is halved.
  • Your unarmed strikes gain one additional dice.

When this feature deactivates, you must make a constitution saving throw. On a failure, you gain three levels of exhaustion and on a success, you gain two levels of exhaustion.

At 11th level, if you fail, you gain two levels of exhaustion and on a success, you gain one. At 17th level, on a failure, you gain two levels of exhaustion and on a success, you gain one; however, if you have Endurance from the Resistant feature, you gain no levels of exhaustion.

Oni’s Embodiment

Technique Improvement
At 10th level, the capabilities of your Oni Incarnation have greatly improved, allowing for a further increase in power. When having activated Oni Incarnation, you now gain the following benefits:

  • You gain the berserk and bloodlusted condition.
  • You have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws.
  • You have disadvantage on Intelligence and Wisdom checks and saving throws.
  • You automatically fail Charisma checks and saving throws.
  • You grow one size larger, stacking with any other increases. (ex. Medium to Large)
  • Your Unarmed Strike damage die increases by one per 4 cursed energy spent (if you have no damage die for unarmed strikes, you count as if you had a d4 for the purposes of this feature).
  • Your strength and constitution scores increase by 1 for every 4 cursed energy spent up to their maximums.
  • Your strength and constitution score maximums increase by 1 for every 6 cursed energy spent to a maximum of a 24 Score Maximum.
  • You grow two additional arms. Whenever you make an unarmed strike, you can make an additional unarmed strike as a part of the same attack. This can be done a number of times equal to half of your unarmed strikes ability modifier, rounded down per turn.
  • Your movement speed is increased by 30 ft. Additionally whenever a feature or effect moves you against your will, you can use your reaction to make yourself immune to all effects that forcibly move you against your will, including the feature or effect that triggered this reaction.

Additionally, you may now activate Oni Incarnation as a free action.

Tokyo School Feature:Nova Flame Manipulation

Technique Improvement
At 14th level, while other schools have focused on the brute strength of your Oni form, the Tokyo School has encouraged you to specialize in your flame manipulation ability, allowing you to improve how you manipulate them by spending 10 additional cursed energy. You gain the following Flame Manipulations:

Nuclear Range. Your technique’s range, width, and radius increases by 5ft times half your charisma modifier to a minimum of 1. If it has a range of touch, its range instead becomes 5ft times half your proficiency bonus to a minimum of 1.

Nuclear Winter. Your technique’s duration increases drastically. If the technique lasts 1 round, then it is increased by a number of rounds equal to your half Charisma modifier, rounded down to a minimum of 1. If the technique lasts a number of minutes, then it is increased by half your Charisma modifier minutes, rounded down to a minimum of 1.

Controlled Nuke. You are able to use your technique more carefully, allowing you to avoid certain creatures. You may select any number of creatures equal to half your Charisma modifier (rounded down to a minimum of 1.) to not be affected by it for its duration.

Nova Targeting. You are now able to target an additional number of creatures equal to half your charisma modifier, rounded down to a minimum of 1. This only works on features that are only able to target one creature originally.

Nova Seeking. You're able to make your flame manipulation be able to lock onto creatures. When you use Flames of the Oni, you may designate an amount of creatures equal to your charisma modifier. If it is an attack roll, you reroll the attack again with advantage if the original attack missed. If it is a save, the creature has to reroll the save with disadvantage if it passed the first save.

You may only apply one manipulations on Flames of The Oni. At 20th level, you can apply two manipulations.

Kijin Evolution

Technique Improvement
At 20th level, your Oni capabilities have evolved to become a Kijin, the final form of an oni. When you activate Oni Incarnation, your power is now compressed into your being, gaining only two horns and not changing. You gain the following benefits while it is active.

  • You no longer gain the berserk and bloodlusted condition.
  • You remain your base size (medium, small, etc.)
  • Your Unarmed Strike damage die increases by one per 4 cursed energy spent (if you have no damage die for unarmed strikes, you count as if you had a d4 for the purposes of this feature).
  • Your strength, dexterity and constitution scores increase by 1 for every 2 cursed energy spent up to their maximums.
  • Your strength, dexterity and constitution score maximums increase by 1 for every 4 cursed energy spent to a maximum of a 26 Score Maximum.
  • Your movement speed is increased by 60ft. Additionally whenever a feature or effect moves you against your will, you can use your reaction to make yourself immune to all effects that forcibly move you against your will, including the feature or effect that triggered this reaction
  • You have advantage on Strength and Dexterity checks and saving throws.
  • Your melee attacks have become so powerful that they knock back your opponents. Whenever you land an unarmed strike, the target must succeed a Strength saving throw or be knocked back 10 times your strength modifier in a direction of your choice.

Chaos Force[edit]

Your cursed technique is just extremely chaotic and uncontrollable. At level 1 when you're creating your character and you pick this subclass you must roll a base d20 and whatever you land on will be your chaos factor for however long your character is alive even if you are killed and resurrected you will still have the factor

  • 1 = Whenever you roll NAT 1’s roll a 1d4 one of your body parts will explode (1 is a eye, 2 is a hand, 3 is a arm, 4 is a leg) however anyone around you in a 15ft radius will be caught in the blast and take 4d8 force damage and you'll take double that damage
  • 2 = You are forced to take the cursed energy celestial restrained background feat
  • 3 = Your character swaps gender
  • 4 = You will never be able to hit a black flash but you gain a +15 to your cursed energy maximum
  • 5 = You suffer a -1 to attack roles but gain a +1 to damage rolls
  • 6 = All of your stats are inverted
  • 7 = 7 is the lucky number you will get the lucky feat for free
  • 8 = If you rolled this number than you must pick a different subclass
  • 9 = Your very sticky, whenever you touch a creature they must roll a dex saving throw on failure they are stuck to you until they die
  • 10 = Your very boring nothing happens
  • 11 = gain a +2 to your charisma stat
  • 12 = Your height is inverted
  • 13 = You can use fire arrow at triple the cursed energy cost
  • 14 = Every time your character talks you must change your voice every time
  • 15 = -5 to your intelligence stat +5 to your wisdom stat
  • 16 = Every time you hit an attack everything within a 20ft radius of you will get 5ft closer to you
  • 17 = You can force yourself to explode at any time dealing 2d100 force damage to anything within a 100ft radius this will also kill you immediately
  • 18 = Your size becomes huge and your unarmed hit dice tier goes up by 2
  • 19 = Your DC to hit a black flash goes down by your proficiency bonus
  • 20 = For some reason you manifested another technique you may pick another subclass but you must treat it as if you were multi-classing

Chaotic Event

At level 3 as an action for 5 cursed energy can cause a chaos event if you do roll a d12 whatever it lands on is what happens for 1 minute

  • 1 = Every creature in initiative will become invisible
  • 2 = Every creature in initiative will be unable to use there technique
  • 3 = A berserk owlbear will appear and join initiative
  • 4 = Every creature in initiative’s cursed energy will be infinite
  • 5 = Your attacks do 1.5x more damage
  • 6 = Your cursed strikes do double damage
  • 7 = Every creature in initiative will become 1’0 feet tall
  • 8 = A meteor will strike the position of any creature you choose dealing 8d8 bludgeoning damage and 12d6 fire damage
  • 9 = every creature in initiative has 1 guaranteed black flash
  • 10 = Everyone in initiative will be transported anywhere the GM/DM decides
  • 11 = You can summon any non technique shikigami of your choice wherever you want within a 100ft radius however they will be berserk
  • 12 = You will gain the benefits of PPLT’s jackpot

Chaos Blast

At level 6 as an action for 4 cursed energy you can create a chaotic blast in a 25ft area around you every creature in the radius must roll a dexterity save, on a failure they take full damage and are knocked prone, on a success they take half damage. for the damage roll a 1d4

  • 1 = 2d6
  • 2 = 4d6
  • 3 = 5d8
  • 4 = 10d8

At level 14 the damage will be 1 = 4d6, 2 = 8d6, 3 = 10d8, 4 = 20d8

Chaos Condition

At level 10 as an action for 5 cursed energy you can cause a random condition to any creature you choose for 4 turns (you can not spam this, you must wait until the 4 turns is over to reuse this). Roll a d6 for the condition

  • 1 = The condition backfires and instead hits you roll the d6 again whatever it lands on effects you, if you roll another 1 keep on rerolling until you get something higher than a 1
  • 2 = Frightened
  • 3 = Charmed
  • 4 = Blinded
  • 5 = Stunned
  • 6 = Paralyzed

Tokyo school feature: Extra Chaos Factor’s

At level 14 this can be either a blessing or a curse roll 2d20 to gain 2 more chaos factor’s. If you roll one you already have simply roll again until you get a new one

Domain Expansion: Eclipsed Expanse

Finally at level 20 everyone within range will be transported to a realm of pure chaos and you must roll a d8 chaos upgrade when the domain starts that will last until the domain ends

  • 1 = Your unarmed hit dice tier goes up by 4 tiers
  • 2 = You gain a +10 to AC
  • 3 = Every attack you have will have infinite range within your domain
  • 4 = You gain a special grade weapon of your DM/GM’s choice
  • 5 = You will get 4 shikigami of your choice to summon and fight in battle
  • 6 = You gain a bottomless amount of cursed energy and your charisma stat becomes 30
  • 7 = Every physical attack you make is a guaranteed black flash
  • 8 = You can cause an explosion so devastating it does 20d20 force damage to everything in your domain and you will take half damage this will also dig a 1,000ft deep and 500ft wide hole if you choose to cause the explosion


At level 1 the user can summon a total of 9 different, grade 2, cursed weapons. With these weapons he is able to combine them into more complex and advanced ones. Each weapon is unique, with its own name and possibly special ability (Only for the special grade weapons such as a trident(Staff + Dagger + Sword) gaining hydromancy) If the weapons are destroyed, they reform in the innate domain within 4 hours

The Basic weapons are as follows:

  • Foe-breaker, a steel-shod Bō staff (uses Quarterstaff stat block)
  • Demon Binder, a dark chain that can shift forms into a rope. (uses Whip stat block)
  • Sever, a silver longsword (uses Longsword stat block)
  • Fiend Sting, a black dagger (uses Dagger stat block)
  • Heart Slicer, a scimitar (uses Scimitar stat block)
  • Devil Crusher, a massive weight the user can control the size of. (It's really something to summon above your enemy, use the falling rules but instead of the weight taking the damage, the enemy does)
  • Shatter, a pair of Cestus (Armored Gloves)
  • Soul-Saver, a large shield, with wings etched onto it (Shield)
  • Origin, a long, blue-steel, katana (1d8 slashing, versatile and finesse)



Lapse Technique

The user is able to call forth weapons from his innate domain; by spending 1 cursed energy, you can summon 1 grade 2 cursed weapon from above, but the more the user summons the more cursed energy he burns through, for every extra weapon you summon past the first spend the amount of weapons summoned + 1 cursed energy. This can also be used to send a weapon back to the user’s hand if he is disarmed as a bonus action.

These weapons allow you to add 1d6 to attack and damage rolls made with them. Increasing by 1 at levels 3, 6, 10, 14, & 20.


Extension Technique

At level 3, by pooling Cursed energy into their unique weapons, the user is able to evolve the weapon into a further state, kicking it up a tier in grade (grade 2 > grade 1 > Special Grade) But the user can evolve it differently each time or use one created before. (I.e. Turning Sever into Gore, a massive greatsword) It costs 3 Cursed energy to amplify it the first time and 5 Cursed energy to amplify it the final time.

This increases the damage by 1 for each evolution (maximum 2). You cannot Amplify a Special Grade weapon.

Note: You can only amplify at the DM's discretion, meaning if it isn't obvious how it's being directly amplified, you have to run it past the DM

Weapon Enhancement

At level 6, you gain the Cursed Weapon Enhancement feat.

Tokyo School Feature


Maximum Output

At level 14, by colliding Cursed energy, the user is able to combine two weapons to create a new one. Each combination goes up in complexity and you can’t combine two special grade weapon’s

This ability costs 7 Cursed energy to create a grade 4 and 10 Cursed energy to create a Special Grade weapon. Increasing the damage die by 2 & 4, respectively.

Cursed Weapon Wielder

At 16th level, you automatically gain the Cursed Weapon Wielder feat

Void of a Thousand Blades

Domain Expansion

Beginning at level 20, you reach the pinnacle jujutsu, A barrierless domain, where a massive Japanese tower arises in the middle. With this, the user can summon weapons throughout the terrain and do things, like showering the opponent with hundreds of Fiend-Stings or causing Foe-breakers to burst forth from the ground.

All abilities cost half of what they normally do for you (Rounded down) and summoning basic weapons is free.


Reversed Cursed Technique

Requires: Reverse Cursed Energy Feat

Through the use of RCT (Reverse Curse Technique) the user can invert their technique and disarm anyone using a cursed tool, however the target can coat the weapon in cursed energy and attempt to stop the technique, the stronger the opponent the likelier it is to fail.

It costs 10 Cursed Energy to attempt to disarm someone in this fashion. They must be welding a Cursed tool, and you must roll to beat the Cursed Tools DC. You succeed against Grade 1 Cursed Tools automatically, the DC is 10 + the grade of the Cursed Tool (Special Counts as 5)

If your opponent chooses to do so, they can coat the weapon in Cursed Energy, the DC increasing by 1 for every 2 Cursed Energy spent.

You can spend Cursed Energy and add half of it (Rounded up) to your roll.

Spirit Division[edit]

The Division Spirit Technique allows you to divide damage off a “Spirit Calculation.” This technique is focused on mainly defense and sustain, having no innate abilities used for offense without serious training.

Golden Cursed Energy

You were born with an extremely unique type of cursed energy. When under the effects of Cursed Armor, you gain resistance to Force damage. Additionally, and Necrotic damage you would deal is converted to Force damage (Black Flash, Cursed Strikes, Cursed Weapon Enhancement, etc.)

Spirit Calculation

Starting at 1st level, you are completely aware of your own soul, an ability only rivaled by the Idle Transfiguration technique. This allows you to view your own Spirit Calculation. Add your Charisma modifier and your Jujutsu Sorcerer level then consult the table below with this number to find your maximum Spirit Calculation. You may use the Spirit Calculation of all calculations under your maximum. When an ability involves your Spirit Calculation, you must spend cursed energy relevant to your Spirit Calculation seen below (unless specified).

CHA mod + Class Level – Spirit Calculation – Cursed Energy Required
<4 – 1.1 – 1
4-8 – 1.5 – 2
9-14 – 1.75 – 3
15-20 – 2 – 4
20< - 2.5 – 5

Invoke Division

Lapse Technique

Starting also at 1st level, you learn how to invoke Spirit Calculation to divide the negative outcomes of effects that you fall victim to. As a reaction to when you take damage, you may spend your required cursed energy to divide that damage by your Spirit Calculation (rounded down). If the attack or effect also is/was affecting other creatures along with yourself, that damage is divided as well. If the effect is not instantaneous, the divided damage lasts until the start of the creature’s next turn. ``(Ex. A wizard casts cloud of daggers on your space and deals 10 slashing damage. You use your 1.5 Spirit Calculation by using your reaction and 2 cursed energy to divide the 10 damage by 1.5. After rounding it up, the damage is now 7 slashing damage. If another creature goes through the Cloud of Daggers before the wizard’s next turn, the damage it would take is also divided by 1.5.)``

Calculation Overwrite

Extension Technique

At 3rd level, you have learned how to overwrite other creature’s Spirit Calculation of 1 with yours. When a creature within 30 feet of you takes damage, you may invoke a division of that damage as a reaction. When you do this, the damage is divided as if you used your Spirit Calculation to invoke a division.

Passive Division

Technique Improvement

At 6th level, you are able to extend a single division to several different attacks. When you divide the damage of an effect, all attacks and effects that damage you will have their damage divided by the Spirit Calculation you used for the division before with no additional cost for cursed energy until the end of the current turn.

Value Extension

Technique Improvement

At 10th level, you are able to pour more cursed energy into your Spirit Calculation in order to grow its potency. You may spend extra cursed energy up to your proficiency modifier whenever you use an ability that involves your spirit calculation, increasing your spirit calculation for that ability by 0.2 for every cursed energy spent.

Tokyo School Feature: Applied Value

Technique Improvement

At 14th level, you have learned to not waste the value divided when using your Spirit Calculation against damage. When you used your Invoke Division ability, you may use an additional cursed energy to one or two of the following:

• You gain an amount of temporary hit points equal to half the amount of damage reduced from the original damage value (rounded down).

• You may damage the source of the damage by an amount equal to half the reduced damage of the original damage value (rounded down).

Prolific Division

Technique Improvement

At 20th level, you are finally able to invoke your Spirit Calculation against things that normally would not be able to be divided. For the cost along with a reaction, you may divide healing a creature would receive within 30 feet of you, the duration of an effect that effects an area within 30 of you, or an attack roll a creature rolls within 30 feet of you (must be declared BEFORE the roll is said to hit or miss).

Additionally, you have learned how to divide the space between you and the space around you, allowing you to seemingly teleport. As a bonus action for 1 cursed energy, you may teleport to a space you can see within 120 feet of you.

Invoke Multiplication

Must have the Cursed Technique Reversal cursed feat

Your mastery over Reversed Curse Technique has allowed you to multiply your own outcomes. When you deal damage, you may choose to multiply that damage by your Spirit Calculation by using double the cursed energy required to used that Spirit Calculation. This multiplier is applied at the end of damage calculation (after immunities, resistances, etc.)

Domain Expansion: Fibonatchi no rasen, Fibonacci's Spiral

Must have Domain Expansion

This beautiful domain features a Gold and Teal Spiral infinitely going into itself, perpetually rotating. The glass is a smooth glass that, if perceptive enough, creatures can see it’s made up of countless tiny fractals.

Aside from you, all Ability Checks, Saving Throws, and Damage rolls are divided by your maximum Spirit Calculation as if you had invoked a division. If you are able to Invoke Multiplications, every damage roll you roll is multiplied by your maximum Spirit Calculation as if you invoked a multiplication.

Each round, creatures other than you take force damage going down the list of the Fibonacci sequence starting at 0 (ex: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233.)

This domain is immune to force damage.

Spirit Division Feats

Innate Division
Prerequisite: Spirit Division.
You have learned how to passively invoke your Spirit Calculation for yourself. You gain the following:
Your Charisma Score increases by 1.
Invoking a division upon yourself no longer requires a reaction. However, every unique instance of damage still requires you to use cursed energy. You may even invoke a division while you are unconscious.

Multiplicative Output
Prerequisites: Spirit Division, Cursed Technique Reversal, level 14
With practice and effort, you have perfected multiplying yourself with your technique rather than dividing. You gain the following:
You may now invoke a multiplication on your attack rolls as a reaction.
When invoking a multiplication on your damage, the cost of the Spirit Calculation is no longer doubled.

Prerequisites: Spirit Division, Charisma 18, level 14
You have finally understood the most powerful number when it comes to division, being able to create impossibilities in not only your defense, but in space-time itself.
When invoking a division, you may now choose for a spirit calculation to be 0 with the cursed energy required being 8. This causes the number you divided to be unknown, which is impossible and causes reality to shift in your favor. The creature whose number was divided gains temporary hit points equal to half the original number (rounded down). Then roll 1d4:
  1. The number is 0. The Applied Value is equal to the original number.
  2. The number is NULL, causing the original number to be applied to a creature of your choice within 30 feet.
  3. The number is X. Once within the next minute, you may add the original number to an attack, ability check, or saving throw.
  4. The number is infinite, though the impossibility cancels the original effect of the number. Instead, roll on the wild magic table and replace “sorcery points” with cursed energy.

Spirit Division Binding Vows

Vow of Elementary
Prerequisites: Spirit Division, Reversal Technique: Invoke Multiplication, Chanting, 18 Intelligence.
You have vowed to yourself that your offense will finally be as good as your defense. If you invoke a multiplication while chanting, you may use 10 cursed energy that cannot be reduced in any way to double the total spirit calculation for that damage roll. However, you will be unable to use your innate technique until the end of your next turn.

