Feats (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
The following feats are available to characters with levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer and Heavenly Restriction classes. In addition, you may pick any standard DND feat that's not magical (unless your GM allows it).
Background Feats
You were born with a supremely powerful body for any number of reasons, such as being artificially created by a powerful sorcerer for a greater purpose, this trait has reinforced to withstand very powerful attacks from all sources. You'll gain 5 additional hit points towards your hit point maximum whenever you gain a level in your class. You also can pick one physical ability score to increase its maximum to 22 and that score increases by 1 every level. Additionally your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores all increase by 1 up to their maximums.
You also gain proficiency in Constitution saves.
Prerequisites: Must be a Human, Must not be a Heavenly Restriction Design Note: Despite this feat having one of its requirements the need to "be Human", if you become a Living Vessel for the sake of this feat you still count as Human. Your constitution is something to marvel at as you may consume Cursed Objects and suffer next to no afflictions from this act, a trait so rare that it appears in a human once every 1000 years. You have advantage on all checks and saving throws to resist any kind of Cursed Objects you consume, with their DC being reduced by your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier. If you fail a saving throw when consuming a Cursed Object, you instead spit out the object within 5 feet of you as opposed to the normal effects the Cursed Object inflicts on a failed save. If the effect would kill you, you not only spit it out but is also knocked unconscious. Lastly, you also gain the Strong Body feat. A Cursed Object you consume cannot force you to submit your body over to them unless a Binding Vow has been made between you and the Cursed Object. If you consume more Cursed Objects than your level + your Constitution modifier, you must make a Wisdom saving throw as normal to not be possessed. As an action, you may “switch” with a Cursed Object you have consumed, giving them temporary control over your body. At any time as a reaction, you can make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw. On a success, you take control back from the Cursed Object whereas on a failure, you cannot take back control for 1 minute. The DC for this save increases by 1 for every success and is reduced by 1 for every failure. The DC returns to its original difficulty when you take a Long Rest.
Prerequisites: Must be a Cursed Spirit. You have been born from the deepest fears of humanity, becoming special grade since birth. You are Special Grade and thus will gain the benefits of Special Grade, and of all the grades that come before it (except Grade 4 as normal). Aditionally, due to being a natural born Special Grade, standard Cursed Spirit Body Functions and Cursed Feats are stronger than normal for you.
Prerequisites: Must not be a Heavenly Restriction Whether through your ancestry or through simply being born that way, your cursed energy reserves are naturally immense. You will add your Jujutsu Sorcerer level added twice + your proficiency bonus added twice when calculating your cursed energy maximum.
Prerequisites: Must be Heavenly Restriction Whether through training or through simply being born that way, your Stamina reserves are naturally immense. Your Stamina maximum increases by your Heavenly Restriction level + your proficiency bonus.
Prerequisites: Must not be a Heavenly Restriction Your cursed energy naturally possesses a unique trait, making it both rare and powerful. Choose one damage type excluding necrotic and radiant. The chosen damage type becomes your Cursed Energy Trait. When activating Cursed Armor, you gain resistance to your Cursed Energy Trait. Whenever you are hit by a melee attack while under the effects of Cursed Armor, you deal your Cursed Energy Trait as damage equal to your level towards the attacking creature. When you deal damage with the Cursed Strike or Cursed Weapon Enhancement, its damage type can be the same as your Cursed Energy Trait or remain the same. Any features that may change their damage type depending on your selected Cursed Technique can change to match your Cursed Energy Trait or remain the same. Your Cursed Energy Trait naturally provide you with one of the following options:
At 14th level, you gain resistance to your Cursed Energy Trait and if you have Cursed Armor active, you become immune to your Cursed Energy Trait instead. Additionally, anytime you use a feature with its damage type changed to your Cursed Energy Trait, you can bypass the resistance that a creature or target may have against that damage type but not any immunities it could possess. Design Note: Variant Rule: This Technique Is Mine! If a player character possesses the Unique Cursed Energy background feat, the DM may allow for your Cursed Energy Trait to fundamentally alter how your Cursed Technique functions. This can be anything from damage-type alterations to even entire features being replaced with new ones. Discuss with your DM regarding potential changes or feature reworks if this variant rule has been allowed.
Prerequisites: Must be a Human. When you were still inside the womb, due to unknown circumstances, you ate your twin. Doing this has left you with an abnormal body due to you absorbing your twin. You have four arms, two faces, and two mouths, one being normal and the other being on your stomach. Your body has transformed as you begin to resemble the perfect form for sorcery. Your size increases by one category to a maximum of large, you gain advantage on Intimidation checks, and your Strength and Constitution scores increase by 2. The extra pair of eyes that you have also allows for you to make Perception checks with advantage. Additionally, the 2 extra arms right below your original ones, as well as a mouth on your stomach are fully functional and can act independently of your original limbs. They give you the following benefits:
In addition, you can ignore 1 prerequisite for the Chanting cursed feat that is not the level requirement. Due to your mastery of this new form and its synergy with chanting, chanting is now a free action instead of an action for you and complex chanting is now an action.
Prerequisites: Cannot be a Heavenly Restriction or a Cursed Corpse. You were blessed, or better put, cursed with a fragile body but immense cursed energy output and range. There are three different tiers of severity in the heavenly restriction, light, medium, and major. You only gain the benefits of the tier of severity you have chosen. For example, if you choose a medium severity right arm you won't receive the benefits of light severity right arm. You can pick the ear, arm, leg, and eye options twice. Down below will be the tables of all the minor, medium, and major severities you can choose. The number in the Benefits column is added to the limit of how much cursed energy you can spend when you spend cursed energy. Design Note: You may create more detriments or different benefits alongside your DM if you so wish, such as internal organs and increased maximum cursed energy
Increased Reach. Your cursed energy reach has increased because of your heavenly restriction. For every detriment this feat grants you, your range for your cursed energy features that are not touch range increases by 33,000 feet if minor, 66,000 feet if medium, and 99,000 feet if major. This feature does not apply to barriers. This only applies for ranges of things that do not originate from your body, such as summoning or controlling a creature, and requires you to somehow know the location such as seeing it, possibly from a distance through a summons's eyes, or knowing the exact coordinates, such as through knowledge or cursed energy sensing. Finally, as a binding placed on the body you are born with, you lose this feat if you are not in the body you were born with.
Prerequisite: Must have two Ability Scores of 15 or higher, one of which is Charisma Design Note: This feature is extremely powerful, so take extreme care when handing this out to a player. Your potential is virtually limitless even when compared to other incredible Jujutsu Sorcerers or Cursed Spirits. You gain the following benefits: Endless Possibilities. One prerequisite that belongs to a feat or cursed feat may be ignored by you. You cannot ignore prerequisites that would require you to have another cursed feat, be a certain race, possess a certain innate technique, possess an innate technique, be a certain class, body feat prerequisites, or be a particular level in order of obtaining them. For example, you can't pick the Reverse Cursed Technique if you are a Cursed Spirit. Design Note: The Strongest In History. A DM may allow a player character to have the versions of Jujutsu Genius found in the Canon Feat Changes and Additions. This variant rule drastically alters and improves a character’s strength, this goes beyond a warning, you must be willing to deal with the consequences if this variant rule was enabled for player characters’ and/or non-playable creatures.
Prerequisite: Must pick the Gojo Clan sorcerer family, must be a Human, and there must be a Star Plasma Vessel in the world. Design Note: This feature can be given to only one creature per campaign. This feature is extremely powerful, so take extreme care when handing this out to a player.
Illuminated Vision. You will gain 60 ft. of Truesight. You may not have any penalties for seeing through any thin, light and non rigid object, such as a blindfold, towel, or scarf, allowing you to use it as a way of protecting your eyes from the sheer amount of information your eyes capture. You must gain 12 Infinity Optimization counters in order to get the Infinity Optimization feature. You no longer need to use reactions or spend cursed energy to nullify attacks using the technique when you gain this feature. Technique Analyzer. Your eyes allow you to uncover the secrets of techniques. As a reaction to seeing an Extension, Reversal, or Maximum technique be used while your eyes were uncovered, or as a bonus action within 1 minute of seeing them used while your eyes were uncovered, you may make a Intelligence(Arcana) check against its cursed energy DC. On a failure, you must wait to see the feature used again. On a success, you will learn the feature and its capabilities. Legendary Name. The Six Eyes are universally known throughout the jujutsu world as a symbol of ultimate power, and it naturally imposes such reputation over others. When a creature that has heard of the Six Eyes and it's reputation sees you for the first time, and knows you have the blessing, they must make a Wisdom saving throw against your cursed energy DC. On a failure, they are frightened by you, any creature affected that is forced to make a saving throw by them may do it with advantage, and the frightened creature can't concentrate on anything. On a success they don't need to make the saving throw ever again. An affected creature may repeat their saving throw at the end of their turns. Although if the creature's CR is lower than your Jujutsu Sorcerer level by a difference of 10 or more, on a failure they can't repeat the saving throw if the are within 120 ft. of you and aware of it, and on a success they are only immune for 24 hours. You may choose to not affect a creature with this feature. At 14th level, you can spend 6 Cursed Energy as a bonus action to expand your range of Truesight to 120 feet for 1 minute in initiative, or 1 hour out of initiative. Design Note: Variant Rule: The Strongest Of Today. A DM may allow a player character to have the versions of Six Eyes found in the Canon Feat Changes and Additions. This variant rule drastically alters and improves a character’s strength, this goes beyond a warning, you must be willing to deal with the consequences if this variant rule was enabled for player characters’ and/or non-playable creatures.
Prerequisite: There must be a Six Eyes user in the world, must be a Human and Female. Design Note: This feat is more focused on role-playing, so if you're using background feats and a player wants this, you can also give them another one with no balancing issues. You were chosen by fate to be a vessel for an incredibly old Immortality user to assimilate you to keep them from evolving into an unimaginable horror. Because of this, when you reach the age of 14, you will awaken as a Star Plasma Vessel. You'll be able to see cursed spirits and shikigami even if you have never being introduced to cursed energy before. When awakening like this, you become easily identifiable to any Jujutsu Sorcerer or Curse User, which would be able to tell, at first glance, something is off with you and that you're in some way special. The Immortality user automatically knows of your existence as soon as you awaken as a Vessel. After awakening, you'll have 180 days to merge with the Immortality user you're meant to, and if you fail to do that in time, you will no longer serve as a proper vessel, and the assimilation will fail.