Mimicry Masks[edit]


Lapse Technique

At 1st level, you know your technique gives you no powers of your own, that is why you must mimic the powers of others. Your mimic technique is conditional, to copy other creature’s cursed techniques you must see them be used and touch the user's face. As a reaction to seeing a cursed technique, you can attempt to replicate it by making a Charisma saving throw. Additionally, you can use a bonus action within 1 minute of seeing it to also make the Charisma saving throw. On a success, you gain knowledge of the creature’s Cursed Technique. On a failure save, you do not understand the cursed technique and must wait to see the technique again before you can attempt to decipher it.

The DC to understand a Cursed Technique is equal to the Cursed Energy DC of the Sorcerer you're trying to copy.

Once you gain the knowledge of a technique, you must also touch the face of the technique's user to extract it. The difficulty of this can be decided by your DM, but typically against an opponent with no face coverings, landing a melee hit would be enough. It costs 3 CE to extract a technique. You may only extract a technique from a living individual.

Once you gain knowledge and the mask, whenever you have that mask equipped, you gain all things innate to the technique as if you had that technique at that level (Cursed Energy modifiers, technique rules, technique improvements, etc), and the feature you copied. However, analysis doesn't stop here. Any additional features you didn't see you cannot utilize. Whenever you see a new feature used, even before you acquire the mask, as a reaction or as a bonus action up to 1 minute later you may make a Charisma Save against the sorcerer's Cursed Energy DC. On a success you gain access to the feature at its lowest level, on a failure you don't understand it and must try again when you see it next. Everytime you fail the DC for that specific feature reduces by 3. You may also learn technique Chants this way if you have the feature Chanting. Also, you are unable to copy these. Reversal techniques Maximum techniques Domain Expansions.

Because of the strain multiple techniques have on the human brain, your techniques are instead stored externally in the form of masks. You may have up to your proficiency Bonus (masks) in the world at once, if you copy a new technique and it puts you above your maximum masks, you must choose a mask to be destroyed. These masks cannot leave a radius of (100 x Cha mod) feet of the sorcerer without also being destroyed. To utilize the techniques these masks contain, you must spend an action to equip the mask. It also costs an action to swap masks, but may unequip them as a free action on your turn.

Due to the external storage of your techniques, they are vulnerable to outside forces. Every mask you have has an HP of (¼ CE + Cha Mod) this hp is restored upon long rests. Whenever you take damage, any mask you are currently wearing takes the same amount of damage, upon hitting 0 hp, your mask breaks. Do also note that masks are physical things in the world, they can be dropped, taken, thrown, stolen as if they were real objects.

Whenever you use a copied cursed technique you will act as though you are first level with said cursed technique for the purposes of features that scale with your level. Upon seeing a feature you have copied used in combat as a bonus action you can attempt an DC 20 Charisma saving throw (Or against their CE DC, whichever is higher) to bring that feature of your own up to the next level of scaling such as the damage of that feature for you going from 1st level to 5th level with that feature. Alternatively, on a short or long rest, you may make this save to improve the feature and the DC will decrease by 5 for that feature every long rest you attempt to train it. This cannot be used to improve a feature beyond your current level. You may also improve the DC on failed feature rolls for future encounters, however you may not learn it this way.

If you have the Jujutsu Genius or Six Eyes feats you have advantage to go up in levels, learn an extension, and learn incantations.

While an active duration which affects yourself from one of your masks (such as Limitless’ one minute Infinity or Hakuna Laana’s one minute dance) is active you may not take off the mask, doing so will immediately end the duration. You also only gain technique specific actions, bonus action and reactions while that mask is equiped.

When you copy a cursed technique, you must spend as much Cursed Energy as the technique’s Lapse requires.

In the case that a mask breaks you do not lose your knowledge, getting the mask is as simple as touching the user's face once again. (Do Note that this means that killing a Technique user would mean that you cannot gain their technique once lost.)

You cannot imbue copied techniques into weapons using the Technique Imbued Cursed Tools rule.

Getting a technique explained through the binding vow Revealing One's Hand instantly gets you knowledge of their basic Lapse Technique.

Mask Intermediate

Technique Improvement

At 3rd level, you have learnt to work better with your masks. You may now switch masks as a bonus action, and unequip your mask as a reaction to being hit. Your masks are also more durable, Their Hp goes up to (¾ CE + Cha Mod)

Improved Analysis

Technique Improvement

At 6th level, due to your techniques nature you’ve learnt how to efficiently break down a technique to better understand it. Whenever you make a Cha Save to understand a technique, you may add your proficiency bonus to the roll. You also gain an additional reaction you may ONLY USE to attempt to decipher a technique. You cannot use 2 reactions to decipher on the same turn.

Mask Mastery

Technique Improvement

At 10th Level, you have achieved a level of mastery with your masks. You may choose one mask and keep it stored internally, this mask cannot be broken and you can use other masks while it’s equipped, however it has double CE cost for ALL FEATURES. Your masks also have an Hp of (CE + Cha Mod).

Tokyo Feature: The Closing Act

Extention Technique

At 14th level, due to Tokyo High’s liberal teaching style, you’ve learnt how to get the most out of your masks. Whenever a mask would typically be destroyed, you may instead choose to spend 7 CE to create a Technique Singularity. These highly unstable, baseball sized orbs are created wherever the chosen mask was located. Then, when they take 1 Damage, collide with a surface, whenever the sorcerer wills it (on their turn) or after 3 turns, the orb explodes into a 15 foot radius blast of the technique's Lapse Technique. Anybody caught within the radius takes 7d8 force damage and takes an additional effect based on what the lapse was. (For Example, they might take additional fire damage if it was Disaster Flames, or be swapped around if it was Boogie Woogie).

The Greatest Showman

Technique Improvement

At 20th level, you have mastered the art of Mimicry, becoming the ultimate copycat You can now swap and unequip masks as a free action on your turn. Your Masks HP is now (CE + 2*Cha Mod) You have advantage on Charisma Saving throws to understand a Technique

Reversal Mimic

Must have the Reverse Cursed Technique feat

Coming with your mastery over Reverse Cursed Technique, you may now copy the reversal features of cursed techniques.

Mimicry Masks Feats
Wearing Another Face
Prerequisite: Mimicry Masks Innate Technique, 8th Level
Your masks can do a lot more than just grant you power, they can also help you disguise. While wearing a mask you may spend one hour and 10 Cursed Energy to alter your appearance to look like the person you copied the technique of. You may only do this if the person you copied from is a humanoid.
Cursed Energy is used to make the Illusion but it does not change your body, this may lead to parts of your illusion being able to be passed through or to you being taller than your illusion.
Mask Merge
Prerequisite: Mimicry Masks Innate Technique, 12th Level
You have learnt to create masks of many powers, merging them into one face. During a Short or Long Rest you may choose to take up 4 masks and Merge them into 1 mask. Upon completion, you are left with a Merge Mask, a fragile mask containing many powers inside it.
The Merge Mask will count as 2 Masks for the purpose of Storage, no matter how many techniques are imbued into it.
The Merge Mask will have its maximum hp Divided by the amount of masks used for its creation. Equipping, Swapping to or from, and Unequipping the Merge masks will all cost an action.
When using the Closing Act, the singularity created is a swirling mass of uncertainty, randomly decide between the techniques which one is used for the purpose of the explosion.
You may not use Wearing Another Face with a Merge Mask.

Inspired Innate Techniques[edit]

These techniques take inspiration from other fictional works, however they have some base changes.

Offensive Techniques[edit]

Shadow Armor[edit]

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A shadow armor user with it's fully armored shadow, source [2]

The Shadow Armor technique focuses around in utilizing the user's own shadow as means of protection, essentially creating a giant shadow creature that has both offense and defense.

Shadow Skeleton

Lapse Technique
Starting at 1st level, your technique allows your own shadow protects your body as it covers your body in a dark skeleton around you. You start out with the cursed armor cursed energy enhancement. As a bonus action for an amount of cursed energy up to your charisma modifier, you gain the following benefits:

  • You count as one size larger (to a minimum of Large) for all intents and purposes.
  • You can use your Charisma modifier for any Strength based checks, saving throws and attack rolls.
  • Your unarmed strike damage dice tier increases by one. If you have no unarmed damage die, you count as if you have a d4 for the purposes of this technique.
  • Your reach is increased by 5 feet.
  • You have a damage reduction equal to your Charisma modifier for every cursed energy spent.
  • Shadow Skeleton gains 5 hit points for every cursed energy spent.

You must spend 1 cursed energy after every minute that passes to keep your Shadow Skeleton active.

At 3rd level, you can spend up to your charisma modifier + half your charisma modifier, rounded down. At 5th level, you can spend up to your charisma modifier added twice. At 11th level, you can spend up to your charisma modifier added twice + half your charisma modifier, rounded down. At 17th level, you can spend up to your charisma modifier added thrice.

Once the hit points run out or you deactivate it (no action required), the Shadow form deactivates. While any of your shadow forms are active, you can use your cursed armor to regain hit points; however, you must spend twice as much cursed energy. Whenever you activate a new tier of shadow armor, the previous benefits are lost in exchange for the new ones, however you keep the previous techniques obtained, generally enhancing them with your new form.

Additionally, you gain the following technique while under the effects of your shadow skeleton:

Shadow Crush. While you are grappling a creature with your skeleton shadow, you can spend 1 cursed energy as a bonus action to force the target to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d12 bludgeoning damage. On a success, they take half as much damage. This damage increases by one die per Shadow Armor tier you are. The damage of this technique increases to 2d12 at 5th level, 4d12 at 11th, 7d12 at 17th and to 11d12 at 20th level.

While you are under Flesh Shadow, the Shadow crush technique now makes creatures with a Constitution score lower than your cursed energy dc to make the saving throw with disadvantage. While you are under Fully Humanoid Shadow, the shadow crush technique now ignores Endurance if the creature fails the saving throw by 5 or more. While you are under Divine Armor, the shadow crush technique overcomes resistance to bludgeoning damage, but not immunity.

Flesh Shadow

Technique Improvement
At 3rd level, your shadow has evolved into a more humanoid form, being able to be formed as a huge amount of flesh that resembles a shadow human. As a bonus action for an amount of cursed energy indicated in Shadow Skeleton or free action if Shadow Skeleton is active for 4 cursed energy, you gain the following benefits:

  • You count as one size larger (to a minimum of Large) for all intents and purposes.
  • You can use your Charisma modifier for any Strength based checks, saving throws and attack rolls.
  • Your unarmed strike damage dice tier increases by two. If you have no unarmed damage die, you count as if you have a d4 for the purposes of this technique.
  • Your reach is increased by 5 feet.
  • You gain a damage reduction equal to your Charisma modifier + half your Charisma modifier (rounded down) for every cursed energy spent.
  • Flesh Shadow gains 10 hit points for every cursed energy spent.
  • You deal twice as much damage against objects and structures.

You must spend 2 cursed energy after every one minute that passes to keep your Flesh Shadow active.

Additionally, you gain the following technique while under the effects of your flesh shadow:

Shadow Slam. As an action for 2 cursed energy, you can beat one of your huge hands into the ground. All creatures in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take two rolls of your unarmed strikes (after the Shadow Armor bonus) in bludgeoning damage and are knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not knocked prone. The total damage increases by one die per Shadow Armor tier you are. This technique's damage rolls increases to three at 5th level, to four at 11th, to five at 17th and to six at 20th level.

While you are under Fully Humanoid Shadow, the shadow slam technique now ignores Evasion if the creature fails the saving throw by 3 or more. While you are under Divine Armor, the shadow slam technique overcomes resistance to bludgeoning damage, but not immunity.

Humanoid Shadow. At 5th level, your Flesh Shadow evolved, gaining skin and having a more humanoid appearance. You now gain the following benefits during Flesh Shadow:

  • You count as one size larger (to a minimum of Large) for all intents and purposes.
  • You have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws.
  • You can use your Charisma modifier for any Strength based checks, saving throws and attack rolls.
  • Your unarmed strike damage dice tier increases by two. If you have no unarmed damage die, you count as if you have a d4 for the purposes of this technique.
  • Your reach is increased by 5 feet.
  • You will gain a damage reduction equal to your Charisma modifier added twice.
  • You deal twice as much damage against objects and structures.

Shadow Protection. You learned that other creatures can also enter your shadow's body. You can as a free action allow a creature within reach inside your shadow armor, making everything that would target them target you instead. Every time you move they move alongside you as well. They can leave your shadow by using half their movement.

Fully Humanoid Shadow

Technique Improvement
At 6th level, your shadow has evolved to the point of becoming a full sized humanoid, increasing its power. As a bonus action (or free action if Flesh Shadow is active) for 6 cursed energy, you gain the following benefits:

  • You count as two sizes larger (to a minimum of Huge) for all intents and purposes.
  • You have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws.
  • You can use your Charisma modifier for any Strength based checks, saving throws and attack rolls.
  • Your unarmed strike damage dice tier increases by three. If you have no unarmed damage die, you count as if you have a d4 for the purposes of this technique.
  • Your reach is increased by 10 ft.
  • You will gain a damage reduction equal to your Charisma modifier added twice for every 5 cursed energy spent.
  • Fully Humanoid Shadow gains 15 hit points for every cursed energy spent.
  • You deal thrice as much damage against objects and structures.
  • Your movement speed is doubled and you ignore difficult terrain.

You must spend 3 cursed energy after every one minute that passes to keep your Fully Humanoid Shadow active.

Shadow Weapons. You have learned how to create weapons out of your pure shadows. As a bonus action for 5 cursed energy, you create any non-magical martial weapon of your choice. This weapon will be the shadow's size, cannot be disarmed off the shadow, and is considered magical. On a hit, they deal necrotic damage and roll one additional damage die. You may have only one weapon at once, and ranged weapons don't need ammunition to fire.

While you are under Divine Armor, the shadow weapon overcomes resistances but not immunities.

Armored Shadow

Extension Technique
At 10th level, you have refined your technique even more, being able to shield yourself with armor. As a bonus action for 8 cursed energy while under the Fully Humanoid Shadow you can double the damage reduction for the duration of the Shadow Armor. You can only do this once per Shadow Armor activation.

At 20th level, this extension is automatically activated for no cost.

Tokyo School Feature: Armor Compression

Extension Technique
At 14th level, you have trained in Tokyo to make your shadow more practical and powerful in exchange for more usage of cursed energy. As an action for 10 cursed energy while in Fully Humanoid Shadow or Divine Armor, your shadow gets shrunk down to fill your body, turning into shadow samurai armor. They lose the shadow protection feature and the reach benefits, but will gain the additional benefits listed down below in addition with the current armor benefits:

  • Your Charisma score increases by 4, and so does your maximum.
  • Your movement speed doubles.
  • You deal one additional damage die to your shadow weapons and unarmed strikes.
  • You have advantage in Dexterity checks and saving throws.

You can deactivate this at will.

Maximum:Divine Shadow

Maximum Technique
Finally at 20th level, you have developed your fully armored shadow to a whole new level, creating a giant being of might. As a bonus action for the amount indicated in Shadow Skeleton or free action if Fully Humanoid Shadow is active for 20 cursed energy, you gain the following benefits:

  • You count as three sizes larger (to a minimum of Gargantuan) for all intents and purposes.
  • You have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws.
  • You can use your Charisma modifier for any Strength based checks, saving throws and attack rolls.
  • Your unarmed strike damage dice increases by four. If you have no unarmed damage die, you count as if you have a d4 for the purposes of this technique.
  • Your reach is increased by 15 ft.
  • You will gain a damage reduction equal to your Charisma modifier added twice for every 2 cursed energy spent.
  • Divine Shadow gains 20 hit points for every cursed energy spent.
  • You deal four times as much damage against objects and structures.
  • Your movement speed is tripled and you ignore difficult terrain.

You must spend 4 cursed energy after every one minute that passes to keep your Fully Humanoid Shadow active.

Heaven’s Eye Technique[edit]

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Heaven's eye technique is an Inherited Technique passed down biologically, having great power yet harboring a great danger to the user. Users of this technique have access to the Sharingan, an eye that gives them an edge in battle by enhancing their senses and granting them an almost atomic vision of cursed energy.

Natural Sight

Due to your lineage and Innate Technique, your eyes are naturally better than most people’s. You gain proficiency in Perception, or expertise if you were already proficient.

Additionally, you gain the Cursed Energy Tracker cursed feat.


Lapse Technique
Starting at 1st level, you have unlocked the Sharingan, now being able to activate it. You start out with one tomoe (eye dots). As a bonus action for 2 cursed energy, you can activate the sharingan for 1 minute. For the duration, you gain a +2 to your AC, have advantage on Dexterity and Wisdom saving throws and advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Eye of Insight. Your Sharingan allows you to view cursed energy in ways many others only wish to have. When you take the search action while your Sharingan is active, you may also attempt a DC 15 Perception check to locate living creatures, magical and cursed energy effects within 60 feet. You see a faint outline around the detected cursed energy source and what school of magic or the cursed energy properties the magical effect was created from, can be discerned by you. This effect can penetrate most barriers, but is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.

Eye of Hypnotism. Your Sharingan allows you to briefly hypnotize others by putting them under an illusion. When you make eye contact with a creature, you can spend 2 cursed energy as a bonus action to force them to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they are Hallucinating for 1 minute. On a success, they are not Hallucinating and are immune to this feature for 1 minute.

While they are Hallucinating, you may control the type of things they are seeing or hearing (no action required).

At 5th level, you may activate your Sharingan as a Free Action and at 11th level, you may activate with no action. Additionally, whenever 1 minute passes, you may choose to spend 1 cursed energy to keep your Sharingan active for another minute.

2nd Tomoe

Technique Improvement
At 3rd level, you've advanced your Sharingan far enough to manifest a second Tomoe, thus boosting the power of your abilities. When the Sharingan is active, you instead gain a +3 to AC and you now also get advantage on Strength saving throws. Additionally, your abilities gain the following:

Eye of Insight. You've gained the ability to glimpse into the future and grasp the actions of your opponents. When a creature within sight attempts to make an attack roll against you, they make it with disadvantage if their dexterity score is lower than your cursed energy DC + 5. If the creature forces you to make a physical score save, you make it with advantage if your Dexterity Score is higher than their DC. Additionally, you are now able to see on a cellular level, you are able to tell what disease or condition a creature is suffering from whenever you glance at them.

Eye of Hypnotism. Your ability to implant suggestions has grown immensely, being able to do it even through physical gestures. When you use the Eye of Hypnotism, you may spend the bonus action to instead analyze the creature's movements, thoughts and words by making an Insight check against their Cursed Energy DC. On a success, you are able to suggest an action to the creature that you and it both knows it can use, to do so, the creature is forced to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, you can cause the creature to use the action it knows it is capable of against a creature of your own choice within 30ft. On a success, nothing happens.

3rd Tomoe

Technique Improvement
At 6th level, you've learnt to evolve your ability to anticipate and mimic into being able to wholly copy others, alongside achieving even greater power. When the Sharingan is active, you instead gain a +4 to AC and you now also get advantage on Constitution saving throws.

Additionally, as a free action or as a reaction to seeing a creature using a Cursed Energy Manipulation Feats feat, cursed energy or cursed energy manipulation feature, or a battle maneuver you may attempt to copy the feature. In order to do so, you may make a Charisma saving throw against the creature's cursed energy DC, on a success you successfully replicate the feat. On a failure, you cannot use this feature against the same creature for a minute. You must meet the prerequisites of the feats you attempt to copy in order to get it and you may only have up to your proficiency bonus feats or features copied this way. You cannot copy background feats and are unable to copy cursed energy features that come from Unique Cursed Energy.

When copying cursed energy or cursed energy manipulation features that belong to a subclass, you may only copy up to half your proficiency bonus, rounded down and you must meet the prerequisite of taking the previous level's feature before taking the next. Ex. If you want the 3rd level feature of the Cursed Energy Manipulator path, you must have copied the 1st level feature first.

When having copied a Maneuver, you exchange stamina with cursed energy for those who have a cost and you use a dice of d8 for effort dice. If you have Dense Cursed Energy, it's a d12 instead. Additionally, when copying an HR's Manuever, you roll the save against the save DC of the Manuever feature and when used, they now use your cursed energy DC.

Mangekyo Sharingan

Technique Improvement
At 10th level, you have unlocked perhaps the most powerful version of your eyes, the mangekyo sharingan . As a Bonus Action or as a Free action if the Sharingan feature is active, you can activate the Mangekyo Sharingan to enhance and use unique abilities for 1 minute. When the Mangekyo Sharingan is active, you can perform any two of the following techniques, you must choose which two when you gain this feature and you cannot change the chosen two:

Amaterasu. As a bonus action for 8 Cursed Energy, you focus your eye on a single point in your field of vision within 60 feet, creating black flames. Anything flammable near it will be engulfed in black flame. The flame never stops burning unless stopped by you, magical means that exclusively stops fires, your Sharingan ends, or the object it is burning is completely destroyed. If you use this on a creature, it must make a Dexterity saving throw. If it fails, it takes 8d10 fire damage and at the start of its turns it takes 3d10 fire damage, the fire damage bypasses resistances but not immunities. The damage increases to 10d10 at 11th level, 13d10 at 17th and 15d10 20th. Then 5d10 at 11th level, 7d10 at 17th and 9d10 at 20th for the damage at the start of their turns.

Kagutsuchi. The flames of Amaterasu are wild and untamed by anything, except for one ability. When you use the Amaterasu, you may spend 2 additional cursed energy to make it a ranged cursed energy attack roll, when it is modified this way, you may change its area of effect. By spending cursed energy up to your charisma modifier, you may choose for the Amaterasu to affect anything within a cone, radius, cube, etc. with every cursed energy spent increasing the Aoe effect by 5ft.

Tsukuyomi. One of the most powerful hypnotic abilities in the world, When you use the Eye of Hypnotism, you may spend 10 additional cursed energy to turn it into the Tsukuyomi. The target must attempt a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they are trapped in a illusionary realm in which you control their perception and the flow of time up to one one-hundred-billionth of real time, but only for an instant. They are paralyzed until the beginning of their turn, and you may choose to force them to gain up to 3 levels of exhaustion. This can not increase a creature's exhaustion above 3 levels, additionally, you may spend cursed energy equal to a weapon's cost to summon it in this realm, the weapon's damage type is changed to psyhic damage and has its damage dice increased by your charisma modifier.

Kotoamatsukami. When you use the Eye of Hypnotism, you may spend 8 additional cursed energy to create an illusion that subtly manipulates the target’s mind, leaving them unaware they are being controlled. The target becomes charmed by you automatically. While charmed in this way, you may control their actions for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier. The creature may attempt the saving throw as usual at the end of their turns to end this effect, and when they do, they are unaware they were being controlled to begin. When used out of combat the ability uses 1 Cursed Energy for every minute its used.

This ability counts as 2 abilities for the sake of the amount of mangekyo abilities you can pick. Additionally, if you have both eyes when using this ability, the target makes the save with disadvantage.

Finally, whenever you use this ability, you cannot use it again for an amount of long rests equal to your charisma modifier, if you have both eyes, you cannot use it for an amount of long rests equal to half your charisma modifier, rounded up.

Long Range Kamui. As an action for 10 Cursed Energy, you can target an up to 15 ft. radius sphere up to 100 ft. from you, but more than 10 ft. from you, that you can see with a portal to the Kamui Dimension. Any creatures within the sphere must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they are pulled into the pocket dimension. On a success, they take 8d12 force damage as their matter stretches supernaturally attempting to enter Kamui. If the target has Evasion or is bigger than the portal, they take the damage on a failure, and take no damage on a success, and creatures with Evasion are only pulled into the dimension if they fail by 5 or more. At 11th level, this does 12d12 force damage, 17d12 at 17th level and 24d12 at 20th level.

If a creature without evasion fails by 5 or more, a limb of the DM's choice that isn't the skull, neck, or torso is reduced to 0 and is torn off. If a creature is trapped within the Kamui Dimension, they cannot be sensed in any way and are unable to leave through any other method than Kamui. Finally, you may also choose to target yourself with the Long Range Kamui, with it transferring you to the Kamui Dimension rather than doing damage to you.

Short-Range Kamui. You must have the Long-Range Kamui to take this ability. As an action for 5 Cursed Energy, you slowly transfer yourself into your pocket dimension. If you have not moved and maintained concentration at the beginning of your next turn, you enter your pocket dimension. Additionally, you may spend 2 Cursed Energy, when you use this jutsu to force one creature within your reach to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they transfer into your pocket dimension when you do unless they are no longer within your reach. You may spend 2 additional Cursed Energy when you cast this ability to not be transferred into your dimension with them, and 3 additional cursed energy to have this ability’s effects occur instantaneously rather than at the beginning of your next turn.

Additionally, as a bonus action, you can summon anything from the dimension to an empty space up to 15 ft. from you. Any creatures within 5 feet of the object may attempt a Dexterity saving throw, exiting the dimension along with it on a success. If you are summoning yourself while you are within Kamui, you may travel to an unoccupied space up to 10 miles from where you entered Kamui in a direction of your choice or to a location you know as if casting Gate.

As a bonus action or reaction to being targeted by an effect, including attacks, you make your body and all items you are carrying intangible. You must spend 1 Cursed Energy at the beginning of each of your turns to continue this effect. During this time, you can not be targeted by any effect, you can pass through objects, and must spend 3 Cursed Energy to take an action, 1 Cursed Energy to take a bonus action, and you can not take reactions, and your body appears in Kamui, your body becomes tangible only for the instance you're taking those actions. Creatures within Kamui can affect you normally. You cannot use Short-Range Kamui to teleport while this is active and you're only able to keep this up continuously for up to 2 minutes.

Kamui Synchronization. If you have both Long-Range Kamui and Short-Range Kamui, you are able to synchronize your ability to teleport with other's. As a reaction for 15 Cursed Energy to a creature teleporting or creating a portal in any way, you synchronize your Kamui with their ability and teleport alongside them to their destination, be it on your current plane of existence or another.

And finally, if you have Long-Range Kamui and Short-Range Kamui, you can decrease the action cost of Kamui by one.

Object Manipulation. As an action, bonus action, or free action for 4 Cursed Energy after gaining this ability, you may touch an object, putting a unique seal on it that lasts as long as you like, or you undo it at will. You may mark an amount of objects equal to thrice your Charisma modifier this way.

As an action for 8 Cursed Energy, you may use this ability, activating your Mangekyō in order to manipulate any marked objects within as if casting the telekinesis spell. You may move them a number of feet up to your movement speed on each of your turns, and may use them as if you were wielding them in an additional hand. You may pick this ability twice for the amount of mangekyou abilities you can pick.

If you have this ability in both eyes, you may decrease the action cost of this ability by one and you can now mark an amount of objects equal to six times your Charisma modifier.

You can use a Mangekyou ability an amount of times equal to your Constitution modifier added twice every long rest. If you attempt to overuse it past the maximum, you gain 1 Blindness Counter. If you have an amount of Blindness Counters equal to your Constitution modifier added twice, you are permanently blind, if you have half your Constitution modifier, you are considered half blind, incurring these effects:

Any d20 roll a creature makes that requires the sense they have levels in has a -1 penalty for every 2 counters they have. Exclusively for gradual blindness, any attacks against the creature gain a +1 bonus per 2 Counters.

Whenever 1 minute passes, you may choose to spend 1 cursed energy to keep your Mangekyou Sharingan active for another minute.

Tokyo School Feature: Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan

Technique Improvement
At 14th level, you've improved your eyes to such a level that they're godlike, removing any negative effect you've previously had. You gain the following benefits to your Mangekyou Sharingan:

Improved Eyes. You gain two additional Mangekyou Sharingan abilities of your choice to both of your eyes. If you only have one eye, you only gain one ability. Once chosen, you are unable to switch the abilities you've chose.

The Cure To Cancer!. You lose any Blindness Counters you've previously had and you can no longer gain Blindness Counters from the Mangekyou Sharingan feature.

Expanded Power. Any save you force with the Mangekyou Sharingan against a creature that has a lower passive perception than your cursed energy DC + 5 makes the creature do it with disadvantage and any attack roll has advantage.

The Ghost Of The Uchiha

Technique Improvement
At 20th level, you've truly mastered these red eyes of yours, able to bring down anyone with a glance. You gain the following:

Eye of Insight. With your activated Sharingan, you possess an extraordinary ability to perceive cursed energy and view the flow of events around you with exceptional clarity. When you take the search action, you may attempt a DC 10 Perception check to detect living creatures, magical effects, and cursed energy within 60 feet. Sources of cursed energy appear with a faint outline, and you can discern the school of magic or cursed properties associated with them. This vision penetrates most barriers, though it is blocked by 5 feet of stone, 5 inches of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 10 feet of wood or dirt. Furthermore, you can glimpse fragments of the future and anticipate your opponents' moves. When a creature within sight makes an attack roll against you, they do so with disadvantage if their Dexterity score is lower than your cursed energy DC + 10. Additionally, if a creature forces you to make a physical score saving throw, you make it with advantage if your Dexterity score + 5 is higher than their DC. Your vision even extends to a cellular level, allowing you to identify diseases or conditions affecting a creature at a mere glance.

Eye of Hypnotism. Your Sharingan allows you to briefly hypnotize others, putting them under powerful illusions and even implanting suggestions. When you make eye contact with a creature, you can spend 2 cursed energy as a bonus action to force them to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they become Hallucinating for 1 minute, during which you control the illusions they experience—deciding what they see or hear (no action required). If they succeed, they are not Hallucinating and become immune to this feature for a number of rounds equal to half their proficiency bonus.

As your hypnotic abilities grow, you’ve honed the ability to influence others even through subtle gestures. When using the Eye of Hypnotism, you may instead spend your bonus action to analyze the creature's movements, thoughts, and words by making an Insight check with advantage against their Cursed Energy DC. On a success, you can implant a suggestion, prompting the creature to make a Wisdom saving throw with disadvantage. If they fail, you compel them to take an action they are capable of performing, targeting a creature of your choice within 30 feet. On a success, they resist the suggestion, and nothing happens.

The Straight Pattern Sharingan. Your mastery over the Sharingan allows you to wield its powers with remarkable efficiency. The cursed energy costs for all your Sharingan features are reduced by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus. Additionally, the action cost for using these features is reduced by one step (for example, from an action to a bonus action, or from a bonus action to no action required). You can now activate the Mangekyou Sharingan at will, with no action required.

And finally, you gain these two techniques:

Izanagi. You apply a Kinjutsu, known to yourself as the Izanagi. As a reaction for 20 Cursed Energy when you would die, you retroactively shape reality into an illusion, reappearing anywhere within 15 feet of your original position at full hit points with any previously missing limbs or organs. This causes the used Sharingan to go blind permanently (i.e. If you used your left Sharingan, your left eye becomes blind).

Izanami. As an action for 20 Cursed Energy, you apply the Izanagi's sister jutsu to a creature of your choice, hereafter referred to as T. Within this duration, you must designate one event on three turns. This does not require any kind of action, but must be as complex as "T attacks with X weapon to Y effect


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A Hollow mask being used to cypher a spirits energy

The Hollowfication Technique focuses on defeating enemies and channeling their abilities, physical capabilities, and power through the median/catalyst of a mask transforming you into them.

Spirit Imprint

Lapse Technique
You gain the ability to craft masks from the essence of defeated cursed spirits. When you defeat a creature with a CR equal to or Lessthan your Sorcerer level, you can spend an hour imbuing a premade mask to its essence. The more durable the material the stronger the technique will be off the start. This mask can be worn to gain the abilities and traits of the creature (DM's discretion), including unique abilities and resistances. You can only wear one mask at a time. Wearing the mask requires concentration as if you were concentrating on a spell. Others can use your masks.

Mask Clockout

Technique Improvement
At 3rd level, when you have one of your masks manifested on someone else, you may force it off the user by setting it aflame. This eruption of the spirit, mask, and cursed energy on their face will force them to roll a constitution saving throw. If they fail, they must take 1d10 psychic damage and 1d10 fire damage. The damage is halved if they succeed, However the mask is destroyed regardless. This is done as a bonus action for 4 cursed energy

Alternatively at 5th level, you may use this ability in a different way. The technique variant "Mask Clockout; Hollow-Maki" may be performed by using this sacrificial technique on a mask and directing the discharge at an opponent. For 10 Cursed Energy, you can destroy a mask and shoot out a cursed energy projectile. This projectile will deal 1d10 phycic and 1d10 fire damage per CR level of the cursed spirit sacrificed, destroying the spirit within. Costs 8 Cursed Energy and is an action.

Finally Mask Clockout's final variant unlocked at level 13 is known as "Mask Clockout; Rook Placement" This ability allows the user to time a Mask Clockout while the mask is placed. Exploding the creatures cursed energy and physcal matter traits from it in the form of a wall. This wall lasts 1 minute and covers the space that the creature would have but in a square. (So if the spirit was 5 ft tall then the wall will be 5 ft tall. if the widest part of the creature was 4ft then the walls 4ft wide) This is done as an action and costs 12 Cursed Energy

Mask Fusion

Technique Improvement
At 6th Level: Starting at 6th level, you can attempt to fuse two or more masks to create a unique magical item or gain a powerful ability from the fusion. Rolling a Slight of hand check where the DC is dependent on the compatibility of the masks and abilities.

Cursed Mask

Extension Technique
Starting at 10th level, You can create a quick mask made of cursed energy. This mask will only last for 1 minute per 2 cursed energy pouring into it. If you imbue a technique into this mask then it will be lost as soon as the mask disintegrates. You cannot transfer the technique from the Cursed Mask to another mask.

At 20th level, this extension is automatically activated.

Tokyo School Feature: Handme Down Mask

Extension Technique
At 14th level, you have trained in Tokyo to make your mask control more practical and powerful in exchange for more usage of cursed energy. Now that your clan has witnessed this, during a long rest you may request a 2nd-1st grade mask from your clan. (Random or up to DM's Discretion) This mask only has one use and lasts an hour and must be re-requested afterwards. (Up to dm if the same mask is given or not). Requesting these masks have a weeklong cooldown.

Maximum:Maximum Larceny Output

Maximum Technique
20th Level: Maximum output You are allowed to use the Maximum output of a cursed technique that you are wearing

Smith Energy

Must have the Cursed Technique Reversal cursed feat
Because you have mastered Reverse Cursed Technique, you have gained your technique reversal. You are now able to infuse your masks with positive energy to repair them. This costs 1 CE for every level of material strength the mask was made up of.


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This technique uses jujutsu to govern the laws of the universe and bring them forth to reality, allowing the user to freely manipulate vectors. The name is a reference to particle accelerators, not in how they work, but in their purpose: to enable researchers and scientists to get as close as possible to the truth that makes up the universe and the laws that govern it.

Immense Calculations

However this technique has a drawback, due to its immense calculations in play, you cannot reduce and double the cost of any of its features using Tokyo School reductions or reductions in general except for when using Clonoth. If you have Jujutsu Genius, you no longer double the cost and if you have the Six Eyes, you can now reduce the costs.


Lapse Technique
At 1st level, your deep understanding of vector manipulation grants you the ability to protect yourself through a Reflection Field. This field allows you to subconsciously calculate and reverse any incoming force directed at you, reflecting it away with precise control over the vectors involved. By expending 6 Cursed Energy as an action, you envelop yourself in this field for 1 minute. The field extends across your entire body, including your clothes and any objects you're holding, deflecting threats with barely a thought.

Whenever you are targeted by a weapon, spell, cursed energy attack roll or any saving throws from sources outside your body, you may use a Reaction to spend 4 Cursed Energy to automatically reflect it back at its source unless it bypasses your vector control. Each reflection costs 4 Cursed Energy.

Melee attacks are reversed, sending the attacker 10 feet backward. Projectile attacks are reflected toward the attacker, who must make a Dexterity saving throw or be hit by their own attack, taking damage as if they were the original target. Cursed Energy-based attacks are reflected, returning the original damage to the attacker who must make a Dexterity Saving throw or be hit by their own attack. If the attack is an area-of-effect, the reflection redirects it to avoid hitting you but may still affect others.

You gain additional reactions equal to your Charisma modifier plus proficiency bonus (minimum of 1), but these reactions can only be used for Reflection. You can use one of these reactions to activate reflection against an attack you can see that's targeting you.

Despite its potency, Reflection only works on forces that have a vector or can be redirected. Abilities that lack physical movement or force—like mind control, gaze attacks, or internal manipulation—cannot be stopped by the field, slipping past your defenses.

Vector Adaptation. At 6th level, your control over vectors allows you to reflect non-physical forces such as energy blasts, electricity, and gravitational effects. The cost to reflect Cursed Energy-based attacks is reduced to 2 Cursed Energy. Additionally, you may choose to partially reflect attacks, reducing the damage dealt to you by half while reflecting the remaining force back at the attacker.

Vector Override. At 10th level, you can extend your Reflection Field to protect allies. By spending 4 Cursed Energy as a reaction, you can reflect an attack targeting an ally within 30 feet, redirecting it toward the original attacker. The reflected force behaves as though it had targeted you directly, applying all the usual effects of your Reflection Field. You may also redirect the course of ranged attacks to strike the ground or another target within range, neutralizing their threat.

Semi-Perfect Reflection. At 11th level, your Reflection Field becomes sensitive enough to block even the smallest and most subtle threats. Poisons, airborne particles, and other harmful materials are neutralized before they can harm you, making you immune to environmental hazards that rely on toxins or fine particles. Reflecting these imperceptible forces costs 1 Cursed Energy per instance.

Perfect Reflection. By 17th level, your mastery of vector manipulation allows you to perfect your Reflection Field. Once per turn, if an attack you reflect would deal damage equal to or greater than your Charisma modifier + proficiency bonus, you may refund the Cursed Energy cost of the reflection entirely. Additionally, you may spend 10 Cursed Energy to instantly reflect all attacks targeting you in a single round, regardless of their origin

Calculation Overload. The Reflection Field relies on rapid and precise mental calculations to manipulate vectors. While powerful, there is a limit to how many times you can successfully reflect attacks within a single round. You may use the Reflection Field a number of times per round equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1).

Attempting to use the Reflection Field beyond this limit puts extreme strain on your mind and cursed energy control. You may attempt to force the technique, but doing so requires a Charisma saving throw with a DC equal to 30 minus your proficiency bonus. On a success, you manage to reflect the attack, but on a failure, the strain causes the Reflection Field to collapse, deactivating for the remainder of the round, leaving you vulnerable until your next turn.

Vector Control

Lapse Technique
Starting at 3rd level, you have begun to understand the essence of your innate technique. You gain the ability to manipulate vectors at will, making you gain the following techniques:

Earthquake Generation. By altering the vector of force applied to the ground by your feet, you can cause a little explosion made of earth and rocks to attack your opponents. As an action for 4 Cursed Energy, you can cause an earthquake for any number of rounds up to your charisma. For the duration, an intense tremor rips through the ground in a 60-foot-radius circle centered on that point and shakes creatures and structures in contact with the ground in that area.

The ground in the area becomes difficult terrain. Each creature on the ground that is concentrating must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature's concentration is broken.

When you use this technique, each creature except you on the ground in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is knocked prone.

Tactile Telekinesis. By touching an object, you can use your ability to change the magnitude of vectors you come in contact with, allowing you to change the vectors of objects in such a way that he can turn them to projectiles. As a bonus action for 8 Cursed Energy, you can apply this ability to objects you touch and your own body for 1 minute. You gain the following benefits:

  • Projectile Manipulation. You can transform small objects, such as stones or metal shards, into deadly projectiles that streak toward targets within range. Make a cursed energy spell attack against a creature or object within 120 feet. On a hit, the target takes force damage equal to 2d8 + your charisma modifier. The object then falls harmlessly to the ground after hitting or missing its target. The damage increases by 1d8 for every 10ft it travels.
  • Structural Manipulation. You can manipulate large objects (up to 20 feet in any dimension) within 60 feet of you as if they were weightless, moving them up to 10 feet in any direction per round. You can use these objects to attack creatures within range, treating them as improvised weapons that deal 4d10 force damage on a hit, using your charisma modifier for attack and damage rolls.
  • Enhanced Strength. You gain advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws for the duration. Additionally, your carrying capacity is doubled.