Prerequisites: Must be a Human Due to a traumatic event in your past, a loved one has since come to haunt you. You were unable to cope with their death and now they have returned as a curse. You have a Vengeful Spirit bound to you at all times, however the majority of the time it will be in a dormant, non physical state. Innate Technique. If your Vengeful Spirit possessed an Innate Technique in its life, even if it had been a non-sorcerer, it will still possess one as a spirit. Work with your DM to determine it’s innate technique, with your DM determining a level for your vengeful spirit to be for the purposes of it using its innate technique. When your spirit is not dormant, it has two forms: Partially Manifested. While in this form, the spirit has a physical form that is partly a shadowy visage, and it is not at full power. It takes double the damage from all sources, and any damage it deals is halved (rounded down), and it cannot use its Innate Technique if it possesses one. Your vengeful spirit can be partially manifested in the following ways: Danger Manifestation. Your life is very stressful, being a sorcerer is filled with danger and trouble. When these times of danger come, your Vengeful Spirit may manifest into the physical world. Whenever you take damage from one instance of damage above your jujutsu sorcerer level + twice your Charisma modifier (minimum of 2), or are otherwise shown hostility, you must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw. This damage must reduce your hit points, not taking into account any temporary hit points that are reduced. On a success, you can handle yourself and don't let your spirit get out. On a failure however, your Vengeful Spirit will partially manifest itself into the world to protect you. At 11th level, you no longer are forced to make the Wisdom saving throw, and you may call upon your spirit to appear in its partially manifested form as a bonus action for 4 cursed energy, appearing within 10 feet of you. You may summon the spirit to be partially manifested a number of times equal to half of your proficiency bonus(rounded down), regaining all uses after a long rest. If your spirit is reduced to 0 hit points in its partially manifested form, it is desummoned, returning to its dormant state. You may call upon it again, with it regaining 1 hit point when being summoned. Fully Manifested. In its full form, the spirit is now at its full power, and can act with its full might. In order to fully manifest your spirit, you must directly call on it, attempting to channel the curse’s power. As an action for 10 cursed energy, you may make a DC 25 Charisma saving throw. On a failure, nothing happens. On a success, your spirit is summoned in its Fully Manifested form, appearing within 10 feet of you. If you have the Freed Spirit feat, then your spirit may only be Fully Manifested for at most five minutes a day, after which it cannot be Fully Manifested again until you finish a long rest. So long as the curse that binds you and your spirit together persists, your spirit cannot be exorcised. If it is reduced to 0 hit points or killed, it will regain 1 hit point and become stable, going back into its dormant state, and being unable to manifest again in any way until you complete a long rest, including additional maneuvers such as Vengeful Spirit Protection. If you die or the curse is broken in some other way, your spirit can be exorcised. Regardless of which form the curse is in, it will act in the following ways: The spirit will prioritize your safety, possessing the Berserk condition. The spirit will remain berserk even if unable to see a target. It acts on the same turn as you do, it is charmed by you (ignoring the immunity to the condition), and it follows your orders as long as they do not contradict the Berserk condition. As a free action, you may make a DC 20 Charisma(Persuasion) check against it, on a success it will stop attacking and go back to its dormant state, on a failure it will keep attacking until there are no more creatures but you in sight. Spirit Persuasion. At 5th level, your control over your curse has improved. The Charisma (Persuasion) check is lowered to a 15. Spirit Extensions. At 6th level, if you use the Extension technique variant rule, you can now make extensions that use your vengeful curse. If your spirit possesses an innate technique, you cannot make extensions that directly intertwine your innate technique with its innate technique. Tamer Spirit. At 11th level, you have gained more control over your cursed spirit. The spirit is now Bloodlusted against any creatures showing you hostility rather than Berserk. It will follow your orders as long as it does not go against the Bloodlusted condition. Tamed Spirit. At 17th level, your spirit now fully obeys you. You can now desummon your spirit as a reaction to it being attacked, and they obey your orders even if it goes against the Bloodlusted condition. Conduit. A curse is in its most stable form when possessing an item. Determine an item or medium that is significant between you and your spirit in its life. This item serves as a channel for you to control the curse. When you have the conduit in your possession, you can manifest your vengeful spirit easier, calling upon it to fully manifest for 4 cursed energy instead of 10, and you will automatically pass the Charisma saving throw. Additionally, if you possess Cursed Weapon Enhancement, then when using it while you have the conduit in your possession you may spend your Vengeful spirit’s cursed energy instead, and if your spirit would otherwise possess the ability to spend more cursed energy on the enhancement than you, you can instead spend that amount. As you grow in power, you may find new ways to utilize your spirit's energy with your Conduit. Work with your DM to come up with ways you can use your vengeful spirit’s cursed energy with your Conduit. Vengeful Spirit Strike. Once per round on your turn, (no action required), you may call upon this spirit to aid you in combat by spending 1 cursed energy. Make a melee cursed energy attack roll against a creature within 10 feet of you. This additional attack inflicts slashing damage equal to your currently-wielded weapon's damage die. If you are not wielding any weapons, they take damage equal to your unarmed strike or martial arts (Whichever is higher). This cannot be used while your spirit is Fully Manifested or Partially Manifested. Vengeful Spirit Protection. As a reaction to a melee attack roll for 1 cursed energy, your spirit can manifest and protect you, granting you a +2 to your armor class for this attack. This cannot be used while your spirit is fully manifested. If the spirit is partially manifested it must spend its movement speed in order to get in front of you for the purposes of this reaction. Additionally, at 14th level, your spirit will gain the Cursed Biology feat. Design Note: Curses are twisted and unpredictable things, oftentimes taking various forms and shapes. Your DM can make your vengeful spirit much stronger than it would normally be at lower levels, with its power at higher levels instead being front-loaded at lower levels. This can be done in many ways, such as upscaling the spirits ability scores or Challenge Rating, but generally can be done by having you count as a much higher level in the Jujutsu Sorcerer Class than you actually are. For example, Vengeful Spirit Rika Orimoto is a much more potent curse than she normally would be when her master, Yuta Okkotsu, only possesses 1 Level in the Jujutsu Sorcerer Class.
Prerequisites: Must be a human and have a monozygotic twin. Your bond with your twin is deeper than mere blood, your connection has been forged by fate. Together, you both are treated as one by your cursed technique. Being born in this manner has limited the potential of both you and your twin. Twins connected in this way have two options: Jujutsu Sorcerer. One twin is able to gain levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer class as usual and have a cursed technique. However, their cursed energy amount will now be their jujutsu sorcerer level + half of their Charisma modifier(rounded down). Also, any feats that would increase your cursed energy only increase it by half(rounded down). Both twins can be sorcerers, however, only one of them can have a technique and they both have reduced cursed energy. Heavenly Restriction. The other twin is able to gain levels in the Heavenly Restriction class. However, they will not gain the Restrained Body, Semi-Awakened Body, Heavenly Undetection, or Awakened Body features. This is due to the fact they have the other part of the cursed energy, which does not allow for them to fully use their restriction. Additionally, they gain one Body Feats as their body is still better than the average human. Additionally, if one twin dies, they may choose to take the limits with them. If the sorcerer twin dies, they can take the innate technique and cursed energy with them. This allows the other twin to gain all the missing features from their Heavenly Restriction. If the restricted twin dies, they can give their cursed energy to the sorcerer twin. This gets rid of the limit on their cursed energy. If both twins are sorcerers, the living twin will gain the technique if they don’t have it and normal cursed energy.
You’ve always been lucky; it’s gotten you through a lot in life. You have been blessed by the sparks of the Black Flash. Upon getting the Black Flash cursed feat you can land them more reliably. As a bonus action, you can start concentrating, and while concentrating you can guarantee your next melee attack to be a black flash, upon which the concentration ends. If you take any damage or otherwise have your concentration disturbed during it, you need to succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw to maintain it. You can only concentrate like this if you are below half your maximum hit points while fighting an opponent with a CR or level higher than yours, or you have been participating in the combat for 5 rounds or more. If you are fighting an opponent with a CR or level of 5 or more higher than yours, you don't need to be at below half you maximum hit points. After concentrating like this, you can only begin to concentrate again after the end of your next turn. Design Note: For DMs: You may allow a character with this feat to start concentrating even without meeting any of the requirements stated if you deem it to be a narratively appropriate moment. Additionally, if you do not gain the Black Flash cursed feat by level four, then you automatically gain it. |
Body Feats
Prerequisites: Must have at least 15 Strength or more. You have been born unnaturally strong, capable of destroying walls with just sheer brute force. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must have a 17 Strength score or more, Athlete History The strength you now possess is capable of matching experts at cursed reinforcement or massive curse spirits & shikigami. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must have at least 15 Dexterity or more You have an innate speed advantage over others of your kind or have trained intensely on your agility. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must have a 17 Dexterity score or more, 50 Meters In 3 Seconds! Even by the supernatural standards of the Jujutsu world, your agility is a trait that makes you just as fearsome as any other. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must have at least 15 Constitution or more Your body's immune system has naturally been superior to your peers or exposure to dangerous foreign elements has dramatically improved it. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisite: Must have 15 Constitution or more. You have proven yourself to be very durable, making taking you down a very hard task. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: You must have 17 Constitution or more, Strong Body Your endurance is from out of this world, no matter what you're not going down in the battlefield. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: You must have at least 15 on your Constitution score. Your resilience is no joke, enabling you to survive much more than normal sorcerers during long periods of fighting. All of your Hit Dice increase in size by one step, and as a result, your hit points increase by an amount equal to your level + 1. Whenever you gain Hit Die and hit points after you have acquired this feat, your newly gained Hit Die is treated as though it was one size larger. You can take this feat any number of times, but you cannot increase a Hit Die above d12. Design Note: The calculation should be as if you had that hit die from level 1 onwards. If you calculate it and you have more hit points than you would if you had the increased hit die from level 1, then you did it wrong(such as increasing the initial increase of hp for each level, or increasing your hp by level*2+2 to “account” for the hit die increase itself.
Prerequisites: At least 7th level. You can choose one additional saving throw to gain the benefits of the Resistant feature. You may take this feat multiple times.