Aerokinesis. You can re-vector the surrounding winds and force them to congregate at a single point creating an extremely high velocity wind. As an action, you can spend 3 cursed energy to force every creature in a 20 ft. cone to make a Strength saving throw. On failure, they are pushed back an amount of feet equal to (Charisma Modifier x 5) and take 3d8 slashing, bludgeoning or thunder damage, if they succeed they don’t get pushed back and they take half damage. This technique's damage increases to 5d8 at 11th level, to 8d8 at 17th level and to 16d8 at 20th level. When you use Maximum Output on this technique, it becomes Plasma Generation. The die improved to a d12 and the damage type is changed to fire.

Geokinesis. You can manipulate the ground beneath your feet to cause various effects. As an action, you can spend 10 cursed energy to force every creature in a 20 ft. radius to make a Dexterity saving throw. On failure, they are knocked prone and take 6d8 bludgeoning, piercing, or force damage (your choice). If they succeed, they remain standing and take half damage. This technique's damage increases to 8d8 at 11th level, 11d8 at 17th level, and 16d8 at 20th level.

When you use Maximum Output on this technique, it becomes Elemental Surge. The die improves to d12 and the damage type changes to a specific elemental type based on the terrain (fire in volcanic areas, cold in icy areas, etc.).

In addition, when you use this technique, with no action required, you can create one of the following effects:

  • Rock Barrage. You shoot out sharp rocks in a 60 ft. line, forcing creatures in the line to make a Dexterity saving throw or take 6d6+charisma modifier piercing damage.
  • Spear Pillars. You reshape the ground into spear-like pillars in a 10 ft. radius, forcing creatures in the area to make a Dexterity saving throw or take 6d8+charisma modifier piercing damage and be restrained until they use an action to break free.
  • Open Ravine. You create a 10 ft. wide, 30 ft. long, and 20 ft. deep ravine, forcing creatures in the area to make a Dexterity saving throw or fall into it, taking 8d6 bludgeoning damage and falling prone.

Vector Hold. You can morph vectors around to hold someone in place. As an action, you can force a creature to make a Dexterity saving throw. On failure, they take 6d6+charisma modifier force damage, and are stunned until their next turn. On success, they take half and are not stunned.

Vector Acceleration

Extension Technique
At 6th level, your understanding of vector manipulation allows you to significantly enhance your speed. By expending 4 Cursed Energy as a bonus action, you can boost your movement for the next minute.

While this feature is active, you gain the following benefits:

  • Increased Speed. Your base movement speed increases by 30 feet.
  • Momentum Surge. When you move at least 10 feet before making a melee attack, you can add an additional 1d6 force damage to the attack for every 10ft you travel, as your enhanced speed translates into greater striking power.
  • Swift Evasion. You can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on an attack roll targeting you, as you deftly maneuver out of harm’s way, effectively doubling your movement speed until the end of your turn.

You may spend an amount of cursed energy up to your charisma modifier to increase the speed boat by 15ft per cursed energy spent.

Black Wings

Technique Improvement
At 10th, you've realized the inefficiency of needing to be in constant physical contact with vectors in order to manipulate them, and thus, you've devised a way. As an action for 15 Cursed Energy, you can form black wings made of small tornadoes for 1 minute. While these wings are active, you gain the following benefits:

  • You gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed.
  • You can now affect vectors within a 200ft radius without having to touch them physically.
  • You may reduce the action cost of your Vector Control feature by 1.
  • You gain an amount of Temporary Hit Points equal to your Sorcerer Level times your charisma modifier.

At the end of your turns while Black Wings is active, you must succeed a Wisdom Saving throw against your Cursed Energy Save DC. On a success, nothing happens. On a failure, you gain the berserk condition as your brain cannot handle the strenuous information of foreign laws constantly being transmitted to the brain. You can attempt the save again at the beginning of your turns to end it early causing the feature to deactivate.

Tokyo School Feature: Auto-Improved Reflection

Technique Improvement
At 14th level, you've managed to improve your Reflection feature to even automatically reflect unknown laws and Vectors. Your Reflection feature’s cost is reduced by an amount equal to your charisma modifier (minimum of 1) bypassing ‘’Immense Calculations’’ and it lasts 2 minutes now.

Lastly, you gain the Improved Cursed Energy Output feat, if you already have it, you instead gain the Legendary Cursed Energy Output.

The One Who Wields The Power Of God

Technique Improvement
At 20th level, you've ascended and raised from a fallen angel to a divine being of power. Upon activating your ‘’Black Wings’’ feature, you now manifest Six White Wings and a Halo above your head, you now gain the following benefits:

  • You can now affect vectors within a 600ft radius without physically touching them.
  • You gain a flying speed equal to triple your movement speed.
  • You gain a +4 to your Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma Scores.
  • You may reduce the action cost of your Vector Control feature by 2. (full round action->action->bonus action->free action). If this would reduce the action cost of a reaction you gain 1 additional reaction only for using said reaction.
  • You gain an amount of Temporary Hit Points equal to double your Jujutsu Sorcerer level times your charisma modifier.

Additionally, you now automatically succeed on the Wisdom Saving throw against the Black Wings feature.

Cursed Technique Reversal: Vector Negation

Reversal Technique You have inverted the fundamental nature of your Vector Control, transforming your ability to manipulate forces into an ability that cancels or negates them. By using Reverse Cursed Technique, you can now neutralize the motion of vectors and nullify all kinetic and physical forces that come into contact with you. If a Cursed Spirit, this is automatically gained.

As an action for 8 Cursed Energy, you project an aura of force cancellation around you in a 30-foot radius. All objects and attacks that rely on movement, such as projectiles, falling debris, or thrown weapons, instantly lose their velocity and drop harmlessly to the ground upon entering this field. Creatures inside the field must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be unable to move as all vector-based force affecting them is nullified for 1 minute. On a success, they can move at half speed but cannot dash or use movement-based abilities (such as flight or teleportation via motion). A creature may attempt another strength saving throw at the end of their turns to end this effect early.

For 4 Cursed Energy, you can select a single incoming attack or force-based effect within 120 feet, such as an energy blast or a thrown object, and negate the force behind it entirely. The attack is canceled, and you take no damage or effects from it.

Whenever you would take bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage from a non-magical attack, the damage is reduced by your Charisma modifier (minimum of 3) as the vectors of the attack weaken upon contact with your body.

At 17th level, the radius of the aura expands to 60 feet, and you can choose to repel forces back, causing creatures within the field to be pushed 20 feet away if they fail their saving throw.

Yokai Manifestation Technique[edit]

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Yokai Manifestation is a technique brought about when a Cursed Spirit fuses with a human person, and chooses to bond with their being, allowing the user to use their abilities and powers.

Vessel of The Supernatural

Due to your body inhabiting a cursed spirit, you will gain the Cursed Vessel race upon character creation, and you cannot choose Reincarnated.

You do not gain any racial traits related to soul knowledge.

Supernatural Agility

Due to your symbiosis and muscle memory from your spirit controlling you, your body is naturally faster than most people’s. You gain proficiency in Acrobatics, or expertise if you were already proficient.

Additionally, you gain the 50 Meters in 3 Seconds! cursed feat.

Yokai Manifestation

Lapse Technique
Starting at 1st level, you have gained the ability to ‘swap’ with your Cursed Spirit, and allow them to manifest in your body. As a bonus action for 10 cursed energy, you can allow the spirit inside you to take control for an amount of rounds equal to half your constitution scores, rounded down. For the duration, you gain a +4 to Dexterity up to its maximum, gain 50 ft to your movement speed, have advantage on Dexterity saving throws and advantage on Dexterity checks, and you will gain the berserk condition. Additionally, You will gain an additional action on each of your turns. That action can be used only to take the Attack (one melee weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action.

Momentum Damage. For every 10ft. you move while this technique is active, your next melee weapon attack or unarmed strike deals additional force damage equal to your Charisma modifier. The damage cannot be applied a number of times higher than your proficiency bonus to the same attack.

When the timer runs out, you learn that this technique has a horrible detriment. When it deactivates, you gain 3 levels of exhuastion and you are knocked prone. Additionally, your movement speed is reduced by 50ft., if this would reduce it to 0ft. you are reduced to 5ft. instead and finally, you gain disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws and checks. These detriments go away at the end of a long rest.

Spirit Body Modification. At 5th level, the spirit inside of you gains the ability to exert more control over the shape of your body. While you're in your Yokai Manifestation mode, you gain an amount of body function points equal to your proficiency bonus that you can spend on the body functions of the Cursed Spirit race, you cannot rechoose the chosen body functions. Alternatively, you may work with your DM to create entirely new body functions.

Dismemberment Expert

Technique Improvement
At 3rd level, the spirit inside you reveals more of its origin, giving you insight to one of its true natures, the ability to dismember others expertly. When Yokai Manifestation is active, you gain the following benefits:

  • Once per turn for 4 cursed energy If you are using the Limbs system rule, whenever you target a specific limb that isn’t the skull, neck or torso, you roll with advantage, if you already have advantage you reduce the detriments by half your proficiency bonus, rounded down. If you aren’t using the rule, your critical range is decreased by 2 (20>19>18). If you would have any other critical range decreases, this feature cannot bring it below 15.
  • Once per round, you may attempt to steal the genitals of a male creature, to use this feature the creature must possess the ability to produce sexually, and must be a creature with said parts. Whenever you make an unarmed strike, you may spend 2 cursed energy to make a Stealth check with advantage against a creature's passive perception. If you roll higher than their passive perception, you are able to steal one of the creature’s genitals, forcing them to make a Wisdom saving throw and on a failure, they become Confused until the beginning of your next turn. If you succeed the stealth check by 5 or more, you steal both their genitals; causing them to make the wisdom save with disadvantage.
  • Your Martial Arts feature has its damage dice tier increased by one tier.

When stolen, the genitals are turned into a Cursed Object however this object is different. If it is ingested, the creature gains the benefits as if they were a cursed spirit. A creature may only gain these benefits once.

Power-Line Transportation

Extension Technique
At 6th level, you have uncovered more powers of your spirit’s abilities, granting you new prospects, being its ability to fuse and interact with Electricity. As an action for 10 Cursed Energy when near a Telephone Power line, you can turn into a spiral and travel alongside the current, when using this feature, you may move at double your movement speed, if you use features like dash, they are also doubled. When using this feature, you do not generate any opportunity of attacks and upon reaching your destination, you can teleport 5ft away from the Telephone Power-line. You must be following the current of electricity in the Power-line so if there isn't a Power-line leading in the direction you want, you cannot continue to that destination using this feature.

Bio-Electricity Manipulation

Alternate Extension Technique
At 6th level, the spirit inside you grants you the capability to manipulate your own Bio-electricity into attacks. You gain the two following moves:

Bio Discharge. You're able to discharge your bioelectricity towards targets. As an action for an amount of cursed energy up to your charisma modifier added twice, you may force creatures within a 30ft radius within 10ft of you to make a constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d10 lightning for every cursed energy spent and are stunned until the end of your turn or they are damaged. On a success, they take half damage and aren't stunned.

At 11th level, you can spend up to your charisma modifier + half your charisma modifier, rounded down. At 17th level, you can spend up to your charisma modifier added thrice.

Bio Punch. Once per turn as part of hitting a melee weapon attack, you can use your lightning to enhance the attack. You may spend 4 cursed energy to add 2d10 lightning damage to the attack. Additionally, they must make a constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are stunned until the end of your turn or they take damage. On a success, nothing happens.

At 11th level, this becomes 4d10 lightning damage and at 17th level, this becomes 6d10 lightning.

Complete Spirit Transformation

Technique Improvement
At 10th level, you’ve gotten the hang of your transformation being able to transform, with you taking control of your body instead of your spirit. When you activate Yokai Manifestation, you may retain control of your own body due to the mastery of your Technique, you will not have the Berserked Condition, and your movement speed increases by 100 ft, and you may add your proficiency bonus again to all Dexterity checks you make, even if they already benefited from this. Additionally, when having activated Yokai Manifestation, you gain an additional attack action and a bonus action. You may also activate it as a free action and it lasts an amount of rounds equal to your constitution score.

Momentum Damage. For every 10ft. you move while this technique is active, your next melee weapon attack or unarmed strike deals additional force damage equal to your Charisma modifier. The damage cannot be applied a number of times higher than your proficiency bonus times your Charisma modifier to the same attack.

Cartoon Physics. You're able to briefly manifest the physics of a cartoon. As a free action for 4 cursed energy, you may gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed for 1 minute as you spin your legs fast enough in a circular motion to gain flight.

If the minute ends, you may spend 1 cursed energy to extend its duration for another minute.

Finally, you no longer suffer such severe detriments when deactivating the technique, you now only get one level of exhaustion and not the rest of the detriments. If you however use it for as long as your proficiency bonus rounds above your limit, you gain the rest of the detriments. Additionally, your dexterity score maximum increases by +2 while you're transformed.

All-Out Mode!

Extension Technique
At 14th level, due to the immense speed your cursed technique offers, you created an extension that allows you to surpass your limits for a certain amount of time. As a bonus action for 8 Cursed Energy while Yokai Manifestation is active, you can activate All-Out. This mode lasts for a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus and while this is active, you gain the following:

  • You may move 5 times your normal speed.
  • Due to the immense boost in speed, you gain an additional attack in your attack action.
  • The cap for momentum mode is now your proficiency bonus doubled times your Charisma modifier.

You may use this mode an amount of times equal to your Constitution modifier every long rest, once you've used up the amount of times you can use it, you gain the following detriments:

You gain 4 levels of exhuastion and you are knocked prone. Additionally, your movement speed is reduced by 100ft., if this would reduce it to 0ft. you are reduced to 5ft. instead and finally, you gain disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws and checks.

The Spirit Is Me

Technique Improvement
At 20th level, you've mastered your technique to impressive heights, with the distinction between you and your spirit practically indistinguishable when you transform. When you activate Yokai Manifestation, you gain the following.

Your movement speed now increases by 200ft instead of 100ft. You may now add double your proficiency bonus to Dexterity checks. You become so fast that it's almost impossible for you to be seen with the naked eye and you take advantage of that. If a creature's passive perception is lower than your Cursed Energy DC, you make attacks with advantage and they make any saves from this technique with disadvantage.

Additionally, your transformation now lasts double your constitution score amount of rounds. And finally, you gain an additional amount of body function points equal to half your Charisma modifier. (Rounded down to a minimum of 1.)

God Of Destruction[edit]

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Destructive Cursed Energy

Your Cursed Energy is powered up by pure destruction, when a creature attacks you they take an equal amount of d12’s equal to your level added 4 times when you have your Cursed Energy Armor active. When you deal damage with the Curse-Empowered Strikes or Cursed Energy Ray feature, you can change its type to true damage.

Pulling Your Punches

As a destroyer god you usually have to hold back to not accidentally destroy anything you didn't mean to. You are able to freely decrease your AC, Plus to hits, saving throws, Damage reduction with no action required. You may also raise these scores back up to their maximums with no action required.

Extremely Lazy

Being a destroyer might sound nice but it's secretly incredibly boring, causing you to get more lazy at your job. You must spend at least 10 years completely asleep to gain the benefits of a long rest, and need to spend at least 2 months sleeping to gain the benefits of a short rest.

Destroyer's Assistant

Every destroyer has an angel assistant. This assistant can look however the DM wants and acts however the DM wants, however the angel must not directly interfere with any conflicts or take any sides. This assistant also always has powers and abilities convenient to the situation such as rewinding time, fast space travel, etc.

God Of Destruction

Lapse Technique

Starting at 1st level, you have been born as this world's god of destruction, needing to maintain balance in the universe. You gain the following benefits as long as you have at least 1 cursed energy:

  • You count as a God
  • You can't die of old age
  • You are immune to the effects of space, not needing to breath
  • Your movement speed quintuples, and you gain flying speed equal to triple your movement speed
  • You deal 10,000 times damage to objects and celestial bodies, you also auto crit against objects and celestial bodies
  • You gain a +20 to your Charisma, Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores including their maximums
  • Your cursed energy maximum is multiplied by 20
  • You hit point maximum increases by your constitution score added twice times 100
  • You gain damage reduction equal to your constitution score times 20 (It also reduces true damage)
  • You gain additional reactions equal to your dexterity score
  • You gain 20 feats and may ignore 2 requirements for any feats (except for background feats)

These effects always may not be taken away other than the complete drop to zero cursed energy (This is for the purpose of domain amplification, binding vows, etc).

Destruction Techniques

Extension Technique

Starting at 3rd level, you have learned different ways to utilize your destructive power. You gain the following Destruction Techniques:

Destruction Ball: As an action for 1 cursed energy, you create and launch a small purple ball anywhere within 1 light year. If you are attacking a creature you must roll a cursed energy attack roll, on hit it deals 100d12 true damage and explodes in a 1,000 ft radius and everything (except you) have to make a dexterity saving throw at disadvantage or take the damage. If you use maximum output on this feature then it works a little differently. You create a giant ball of pure destructive above your head and launch it towards any direction within 1 light year. The creature, object, or celestial you throw this at will take 500d12 true damage and anything within 500,000 miles also take the same amount of damage (except you).

Projectile Eraser: Whenever you are targeted by a projectile, you can spend 1 cursed energy and use a reaction to instantly erase that projectile from existence thus ending the attack roll or saving throw.

Destructive Tap: As an action for 3 cursed energy, you can tap any part of the celestial body you are standing on and instantly destroy the whole celestial body or just half of it.


Extension Technique

Starting at 6th level, you have learned to focus your destructive power against your enemies, completely erasing anything this technique is used on. As an action for 10 cursed energy, you can use your “Hakai” against anything within 5ft of you and the thing that is targeted is immediately reduced to 0 hit points and is completely erased from existence.

If you use this feature on an immortal then you are unable to completely reduce the immortal to 0 hit points.

Destroyer Form

Technique Improvement

Starting at 10th level, you have achieved the peak of your destroyer power, being able to tap into your all powerful destroyer form. As a free action for 50 cursed energy, you can tap into your destroyer form for 1 minute giving you the following benefits:

  • You gain a +20 to your Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, and Charisma including their maximums
  • Your movement speed gets multiplied by 10
  • Your damage reduction quadruples
  • You now deal 1 million times more damage to objects and celestial bodies, and you still autocrit against them
Tournament Time

Finally at 20th level, you have been informed by the Grand Zeno to gather the strongest warriors of your universe! You have 48 hours to assemble 10 of your universe's strongest fighters, and if you fail to do so then you and your entire universe get erased.

Nephilim Technique[edit]

Nephilim is a technique that steals the years of a person’s life through physical contact, converting their future into an irreversible loss. The longer the contact lasts, the more years are drained, accelerating from mere moments to decades in a heartbeat.

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Angelic Biology

Your technique has mutated your body to match that of a textbook angel. You gain a halo above your head and two wings on your back. You gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed. Additionally, your wings have a certain durability. Your wings have an amount of hit points equal to half your maximum hit points. At 10th level, this becomes equal to your maximum hit points. If your wings reach 0 hit points, you lose your flying speed and if you're healed by the Regeneration or Reverse Cursed Technique features, your wings regain hitpoints too. They also regain all lost hitpoints at the end of a long rest. Your halo however is the most important thing for this technique. You can only use the Lifespan Weapon feature if you still have this halo connected to you.

Life Siphon

Your technique comes with a terrible but needed flaw, whomever you make direct contact with has their lifespan siphoned and stored within you. If you're in direct contact with a creature's skin (something like cloth prevents this ability from activating) while using Lifespan Necrosis, you siphon 1 month from a creature's lifespan for every cursed energy spent on it. You can have an amount of years stored equal to your cursed energy maximum.