Prerequisites: Must be a Cursed Spirit, having 16+ Charisma score. Due to having a body fully made of cursed energy, any wounds can be solved with cursed energy. As a bonus action for x cursed energy or as reaction to receiving damage, you can use cursed energy to regain hit points. For every 1 cursed energy spent, you regain 5 hit points. If you are suffering from a physical effect such as a concussion or something similar, one of these effects can be healed for every 5 hit points healed with regeneration. You cannot use this feat until the start of your next turn after taking radiant damage. The amount of Cursed Energy that can be spent on this feature is equal to your Charisma modifier + your Proficiency Bonus. Special Grades do not have a limit to the amount of Cursed Energy that can be spent on this feature.
Prerequisites: Must have the Regeneration feat. Your regeneration is far beyond that of a normal curse, being comparable to even reverse cursed energy. Your regeneration now makes you regain 15 hit points per energy spent. Additionally, if you are Special Grade every 10 health healed fully heals one of your limbs by one damage stage, regardless of how much health it would’ve normally recovered.
Prerequisite: Must be a Cursed Spirit, Must have a Strength, Dexterity or Constitution score of 15 or higher Your biology is something of an abnormality, even by the supernaturally peculiar standards of Cursed Spirits. You gain the following benefits:
If you possess the Special Grade background feat or is imediately granted Special Grade upon becoming a Cursed Spirit via the A Curse Upon Death variant rule, the benefits are instead:
Prerequisites: Cursed Spirit, 12th level or be an Imaginary Vengeful Cursed Spirit Curses already displayed strange and specialized biology, but you exhibit it on a whole other level. Work with your DM to determine one unique feature of your body, letting you do something completely new you couldn’t do before or enhancing something you already could do, generally closely related to something emblematic of your character or your technique. For example Dagon, a Womb had a black orb in place of their stomach which they could draw a sigil on to expand a domain, allowing them to do so without hands and faster than normal. If you are an Imaginary Vengeful Cursed Spirit without the Evolution feat these unique bodily features become more powerful, drawing on the concept from which you were born and your technique. You may have two features instead of one from as discussed with your DM, one based around a central power related to your concept and the other enhancing your technique. An example is Hanami's outer shell and roots, which grant her enhanced endurance but a weak point, and then her flower arm that interacts with her technique, presumably enhancing her Radiant Beam. If you posses the Special Grade background feat, you may gain two features as you would if you were an Imaginary Vengeful Cursed Spirit, however, if you are an Imaginary Vengeful Cursed Spirit with the Special Grade background feat and without the Evolution feat, instead of only two features you may gain any number of them that your DM allows with a minimum of 3, those features must be centered around your concept and/or technique and may be of extreme power. An example is Kurorushi and his ability to summon, control and enhance countless cockroaches to the point they can battle with special grade sorcerers and his ability to make clones and reincarnate into them by having his cockroaches eat flesh.
Prerequisite: Must be a Cursed Spirit with the Cursed Womb Template, 12th level, have failed two death saving throws in the same fight or experience severe psychological trauma (determined by the GM). Due to a large degree of trauma, you have evolved into a new improved version of yourself. You gain a +2 to any score of your choice including its maximum, and you get to pick three additional benefits below:
Your GM may grant you the Special Grade cursed spirit grade after evolving if they deem you're powerful enough. If you possess the Special Grade background feat or is imediately granted Special Grade upon becoming a Cursed Spirit via the A Curse Upon Death variant rule, you also receive the following benefits upon evolving:
Prerequisite: Cursed Corpse, 12th level, must not be taken via a modification. Your body has adjusted, allowing it to accept more modifications. Your modification limit increases to double your proficiency bonus. This increases to triple your proficiency bonus at 17th level. For the purposes of ability modifications, your maximum ability score is increased by your proficiency bonus.
Prerequisites: 3rd level, must be Heavenly Restriction You have been sculpting the ways that you employ your Heavenly Body to almost perfection. You gain two Uncanny Mindsets. When gaining an Uncanny Mindset like this, it does not count for gaining Body Points. You may take this feat multiple times.
Prerequisites: Must have 14 or higher Constitution score, Must be Heavenly Restriction Your body has massive stamina reserves, making you become a stamina powerhouse. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must have 17 Constitution or higher, Immense Stamina, Must be a Heavenly Restriction. Your Stamina reserves are so absurdly massive that they seem practically endless at times even allowing you to perform great feats of physical activities when others run out of stamina. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must have a Strength or Dexterity score of 18 or higher, Cursed Energy Reinforcement or 16th level Heavenly Restriction. You have learned how to propel yourself into the air using Cursed Energy, almost as if you were flying. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisite: Must have a Strength score of 16 or higher You fight like a beast on the battlefield, focusing on throwing your opponents around. You gain the two following Slams: Brute Slam. Once per turn as part of an unarmed strike, you may make a grapple attempt against a creature. If you succeed, you may pick up the creature and slam them against a solid surface within 10 ft. of you, such as the ground or a wall, dealing another roll of your martial arts die in damage. The surface takes twice as much damage as the creature, and if it breaks the creature takes another 2d6 damage of an appropriate type. Heavy Slam. Whenever you take the Attack action against a creature you are currently grappling with, you may forgo an attack to violently slam the creature into the ground. You make a contested Strength (Athletics) check against the creature who contests via Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (Their choice). On a successful check, your opponent is driven into the earth beneath you ending your grapple early, taking bludgeoning damage equal to two rolls of your martial arts damage dice and being knocked prone. On a failure, the creature escapes from your iron grasp, causing your grapple to end early and the creature may move an additional 5 ft. away from you as part of their successful check. If you score a 20 on the Strength (Athletics) check whilst using this feature and it was a success, the creature takes bludgeoning damage equal to four rolls of your martial arts damage dice and gains disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks and Strength or Dexterity saving throws until the start of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Must have a Dexterity score of 16 or higher You've adopted a quick, swift and mobile fighting style, using your environment to your advantage.
Prerequisite: Must have an unarmed strike damage die of a d10 or higher, Must have the Cursed Strike enhancement, 8th Level Your expertise regarding unarmed combat exceeds those of a similar skill level through complex training and overall mastery of this martial practice. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must have at least 16 Strength score. Shiranui-Gata is a stance normally used by sumo wrestlers during the opening ceremony. The user assumes the stance by squatting with their head forward and arms extended outward in both directions. This is used in order to brace for impact to grab an enemy. As an action, you can enter this stance. Once you have entered the stance you can make a reaction against an enemy within range who attempts to hit you with a melee attack roll. When they attack you, you only take half damage if they hit you and you may attempt to grapple them with advantage. The stance ends when you grapple a creature.
Prerequisites: Must have at least 18 Strength score, be a Cursed Corpse, and have the Gorilla Core. The Unblockable Drumming Beat is a physical technique where each of the user’s strikes will resonate throughout their target’s body. Even if the opponent blocks, the impact will still damage the target with all the intended force of the attack. As a bonus action for 5 cursed energy, you may start the drumming beat. Every unarmed strike you make afterwards for 1 minute is now under the effects of the drumming beat. If you were to miss an unarmed strike by 5 or less of the targets AC, the attack hits them and they must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take the unarmed strikes damage. On a success, they take none. Taijutsu & Weapon FeatsThe feats below will also count as Weapon Feats for the purposes of other features.
Prerequisite: Must have a Strength or Dexterity score of 16 or higher, 2nd level Rather than focusing on the mental and energy aspects of sorcery, you have come to focus on the physical and martial aspects of sorcery instead. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must have a score of 16 or higher on your Dexterity and at least 14 or higher on your Charisma score, 4th level. You have been training to get used to fighting up and close as to not rely entirely on your shikigami, but to instead synchronize with them. While you are within 10 ft. of one of your shikigami, you may give yourself or one of your shikigami advantage on an attack. If you or any of your shikigami attack that same target during this turn you will also gain advantage on those attacks as well. In addition, your Action cost to control your shikigami is reduced by 1 (Action>Bonus Action>Free Action).
Prerequisites: 20 Strength or greater, Colossal Physique After mastering your strength, you have learned how to utilize your strength to the fullest to destroy your opponent. Once per round as part of hitting an melee attack, you can spend up to your Charisma or Strength modifier cursed energy or stamina points to make your target make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d10 necrotic or bludgeoning damage per energy or point spent and are thrown back an amount of feet equal to 20 times your Strength modifier + the amount of energy or points spent and are knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage, are half as pushed and are not knocked prone. If the creature hits an object on the way they both take 1d12 bludgeoning damage. If it hits a structure, it stops completely and takes 1d12 bludgeoning damage per 10 feet left to travel, with the structure taking twice as much damage. If it hits another creature, the creature hit must make a Dexterity saving throw or also take the damage of the Heavy Finisher and be pushed as well. You can also use the heavy finisher as a way to get someone stuck in the ground. Once per round as part of hitting an melee attack against a prone creature, you can spend up to your Charisma or Strength modifier cursed energy or stamina points to force your target to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d10 necrotic or bludgeoning damage per energy or point spent and are restrained on the ground. On a success, they take half as much damage and their speed is halved until the beginning of your next turn. If they fail by 5 or more, they are also Confused until the beginning of your next turn. They may remake the Strength saving throw at the beginning of their turns, ending the condition early.
Prerequisites: 20 Dexterity or greater, Blue Augmented Speed or Untraceable Speed Through mastery of your immense speed, you've discovered how to create afterimages to even the odds against strong opponents. As a bonus action, you may spend an amount of cursed energy or stamina points up to two times your Charisma or Dexterity modifier to create a number of 1 hit point clones that are identical to you up to half of the cursed energy spent. These clones can be used to grant flanking and can only be up to half of your movement speed away from yourself. Once per round, you may swap with one of these clones as a bonus action or reaction to being targeted by an attack or being forced to make a saving throw. A creature can distinguish these clones from the original by making a Wisdom (Insight) check against your Cursed Energy save DC or your battle maneuver save DC. They have advantage on this check if they have the Cursed Energy Tracker feat and are focusing on you with it, but will make the check at disadvantage if you have the Cursed Energy Concealer feat activated, or if stamina points were expended as opposed to cursed energy.(If you have Blue Augmented Speed and Untraceable Speed you can create clones up to the full amount of cursed energy spent.)