Lifespan Necrosis

Lapse Technique
At 1st Level, you’ve begun to understand the power of your Innate Technique yet the full capabilities haven’t even begun to be explored by the likes of you. As apart of an Unarmed Strike, you can spend an amount of cursed energy up to half of your Charisma modifier (rounded up). the target takes 1d8 necrotic damage per cursed energy spent and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, if you have spent the maximum amount of cursed energy spent, they receive one level of exhaustion.On a success, they receive no additional conditions.

At 5th level, you can spend up to your Charisma modifier when using Lifespan Necrosis. At 11th level, you can spend up to your Charisma modifier + half of your Charisma modifier(rounded down). At 17th level, you can spend up to your Charisma modifier added twice. At 20th level, you can spend up to your Charisma modifier added thrice.

Lifespan Weapons

Lapse Technique
At 3rd level, you've unlocked the second part of your cursed technique, allowing you to spend lifespan and cursed energy to create weapons.

As an action for 2 Cursed Energy and 2 Months of lifespan, you can create a non-magical weapon you know. However, for every 5 pounds a weapon weighs, you must spend 1 additional cursed energy and 2 additional months in its creation. You can spend Cursed Energy and Lifespan this way up to your Charisma modifier. You may spend up to your charisma mod + half charisma modifier at 3rd, Charisma modifier added twice at 5th, charisma modifier added twice + half charisma modifier at 11th and charisma modifier added thrice at 17th. When you create a weapon, it may have as many properties as your proficiency bonus (This means you can't create objects with a number of properties greater than your proficiency bonus). When you create a weapon, you may choose to exclude any properties it may possess (While creating a Heavy Crossbow, you can choose to create it without the Heavy property. Additionally, you cannot put contradictory properties on one weapon, such as putting light and heavy properties on the same weapon).

Your weapons last indefinitely, only disappearing if you choose so at will or if they are destroyed. You can have a number of creations equal to your Sorcerer level + your proficiency bonus at once, becoming unable to create anything new while at your limit.

Years Gone By. Whenever a weapon has 1 or more years used in its creation, it gains a +1 to its damage. You can only have spent an amount of years up to your proficiency bonus.

Blessed Lifespan Weapons

Improvement Technique
At 6th level, you've progressed with your capability to create weapons that they are now blessed thus becoming magical. You gain the ability to create Grade 4 and Grade 3 Cursed Tools, with them costing 4 Cursed Energy and 4 Months to create (This cost replaces the 2 Cursed Energy and 2 Months base cost for Lifespan Weapons). At 11th level, you gain the ability to create Grade 2 and Grade 1 Cursed Tools and finally, at 17th level, you can create Special Grade Tools. Every special “effect”/”ability” a Tool has counts towards your property counter.

This Fleeting Life of Ours

Improvement Technique
At 10th level, your ability to siphon life from others has grown to such a level it now takes very little to kill them. When you gain lifespan from the Life Siphon feature, you now gain years instead of months and the creature loses an equal amount. Additionally, you can now store an amount of years equal to your cursed energy maximum doubled.

Tokyo School Feature: Angelic Weapon Ballista

Extension Technique
Starting at 14th level, while the people of Kyoto saw your Innate Technique as merely a way to temporarily use another's technique, the people of Tokyo pushed you to expand beyond the original capabilities, driving you to surpass the sources of these techniques.

As an action, you can launch two or more of your Blessed Lifespan Weapons at a target, at the cost of 2 Cursed Energy plus twice your Charisma modifier. Each additional Cursed Energy spent adds another weapon to the attack. You make a ranged Cursed Energy attack roll against a creature within 100/400 feet. On a hit, the target takes damage equal to the weapon's damage plus your Charisma modifier.

After the hit, you may spend the appropriate amount of Cursed Energy to activate the effect of the weapon if it so has it. If the effect targets a single creature, you choose whether it targets the creature you hit or the weapon itself. If the effect creates a circular area of effect, the area is centered on the creature hit by the weapon. For line or cone-shaped areas of effect, the effect starts from the weapon and extends directly towards the creature hit. If the effect enhances the weapon’s damage, the damage dealt to the target is calculated with the enhancement applied.

At 17th level, you can spend 2 plus four times your Charisma modifier in Cursed Energy, allowing you to launch even more Blessed Lifespan Weapons in a single attack

Usage:1000 Years

Maximum Technique
At 20th level, you've developed the ultimate extension of your Technique, allowing you to form a spear filled with immense power. As a full turn action (which cannot be reduced except via binding vows), and for an amount of cursed energy and years up to your Charisma modifier added five times, you can force a creature within 30 feet of you to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 2d10 piercing damage per energy and year spent and are bleeding. On a success, they take half as much damage. If they have Evasion, they do not receive effects on success.

if Usage:1000 Years reduces a creature to 0 hit points, it kills it outright by obliterating its entire torso. Usage:1000 Years deals twice as much damage to objects and structures. Also, Usage:1000 Years ignores resistance to piercing damage.

Burden of the Weak[edit]

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This Cursed Technique brings out the strongest traits of some of the "weakest" creature in the world. Insects, arachnids, and arthropods that have been forced to develop mechanisms to defend themselves in the wild. Utilizing a strange black liquid, the user can manifest these very same defense mechanisms and survival complexes in combat.

Lowest of the Low

Lapse Technique
Starting at 1st level, you have developed a Cursed Technique that allows you to manifest the strengths of the weakest creatures on earth; insects. Now that these strengths are at your level, they are far greater than before. You can manifest the one of the following traits:

Dragonfly. As a bonus action for 2 Cursed Energy, you can shape your Cursed Energy into a pair of wings that hover above your back and are similar to that of the mighty dragonfly. For 1 minute, you gain a flying speed equal to double your walking speed. In addition, you can now use your free action to dash. Dragonfly will last a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Beetle. As a bonus action for 4 cursed energy, by transmuting your cursed energy you can manipulate the black liquid into a pair of Rhinoceros Beetle horns around your arms. These horns allow the user to deal both powerful internal and external damage to an opponent. Your unarmed strikes now deal double damage and force a creature to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 2d10 necrotic damage and are stunned until the beginning of your next turn. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not stunned. Beetle will last a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus. This damage increases to 4d10 at 6th level, 6d10 at 10th level, and 8d10 at 14th.

The horns can also help defend against attacks that are targeting your hands. When using the Limbs System variant rule, if a creature tries to target your hand or arm and deals damage to them, the horns will block and take the damage instead. Each horn has an amount of hit points equal to 4 x your sorcerer level, and as a bonus action, you can refill the health of the arm, spending cursed energy to heal it. For every cursed energy spent it regains 10 hit points, up to its original hit points.

Centipede. As an action for up to your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus cursed energy, you can bring forth Centipede, a large centipede-like construct made up of several circular structures around you, from the concentrated cursed energy around your hands. As a bonus action, while Centipede is active, you may make a melee cursed energy attack against a target within 45 ft. On a hit, it deals xd10 necrotic damage (x = the amount of CE spent), and for the purposes of other features, the attacker is considered to be the centipede itself. The centipede has an AC of 10 + the amount spent on the technique and hit points of 15 times the amount spent. While the Centipede is still alive you can keep using your bonus action to attack. The centipede lasts until it dies, is dismissed, or after 1 minute. The x is two times the amount spent on activation.

Mantis. As a bonus action for 1 cursed energy, you can shape your black liquid into a pair of razor-sharp claws that can cut through even the most durable of targets. For 1 minute your unarmed strikes, cursed strikes, and Curse-Empowered Strikes deal slashing damage. On a hit with a natural dice of 18 or more, the target gains the bleeding condition.

Wasp. As a bonus action, you can shape your cursed energy into a pair of yellow/black finger claws on both your index and middle fingers. While using Wasp, your unarmed strikes range increases to 10 ft. and their damage tier increases one, and when you hit a target, you can force them to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the target becomes poisoned. On a success, nothing happens.

This damage increases to two tiers at 6th level and three tiers at 14th level.

Natural Outcasts

Technique Improvement
Bugs aren’t the only ones who have been forced to crawl on the ground. They are not the only ones who have developed mechanisms to make themselves feared above all weaklings. At 3rd level you gain this Improvement to your technique, allowing you to manifest traits of both insects and arthropods. Just like before, you can only have one trait of either manifested at one time.

Spider. As a bonus action for 3 cursed energy, by transmuting your cursed energy you can create an extra pair of arms on your body, completely black in appearance and unnerving to the touch. When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can make an additional attack as a part of the action. This additional attack can only be a melee attack. Spider will last a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus.

  • Black Spider - Webbing. While manifesting Spiders extra appendages, you can secrete a fluid-like webbing made from the black liquid of your technique. As an action for 2 cursed points, you make a cursed energy attack roll against a target within 60ft. of you. On a hit, they will take your unarmed strike damage die and must make a Strength saving throw or become restrained by webs. Additionally, you gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. And impose a disadvantage on grappling saves when grappling an opponent.

Scorpion. As a bonus action for 3 cursed energy, you can condense the black liquid into around your tailbone and create the shape of a scorpion tail. This tail comes with a stinger at the end, from which poison can be injected. Whenever you hit a creature with your scorpion, the target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 3d10 poison damage and are poisoned. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not poisoned. They may remake the Constitution saving throw at the beginning of their turns, ending the condition on a success. Additionally, When making attacks with scorpion, your reach increases by 10ft.

This damage improves to 5d10 at 5th level, 7d10 at 10th level, and 10d10 at 15th level.

  • Desert Scorpion - Vibrational Sense. Like a desert scorpion, the user has the ability to feel the vibration of the environment around them, being able to know the exact position of people around them. While using Scorpion, you gain 320 feet of tremorsense.

Defense Mechanisms

Technique Improvement
At 6th level, you have begun to unleash more of the hidden talents within insects. These traits are called Defense Mechanisms, and with them, you can start showing your spot in the hierarchy.

Dragonfly - Compound Vision. By filling your sclera with a strange black liquid, you can temporarily replicate the compound vision of a dragonfly, enhancing your dynamic vision and visual perception. While using Dragonfly, you gain a +4 to your armor class and an advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Beetle - Cursed Exoskeleton. Solidifying your Cursed Energy, you begin to replicate the extra durable exoskeleton of the Beetle. As a reaction for 3 Cursed Energy and while using Beetle, you can create a highly durable shell to protect yourself, gaining the following benefits:

  • The exoskeleton has an amount of hit points equal to your sorcerer level times ten. You can spend a free action to spend cursed energy in order to restore the armor's hit points, making it regain 15 per cursed energy spent. This also applies to the Beetles arm gauntlets
  • You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage.
  • Your unarmed strikes with Beetle increase by two tiers (1d6 -> 1d10).

Centipede - Barbed Legs. A centipede's legs allow it to move across any kind of surface with ease. Researchers of this creature have found them to be akin to spikes or barbs. While using Centipede, you can manifest blades that represent its hundreds of tiny legs. When Centipede hits a target(s), they suffer an additional 6d6 slashing damage from the bladed barbs on the body. The user may also spend 1 cursed energy to make Centipede wrap itself around a target it hits, making it become grappled. This means it loses the ability to make attacks, but only while it's grappling the target. Creatures grappled this way are also considered restrained.

The target may try to leave the grapple by making a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) against Centipede using the sorcerer's Cursed Energy DC at the beginning of their turns. On a failure, they remain grappled and receive the damage from Barbs. On a success, they leave the grapple, and Centipede goes back to within 5ft. of its summoner instantly.

Mantis - Reflexive Limbs. Mantis are known for their limb formations. The way they can twist and bend at angles that no normal human could ever replicate. When attacking with Mantis, your critical range is decreased to 18. Additionally, you can use these pincers as a reaction to being attacked by a melee weapon, increasing your armor class for that action by your proficiency bonus.

Wasp - Potent Venom. Your stinger can be changed from a yellow color to a more unnerving black/purple, reflecting its increased lethality. Whenever a creature is hit by this technique, you can spend 5 Cursed Energy to force them to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are envenomed for an amount of time equal to your proficiency bonus. On a success, they are immune for 24 hours. The target can repeat this saving throw at the beginning of their turns, becoming poisoned on a success.

Intricate Complexes

Extension Technique
At 10th level, you can begin to manifest more dangerous traits hidden in the genetics of the insecta class. Things that as a mere insect would be insignificant. But with you, they are to be feared. These traits belong to some of the most dangerous of their kind.

Golden Ringed - Hare Coursing. This ability is common among all manner of dragonfly yet combined with the Compound vision of the Golden Ringed Dragonfly, you become even more proficient with your already fast movement. You move at speeds that are nearly impossible to perceive, and strike before the can react. As an action for 6 Cursed Energy, whilst using Dragonfly, you rush towards a creature within your movement speed and make an Unarmed Strike against them. On a hit, you deal your Unarmed Strike's damage + Xd10 force damage, with X being your proficiency bonus. When you use this Complex, before anything else the target creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they need to spend two reactions to react to the attack.

Bombardier Beetle - Grenade. Similar to the Bombardier Beetle, you can secrete an acidic and highly combustible fluid that bursts with immediate exposure to the air. While using Beetle and for 4 Cursed Energy, you can create a small orb of combustible fluid that can fit in your hand, placing it in an unoccupied space you can see within 30 feet. The orb remains for up to 1 minute. The orb explodes, forcing each creature within 10 feet to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 11d10 fire damage and is knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not knocked prone.

Gigantea Centipede - Supersize. The Gigantea Centipede is perhaps one of the largest Centipedes in the world and known for their power. As an action for 6 Cursed energy and while using Centipede, you can temporarily augment your physical power, giving you a +4 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. During this time, you also gain a damage reduction of 8 and double damage with your Unarmed Strikes.

Additionally, as a reaction you can make the Centipede manifest and coil around you as a defensive measure. As a reaction, the user can absorb damage, reducing it by an amount equal to five times their Constitution modifier.

Orchid Mantis - Mimicry. The Orchid Mantis is one of the most predatory among the female species, simply for their ability to mimic the form of things around them. Prey and Predator are fooled by this mechanism. As an action for 6 cursed energy, you can change your skin and change color to blend in with your surroundings, granting you advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in all environments and on a success, you count as invisible. Targets must make a Wisdom (Perception) check against your Cursed Energy save DC to detect you. While under the benefits of this technique, you can make an Unseen Strike with a damage dice of your Unarmed Strike plus 10d8 necrotic damage.

Murder Hornet - Venom Synthesis. Wasps are well known to be able to survive having their stingers removed after striking a target, making them capable of causing major harm. While using Wasp, you can spend a bonus action to roll a 1d4 and attempt to switch the poison carried within it. The saving throw and conditions to force it remain the same as Wasps. The results are as followed:

1d4 Poison Results
1 Debilitating Poison: Whenever a creature fails Wasps poison saving throw, it will have its AC reduced by the users Proficiency bonus. The target is affected by these effects for one minute, being able to repeat the constitution saving throw at the beginning of its turns, ending the effects early on a success. Even if the target gets rid of the effects it is still poisoned.
2 Paralyzing Poison: Whenever a creature fails Wasps poison saving throw, it will have its movement speed reduced to 0, and it will be knocked prone. The target is paralyzed for 1 hour if it fails the save by 5 or more. The target is affected by these effects for 1 minute, being able to repeat the Constitution saving throw at the beginning of its turns, ending the effects early on a success. Even if the target gets rid of the effects it is still poisoned, and if it gets hit by Wasp again they must make a Constitution saving throw not to get poisoned again.
3 Hallucinogenic Poison: Whenever a creature fails Wasps poison saving throw, it will begin to hallucinate. The target is affected by these effects for 1 minute, being able to repeat the Constitution saving throw at the beginning of its turns, ending the effects early on a success. Even if the target gets rid of the effects it is still poisoned, and if it gets hit by Wasps Stinger they must make a Constitution saving throw not to get poisoned again.
4 Blinding Poison: Whenever a creature fails Wasps poison saving throw, it will lose its sight and become blinded. The target is affected by these effects for one minute, being able to repeat the constitution saving throw at the beginning of its turns, ending the effects early on a success. Even if the target gets rid of the effects it is still poisoned.

Tokyo School Feature: Nest

Extension Technique

At 14th level, your education at Tokyo Jujutsu Tech has given you a new insight to using your Cursed Technique. As an action, you may spend an amount of Cursed Energy up to your Charisma modifier to create an equal number of Insect based Shikigami from the bestiary. These Shikigami must be based on an insect within your Cursed Technique and must have a CR equal to half your proficiency.

At 20th level this feature allows you to spend up to your Charisma modifier plus half your Charisma modifier (rounded down).

Maximum Chimera

Maximum Technique

At 20th level, you have come to fully understand it. That your Cursed Technique does not manifest the strengths of the weakest, but the strengths of the strongest. Now with this understanding, you are able to use two traits at once in order to get maximum efficiency from your power. For 10 Cursed Energy, you can take on the traits of two different insects for an amount of minutes equal to your proficiency. During this time you can use their Complexes and can swap insect traits with an action. However, when you swap traits, you must spend the appropriate Cursed Energy.

Support Techniques[edit]

AT-Field Manipulation[edit]

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Every living being has an AT-Field, the barrier that protects their soul. AT-Fields Manipulation allows it's user to manipulate it's own AT-Field with great precision, even being able to cancel the AT-Fields of others.


Lapse Technique
Starting at 1st level, you have learned the basics of your technique, manipulating your AT-Field. As a bonus action for up your Charisma modifier cursed energy, you expand your own life force to create a gravity field around you for 1 minute. The gravity field is completely invisible unless if touched, which then appears as a transparent wall with a orange colour. While the AT-Field is active, you gain a damage threshold of the amount spent +1 times your jujutsu sorcerer level(minimum 3), and you become resistant to all non-magical damage. Psychic damage ignores your AT-Field damage threshold, but does not destroy it.

The AT-Field ends when it's duration is over or when a creature reaches it's damage threshold.

At 10th level, you also become resistant to magical damage.

AT-Field Penetration

Extension Technique
At 3rd level, your mastery over manipulating AT-Field is increasing, so much so that you learned how to erase the AT-Field of other creatures. When you take the attack action, you can spend 4 cursed energy to make all of your melee weapon attacks or unarmed strikes ignore damage thresholds, damage reductions and temporary hit points until the beggining of your next turn.

At 10th level, this also ignores resistances.

Angel Wings

Extension Technique
At 6th level, you became a specialist in manipulating your own AT-Field, even using it to give you flight. As a free action for 4 cursed energy, you create two large orange pattern energy wings behind you, granting you flying speed equal to your walking speed. These wings last until you touch the ground again after already taking flight. Your flying speed can only be stopped if a creature restrains you.

Anti AT-Field

Reversal Technique
At 10th level, manipulating your own life force made you discover a terrible secret, AT-Fields serve to hold the bodies of all living creatures together, even their souls. With this newfound knowledge, you learned Reverse Cursed Technique and managed to create a Cursed Technique Reversal.

As an action for up your Charisma modifier added twice in cursed energy, you target a number of creatures equal to the amount spent within 10ft. times the amount spent. These creatures are forced to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take xd12 necrotic damage and are Stunned until the beggining of their next turn as their own body starts breaking down. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not Stunned. The X is the amount of cursed energy spent in the technique.

If damage caused by this reversal reduces a creature to 0 hit points, they don't die but became a puddle of orange liquid called LCL, as their AT-Field is completely destroyed, making their being not being able to hold itself together. While in this state, they are considered unconscious and incapacitated. The only method to leave this state is by the powers of a wish spell or greater forces.

Tokyo School Feature:Fabricated Mirages

Technique Improvement
At 14th level, it's very hard to transform creatures back into their original form, that's why you evolved your technique to find a way around it! When you use Anti AT-Field on a creature, you may spend 4 cursed energy to also force that creature to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, illusions of their loved ones or deepest desires appear to them, making them roll the Constitution saving throw with disadvantage. On a success, they roll the Constitution saving throw normally. You may only do this once per turn.

Domain Expansion:Third Impact

Domain Expansion
Finally at 20th level, you have done what many sorcerers deemed impossible, creating a domain based on a technique reversal. Your domain is a giant orange sea filled with LCL, it has a red sky filled with stars and an ominous aura around it. While inside your domain, your size increases to gargantuan and you're always under the effect of Angel Wings, as you become the mother of creation Lilith. All creatures inside of the domain of your choice must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they take 30d12 psychic damage and are stunned until the beggining of your next turn. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not stunned. Everything inside your domain is considered difficult terrain.

If damage caused by your domain reduces a creature to 0 hit points, they don't die but became a puddle of orange liquid called LCL, as their AT-Field is completely destroyed, making their being not being able to hold itself together. However, instead of just remaining as a puddle, they will be absorbed by you. For every creature absorbed by you this way, you gain 10 temporary hit points. These temporary hit points last until the end of your domain, but come back every time you expand your domain.

Innate Techniques Based on Existing Fiction[edit]

Thunder God Technique[edit]

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This technique allows you to embody the god of thunder and manipulate lightning for only you are worthy.


“Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.”

— Odin

Your technique brings a unique item with it and that is the Hammer of Thor. You may summon this hammer as a free action for 1 cursed energy into your hand. It takes the form of a light hammer that you're automatically proficient with, you may use your Charisma modifier for its attack and damage rolls, and on a hit it deals 1d4 + your Charisma modifier bludgeoning damage. Additionally, it counts as a grade 4 cursed tool and as an unarmed strike. You cannot use the benefits of cursed strikes on Mjølnir. You may dismiss Mjølnir at will. You can only have one Mjølnir created at a time.

At 2nd level, Mjølnir now uses your martial arts dice for damage rolls. At 5th level, Mjølnir counts as a Grade 3 cursed tool. At 11th level, Mjølnir counts as a Grade 2 cursed tool. At 17th level, Mjølnir counts as a Grade 1 cursed tool. At 20th level, Mjølnir counts as a Special Grade cursed tool.

Worthiness. Mjølnir aids those who are worthy of it. You are automatically considered worthy when you gain Mjølnir however, a DM may consider you unworthy and need you to regain your worthiness that is standardized by them. When an unworthy creature tries to pick up Mjølnir, they cannot pick it up due to its immense weight; however, for those worthy, the weapon counts as being 0 lbs and weightless. As part of attacking Mjølnir, you may spend 2 cursed Energy to spin and fly with it, granting you a flight speed equal to your movement speed for 1 minute. Whenever you reach the end of 1 minute, you may spend another 2 cursed energy to extend it for 1 minute.

Mjølnir’s weight for the unworthy may also be used offensively or to trap opponents. Once per turn as part of a successful attack with Mjølnir, you can force the creature to make a Strength saving throw (DC8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier). On a failure, they are knocked back a number of feet equal to your Strength modifier times 10 in a direction of your choice. If the creature collides with an unsecured object or structure, then the creature and the unsecured object or structure receive 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet the creature had left to travel after colliding with the surface. If it was another creature, they instead both take damage equal to half of your damage roll (rounded down). If your attack was a critical hit, the creature automatically fails their saving throw and is knocked back twice the distance.

If you place the hammer on top of the body of an unworthy creature, they are considered restrained. If an unworthy creature manages to catch the hammer while it is under the Hammer’s Momentum but not hit by it, they are dragged along with it. A creature who has a strength score higher than your cursed energy DC may cancel out the Hammer's Momentum feature by catching the hammer while not hit by it.

Finally, a creature who is worthy gains access to your Lapse Technique while holding Mjølnir.

Hammer’s Momentum. You are able to deal more destructive attacks. As part of attacking with Mjølnir, you may throw it towards a target within 240ft of you, rolling an attack against the target as normal. On a hit, the target takes the hammer's damage + an additional 1d12 damage. For every 20ft Mjølnir travels, you add an additional 1d12 to the damage. The bonus damage dice can only be applied a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus multiplied by your Charisma modifier to the same attack.

Additionally, if it travels 120ft or more and lands a successful momentum attack, the target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are knocked back ¼ the amount of feet you moved before hitting them in a direction of your choice. If the creature collides with an unsecured object or structure, then the creature and the unsecured object or structure receive 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet the creature had left to travel after colliding with the surface. If it was another creature, they instead both take damage equal to half of your damage roll (rounded down). On a success, they are not moved.

You may call Mjølnir back to your hand at will (No action required). If you call it during your turn, while it is returning to you, you may take your attack action with it to attack another creature within 240ft.

Armor Summoning. At 5th level, you gain the ability to summon the armor that accompanies Mjølnir for war. When you summon Mjølnir, you may as part of the same action spend 2 cursed energy to summon the armor or as a bonus action when Mjølnir's already summoned. This armor grants you a damage reduction equal to half your charisma modifier, rounded down.

At 6th level, it grants damage reduction equal to your charisma modifier. At 11th level, it grants damage reduction equal to your charisma modifier + half your charisma modifier, rounded down. At 17th level, it grants damage reduction equal to double your charisma modifier. At 20th level, it grants damage reduction equal to your charisma modifier added thrice.

Zapping Cursed Energy

Your Cursed Energy is powered up by your lightning, you will gain resistance to Lightning damage when you activate your Cursed Energy Armor. When you deal damage with the Curse-Empowered Strikes or Cursed Energy Ray feature, you can change its type to lightning damage.

Lightning Manipulation

Lapse Technique
At 1st level, you've gained the basic ability to manipulate lightning into different unique forms. You gain the following techniques:

Sparks. Once per turn when you hit a melee weapon attack, you can spend 1 cursed energy to add 2d10 lightning damage to the total amount.

This damage increases to 3d10 at 5th level, 4d10 at 11th level, 5d10 at 17th level, and to 6d10 at 20th level.

Lightning Reaction. Whenever an attack you can see is made against you, you can spend 1 cursed energy as a reaction to increase your AC by your Charisma modifier (A minimum of +1) against the triggering attack. This bonus lasts until the start of your next turn and does not stack if this reaction is used multiple times.

Lightning Ray. You can spend 1 or more cursed energy as an action, launching lightning rays against your opponents. Make one or more ranged cursed energy attack roll against one or more creatures within 30 feet of you. On a hit, they take your Sparks' damage die.

For every additional cursed energy you spend, you make one additional ranged cursed energy attack roll against the same or other targets. You can spend cursed energy this way up to the amount of attacks you can make per turn, without counting features such as Cursed Blast of Blows.

Chidori. As an action for an amount of cursed energy up to your 1 + up to half of your Charisma modifier (rounded up), make a melee weapon attack roll against a creature. On a hit, they take 1d12 piercing damage per cursed energy spent and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are bleeding. On a success, they receive no additional conditions.

At 5th level, you can spend up to your Charisma modifier when using Chidori. At 11th level, you can spend up to your Charisma modifier + half of your Charisma modifier(rounded down). At 17th level, you can spend up to your Charisma modifier added twice. At 20th level, you can spend up to your Charisma modifier added thrice.

Thunder Bomb. As an action for 5 cursed energy, you focus lightning into your weapon, enhancing both the weapon and lightning's power. Make an attack against one creature within twice your weapon's reach. On a hit, they take your weapon's damage as lightning damage.

You may spend 3 additional cursed energy to cause this jutsu to deal twice as much damage, or to give its attack roll advantage.

Lightning Maneuvers

Extension Technique
At 3rd level, you've created different Maneuvers you can make with your hammer and lightning. You gain the following Maneuvers:

Shocking Parry. You can infuse lightning within your hammer allowing you to parry and attack! As a reaction to being targeted by a melee attack, you can spend 5 cursed energy to force them to make a constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take your hammer's damage and an additional 2d8 lightning damage and are stunned until the end of your turn or they take damage. On a success, they take half as much lightning damage and aren't stunned.

Stormbreaker Strike. As an action for as much cursed energy as your sparks, you leap into the air and slam your hammer down, releasing a surge of lightning. All creatures within a 15-foot radius must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking your sparks damage on a failed save or half as much on a success.

Shockwave Impact. As a bonus action for 8 cursed energy when you hit a creature with Mjølnir, you may force them to make a constitution saving throw. On a failure,they take an additional amount of damage equal to your sparks feature and are stunned until the end of your turn or they take damage. On a success, they take half as much and aren't stunned.

Lightning Armor

Extension Technique
At 6th level, you've developed an extension technique that allows you to cloak your entire body with lightning. As a bonus action for 10 cursed energy, you gain the following benefits:

  • If you benefit from the Unarmored Movement feature, the movement speed increase it provides is doubled.
  • Whenever a creature hits you with a melee attack, they must make a constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take half as much damage from your sparks feature. On a success, they take half as much damage from this feature.
  • You gain an additional reaction.
  • You can make one additional attack on your attack action.
  • Whenever you deal lightning damage you'll add one additional damage dice.
  • Whenever you deal damage with a melee weapon attack, you deal half your sparks damage as additional lightning damage.

You must spend 2 cursed energy at the beginning of your turns to keep this mode active.

Advanced Lightning Manipulation

Technique Improvement
At 10th level, you've improved in your ability to manipulate lightning, allowing for improved versions of your utility to manifest. You gain the following:

Sparks. Twice per turn when you hit a melee weapon attack, you can spend 1 cursed energy to add 2d10 lightning damage to the total amount.

This damage increases to 3d10 at 5th level, 4d10 at 11th level, 5d10 at 17th level, and to 6d10 at 20th level.

Lightning Reaction. Whenever an attack you can see is made against you, you can spend 1 cursed energy as a reaction to increase your AC by your Charisma modifier (A minimum of +1) + half your proficiency bonus rounded down against the triggering attack. This bonus lasts until the start of your next turn and does not stack if this reaction is used multiple times.

Lightning Ray. You can spend 1 or more cursed energy as an action, launching lightning rays against your opponents. Make one or more ranged cursed energy attack rolls against one or more creatures within 30 feet of you. On a hit, they take your Sparks' damage die.

For every additional cursed energy you spend, you make two additional ranged cursed energy attack roll against the same or other targets. You can spend cursed energy this way up to the amount of attacks you can make per turn, without counting features such as Cursed Blast of Blows.

Chidori. As an action for an amount of cursed energy up to your 1 + up to half of your Charisma modifier (rounded up), make a melee weapon attack roll against a creature. On a hit, they take 1d12 piercing damage per cursed energy spent and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are bleeding. On a success, they receive no additional conditions.

They also now must make another constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are stunned until the beginning of their next turn or they take damage. If they fail by 5 or more, they are paralyzed instead.

At 5th level, you can spend up to your Charisma modifier when using Chidori. At 11th level, you can spend up to your Charisma modifier + half of your Charisma modifier(rounded down). At 17th level, you can spend up to your Charisma modifier added twice. At 20th level, you can spend up to your Charisma modifier added thrice.

Thunder Bomb. As an action for 5 cursed energy, you focus lightning into your weapon, enhancing both the weapon and lightning's power. Make an attack against one creature within twice your weapon's reach. On a hit, they take double your weapon's damage as lightning damage.

You may spend 3 additional cursed energy to cause this jutsu to deal twice as much damage, or to give its attack roll advantage.

Tokyo School Feature: Lightning Hammer Amplification

Technique Improvement
At 14th level, you've discovered how your hammer can amplify your own lightning capabilities. Whenever you have Mjølnir in hand and you use any of this technique’s lapse, improvement, extension feature and maximum technique, you may spend 15 additional cursed energy to amplify it in unique ways. You gain the following amplifications:

Massive Range. Your technique’s range, width, and radius increases by 5ft times half your charisma modifier to a minimum of 1. If it has a range of touch, its range instead becomes 5ft times half your proficiency bonus to a minimum of 1.

Long Lasting. Your technique’s duration increases drastically. If the technique lasts 1 round, then it is increased by a number of rounds equal to your half Charisma modifier, rounded down to a minimum of 1. If the technique lasts a number of minutes, then it is increased by half your Charisma modifier minutes, rounded down to a minimum of 1.

Careful Manipulation. You are able to use your technique more carefully, allowing you to avoid certain creatures. You may select any number of creatures equal to half your Charisma modifier (rounded down to a minimum of 1.) to not be affected by it for its duration.

Multi-Targeting. You are now able to target an additional number of creatures equal to half your charisma modifier, rounded down to a minimum of 1. This only works on features that are only able to target one creature originally.

You may only apply one amplification on a single feature.

Storm Bringer

Maximum Technique
At 20th level, you've created the pinnacle extension for your technique, allowing you to create a devastating storm with Mjølnir on hand. While holding Mjølnir, you may spend 30 cursed energy to spin it and call a devastating storm within a 200 ft radius. All creatures within this radius must make a constitution saving throw. Taking 50d12 lightning damage on a failure and are paralyzed until the start of their next turn. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not paralyzed.

If the creature fails by 5 or more, this ignores Endurance.

Objects within the area that aren’t being worn or carried also take this damage. If this damage reduces a creature or object to 0 hit points, that creature or object is disintegrated, being killed outright.

Spider Technique[edit]

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The spider technique revolves around enhancing your body with the abilities and powers of spiders, while using your webs to entrap foes and for movement.

A Spider Technique user swinging it's web, source [4]
Webbed Energy

Your cursed energy is very different due to the webs constantly flowing through you, making it gain a sticky property. When you hit someone with your Cursed Energy Strike, you may choose to ignore the additional damage to instead force the target to make a grapple check against you, with the amount of cursed points spent in the cursed energy strikes being the amount that is reduced from their roll. When you hit someone with your Cursed Energy Ray, the target must make a Strength saving throw or become restrained by webbing until the beggining of your next turn. While using your Cursed Energy Armor, you will gain the following benefits:

Sticky Arms. Creatures that are your size or smaller will have disadvantage in escaping your grapple checks.

Wall Crawling. You will gain climbing speed equal to your walking speed.

Spider Sense

Starting at 1st level, you have improved senses due to the spider genes you have been imbued in your cursed energy. You will gain a +5 to your passive perception, you can't be surprised while you are conscious, and creatures don't gain advantage on attack rolls against you as a result of being unseen by you.

In addition, you will gain one additional reaction.

Web Shooting

At 3rd level, with your webbed cursed energy you have learned how to launch Webs out of your body. As an action for 2 cursed points, you make a cursed energy attack roll against a target within 60ft. of you. On a hit, they will take your unarmed strike damage die and must make a Strength saving throw or become restrained by webs. At the end of each round, the dc for escaping the web decreases by 1.

In case you hit the same creature with web shooting, it's next saving throw to escape will be with disadvantage and it's dc will be increased by 1.

Your web has a limit to the size of creature that can be restrained. That limit is defined by your power as a jujutsu sorcerer, becoming stronger with your Charisma:

Charisma Creature Size
10 Tiny
12 Small
14 Medium
16 Large
18 Huge
20 Gargantuan

In addition, you have also gained the ability to swing with your webs. Provided there is terrain for you to swing on, you can spend 1 cursed point to move up to 60 feet in any direction, including vertically, by swinging yourself to to the new point. Doing so counts as your movement action on this turn. At 14th level, this movement extends to 120ft. and does not generate attacks of opportunity.

Web Throw

At 6th level, you have learned how to throw objects or even creatures against your opponents while using your webs. As an action for 4 cursed points, you can throw an object of up to your carry weight that is within 30 feet of you and fling it at any target also within 30 ft of you. This can include furniture, rocks, weapons, or any other object that is not being held by another creature. The target must makes a Dexterity saving throw against your cursed energy dc. On a failure, they will receive 4d8 bludgeoning damage, and fall prone depending on their size. On a successful save, they take half as much damage, and do not fall prone.

It takes a lot of effort and strenght to make your opponents fall to whatever you're throwing at them. The size you're able to knock them prone depending on your Strength modifier. Also, your strenght will also increase the technique's damage, as shown in the table bellow:

Strength Creature Size Damage Increase
10 Tiny -
12 Small 4d10
14 Medium 4d12
16 Large 5d8
18 Huge 5d10
20 Gargantuan 5d12

In addition, you can throw any creature size Medium or smaller that have been restrained by your Web Shooting. The creature can be thrown at a wall or object, or another creature. If the target is another creature, both are affected as if hit with an object normally. If the target creature fails their save, the webbing is also transferred to them, restraining them as if the Web Shooting technique has been used on them.

Improved Spider Sense

At 10th level, your spider sense has been improved to something almost comparable to the six eyes, giving you senses beyond the greatest sorcerers. Your passive perception will increase by another +5, you are aware of enemies and their locations within a 15 foot radius of yourself, even if as they are invisible.

In addition, you will gain 30ft. of blindsight.

Tokyo School Feature:Web Wings

At 14th level, due to your studies at the tokyo school you have developed a new more effecient way to move around. As an action for 1 or more cursed points, you can make web wings that stick by your torso and arms that grants you hovering speed equal to your movement speed. This web wings last for an hour, but it's duration increases by 1 by every cursed point spent.

Domain Expansion: Spider Den

Finally at 20th level, you have finally become a true spider, and every spider has it's den. As an action for 25 cursed points, you trap all creatures within 175ft. of you into a giant spider den full of webs for 1 minute. Every creature must make a Strength saving throw against your cursed save dc at the beggining of their turns, on a failure they will be restrained. Also, every place of the domain will count as difficult terrain. Your cursed techniques will always hit the target, and they will always fail their saving throws.

Atomic Re-evolution[edit]

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The unending pain of being riddled with radiation stems from the root of this technique, to adapt, evolve and punish all those who've made you so is your goal, one you can never abandon. Adapt and Evolve.

Nuclear Cursed Energy

Your Cursed Energy is powered up by the nuclear energy you generate, you will gain resistance to Acid and Poison damage when you activate your Cursed Energy Armor and whenever you deal damage with youe Curse-Empowered Strikes, Cursed Energy Ray or Cursed Weapon Enhancement, the damage will become either poison or acid damage(your choice)


Lapse Technique
Your Cursed Energy possesses a property that allows it to perfectly adapt to phenomena targeting you. At 1st level, whenever an effect causes you to take damage, your Cursed Energy begins to adapt to the effect over time. At the beginning of your 4th turn after that, you will have adapted and gain resistance against that damage type. If you receive damage from the same type again during this period, it will be reduced by 1 turn (from the beginning of the 4th turn to the 3rd, then 2nd, then the next turn). You can only adapt to a number of damage types equal to half your Charisma modifier. You cannot gain resistance and immunity to necrotic and radiant damage.

This technique however has a downside, and that is, it is permanently active. At the end of your turns you must spend 1/8th of your maximum Cursed Energy. If you are reduced to 0 Cursed Energy, the technique resets and you lose resistance to the damage types you have adapted to. Due to the way your adaptation works and because of the deadly nature of your cursed energy, you take 0.5 acid damage every turn, you can only gain resistance against this damage and never immunity.

The amount of damage types you can adapt to increases to your charisma modifier at 11th level and the acid damage you take becomes 0.3 and the number of damage types you can adapt to increases to your charisma modifier + half your charisma modifier at 17th level and at 20th level, you can adapt to an amount of damage types equal to twice your charisma modifier and the acid damage you take becomes 0.1.


Technique Improvement

With your body constantly adapting, it eventually reaches a stage in which it changes itself completely into a new form. Once you reach 3rd level, you gain the Evolution feat, one of your bodily functions turns into its improved version and you gain a new one as well, additionally, you retain the damage resistances of the last time you received any from Adaptation before evolving.

At 11th level, your second Evolution occurs and you gain a +1 to all ability scores not bypassing your maximum, your movement speed increased by 10ft and if you are a Cursed Spirit you gain the Regeneration feat, you instead gain the Advanced Regeneration feat if you already have Regeneration. If you already have the Advanced Regeneration feat, you gain another cursed feat from Body Feats ignoring requirements that aren't race and class. At 17th level your third Evolution occurs, you gain another +1, not bypassing your maximum, to all ability scores and an additional+10ft to your movement speed additionally you gain the Improved Bodily Functions feat and the Resilient feat. You also count as one size larger for every evolution that occurs to a maximum of the gargantuan size.