Prerequisites: 20 Constitution or greater, Human Wall You have reached the pinnacle of endurance, learning how to harden your body and prepare yourself for any attacks. As a bonus action for up to your Charisma or Constitution score in cursed energy or stamina points, you harden your skin and enhance your senses for 1 minute. For the duration, you gain a damage reduction equal to double the amount spent, and your movement speed is halved. You may end this stance at any time for no action required. Whenever you get hit by a melee attack, you can make a melee attack against the attacker as a reaction. Additionally, for the duration you gain one additional reaction just to use this feature.
Prerequisites: Must have scored at least 3 critical hits in a single battle using a melee weapon attack or a ranged weapon attack that benefits from Cursed Projectiles, Must have Cursed Strike or Cursed Weapon Enhancement You have become more connected with your cursed energy, now being able to use the infamous Black Flash technique, where your attack's sheer destructive potential is raised to the power of 2.5 (with the bare minimum being 2, according to Gege). To use this feat, you must be able to use cursed energy and either Cursed Strike or Cursed Weapon Enhancement feature.
When you score a critical hit (It must be a Natural 20 for it to count) with a melee weapon attack that benefits from either Cursed Strike or Cursed Weapon Enhancement, or a ranged attack that benefits from Cursed Projectiles, you can choose to land a Black Flash. Before the damage calculation, roll a d6 to see how much additional Necrotic damage your Black Flash will add onto the damage roll using the table below:
In addition, the number of damage die you roll from your critical with this attack increases by one, and the Black Flash simply does not occur if the attack wouldn’t otherwise hit (such as if it was negated by an ability). After you land a Black Flash, it becomes easier to land another. Your next attack (if on the same turn) will trigger a Black Flash on a Natural 15 or higher, known as the Black Flash DC. For every Black Flash after the second, the Natural attack roll must be 1 higher than the previous. (Ex. Third Black Flash lands on a 16, the DC becomes 17. Fourth lands on a 17, the DC becomes 18.) Failing to land a consecutive Black Flash results in the DC being lost, requiring another Natural 20 to regain it, then restarting at a DC of 15. In The Zone. Hitting a Black Flash puts an individual in the zone, temporarily bringing out 120% of their potential. You will gain the following benefits for a number of minutes equal to the black flashes you hit in the turn; the benefits will last from during the turn you landed the Black Flash until those number of minutes after it:
Prerequisite: You must have Black Flash feat, and have landed a Black Flash at least 4 times. The sparks of black do not choose who to bless, but you are the exception. Through your experience as a sorcerer, you have made a personal record of how many Black Flashes you have hit up to this point. Your Black Flash DC is reduced from 15 to 10 for consecutive Black Flashes. The DC increases by 1 for every successful Black Flash you land after the first when performing consecutive Black Flashes (Ex. 10 -> 11 -> 12 -> etc.).
Prerequisites: Must have at least a 12 Intelligence score, Expertise in Deception, and be 8th level or higher. When an opponent can see through the moves of your body, the best way to beat them is to get in their head. When you make an attack roll against an enemy for the first time on your turn, you may make a Deception check contested with their Insight check. If you win the roll, you have advantage on attack rolls against that creature for 1 minute. At the end of the creature’s turns it may repeat the contested rolls with each time your Deception check being lowered by 2. |
Weapon Feats
Prerequisites: Weapon Master sorcerer path, 12 Wisdom score or above, 10th level You have experienced many battles and are exceptional at learning from them. You gain 4 Secret Techniques, and one more at 13th and 17th levels.
Prerequisite: Must have a Strength or Dexterity score of 18 or higher, Must have Cursed Weapon Enhancement Or Must have reduced a creature to 0 hit points with three kinds of different weapons, 8th level Your mastery over all forms of weaponry has made you an ideal wielder for cursed tools that possess a higher status and greater power to them. You will gain the following benefits:
Cursed Technique Feats
Prerequisites: Ten Shadows Technique Innate Technique, one of the following Shadows tamed: Nue, Max Elephant, Mourn Tiger. You have learned to manifest the powers of some of your shadows through utilizing cursed energy. While the respective shadow is not summoned, you may use its technique materialization. Lightning Powers. As an action for 5 cursed energy, you can use the Lightning Charge action. Water Ejection. As an action for 6 cursed energy, you can use the Water Spray or Water cannon actions. These techniques are both affected by Stronger Shadows and Totality. You must have the respective shadow tamed in order to use its technique materialization, and they must not be summoned in any form, including Totality. At 11th level, you have learned how to enhance the powers of your shadows with Jujutsu. Lightning Ray. As an action for 10 cursed energy, you make a cursed energy attack roll against a creature within 60 feet of you. On a hit, the creature takes lightning damage equal to the Lightning discharge damage die increased by a number of dice equal to your Charisma modifier. Pressurized Beam. As an action for 12 cursed energy, you force all creatures in a 5 foot wide, 120 foot long line make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take the Water cannon damage die increased by a number of dice equal to your Charisma modifier in piercing damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.
Prerequisite: Ten Shadows Technique Innate Technique, 10th level You have now mastered control over your technique and it's intricacies, being able to use Totality to create a new, stronger than ever shikigami. From now onwards, you can make Totalities out of your shikigami without the need of them dying first. Additionally, you can create a special totality called Chimera Beast Agito, composed of 4 of your shikigami instead of 2. For that, you use the regular rules for making Totality, selecting one shikigami as the base and the other 3 are considered as if they were the ones that previously died for the purposes of Totality rules. You can only make one Chimera Beast Agito.
Prerequisite: Ten Shadows Technique Innate Technique, 16th level, you must have Mahoraga under your control.
Prerequisites: Must have the Limitless technique, must have the cursed technique reversal feat, must be 14th level. You have also learned how to mix blue and red, creating a purple bolt of cursed energy that destroys everything in its path. As a rooting distracting action for 20 Cursed Energy, every creature in a 15-foot wide 200-foot long line must make a Dexterity saving throw at disadvantage. On a failure, they take 30d12 force damage. On a successful save, they take half damage and do not take the additional effects. Objects within the area that aren’t being worn or carried also take this damage. If this damage reduces a creature or object to 0 hit points, that creature or object is disintegrated. This counts as an extension technique for the purposes of other features.
Prerequisites: Disaster Plants cursed technique, 8th level You have mastered the roots, being able to protect yourself with them. Whenever you are targeted by a attack roll or saving throw, you can once per round spend 10 cursed energy as a reaction to generate roots around you. While the roots are wrapped around yourself, you gain total cover and burrowing speed equal to half your walking speed and become incapacitated. These roots have 10 times your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) hit points. The technique ends after the roots' hit points are reduced to 0, and any remaining damage is dealt directly to you. You may end this at will (no action required). This feat counts as making part of the Roots Extension technique.
Prerequisite: Idle Transfiguration Innate Technique, 8th level You have learned new ways to manipulate people's souls, and you have become quite experienced with it too!
Prerequisite: Cursed Speech Innate Technique, 14 Constitution You have amazing vocal cords, making them extra durable. Your vocal cords hit points are increased to 1/2 of your maximum hit points instead of a 1/3. At 10th level, this increases to your maximum hit points.
Prerequisites: Must have the Tool Manipulation Innate Technique, 12th level You became extremely adept at carrying heavy weights with the telekinetic bound you share with your tools. The amount of pounds you can carry is increased to 200 times your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) pounds.
Prerequisites: Must have the Blood Manipulation Innate Technique or the Rot Technique Innate Technique You cannot yet produce blood from cursed energy, so you need another method of obtaining blood points efficiently. The way you do this is by circulating the blood you use externally and bringing it back in. As a bonus action for 2 cursed energy and up to 15 hit points, you may activate this skill. For every hit point, you use upon activation, you gain 3 blood points. These blood points are flowing in and out of your body while this skill is active. You also gain access to a new attack using the blood outside of your body. When taking the attack action, you may use the blood outside of your body to slash enemies. You can replace your attacks with these blood slashes. This can only be used to replace attacks in the attack action. For the slashes, you must make a cursed energy attack roll dealing 2d8 slashing damage on a hit. Each slash costs 1 blood point a piece and has a range of 10ft. This lasts for 1 minute or until you run out of blood points. However, this skill is hard to maintain and you must concentrate on keeping the blood flowing. If you lose concentration you lose all of the blood points remaining.
Prerequisites: You must be a Blood Manipulation user or a Rot Technique user, and either have Reverse Cursed Technique, be a Cursed Spirit, or be a Death Painting You have developed a method to have basically infinite blood for your cursed technique. Whenever you use one of your techniques that requires blood points, you may spend additional cursed energy equal to the blood points needed for the technique, creating 3 blood points per cursed energy spent. In addition, you gain this new ability. As an action for 3 blood points, you may shoot off a limb towards an enemy of your choice. This limb is launched 30 feet towards the target. You may do anything you can normally do with a limb at this new extended range, such as an unarmed strike or a grapple. If you manage to land a grapple you may then pull yourself towards the target or the target towards you, as a part of this action. Finally if you are a Death Painting you may ignore the death save prerequisite of Reverse Cursed Technique and when you heal using it you count as spending one more cursed energy then you actually did.
Prerequisites: You must be a Blood Manipulation user, 4th level By rotating your blood at high speed, you can increase its strength and lethality by making a weapon out of it. You can spend up to your Charisma modifier in blood points and half as much blood points spent in cursed energy, rounded up, to create any kind of non-magical melee weapon as a bonus action, although they count as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances and have a duration of 1 minute. For every two blood points used the weapon gains one additional damage dice (Ex. 1d6→2d6). This feat counts as an Extension Technique for the purposes of class features. This also means you can’t create melee cursed tools this way.
Prerequisites: You must be a Blood Manipulation user, 14th level. By creating small orbs of condensed blood, you can unleash devastating explosions of piercing blood particles. As an action while Convergence is active, for 4 Cursed Energy and 4 Blood Points, you create a small orb of blood that can fit in your hand, placing it in an unoccupied space you can see within 30 feet. The orb remains for up to 1 minute. The orb explodes, forcing each creature within 10 feet to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 11d10 piercing damage and is knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not knocked prone. You may create a number of orbs up to your proficiency bonus at once, spending additional Cursed Energy and Blood Points for each orb. You can choose for the orbs to explode immediately upon creation or manually trigger their detonation as a reaction when a creature enters the explosion range. This counts as an extension technique for the purposes of other features.
Prerequisites: Must have the innate technique Disaster Tides and must be 4th level. Your training with water manipulation has grown to an incredible extent, leading you to create more unique moves. You may choose an additional number of Water Manipulation equal to half your proficiency bonus rounded down. These must be the Water Manipulations from the 3rd level feature of Disaster Tides. Disastrous Water Bender. You've improved even more, allowing for advanced creations to be born. Once you reach 8th level, you may pick an additional number of Advanced Water Manipulations equal to half your proficiency bonus plus 1. These must be the Advanced Water Manipulations from the 6th feature of Disaster Tides. Supreme Aquakinesis. At 20th level, your control over your technique has surpassed most who cannot reach your level. You may switch your Supreme Manipulation option whenever you take a long rest.
Prerequisite: Cursed Spirit Manipulation Innate Technique The cycle of exorcising and consuming is a painful one, something most minds cannot handle. However, you have overcome this cycle and learned how to accept it. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Cursed Spirit Manipulation Innate Technique, 4th level In your experience you've learned and adapted to the habits and routines of generic cursed spirits, and have developed a method to find and hunt them quickly to get them to your arsenal. As part of a long rest, you spend 1 hour searching for weak cursed spirits and absorbing them. At the end of this period, roll a d6. The result is the number of random Grade 4 cursed spirits you managed to find and absorb during your stroll. When you reach 11th level, you'll be able to find and absorb Grade 3 cursed spirits this way. If you have the Cursed Energy Tracker feat, you roll this d6 with advantage.
Prerequisites: Cursed Spirit Manipulation Innate Technique, 4th level Despite knowing it's extremely difficult to control tens of spirits precisely at once, you've experimented and tried to mitigate this weakness, and came to good conclusions. When you make a swarm out of a single type of cursed spirits (such as the Paralysis Curse), the swarm will be able to use the curse's unique traits, such as special actions or reactions or a special type of movement speed such as flight. When the swarm uses any feature that deals damage this way, it's damage or damage dice number will be doubled, and that for every 10 extra spirits in the swarm that amount will be added again. The damage can only be increased this way an amount of times equal to your proficiency bonus. If the feature requires a saving throw to be made, the targeted creatures will roll it with disadvantage. For any features that require Cursed Energy, the swarm will have an amount of it equal to what a single curse composing it would have, and it spends the regular amount.
Prerequisite: Cursed Spirit Manipulation Innate Technique, 8th level, must have Basic Barrier feat. You've learned to use the vision of your spirits as an extension of your own. When creating a barrier or with no action required afterwards while touching a barrier of yours, you can merge cursed spirits in your barrier, spending 2 cursed energy per cursed spirit, receiving the benefits below:
Additionally, you can choose to project the vision of one of your spirits on an object capable of generating or reflecting an image, such as a small mirror or a cellphone that is in your possession.
Prerequisites: Must have the Brain Technique Innate Technique, 15th level. Through your use of the brain technique and its crude capabilities, you have developed a mysterious method to “retain” an innate technique from a body you have inhabited, even after switching from the body. You may now choose to “retain” an innate technique from a body you have taken. While in the body of the innate technique you wish to keep even after switching bodies, you can choose to make its technique the “retained” technique. You can only have one technique retained at a time, which you may possess alongside the innate technique of the current body you are possessing. If you change the technique you have ‘retained’ the previous one will be lost to you. Work with your DM to determine the parameters and conditions for how you retain an innate technique, such is it being a long, drawn out method that requires certain cursed feats, or a simple, easy to use method. For example, your method may require the Barrier Master feat, and require you to slowly etch the technique into your brain using a complex barrier technique over the course of multiple months.
Prerequisites: Must have Auspicious Beast Summon Innate Technique, an experience of Nirvana, such as reaching enlightenment or going through an extreme clarification experience, as determined by your DM, level 14 You have intrigued the master of the beasts you call on the power of. A number of times per long rest equal to your Charisma Mod, as a bonus action you can summon Kaichi, Reiki, Kirin, and Ryu at the same time, paying their combined costs all at once. Additionally, if you have access to the feature "Auspicious Tendencies", then a number of times per long rest equal to your Proficiency Bonus-1(Min 1), you can use a "Dire" Auspicious Beast without paying the cursed energy cost.
Prerequisites: Miracles Innate Technique, 4th level Some have asked you: "Are you lucky because you have miracles by your side, or do you have miracles by your side because you're lucky?" The answer was obvious, you are naturally lucky, your technique merely reflects that in its efficiency. You roll all dice generated by your cursed technique twice, picking the result of one. Additionally, you can make a miracles die roll its maximum amount, being able to do so again only after completing a long rest.
Prerequisites: Ice Formation Innate Technique, 12th level You have learned how to harden your own ice by imbuing more cursed energy when utilizing your technique. Whenever you use your Lapse or Extension techniques, you can spend 4 cursed energy to harden your ice. The ice then gains the following benefits:
This feat counts as an Extension technique.
Prerequisites: Must have Cursed Partner, and 14th level You and your spirit have finally made amends, breaking the curse and making it finally pass on to the afterlife. However, the spirit left you a present before going. You gain the following:
Additionally, your spirit now gains an aspect of your sorcerer path if you have one. The spirit counts as your path for meeting feat prerequisites and ignores level prerequisites. Taijutsu Master. The spirit gains 2 Taijutsu Feats. Cursed Energy Manipulator. The spirit gain 2 Cursed Energy Manipulation Feats. Cursed Corpse Expert. The spirit gains the Cursed Corpse Creator feat and when imbuing a cursed core with cursed energy, every 1 the spirit spends counts as 2. Positive Energy Master. The spirit gains 2 Reverse Cursed Energy Feats. Weapon Master. The spirit gains Cursed Weapon Enhancement and the Cursed Weapon Wielder feat. New Shadow Style Master. The spirit gains the New Shadow Style: Simple Domain feat and either the Vowless Simple Domain feat or the Simple Domain Imbuement feat. Low Reserves Sorcerer. The spirit gains 1 perk, 1 improved perk, and 1 quirk. Shikigami Master. The spirit can act as a medium for your shikigami and summon them itself. Master of Vows. The spirit gains the Binding Vow feature and the Vows Master feat. Barrier Master. The spirits gains 2 Barrier Technique Feats.
Prerequisite: Paralyzing Sight Innate Technique, 14 Constitution You have rather mutative eyes, making them extra durable. Your eye hit points are increased to 1/2 of your maximum hit points instead of a 1/3. At 10th level, this increases to your maximum hit points.
Prerequisites: Mythical Beast Amber Innate Technique, 8th level The thrill of fighting strong opponents progressively ramps up until you are practically overflowing with electricity and killer intent. Whenever you engage in a combat encounter against a creature whose level or CR is either equal or higher than your own, for 10 Cursed Energy you may use your bonus action to ramp up. This Ramped Up state forcibly provides all of the following benefits for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier:
The Ramped Up state can only be entered once per long rest.
Prerequisites: Private Pure Love Train Innate Technique, Must have used Domain Expansion:Idle Death Gamble three times in a single combat encounter, Must have landed Jackpot at least three times in a single combat encounter, 8th level By continuously playing, gambling, and winner during the midst of battle, you at times enter a state of absurd euphoria known as the Fever which makes obtaining that Jackpot all the more sweeter. Once per long rest whenever you are in Normal Mode, you can use a Full Round Action to break the rules of the game and enter a different mode for your Doman by rolling a d20. On a result of 1-10, you enter Riichi Mode. On a result of 11-17, you enter Time-Saving Mode. Finally on a result of 18-20, you enter Probability Change Mode. Additionally you gain the following benefits whenever you are in Probability Change Mode or Time-Saving Mode:
Finally if you score a Jackpot while under the effect of either Probability Change Mode or Time-Saving Mode, you gain the following benefits instead for your normal Jackpot Bonus:
Prerequisite: Teleportation Innate Technique, 8th level With some creative thinking you’ve figured out an entirely brand new way to use your technique, something only your technique could do, swapping the souls of creatures. As an action with two willing creatures both within 15 feet of you, you may swap the souls of the creatures. For the duration of the swap, which is 1 hour or until you dismiss it at will (no action required), all of the creatures’ game statistics are swapped except for their mental stats (Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma), any non-body and non-background feats, and their sorcerer path if they had one. When the swap ends both creatures are returned to their original bodies, reverting the changes to game statistics, but each creature may ignore the prerequisites of any feats the other creature used while in their body, except for prerequisites that require you to be or not be a certain race, prerequisites that require you to have a certain cursed technique, or prerequisites that require you to be a certain class. A creature may only be swapped twice in a one month timeframe, after which you must wait one month before swapping that creature again.
Prerequisites: You must have Reverse Cursed Technique, Must have a Cursed Technique Through constant use of reverse cursed technique, you have learned how to reverse your very own cursed technique. You gain the Reversal Form of your Cursed Technique, detailed at the end of the cursed technique's description. |
Barrier Techniques Feats
Prerequisites: Must have at least 14 Charisma score. You have learned how to create basic barriers to protect areas or trap opponents. You can spend up to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) in cursed energy as an action, creating a dome starting from yourself with a 5ft. radius and a 10ft. height. For each cursed energy spent, the barrier’s maximum radius and height both increase by 10ft, but you may choose to make it smaller if you wish. This barrier has 10 hit points times the amount of cursed energy spent, it has resistance to all damage from the inside, is vulnerable to all damage from the outside and is immune to Poison and Psychic damage. This barrier has an AC equal to the caster's Cursed Energy DC and automatically fails saving throws. This barrier lasts a number of minutes equal to your Charisma modifier. You can deactivate your basic barrier at will (no action required). Curtain: Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure. As an action for 5 Cursed Energy, you cover the sky and the ground within a 2165-foot radius with a sphere of darkness. Upon activation, a dark, almost liquid-like matter drips down from the sky to form the outer barrier wall in the shape of a sphere that extends underground, appearing as a dome from the surface. The curtain changes the sky becomes dark despite the time of day, provoking any cursed spirits out of hiding. Those without levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer class cannot see anything inside the barrier, merely seeing as if nothing but the vegetation was there. Creatures who can see into the ethereal plane or have levels in the jujutsu sorcerer path can see the black sphere. The curtain lasts for 10 times your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) minutes. Your curtain has a number of hit points equal to your Charisma modifier times half your Jujutsu Sorcerer level (rounded down). This barrier has an AC equal to the caster's Cursed Energy DC and automatically fails saving throws. It is also immune to Poison and Psychic damage. You may choose to make your curtain smaller in radius, however it cannot be smaller than a 100-foot radius.