Bodily Fluids

Extension Technique

Due to the radiation coming from your Cursed Energy, the fluids of your body became deadly. At 6th level, you receive the Rotting Blood variant of the Toxic Blood feat, with the damage being acid instead of necrotic. Additionally, as an action for 8 CE and 10 HP, you may vomit a large quantity of your blood in a 20ft cone, forcing everyone on the area to make a dexterity saving throw saving throw or take 6d12 acid damage on a failure and half on a success.

This damage increases to 8d12 and the cone to 30ft at 11th level, 10d12 and 40ft at 17th level and 10d12 and 60ft at 20th level

Atomic Channeling

Extension Technique

At 10th level you’ve finally learned to somewhat control the radiation you create. As an action for 12 CE, you may let out a large amount of smoke from your mouth, covering a radius of 100ft with it, you may then ignite this smoke as a free action, forcing everyone on the smoke excluding you to make a constitution saving throw or take 10d12 fire damage. The turn after this, you may then, as an action for 4 CE, condense this fire into a 120ft long, 5ft wide beam of pure radiation that forces everyone on its range to make a dexterity saving throw or take 12d12 fire damage + 3d10 acid damage, you may change the direction of the beam as a bonus action every turn, maintaining the beam costs 5 CE per turn.

This damage increases to 14d12 + 4d10 and the line to 140ft long 10ft wide at 11th level, 16d12 + 5d12 and 160ft/15ft at 17th level and 18d12 + 6d12 and 200ft/20ft at 20th level

Additionally, once you evolve at 17th level, you grow dorsal plates that may also be used to fire the beams behind and above you as a bonus action, although they cannot be maintained like the main one and deal two less dice tier in damage.

Your technique now drains an amount of CE equal to 1/10th of your maximum cursed energy.

Tokyo School Feature: Phased Array Radar

Extension Technique

At 14th level, due to your increased control of your technique from training, you’ve mutated to be capable of detecting incoming threats. You receive the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on perception and investigation checks, and gain proficiency in them if you didn’t have it before
  • Your passive perception increases by 5
  • You gain a blindsight of 60ft
  • Your AC increases by 1.
  • You gain an additional reaction
  • You cannot be surprised
Supreme Evolution

Technique Improvement

At 20th level, your abilities have reached their peak, your body evolves with each second to become more and more powerful. You now adapt to damage in two turns and may adapt to the same type again to become immune to it. Additionally, you now have the ability to adapt to conditions, if you are inflicted with a condition, after two turns you will adapt to the condition for the duration of the entire fight.

The cursed energy per turn you lose is now 1/16th.

The World[edit]

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Vampiric like Background

Starting at level 1, you have donned a mysterious stone mask and gained its strange powers. Your strength, constitution, and dexterity scores all go up by 1 to a maximum of 20. You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. You also have the ability to suck the blood out of a creature by first making a normal attack roll with your fist, and you may choose to suck the blood of the creature, forcing it to make a constitution-saving throw. DC = 10 + proficiency bonus on a failure; they take 2d4 necrotic and you gain health equal to what you rolled (At level 6 it does 2d6 necrotic, level 10 2d8 necrotic, level 14 2d10 necrotic, finally at level 20 it does 4d12 necrotic). Additionally, you are vulnerable to radiant damage.

“For a moment, it looked like everything had stopped.”

Lapse Technique

At level 3 you have figured out your true technique. As a bonus action for 2 cursed energy you can stop time just enough to move yourself anywhere within a 20ft radius. Additionally if you used this ability and you moved within range of another creature your first attack has advantage, if you try this on the same creature they must make a wisdom saving throw on a success they are able to predict your sudden teleportation and you will not get advantage. Additionally you can use this ability as a reaction for 3 cursed energy.

(The range of this ability at level 6 becomes 30ft, at level 12 40ft, at level 16 50ft, finally at level 20 the range will be 60ft.)

"Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda Muda!"

Extension Technique

At level 6, you have found other ways to make yourself useful. As a bonus action for 8 cursed energy, you may summon x amount of small cursed knives (x being your charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus). Each knife individually does 1d4 piercing + dexterity modifier, but you may also throw all of them at once if you desire to. You also gain proficiency in thrown weapons, and if you already have proficiency in thrown weapons, you gain expertise. Additionally, you can use cursed blast of blows for no cursed energy cost.

(At level level 12 the knives do 1d6 piercing + dexterity modifier, level 16 they do 1d8 piercing + dexterity modifier, finally at level 20 they do 1d10 piercing + dexterity modifier)

“Za Warudo!”

Technique Improvement

At level 10, you have truly mastered your time ability to the point where you can stop time for 6 seconds!. As an action for 25 cursed energy, you can cast Combat Time Stop for 1 turn. Every ranged attack you made in time stop has advantage to hit when time resumes. You may also extend stopped time by spending another 25 cursed energy. (At level 15, you stop time for 2 turns instead of one; this does not count for extending it.)

Tokyo school feature: CHARISMA

At level 14 you have a knack for talking and convincing people. You will gain expertise in persuasion, and deception if you already have expertise in one of these simply add your charisma modifier a extra time when rolling for the outcome.

The World Over Heaven

Maximum Technique

Finally, at level 20, you read through your journal, studied, and finally achieved heaven. The cursed energy cost for stopping time is reduced to 10, and your cursed energy maximum is increased by 3 times your current maximum. You also gain the ability to warp reality as an action for 50 cursed energy. You can attempt to touch a creature and warp them; they must make a wisdom-saving throw on a failure you may pick one of the following to happen to the creature:

  • The creature takes 10d20 radiant damage
  • The creature loses a limb at your choice
  • The creature teleports to a location of your desire
  • You may pick a effect to permanently affect the creature the effect can be removed with a wish spell


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The Pandora technique allows the user to manifest the mythical container itself and release the evil it holds. The technique allows them to control and infuse it into their arsenal.

A user of the Pandora technique using The Curse armor, source [5]
The Manifestation

Lapse Technique

At 1st level, you have developed an abnormal technique based around literally cursing your opponents. As a free action for 2 cursed energy you may summon a briefcase-like cursed tool. This tool has the finesse and heavy properties, you may use your Charisma modifier for its attack and damage rolls, and on a hit it deals 1d6 + your Charisma bludgeoning damage. It counts as a grade 4 cursed tool due to its nature and as an unarmed strike. You cannot use the benefits of cursed strikes on Pandora’s Box. You may desummon it at will. The nature of this technique is to manifest a Cursed Tool that summons forth Curses as weapons.

At 5th level, Pandora's Box counts as a Grade 3 cursed tool. At 11th level, Pandora's Box counts as a Grade 2 cursed tool. At 17th level, Pandora's Box counts as a Grade 1 cursed tool. At 20th level, Pandora's Box counts as a Special Grade cursed tool.

The Illness

Extension Technique

At 3rd level, you’ve learned how to release a portion of the evil held within Pandora’s Box. Whenever Pandora’s Box is manifested, whenever you hit a melee attack you force the target to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the target receives 1d10 poison damage and is poisoned. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not poisoned. They may remake the Constitution saving throw at the beginning of their turns, ending the condition on a success.

This number increases to 1d12 at 3rd level, to 2d8 at 6th, to 2d10 at 10, to 2d12 at 14th, and to 3d8 at 20th level.

The Veil

Extension Technique

You’ve learned how to manifest and even enhance yourself with more of Pandora’s energy. At 6th level, as a bonus action or action for 7 Cursed Energy, you can alter your body. Your hair grows to thigh length, and you gain a wedding shawl with goat ears, additionally your right eye begins to glow a menacing red. Upon using this feature, you become unable to use it again until it has recharged after 5 minutes. You also gain the following benefits for 1 minute:

  • Your unarmed strikes damage dice go up by 1 tier and deal an additional dice of damage (Ex. 1d6 > 1d8 and 1d8 > 2d8)
  • You gain temporary hit points equal to the poison damage of The Illness
  • Your AC increases by 2.
  • Your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores increase by your proficiency bonus, and so do their maximums.
  • You gain a resistance to nonmagical slashing, bludgeoning, piercing damage.
  • While The Veil is active, you can discern the Cursed Technique of anyone within your sense range by making a Charisma saving throw against the targets Cursed Energy sav DC.

You must spend 1 cursed energy at the beginning of your turns to remain in this state and you can end it early as a bonus action.

The Awakening

Extension Technique

At 10th level, you have developed a means of replicating an enemy's Cursed Technique and storing it within Pandora’s Box to use. To use this technique you must take damage from the Cursed Technique, whether that be its Lapse, Extension, or Reversal. You must then make a Charisma saving throw with the DC being equal to the enemies Cursed Energy DC. On a failure, you fail to absorb the technique into Pandora’s Box. On a success, you can replicate the technique that damaged you from within Pandora’s Box.

If you have multiple Techniques stored, you must roll a dice with a number of sides equal to the techniques to randomly generate it.

You must spend the same amount of Cursed Energy as the Techniques themselves and after storing the technique you have 1 minute to use it before it becomes extinguished and must be stored again.

These Techniques can only be used while Pandora’s Box is manifested in your hands. At 14th level you can use this with The Curse equipped.

The Curse

Technique Improvement

Through diligent training you have expanded on The Veils' strengths and made them even more frightening, and through this you have gained the power to summon and coat yourself in more of Pandora’s malice. Its Curse. At 14th level, you gain a strapless black leotard with a sweetheart neckline, blue sleeves with dark blue gauntlets, and a crown with black horns. The armor also has thigh-length hose with metal knee braces and blue tipped boots.

You can summon this armor as an action for 10 Cursed Energy, causing The Curse to assimilate Pandora’s Box. You gain the following benefits while this armor is manifested:

  • Your skin grows hard and durable, you will gain a +4 to your Strength, Dexterity, Constitution and Charisma scores.
  • Your charisma modifier determines how many minutes you can stay in this form.
  • You gain a resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. This evolves into an immunity at 20th level.
  • You gain temporary hit points equal to the double the poison damage of The Illness
  • Your unarmed strikes deal two additional damage dice and deal an additional tier of damage (Ex. 1d6 > 1d8 and 1d8 > 3d8)

You can deactivate this armor early as a bonus action

Domain Expansion: The Soverign Hope

Domain Expansion

Finally at 20th level, through great study of your curses and how best to control them, you have achieved a power that allows you to create a domain. Your domain is an ancient Greek temple surrounded by an endless void. At the center of the temple is an ornate, ebony box - the original Pandora’s Box - emitting a faint, ominous glow and a purple mist that fills the domain. The temple’s columns are engraved with intricate patterns detailing the user’s past enemies, both sorcerers and non-sorcerers. If you have The Curse active, you gain three angelic wings on one side of your body and one on the left.

While inside your domain, you may apply a technique that is stored within Pandora’s box to your unarmed strike (Ex. if you release Shrine, on hit you deal your unarmed strike plus Dismantle or Cleaves additional damage) and grant it a sure hit property, doubling only the techniques damage for this purpose. You may use these techniques without expending Cursed Energy until the start of your next turn and you can make use of Lapse techniques used in the Domain as if you had succeeded the saving throw for The Awakening.

The Seal

Must have the Cursed Technique Reversal cursed feat

After realizing the capabilities of Reverse Curse Technique, you have developed a way to force the cursed energy within another's body to become inactive temporarily. You can make a touch attack against a target, and for 10 Cursed Energy, you can disable their cursed technique or force a limit on their cursed energy output. The target becomes unable to use any Cursed Technique features for 1 minute. Alternatively, you can force the target's standard use of cursed energy to be strained, and all Cursed Energy fueled features will cost double the cursed energy.

Eight-Handed Sword Divergent Sila Divine General[edit]

The Divine General’s technique surpasses the heights of most sorcerer’s with their few abilities. This technique allows the user to adapt to any and all phenomena.

A user of the Divine General technique, source [6]
Sword of Extermination

Lapse Technique

At 1st level, you gain the Sword of Extermination. This item is bound to your body and cannot be removed intentionally or unintentionally. The Sword of Extermination is equivalent to your Martial Arts, and is considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances. You gain the Cursed Weapon Enhancement feature when making attacks with this weapon. Instead of dealing additional necrotic damage, you deal radiant damage.

The Burden of Adaptation

Improved Technique

At 3rd level, an incomplete wheel begins to hover over your head. As an action for 4 Cursed Energy, you can summon the wheel for 1 minute. Whenever you are targeted by a weapon, spell, cursed energy attack roll, or any saving throws you may use a Reaction to begin adaptation. After two turns pass, you become resistant and or gain advantage against the effect or damage type. On your 4th turn after beginning adaptation you fully adapt, and cannot take damage from that source. If you begin adapting to another feature before finishing your current adaptation, you lose all progress on that adaptation. All adaptations are lost after the wheel disappears. You can use this feature 2 times before becoming unavailable until you finish a long rest. This increases to 4 at the 8th level, 6 at the 11th level, and 8 at the 17th level.

Body of the General

Extension Technique

At the 6th level, your body begins to become stronger due to your adaptation. Your size increases by one category to a maximum of large, you deal twice as much damage to objects and structures, and you attack twice when taking the attack action. You also gain resistance to all non-magical bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing attacks. Additionally, as a reaction for 4 Cursed Energy, or as a bonus action while the wheel is active for 2 Cursed Energy, you enhance your adaptation to be more immediate. When targeted by a feature that would force you to make a Saving Throw, you take half damage on failure, and negate the feature on success. This lasts until the beginning of your next turn.

The cost of adaptation is halved from all sources (rounded up).

Experienced Adaptation

Improved Technique

At 10th level, you’ve learned to speed up the process of adaptation. You’ve also learned to adapt to phenomena not dangerous to you. When taking damage from a source you’re currently adapting to, you can spend 4 Cursed Energy to speed up the adaptation. After this, you’re considered 1 round closer to full adaptation. Alternatively, you can spend 2 Cursed Energy to impose disadvantage against your attacker. If you’re adapting to a saving throw, you gain advantage. Additionally, you can now adapt to obstacles. If something would prevent you from reaching your target, you can spend 8 Cursed Energy to adapt to it as a bonus action (If an enemy flies away, you gain flying speed. If an enemy goes under water, you may gain a swim speed and water breathing). At 11th level, you can spend 10 Cursed Energy as part of completing an adaptation to heal half of the damage dealt to you.

Adaptations are no longer lost when the wheel ends, you carry over all adaptations between wheel usages until a long rest. You can now replace overwrite your adaptations once your wheel has reached capacity, overwriting your oldest adaptation with your newest.

Positive Energy Output

Technique Improvement

At 14th level, your abilities become permanent manifestations of you rather than temporary manifestations. Your wheel is permanently above your head, no longer needing to spend energy to bring it forth. Additionally, attacking an enemy with a weapon (or unarmed strike) will cause you to adapt to their weakness. As a free action for 2 Cursed Energy when attacking a creature with an immunity or resistance, you may begin to adapt past their defenses. After two rounds, their immunity is reduced to resistance, or their resistance is removed. This counts against your number of adaptations. Attacks with your Sword of Extermination are always considered Cursed Weapon Enhancement attacks, but no longer cost Cursed Energy.

When making an attack against a Domain which you are currently adapted to, all attacks against it are considered critical hits. This does not count as a black flash, but may stack with it.

The Divine General

Maximum Technique

Finally at 20th level, you’ve fully learned how to utilize your techniques. When completing adaptation, you regain all hit points lost against that source. As an action, bonus action, or reaction you can choose to forfeit all current adaptations and immediately make an attack with your Sword of Extermination. This attack deals an additional 2d12+1 per forfeited adaptation. You may use this to clash with any Cursed Technique as with the High Caliber Fights variant rule even if your weapon attack does not match their attack. When clashing with another creature's Cursed Technique which you have adapted to, your damage against the Cursed Technique is doubled, but not against the user after dispelling their attack.

You may choose to carry over adaptations between long rests, and you may choose which adaptation to replace when gaining a new one rather than overwriting your oldest adaptation.

Shoulder the Burden of Adaptation

Must have the Cursed Technique Reversal cursed feat
Rather than taking on the burden of adapting yourself, you can allow someone else to use the wheel. As a free action when activating the wheel, you can select one other creature within 100ft to gain your adaptation. They will gain all actions and reactions granted to you by the wheel. The cost for this technique is double the cost of summoning the wheel. If you would be able to summon the wheel for free, this feature costs 2 cursed energy.

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Worm Lord[edit]

Worm Creation

Lapse Technique

Starting at 1st level your lapse technique allows you to create countless tiny worm shikigami which can shapeshift and combine together on mass to create a colony in the form of an individual creature with it’s own abilities. These creatures are controlled using the Summon Commanding Rules. As an action you can spend Cursed Energy up to your proficiency bonus to summon one Thrall form per Cursed Energy per spent.

Growth. Your worms feed on death and decay, you can take advantage of this to make them grow stronger and learn new forms. Whenever a creature with a CR equal to or higher than that of the next form you haven’t unlocked dies within a minute of taking damage from you or your worm forms, you may roll a Constitution saving throw with disadvantage and a DC equal to the Cursed DC of that form, except Xol, Will of the Thousands. If you succeed you can now use an action to summon the form for the corresponding amount of Cursed Energy, this unlocks the form permanently. If you fail you enter technique burnout for 5 rounds, your currently summoned forms remain and can still be controlled by you.

Forms Cursed Energy
Thrall 1 Cursed Energy
Acolyte 2 Cursed Energy
Knight 5 Cursed Energy
Wizard 8 Cursed Energy
Ogre 12 Cursed Energy
Xol, Will of the Thousands 20 Cursed Energy

Additionally you can choose to focus on enhancing the worms themselves instead of learning new forms. When a creature with a CR at least equal to your level dies within one minute of taking damage from you or your worm forms, you may roll a Constitution saving throw with disadvantage and DC 20 in order to enhance all your forms (including ones you haven’t unlocked yet, except Xol.) On a failure you suffer the same effects as the other save. On a success your forms gain the following benefits permanently: - They will gain 1 extra hit die. - Their Strength, Dexterity, Constitution and Charisma scores will increase by 1. - All of their damaging features will have their die tier increased by 1, this stops after the 5th time you have passed this save. - The amount their regeneration feature heals (if any) is multiplied by the number of times this throw has been passed and then cut in half. If this results in a smaller value than the original, use the original instead.

You may pass this second save a number of times up to your Charisma modifier, not counting temporary changes to it (e.g the increase from being in the zone.)

All your summoned forms disappear on a long rest.

Quantity vs Quality. Stronger forms are larger, requiring more worms and time to produce. This limits the amount of strong forms you may have, but also means smaller forms are easier to produce and manage in mass numbers.

  • You may have a number of Thralls equal to your Jujutsu Sorcerer level summoned at a time (minimum 5.)
  • You may have a number of Acolytes equal to half your Jujutsu Sorcerer level summoned at a time (rounded up, minimum 4.) When summoning Acolytes you may summon a number of them up to half your proficiency bonus (rounded up) at once.
  • You may have a number of Knights summoned at a time equal to one quarter of your Jujutsu sorcerer level (rounded up, minimum 3.)
  • You cannot have more than 2 Wizards summoned at a time.
  • You cannot have more than 1 Ogre summoned at a time and when it dies you cannot summon another Ogre for 5 rounds.
  • You can only have one, Xol, Will of the Thousands at a time and if he dies you cannot summon him again until you complete a long rest.

These limits are shared between all types of forms, and forms summoned indirectly (e.g a form summoned by a Wizard or a domain.)

When a form’s sheet mentions the form’s “creator” it refers to the Worm Lord user that made them, regardless of whether they were created through other means (e.g a Wizard or a domain).

Replication. When one of your forms is desummoned, the next time you summon that form before taking a long rest, summon the same one without rolling for any features upon its creation and in the same state it was desummoned (same health, cursed energy, conditions, etc), this still applies if multiple of the same form are desummoned. For example if you desummon a Hallowed Knight with a Cleaver and then a Knight with a Shredder, the next time you summon a Knight before taking a long rest, do not roll for your Armament or Mutations features. Instead summon the Hallowed Knight with the Cleaver. The time after that, instead of rolling for your Armament or Mutations features, summon the Knight with the Shredder.