Prerequisites: Basic Barrier feat, 18 or higher Charisma score. You have studied barriers and their effects for a long time, making you become an extremely vital resource for the Jujutsu world.
Prerequisite: Must have at least 18 Charisma score, Barrier Master feat. You have learned how to invade barriers without breaking them. You will gain the following benefits:
None of the features above affect domain expansions.
Prerequisites: Basic Barrier feat. The main technique of the new shadow style, also known as "the domain for the weak." As an action or reaction against a cursed energy attack roll or saving throw, spell or domain expansion opening for 5 Cursed Energy, you surround yourself with a 15 ft. barrier for 1 minute, though said barrier does not impede movement. The circle has an amount of hit points equal to your proficiency bonus times your refinement points. Any cursed techniques or spells that target you, creatures inside your simple domain or targets an area that overlaps with your simple domain, will now target the barrier instead, reducing it's hit points by the damage it would cause. While inside of a domain, the sure-hit feature and sure-hit effect is negated against creatures inside the simple domain but at the start of your turn the simple domain will take 3d12 force damage per 100 refinement the domain has. However, simple domains cannot reduce all incoming damage, they can only dampen it. If you take too much damage from one source it can go through your simple domain and affect you. Your barrier has a damage threshold of your proficiency bonus times ¼ your refinement points. If the simple domain takes more damage than this threshold, the damage over said threshold hurts you. However, it is dampened so you only take 1/4 of the damage over the threshold, rounded down. The damage that leaks over the threshold still affects the simple domain's health. Your simple domain can be refined with time and practice, the more refined your simple domain is, the stronger it gets. You will start out with 1 refinement point. You have the following methods to refine your simple domain: Training. On a long rest, you can spend a number of cursed energy up to your proficiency bonus, gaining an equal number of refinement points. You cannot regain this cursed energy until the next long rest. Practice. Every time you activate your simple domain, you gain 1 refinement point. Resistance. For every 5 damage your simple domain receives, you gain 1 refinement point. You gain benefits the more refined your simple domain is. The refinement benefits for each refinement level are described bellow:
Your refinement points cannot go above 100. To use this technique, you must not move from where the simple domain was cast and must maintain concentration as if you were concentrating on a spell. You cannot use any innate technique features while concentrating on simple domain. If you are in a Domain Expansion then you negate its sure-hit effect on yourself, as it only affects the barrier. You cannot react to the effects of a Domain Expansion with this feat the first time you would get the opportunity after your simple domain ends or is broken.
Prerequisites: Must have a Charisma score of 20 or higher, New Shadow Style: Simple Domain, 50 Simple Domain Refinement You have gained enough skill with the Simple Domain technique that it no longer requires a binding vow to be made for it to be used. You can now freely move whilst concentrating on the Simple Domain as opposed to being unable to move without ending concentration. Furthermore, you can now use your Cursed Technique features whilst concentrating on Simple Domain. In the event that your own cursed techniques or spells targets a creature within your Simple Domain, they will still target the creature instead of the barrier.
Prerequisites: Must have a Charisma score of 20 or higher, New Shadow Style: Simple Domain, 50 Simple Domain Refinement You have learned how to imbue your own Simple Domain into objects as opposed to applying it to yourself. Whenever you finish a long rest, you can imbue your Simple Domain. in 1 melee weapon or up to 6 pieces of ammunition in your possession. Whilst imbued in this way, attacks from these weapons will ignore all defenses which come from features from a cursed technique such as Infinity as an example. The effect of imbuing Simple Domain lasts until an attack hits using the ammunition or it will last until a long rest for a melee weapon. A weapon or ammunition under this effect cannot be effected by a cursed technique feature (such as Blazing Courage for example).
Prerequisites: Basic Barrier feat. A technique predating the new shadow style’s simple domain, most popular during the Golden Age of Sorcery; the Heian Era. As an action, bonus action, or reaction against being affected by a sure hit effect of a Domain Expansion, or seeing a Domain Expansion open, for 5 Cursed Energy, you surround yourself with a 15 ft. barrier for 1 minute. Within that radius, the sure-hit feature and sure-hit effect of the domain is negated; any one of your choice inside of the barrier is unaffected. Additionally the barrier has an amount of hit points equal to 50 times your proficiency bonus, and at the start of your turn inside a domain it takes 3d12 force damage per 100 refinement the domain has. If at any point the barrier disappears or breaks anyone who was protected by it (including you) is immediately struck by the sure hit effect of the domain they’re inside of if they’re inside one. The barrier has no effect on cursed techniques or other people entering the barrier; it simply negates sure hit features and effects. When you activate this feat or as a free action while it is active you may choose to continuously maintain the barrier, requiring concentration but making the barrier no longer take damage at the start of your turn. To do so you must also have two free hands and while you are concentrating those hands are occupied. You must also continuously chant to concentrate on this feat, meaning you cannot activate anything that requires you to speak while concentrating unless you have some alternative way of speaking (such as a second mouth). If at any point you fail to meet either of these requirements the concentration ends, causing the barrier to immediately be affected by the sure hit effect.
Prerequisites: Must have a Cursed Technique, 20 Charisma score, Must not have the Non-Lethal Domain Expansion, 8th level. When you gain this feat, you gain access to an
Through great study of your cursed technique and immense creativity, you have reached a state where an Incomplete Domain is possible for you. By using your creativity, you have crafted an Incomplete Domain special for you. A Domain Expansion is generally centered around a concept using your cursed technique’s Lapse technique as a guideline for how it is developed. You decide how your Incomplete Domain appears in if you acquire a Domain Expansion then it should resemble the appearance of your Incomplete Domain although in a much more complete state. Work with your DM on the effects which your Incomplete Domain has within its space; these effects are stronger than your cursed technique in its normal state however they are weaker than a proper Domain Expansion. As an action for 15 cursed energy, you can manifest your domain in its incomplete state within an enclosed space for 1 minute. To do so, you must be surrounded by objects or barriers in all directions within 90 feet since you have yet to learn how to apply a barrier towards your domain. As your incomplete domain does not have your cursed technique imbued onto it, it does not benefit from the sure-hit feature, but it may still have a sure-hit effect, and will still improve your cursed technique. If your cursed technique has attack rolls, you make them with advantage and if your cursed technique has saving throws, creatures make those saving throws with disadvantage. This feature follows all the rules of Domain Expansion. However, it cannot gain any Refinement Points. Once you reach 12th level and have the Basic Barrier feat you may begin trying to Complete your domain using the rules found in Domain Expansion.
Through furthered experience, understanding and refining your domain itself, you have learnt how to imbue your very own cursed technique. This feature will follow all rules of Domain Expansion. Continually refining your Incomplete Domain has enabled you to imbue your cursed technique onto a barrier, and your completely personalized Domain Expansion is brought into existence. By fully realizing the Incomplete Domain you once had into a true Domain Expansion, its effects are bolstered immensely from what they once were. Ideally, the effects of a Domain Expansion are very lethal, either dealing tremendous amounts of damage or dramatically weakening those caught unprotected in its grasp or a combination of the two concepts in a variety of ways. Work with your DMs on your completed Domain Expansion’s effects and features to determine how the very pinnacle of jujutsu sorcery is treated and wielded by you. You cannot ignore the prerequisites of not having the Non-Lethal Domain Expansion feat through the use of class features, Cursed Techniques features, Sorcerer Paths features, feats or cursed feats you have.
Prerequisites: Must have a Cursed Technique, Must have a Charisma score of 16 or higher, Must have the Basic Barrier feat, Must not have the Incomplete Domain or Domain Expansion feats Through the study of your technique and creativity regarding its’ abilities, you have discovered a trick which allows you to create a Domain Expansion which is centered around rules and/or conditions, instead of having a Sure-hit guaranteed to hurt the target. A Non-Lethal Domain Expansion can be set up in two different ways:
Depending on the effectiveness of your domain, it may have its cursed energy cost changes that either provide a limited number of free uses, lower the domain expansion’s cost, have its cursed energy cost increase with each use to a maximum, or a combination of any of these options. Lastly, for domains that meet conditions then break out of your domain, whenever you have completed the finalized condition which ends your domain early, you gain domain refinement points from Domain Casualties training section unless you want a differing condition to be completed in order to receive refinement points from that option and if your domain destroys another in a Domain Clash then you gain refinement points from Domain Supremacy training section. You cannot ignore the prerequisites of not having the Incomplete Domain or Domain Expansion feats through the use of class features, Cursed Techniques features, Sorcerer Paths features, feats or cursed feats you have.
Prerequisites: Must have a Charisma score of 18 Charisma or higher, Must have a Domain Expansion or New Shadow Style: Simple Domain Domains are a trait that few sorcerers come to understand, much less master as the process is time-consuming and some sorcerers don't ever see their true potential… But a very selective few sorcerers have an uncanny understanding of domains. If you have a Simple Domain, all methods of refining the domain will provide additional refinement points equal to half of your proficiency bonus, rounded down + 1. If you have a Domain Expansion, all methods of refining the domain will provide additional refinement points equal to your Charisma modifier + 1. Additionally, the Domain Expansion Training method can still be performed to refine your domain even if your refinement is at 500 threshold. |
Cursed Energy Feats
Prerequisites: Must have 15 Charisma or higher. Your Cursed Energy has massive reserves, making you become a cursed energy powerhouse. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must have 17 Charisma or higher, Immense Cursed Energy Your Cursed Energy reserves are so absurdly massive that they seem practically endless at times even allowing you to perform great feats of Jujutsu when others run out of cursed energy. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must have 20 Charisma or higher, Overflowing Cursed Energy feat or Natural Sorcerer feat, at least 2 Cursed Energy Enhancements. Your cursed energy is far more dense than a normal sorcerer, allowing your applications to be more powerful. You can choose one of the following options: Dense Strikes. Your Cursed Strike damage dice tier is now a d12. Durable Armor. Your Cursed Energy Armor temporary hit point amount is now the amount of Cursed Energy spent times 15, times 20 at 11th level. Destructive Weapon Enhancement. Your Cursed Weapon Enhancement extra damage is now equal to an amount of cursed energy spent times 4. Cursed Enhancement. Whenever you use a damage dealing feature that utilizes cursed energy its damage dice will be increased by one tier,(d6->d8->d10). This feature does not apply to Cursed Strikes if you have the Dense Strikes option as that counts as an increase already for this feat. It also doesn't apply to Cursed Strikes cursed energy enhancement. If or when you get the Improved Cursed Energy Output feat, you may choose an additional option within the feat and if or when you get the Legendary Cursed Energy Output feat, you may choose an additional option within the feat and finally, if or when you get the Divine Cursed Energy Output feat, you may choose an additional option within this feat.
Prerequisites: Overflowing Cursed Energy feat, or Natural Sorcerer feat, or Cursed Partner feat. Your cursed energy is so immense, so overpowering, that it physically affects others just by its presence. Whenever someone tries to track you or feel your cursed energy, they must make a Wisdom saving throw against your cursed energy DC. On a success, they can feel your cursed energy but are not shaken by it. On a failure, however, they are frightened for 1 minute and receive the following detriments:
A creature remakes this saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If the creature's CR or level is equal to or higher than your Jujutsu Sorcerer level, they make this saving throw with advantage. If the creature's CR or level is 3 or more below your level, they make this saving throw with disadvantage. Once a creature passes this saving throw, they become immune to the effects of Overpowering Cursed Energy for 24 hours if you are 3 or more levels above theirs. However, if your level is equal to or lower than theirs, they remain immune to the feature until you increase your level beyond theirs. When you roll initiative, you can choose any number of creatures within a range equal to your current Cursed Energy divided by 2, multiplied by your Charisma modifier (in feet). These creatures must make the Wisdom saving throw, as though they tried to track or feel your cursed energy. The effects of Overpowering end on any creature that has 15 or more Maximum Cursed Energy than you, and such creatures automatically succeed on all saving throws against this feature.
Prerequisites: You must have proficiency in Perception, and at least 14 or higher on your Charisma score.
Prerequisites: You must have proficiency in Stealth, and at least 14 or higher on your Charisma score.
Prerequisites: 4th Level Understanding that the core of cursed energy is negative emotions you’ve now grown to synthesize your own cursed energy when distressed. Whenever you are under the effects of the conditions frightened, berserked, bloodlusted, are under half your maximum hit points, missing a limb or in an encounter that's total CR is higher than your level; you will gain an amount of temporary cursed energy equal to half of your Charisma modifier at the start of your turn which cannot go above 1/4th of your cursed energy maximum.
Prerequisites: 8th Level, Negative Flow Deepening your knowledge on the creation of cursed energy you can now strengthen your resolve to focus your negative thoughts into more power. While under any of the circumstances listed in the Negative Flow feat you can begin concentrating to increase the temporary cursed energy gained at the start of your turn to your full Charisma modifier. When the circumstances listed in Negative Flow end you can no longer concentrate on this feat. (This feat can be concentrated on even while under the bloodlust or berserk conditions) |
Cursed Energy Manipulation Feats
Prerequisites: Must have an 13 or higher Charisma score, a Cursed Energy Enhancement You have been trying out new ways to use your cursed energy and managed to learn a new method of using it.
This feat may be taken multiple times.
Prerequisites: Must have one Physical Ability Score (Strength, Dexterity or Constitution) of 16 or higher, must have an 18 or higher Charisma score, 12th level Your entire body is enhanced by cursed energy, making you excel in tasks people who train their bodies all their lives can't. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must have two Physical Ability Scores (Strength, Dexterity or Constitution) of 16 or higher, Cursed Enhanced Body, 16th level Having been continuously running cursed energy through your body at such an efficient rate, you are capable of dynamically reinforcing it at an unconscious level. You gain the following benefits so long as you have at least 1 cursed energy:
Prerequisites: At least 16 on your Charisma score, Cursed Energy Weapon Enhancement As an action while Cursed Energy Weapon Enhancement is active on a weapon that deals slashing damage, you can spend Cursed Energy up to your Charisma modifier to produce a huge cursed energy slash. You make all creatures in a 30ft. line make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take the damage of your weapon + a number of rolls of your weapon damage dice equal to the amount spent in necrotic damage, on a success they take half as much damage. The damage type of this technique may change according to your cursed technique.
Prerequisites: At least 16 on your Charisma score You have learned how to create huge blasts out of pure cursed energy. As an action and by spending cursed energy up to your Charisma modifier, you can launch a cursed energy ball in a line of 30ft. Once it reaches the end of the line, it will explode in a 15ft. circle, making every creature in that range make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d12 + a number of additional dice equal to the amount spent in necrotic damage, and half as much on a success. The damage type of this technique may change like the Cursed Strike and Cursed Weapon Enhancement features.
Prerequisites: At least 16 on your Charisma score You are capable of releasing a destructive burst of Cursed Energy from your body. As an Action by spending Cursed Energy up to your Charisma Modifier, you can release a burst of raw Cursed Energy. Every creature within a 30ft circle of the caster must make a Dex Save. On a failure they take 1d12 + a number of additional dice equal to the amount spent in necrotic damage and are knocked back to the edges of the circle. They take half as much damage on a success and are not knocked back. The damage type of this technique may change like the Cursed Strike and Cursed Weapon Enhancement features.
Prerequisites: Must have an Charisma score of 18 or higher, 12th level Through a long and difficult process, you have managed to strengthen your cursed energy output which can now be used to amplify your Jujutsu techniques further. As apart of any feature which uses cursed energy, you can expend extra cursed energy on it equal to half of the feature’s original cost to amplify its output. This cannot be used on Domain Expansion. Amplify a feature this way grants one of the following benefits:
If a feature benefits from either Maximum Output or Chanting that is already benefiting from this feat, it’s total cursed energy cost is reduced by your Charisma modifier to a minimum of 1. This cursed energy reduction does not apply for the purposes of the Flawless Fundamentals feat.
Prerequisites: Must have a Charisma score of 20 or higher, Must have at least two Cursed Energy Enhancement, Improved Cursed Energy Output, 15th Level Your cursed energy output has become so efficient that the power you generate is legendary and your more generalized applications are something that only masters possess. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must have a Charisma score of 20 or higher, Must have all Cursed Energy Enhancement options, Legendary Cursed Energy Output, 18th Level Gaining complete and absolute mastery over your cursed energy output enables you to alter the very capabilities of your jujutsu techniques and abilities. As apart of any feature that uses cursed energy, you can expend 8 cursed energy to drastically alter its functions as part of the same action you use the feature with. If the feature was a Cursed Energy Attack, the target of your attack or attack rolls has their AC treated as if it had been reduced by half of your proficiency bonus (rounded down) + 1. If the feature was a Cursed Energy save, you may change the saving throw to another depending on its original save. The changes are the following below:
Your Cursed Energy Enhancements are also affected by your unbelievably high cursed energy output with the following: Reinforced Cursed Strike. Whenever you use a cursed strike, its damage tier will be increased by one. Reinforced Cursed Armor. While your cursed armor is active, you regain temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus at the beginning of your turns. These temporary hit points cannot go above the maximum amount of armor you can have. Reinforced Cursed Weapon Enhancement. Whenever you are attacking with a weapon that has been affected by cursed weapon enhancement, your reach increases by 5ft. The maximum cursed energy limit for the Cursed Energy Slash, Cursed Energy Ray or Cursed Energy Explosion feats is now doubled. Finally, whenever you use a cursed energy fueled feature and amplify its output using Improved Cursed Energy Output then you can apply two benefits as opposed to one by expending cursed energy equal to the feature's cost (A minimum of 1).
Prerequisites: 20 Charisma score or higher, must have all Cursed Energy Enhancement options, Cursed Energy Reinforcement, Improved Cursed Energy Output, 19th level. Your cursed energy manipulation is some of the best that the world has ever seen, it must take at least a couple of centuries for another person such as yourself to be born once again. You pick 2 of the following categories to have their cursed energy cost reduced:
For the categories you selected, any features that require cursed energy to be expended may instead reduce its cost by twice your proficiency bonus (to a minimum of 1 cursed energy). [Ex. With a proficiency bonus of 6, this cursed feat reduces the costs of features that require cursed energy by 12.] Additionally, as apart of short rest, you can begin to meditate for 30 minutes to replenish your expended energy. This allows you to regain cursed energy equal to half of your maximum (rounded up) after you finish the short rest. If or when you get the Legendary Cursed Energy Output feat or Divine Cursed Energy Output feat then you may pick an additional 2 categories to reduce the cost of. If you possess both of the output feats then you reduce the cost of everything that costs cursed energy and you gain the following feature:
Prerequisites: Cursed Weapon Enhancement You have learned to imbue your cursed energy into ranged weapons, allowing you to manipulate any piece of ammunition shot from it. This also works with weapons with the thrown property. When using Cursed Weapon Enhancement, you can imbue a ranged weapon, which turns any pieces of ammunition shot from it for the duration into Cursed Projectiles, which also add your Charisma modifier to the damage instead of any other modifier you would use. When using these Cursed Projectiles, you make ranged Cursed Energy Attacks instead of what you would normally use to attack with them, and you control their trajectory while in the air, making attacks with them ignore cover. Additionally, they will stay in the air floating for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier, allowing you to keep making attacks with them using a Bonus Action even after being shot until they hit a solid object or target, when they lose this property. You can only attack with a number of pieces of ammunition this way per turn a number of times up to your Charisma modifier. A creature in range may attack your Cursed Projectiles to destroy them; they have 1 hit point and 10 AC.