Xol, Will of the Thousands. You may choose to create this form during a long rest after you have unlocked the Ogre form. However this is risky as a form of such size will have enough worm shikigami to become self-sustaining and gain an individual personality, which will likely have no interest in remaining as your servant. This personality will remain even if Xol is killed as both it and his memories are passed down to the next worms that create the form. To unlock the Xol, Will of the Thousands form you must summon it (which can be done during a long rest) and kill it. You may receive outside help from up to 2 other creatures that are no more than 2 levels/CR above your own. Your summons and the other creature’s summons do not count towards this. If you succeed you may summon and control Xol, Will of the Thousands the same as your other forms, since it has decided to serve you out of respect for you (and/or) your allies strength.


Extension Technique

At 3rd level you have learnt to enhance your worm shikigami’s shape shifting capabilities to turn them into weapons for some of their forms. If used by anything other than the form it was made with, the worms making up the weapon will reject the new user, separating from each other and destroying the weapon.

When summoning an Acolyte, roll a d100, it gains one of the following weapons depending on the roll:

When summoning a Knight, roll a d100, it gains one of the following weapons depending on the roll.

These weapons benefit from Growth and count as semi cursed tools.


Technique Improvement

At 6th level your increasing cursed energy has begun to cause some of your worms to mutate, causing them to create more powerful forms. When you summon a form other than Xol, Will of the Thousands, roll 1d20. If you roll a 15 or higher, you instead summon one of the stronger versions of the form, called a Hallowed Form.

Hallowed Forms
Hallowed Thrall
Hallowed Acolyte
Hallowed Knight
Hallowed Wizard
Hallowed Ogre

In extremely rare circumstances the mutations can result in unique forms far stronger than the Hallowed Forms, these forms are powerful enough to gain individuality like Xol, Will of the Thousands, but retain their loyalty to you. If you roll a 20, instead of summoning a Hallowed Form you summon the corresponding unique form instead:

Original Form Unique Form
Thrall: Shun’gath, the Excised
Acolyte: Enkaar, the Anointed
Knight: Kathok, Roar of Xol
Wizard: Nokris, Herald of Xol
Ogre: Golgoroth, Gaze of Xol

Unique forms do not benefit from the Armament extension and each may only be summoned once per long rest.


Technique Improvement

At 10th level you have learnt to create a form that utilises a complex binding vow. As an action for 3 cursed energy you may create one Shrieker which levitates in on the ground in a spot of your choice within 20 ft. of you. This form may also mutate, as described in the Mutations feature, turning into either a Hallowed Shrieker or it's unique form: Warwatcher, Eye of Xol. You may only make a number of Shriekers up to half your proficiency bonus (rounded up) per long rest.


Tokyo Feature
At 14th level, your training in Tokyo School has taught you to enhance your forms with new power. As an action for 10 Cursed Energy you may roll 1d100 and create the corresponding Lightbearer form.

You may only create each Lightbearer form once per long rest, they do not benefit from the Armament Extension and you may only have one Lightbearer form at a time. Lightbearer forms still count towards their limit for their respective forms.

Worm Overlord

Technique Improvement
At 20th level your ability to produce worms has reached new levels, your Quantity vs Quality features effects are changed to the following: - You may have a number of Thralls equal to your Jujutsu Sorcerer level summoned at a time. You may spend up to twice your proficiency bonus in cursed energy when summoning Thralls. - You may have a number of Acolytes equal to half your Jujutsu Sorcerer level summoned at a time (rounded up.) When summoning Acolytes you may summon a number of them up your proficiency bonus at once. - You may have a number of Knights summoned at a time equal to one quarter of your Jujutsu sorcerer level (rounded up.) When summoning Knights you may summon a number of them up to half your proficiency bonus (rounded up) at once. - You cannot have more than 3 Wizards summoned at a time. - You cannot have more than 1 Ogre summoned at a time. - You can only have one, Xol, Will of the Thousands at a time and if he dies you cannot summon him again until you complete a long rest.

Worm Dissolution

Cursed Technique Reversal

With great mastery over Reversed Cursed Technique, you have found the reversal of your technique. You have learnt to temporarily turn your body into countless worms. This may be done as a bonus action or reaction to an attack roll being made against you, costing 5 Cursed Energy for each.

Reaction. You turn into worms and burrow into the ground at the moment of the attack, making it miss. After this you quickly return to the surface and reform into your original body in the same location. You can only use this if you are standing on a material you can burrow through (e.g sand, dirt, mud or ice) or if the material you are standing on has a hole big enough for a worm to fit through.

Bonus Action. You turn into worms until the end of your turn, you no longer provoke opportunity attacks when moving, you gain burrow speed equal to your movement speed and you are able to move through any space small enough for a worm to fit through. However you are unable to take any actions, bonus actions or reactions during this time.

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Senescencia Sorcery[edit]

This technique allows you to manage an aspect of death, time. You are able to slow down and accelerate time within a certain radius as you wish.

Cursed Energy Radius

Your cursed technique has a certain radius at which its effects occur. You have a Cursed Energy Radius equal to 5 times your jujutsu sorcerer level feet. You may choose to reduce this radius to whatever number you wish.

Creatures within this radius may be affected by your cursed technique.


Lapse Technique
At 1st level, you gain access to the very basics of your technique, slowing down time. As a bonus action or reaction to being targeted by an attack, you may spend 1 cursed energy to activate Senescencia within your cursed energy radius for 1 minute.

Whenever a creature moves to attack you while they are within the radius, you may spend a reaction for 1 cursed energy to make them roll the attack at a disadvantage. You may also use this feature against a save if the attack that causes the save enters your cursed energy radius, making you roll the saving throw with advantage. Whenever a creature misses you due to this feature, you may as part of the same reaction for 2 cursed energy make an unarmed strike against them. On a hit, they take your unarmed strike damage dice + your charisma modifier additional necrotic damage.

Additionally, you gain a number of additional Reactions equal to your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus that can be used exclusively for this feature.

When you take the dodge action, you may also spend a reaction for 2 cursed energy to an ally being targeted by an attack for this feature.

Regardless of level, this feature only works on things that travel and can be stopped. Abilities that do not physically travel will not be slowed by Senescencia. For example, Eye contact, mind control, basilisk stare, making things explode with your mind, etc.

Slowed Progression. At 5th level, you can now even affect the rate a condition occurs, being able to slow it down. For 4 cursed energy, work with your DM how you slow down the condition. (Ex. Bleed damage, you take it at the beginning of your turns, you could slow it down so that it happens at the beginning of your second turns instead.)

Age Acceleration

Technique Improvement
At 3rd level, you unlock an improvement of your technique, whereas instead of slowing down time, you can accelerate it for the things you touch. As an action, or replacing an attack as part of the attack action if you target a creature you are grappling, you can spend an amount of cursed energy up your charisma modifier to make a melee weapon attack roll against a creature. On a hit, they take 1d12 necrotic damage for every cursed energy spent. The cursed energy is not spent if you miss it.

At 5th level, you can spend up to your charisma modifier + half your charisma modifier, rounded down. At 11th level, you can spend up to your charisma modifier added twice. At 17th level, you can spend up to your charisma modifier added twice.

Creature's reduced to 0 by this feature are killed outright as they are aged into dust. If a limb is reduced to 0, you can flavor it anyway you may please, like aging it to a point that it's so brittle that simple movement can break it.

Encroaching Death. At 11th level, your age acceleration has gotten stronger, being able to make a ranged version of it. When using Age Acceleration, you may instead affect a creature within your cursed energy radius. When used this way, the creature must make a constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d12 for every cursed energy spent and on a success, they take half as much damage.

If you have Senescencia active, structures and objects within your cursed energy radius take an amount of necrotic damage equal to the maximum amount you can spend on age acceleration at the beginning of your turns, this causes them to age into dust.


Extension Technique
At 6th level, you've created an extension technique using Age Acceleration’s ability as a base of accelerating age to make a miasma that ages all. As an action for 10 cursed energy, you may unleash a purplish-black, smoke-like miasma of decay that radiates outward from your body for one minute. The miasma forms a circle centered on you with a radius of your cursed energy radius, moving with you as you move.

Any creature that enters the miasma or starts or ends its turn within it must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 6d12 necrotic damage and continues to decay, taking the same damage at the start of their next turn unless the afflicted area is removed or otherwise healed. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and suffers no lingering effects.

You can control the speed of Respira, allowing you to unleash it at varying intensities as needed. As an action while Respira is active, you may spend an additional 5 cursed energy to increase the radius by 60 feet until the effect ends.

At 11th level, the creature takes 10d12 necrotic damage. At 17th level, they take 14d12 necrotic damage. At 20th level, they take 18d12 necrotic damage.

When Respira is about to end, you may spend 5 cursed energy to extend its duration for another minute.

Weapon of Ruin

Extension Technique
At 10th level, you can briefly summon and transform your miasma into a weapon. As a bonus action for 6 cursed energy, you may summon a weapon that you are proficient in. This weapon deals your martial arts dice in necrotic damage, uses your charisma modifier for its damage and attack rolls and deals an additional amount of dice equal to ¼ of Respira’s damage dice, rounded down.

This weapon counts as a Grade 2 Cursed Tool. At 17th level, it counts as a Grade 1 Cursed Tool. At 20th level, it counts as a Special Grade Cursed Tool.

If you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with this weapon, it is killed outright as it crumbles to dust from age. You can’t summon this weapon again until you are no longer wielding it or it is destroyed.

Tokyo School Feature:Blasted Decay

Extension Technique
At 14th level, you've created a move that allows you to incorporate the acceleration of time to your fists. Whenever you use cursed strikes, you may spend an equal amount of cursed energy to instead deal 2d8 necrotic damage for every cursed energy spent.

This damage cannot be enhanced by Tokyo Features or Dense Cursed Energy.

God Of Time

Technique Improvement
At 20th level, you've mastered your cursed technique. When you use Respira, it immediately ages and destroys any object or magical effect within its radius, including barriers and features like cursed techniques. Worn and carried objects are unaffected unless the DM rules otherwise.

Additionally, when you use Senescencia, you may spend an additional 5 cursed energy to reduce their attack roll by your Charisma modifier, by a maximum of 3 and you may grant yourself a bonus to the saving throw equal to your charisma modifier, by a maximum of 3.


This technique gives you the ability to summon a tool at which you can sew things into creation using threads made of cursed energy that's emitted from the eye of the tool.

Natural Weaver

Your technique grants you natural proficiency in weaving, you gain proficiency with Weaver’s tools.

Cursed Energy Radius

Your cursed technique has a certain radius at which its effects occur. You have a Cursed Energy Radius equal to 5 times your jujutsu sorcerer level feet. You may choose to reduce this radius to whatever number you wish.

Creatures within this radius may be affected by your cursed technique.

Red Threads

Your technique naturally produces the threads needed to weave what you need into existence. You have an amount of thread equal to your cursed energy maximum added twice, whenever you use a cursed technique feature that uses cursed energy from your lapse technique and any extensions, you lose double the amount of thread.

If you have 0 units of thread, you cannot use your cursed technique feature. Whenever you recover cursed energy, you recover tan equal amount of thread. This also applies if you have any features that reduce cursed energy expenditure to a minimum of 1 unit of thread spent.


Lapse Technique
At 1st level, you gain access to your technique, which is summoning Shiragami. As a free action for 1 cursed energy, you can summon Shiragami, which takes the form of a small sewing needle.You may use your Charisma modifier for its attack and damage rolls, and on a hit it deals 1d4 + your Charisma modifier slashing damage. Additionally, it counts as a grade 4 cursed tool and as an unarmed strike. You cannot use the benefits of cursed strikes on Shiragami. You may desummon Shiragami at will. You can only have one Shiragami created at a time.

At 2nd level, Shiragami now uses your martial arts dice for damage rolls. At 5th level, Shiragami counts as a Grade 3 cursed tool. At 11th level, Shiragami counts as a Grade 2 cursed tool. At 17th level, Shiragami counts as a Grade 1 cursed tool. At 20th level, Shiragami counts as a Special Grade cursed tool.

Nuu Hari, Nuu. Shigarami can create and manipulate all sorts of fabric woven by the red thread of cursed energy that extends infinitely from its eye. You can create things specified at the Woven Creations table down below by spending a specified action and a specified amount of cursed energy.

You can undo any of your creations at will, no action required.

Woven Creations Table
Creation/cursed energy Cost Description
Non-magical Object(2 cursed energy ). You can create an object as a bonus action or reaction to being targeted by an attack. The cost is increased by 2 per rarity above common. Also, you may spend an action to create a number of objects equal to your proficiency bonus at once, spending 2 cursed energy per object. You cannot create objects with a size above small.
Thread Soldiers(5 cursed energy ). You can create a number of thread soldiers within 10 feet of you up to your proficiency bonus as a Lengthy Action, spending 5 cursed energy for each. They use the same stat block as you, however their hit point maximum is equal to twice your Jujutsu Sorcerer level + your Charisma modifier, they cannot use any features that use cursed energy or the Extra Attack feature, and can only attack with a longsword which deals Shirigami’s damage dice on a hit.

These soldiers follow your orders to the best of their ability, and are friendly to you and your allies as you use the summoning and commanding rules to control them. You can only have a number of them up to your proficiency bonus at once.

Concealing Tapestries(10 cursed energy ). You can weave two large tapestries that occupy a space defined by you that cannot be larger, wider or taller than your cursed energy radius as an action. Any creatures behind the tapestries are considered invisible (with Truesight not being able to see through this invisibility), and cannot be sensed with Sixth Sense or detected in any way shape or form.
Thread Dummy(10 cursed energy ). As a reaction to being hit by an attack roll, you can create a dummy of yourself that takes the damage for you. The damage is reduced by your Jujutsu Sorcerer level, and you can move up to your movement speed without provoking opportunity attacks. You still provoke opportunity attacks if your Dexterity score is lower than the attacker's passive perception.
Sureddo no Henkō

Technique Improvement
At 3rd level, your proficiency in weaving has grown to the point where you're able to sew other abstract things. You can sew anything together, even things that weren't supposed to be together to begin with. Down below is a list of the things you can sew together with your Shiragami, with each one of them taking a certain cursed energy and action cost.

Sewing Table
Creation/cursed energy Cost Description
Sew Object to Object(2 cursed energy ). As an action while two objects are within your reach, you can sew them together with a cursed energy string. Any attempt to move said object also moves the other, and the weight of both objects stack with each other.

For every size one of the objects is above small, it costs 2 additional cursed energy to sew both together. Additionally, sewing two objects that are small or larger takes a lengthy action instead of an action.

Sew Creature to Creature(5 cursed energy ). As a lenghty action while two or more creatures are within your reach, you can force both to make a Dexterity (Acobratics) check against your cursed energy DC. If both fail, they are now stuck to each other. Both receive the restrained condition, however their movement speed is not reduced to 0 and instead halved. For the duration of this condition, they are under the following:
  • Whenever one moves, the other moves as well. If unwilling to move, the creature moving must make a Strength check against the other creature's Strength check or be unable to move.
  • Whenever one is targeted by an attack roll or saving throw, the other is also targeted.

They can make a Strength (Athletics) check at the beginning of their turns as an action, ending the condition if both succeed. In the case one succeeds and another fails, the DC is reduced by -2 (to a maximum of 15).

Sew to Surface(5 cursed energy ). As a bonus action, you can sew a creature or object to a floor or wall nearby. If it is a creature, the same must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they become restrained to the surface.

They can make a Strength saving throw at the beginning of their turns, ending the condition early on a success.

Custom Creations

Extension Technique
At 6th level, you felt unsatisfied with the applications of what you could do with your lapse and so you made an extension allowing you to employ your technique more efficiently. You gain the following creations.

Woven Creations Table
Creation/Cursed Energy Cost Description
Binding Threads (3 cursed energy). As a bonus action, you weave threads to restrain a creature within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be restrained for 1 minute. A restrained creature can attempt the save again at the beginning of their turns, ending the effect on a success.
Severing Strands (6 cursed energy). As an action, you weave razor-sharp threads that lash out in a 30-foot cone. All creatures in the area must make a dexterity saving throw, taking Shirigami’s damage dice on a failed save or half as much on a success.
Stitching Threads (an amount of cursed energy up to charisma modifier added twice). As an action, you weave threads to mend wounds, restoring hit points equal to 2d8 + your Jujutsu Sorcerer level to a creature you touch. The healing increases by 1d8 for every additional 4 cursed energy spent. If the target is missing a limb, you can spend an additional 10 cursed energy to reattach it.
Woven Armor (10 cursed energy). As a reaction to taking damage, you reinforce your body with dense threads, reducing the damage taken by an amount equal to twice your Jujutsu Sorcerer level.
Phantom Marionette (12 cursed energy). As an action, you create a near-identical puppet of yourself within 5 feet. This puppet mimics your movements and attacks, sharing your AC and saving throws but having hit points equal to twice your Jujutsu Sorcerer level. The puppet lasts for 1 minute, and whenever you take the Attack action, it can make one attack as part of the same action. If destroyed, it unravels harmlessly.
Thousand-Thread Burial (20 cursed energy). As an action, you conjure a massive surge of cursed threads to entangle all creatures in a 20-foot radius centered on you. Each creature must make a Strength saving throw or become paralyzed for 1 minute. A paralyzed creature can remake the save at the beginning of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success or if they take damage.
Hōsei no Henkō

Technique Improvement
At 10th level, you've unlocked another aspect of weaving and sewing. When you sew anything with Shiragami, you can modify it with your cursed energy. The modifications you can make are located down below at the Modifications Table.

Sewing Table
Modification/cursed energy Cost Description
Property(2 cursed energy ). When creating a weapon, you can add or remove any properties the weapon has without altering its appearance.
Hardened(5 cursed energy ). When creating an object or structure, you can grant it a damage threshold equal to 5 times your proficiency bonus. At 20th level, it becomes 10 times your proficiency bonus.
Connection(10 cursed energy ). When sewing an object to another object/creature, you can make it instantly connect to fix any broken parts of the creature or object.

In the case its an object, it regains its maximum hit points in hit points.

In the case it's a creature, it regains Xd12 hit points of a Limb of your choice (X is your charisma modifier added twice), even if it was removed.

Tokyo School Feature:Kaihō no Ito

Extension Technique
At 14th level, you've created another aspect of weaving and sewing. When you sew anything with Shiragami, you can modify it further with your cursed energy. The modifications you can make are located below in the Modifications Table.

Modification Table
Modification/Cursed Energy Cost Description
Elasticity (3 cursed energy). When creating or modifying an object, you can make it flexible yet durable. The object can stretch up to twice its original length and return to normal without breaking. If applied to armor, it grants the wearer advantage on saving throws against effects that would impose grappled or restrained.
Self-Repairing (6 cursed energy). When creating or modifying an object, you imbue it with threads that slowly repair damage. The object regains hit points equal to your Jujutsu Sorcerer level at the start of each of your turns for 1 minute. If reduced to 0 hit points, it can fully repair itself after 1 minute, provided any pieces remain.
Reinforced Stitching (8 cursed energy). You enhance an object or piece of armor with ultra-durable threads. If applied to armor, the wearer gains resistance to non-magical slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage. If applied to an object, it becomes immune to non-magical damage.
Sentient Weave (15 cursed energy). You imbue an object with a fragment of awareness, allowing it to move slightly on its own. Weapons can adjust mid-swing, granting a +2 bonus to attack rolls. Armor can shift to protect its wearer, granting a +2 bonus to AC. If applied to a piece of clothing or equipment, it can subtly assist its wearer, granting advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
Master Weaver

Technique Improvement
At 20th level, you've mastered your technique, allowing for sewing so fast, it's invisible to the naked eye.

The action costs of your lapse are reduced by one (as part of hitting an attack with Shigarami<free action<bonus action<action<lengthy action<full turn action).

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