Prerequisites: Must have a Cursed Technique, Intelligence or Wisdom score of 14 or higher, Charisma Score of 17 or higher. 12th level You are now capable of creating recitations of chanting for your Innate Technique features. An example is… “Polarized light, crow and declaration, between front and back.” You may choose one of your Innate Technique features and recite one of your chants as an Action. The next time you use that Innate Technique Feature that has a recitation after chanting within two turns starting on your next turn, it will gain two of the following benefits of your choice:
Every subsequent turn you spend your Action chanting the technique it will gain another two bonuses of your choice. The chanted technique may only have a number of bonuses applied to it equal to 1+ your Intelligence or Wisdom mod. In addition, the chanted Innate Technique feature will have its final damage boosted by 20% per round you spent chanting. (After all the dice have been rolled, multiply the total damage(s) by 1.2). This damage bonus is capped at 100%. (2x Damage). Rather than using an action, you can perform a more complex variation of Chanting that combines both complex hand signs and delicate recitations as a Full Round Action. When Chanting in this manner you may add four bonuses from the above list to the chanted technique, and every subsequent turn you spend a Full Round Action chanting the technique in this way it will gain four more bonuses of your choice. Additionally, the chanted Innate Technique feature will have its final damage boosted by 50% per round you spent Complex Chanting. This damage bonus is capped at 100%. (2x Damage). While Chanting or Complex Chanting you must maintain concentration as if maintaining concentration on a spell. If your Innate Technique feature that benefits from Chanting allows you to make more than one attack roll or forces a target to make more than one save or has multiple ranges, you may only choose one of those components at a time to apply the benefit to. (Ex: You could choose to apply a saving throw disadvantage to the first saving throw of the technique, but in order to apply one to the second saving throw of the technique you would have to add that bonus to that part as well). You cannot perform Maximum Output on an Innate Technique feature benefiting from Chanting. You cannot apply the benefits of Chanting towards a Domain Expansion. You cannot ready an action for the chanting feat.
Prerequisites: You must have the Sorcerer Family Background Unlike Simple Domain, in which the user manifests their own domain to nullify a domain expansion's auto-hit attack, Falling Blossom Emotion shrouds the user in cursed energy that counter-attacks the moment a domain's guaranteed hit makes contact. As an action or reaction against being affected by a sure hit effect of a Domain Expansion, or seeing a Domain Expansion open, for 10 Cursed Energy, you will shroud yourself in cursed energy for 1 minute. The sure-hit feature of the Domain Expansion is negated. This prevents any Cursed Energy attack rolls from automatically hitting you and prevents you from automatically failing any Cursed Energy saves caused by the Domain Expansion. You gain a special damage reduction equal to your Charisma modifier times your proficiency bonus added twice plus your Charisma modifier times 4 that applies to the sure hit effect for the duration of this technique. If the damage from the Domain Expansion does not exceed the damage reduction, its damage will be negated and any effects it would apply are negated as well. This feature cannot prevent the effects or damage of anything non-physical, such as a mental attack which does psychic damage. You may also use this technique offensively. As an action for 5 Cursed Energy, you can surround yourself with cursed energy and prepare to make counterattacks for the next minute. When you receive an attack roll, you can use your reaction to make one melee weapon attack with an advantage. On a hit, the attack is considered as a critical hit and will deal its damage as necrotic damage. Once you have used this technique, you must use an action to prepare it before using this special attack again. If your cursed energy alters damage types for features, it can also alter the damage type for Falling Blossom Emotion.
Prerequisites: Cursed Spirit, Special Grade or Pseudo-Special Grade, 18+ Charisma As a powerful cursed spirit you’ve figured out how to imprint your very soul on the world around you, manifesting your innate domain into reality. As an action for 5 cursed energy you manifest your innate domain in an enclosed space. Your innate domain fills the space and lasts until it is dispelled (which you can do at will with no action required), you fall unconscious, or you die. The area of your Innate Domain cannot overlap with the area of a Domain Expansion. You choose how the inside of your innate domain looks, though if you could acquire a Domain Expansion it should bear a heavy resemblance to that. Work with your DM to determine the effect of your innate domain, such as being bigger on the inside with constantly shifting terrain you control or forcing those inside to answer a specific question and inflicting ill effects on them depending on their answer. Additionally if you meet the requirements for a Complete Domain from the Domain Expansion feat minus the 400 domain refinement, as well as the prerequisites of the feat itself, and are in a combat encounter where your life is at risk at 1/4th of your maximum hit points or lower you may roll a Charisma saving throw at the beginning of each of your turns, with a DC equal to 10 + how many levels you are below 20th level. On a success you gain the Domain Expansion feat and your domain is automatically completed. Finally if you gain a Domain Expansion you may replace this feat with a feat or cursed feat of your choice that you meet the prerequisites for that isn’t a Body, Taijutsu, or Background feat. |
Cursed Creations Feats
Prerequisites: At least 16 on your Charisma score, one talisman(paper imbued with your cursed energy). You have obtained a talisman, a symbol or a seal used to summon Shikigami. You must choose one of the Shikigami listed at the Shikigami list, with a CR equal or lower than half of your level(rounded down). You can now spend an action to summon said shikigami by spending a number of cursed energy equal to it's CR(Minimum 1). To control and command your shikigami, use the Summon Commanding Rules. Your shikigami regain all lost hit points after a long rest. If the Shikigami dies, you cannot summon it again until you take a long rest.
You may take this feat multiple times. Any Shikigami obtained through the Taming Shikigami and Cursed Spirits variant rule also count towards your limit for how many shikigami you can control.
Prerequisites: You must be at least 8th level, must have Cursed Weapon Enhancement. You are very skilled when it comes to creating Cursed Tools. Upon taking this Feat, you gain the all three options from the Hiroshima Jujutsu School Advanced Studies class feature. At 11th Level, you are able to create Grade 3 Cursed Tools using this feature. Armor you create will have 10+(10 times your Jujutsu Sorcerer level) hit points. Sight Improvement items you make will grant a bonus to Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) checks equal to your Charisma mod + half your Charisma mod. At 14th Level, you are able to create Grade 2 Cursed Tools using this feature. Armor you create will have 10+(15 times your Jujutsu Sorcerer level) hit points. Sight Improvement items you make will grant a bonus to Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) checks equal to twice your Charisma mod. At 17th Level, you are able to create Grade 1 Cursed Tools using this feature. When making Armor, you will be able to select 1 damage type that isn’t Necrotic or Radiant and apply a resistance to that type of damage while the armor still has hit points. Armor may only have 1 damage resistance at a time, but this can be changed during a long rest by someone with the Cursed Blacksmith Feat who is at least 17th level. Sight Improvement items you make will allow the wearer to make Sight based Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) checks with advantage. Additionally, if you possess an Innate Technique, you gain the following benefit:
Prerequisites: You must be at least 12th level, have a 16 Intelligence score or more, at least 20 Charisma score, and must posses Cursed Blacksmith. You always had an abnormal curiosity about the sorcerer world, wanting to see what happens once you mix that with that.
Cursed Object and Tool Creation Creating cursed objects and tools is no easy task. It takes a lot of time, money, and cursed energy. In order to create a tool or object you must first decide the desired effect. Work with your GM to determine the grade that your creation would be based on its effect. Then based on that time it will take an amount of money and energy to be made.
If you are attempting to create something that has an effect similar to that of another tool or object or that has an effect similar to someone else’s or your innate technique, the time to create it is reduced. If you have a tool or object to copy or someone who can help in the creation process with their innate technique, the time to create the tool or object is cut in half.
Prerequisites: Must have the Cursed Experimenter feat, female, and must be able to have children. Your wonder of the sorcerer world knows no bounds, experimenting with your child is nothing compared to satiating your curiosity! During the nine months of pregnancy, you can spend 30 cursed energy per month to experiment with the child. Once the child is born, it will gain one of the following benefits:
Prerequisites: You must be at least 16th level, have at least a 20 for your Charisma score, at least 16 on your Intelligence, and 1 Soul Knowledge. With enough time and experience, you have learned how to transform living creatures into cursed objects. You gain access to Cursed Object Creation.
Prerequisites: At least 16 on your Charisma score You gain access to Cursed Corpse Creation, being able to create tiny or small Cursed Corpses. |
Reverse Cursed Energy Feats
You cannot gain any of these cursed feats if you're a Cursed Spirit or a construct.
Prerequisites: You must be at least 8th level, have 17+ Charisma score, must have failed two death saves in the same combat and survive. After many battles and studies about your cursed energy, you learn to use your cursed energy in a completely opposite way, channeling positive energy instead of negative. You have a pool of healing you can use with your reverse cursed energy that's equal to 5 times your level times your Charisma modifier. As a bonus action for x cursed energy, you can remove healing from that pool to regain hit points. You may also remove healing from the pool as a reaction to receiving damage. For every 1 cursed energy spent, you regain 10 hit points, removing an equal amount from the pool. If you are suffering from a physical effect injury such as a concussion or something similar, one of these effects can be healed for every 10 hit points healed with reverse cursed technique. This cannot heal the health of lost limbs. You can use your Reverse Cursed Technique until your healing pool ends before getting burnout, during which you can't use RCT until your healing pool recovers. At the beginning of your turns while in a combat where your life is at risk, you regain 5 hit points of your healing pool back. Your healing pool automatically goes back to full at the end of a long rest, or short rest if you recover cursed energy on a short rest. Once per round, you may try to force your reverse cursed technique to come out despite being in burnout, forcing you to make a DC25 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you will gain 1 level of exhaustion, which can be reduced upon taking a short or long rest instead of just upon taking a long rest. On a success, you regain half as many hit points as you normally would.
Prerequisites: You must have Reverse Cursed Technique feat. You have a great understanding of positive energy, becoming a high level sorcerer. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must have the Reverse Cursed Technique feat, must be Positive Energy Master Your output with reverse cursed energy has increased, allowing you to heal others instead of yourself. You may cause a non-Cursed Spirit creature within your reach to gain the benefits of reverse cursed technique instead of you. When used in this way, reverse cursed technique is half as efficient. The creature regains half as many hit points as you would. When using the reverse cursed technique on a creature other than yourself, lost limbs cannot regain hit points. In addition, whenever you deal damage to a Cursed Spirit with an unarmed strike, melee weapon, or natural weapon, you can spend cursed energy to remove hit points from your healing pool to add as radiant damage. You add 5 radiant damage per 1 cursed energy spent to a maximum of your charisma modifier cursed energy. Alternatively as an action you may make a melee weapon attack roll against a Cursed Spirit within reach. On a hit you may spend cursed energy as if healing with reverse cursed technique, dealing 5 radiant damage to the curse per cursed energy spent and removing the same amount of hit points from your healing pool. When using Improved Output in either of these ways, you cannot apply Cursed Strikes or Cursed Weapon Enhancement to the melee weapon attack. |
Binding Vow Feats
Prerequisites: Must have an 13 or higher Intelligence score, Binding Vow feature, 5th level, You became experienced in making vows with people or yourself, which led to you making them more and more.
Prerequisites: Must have 17 or higher Intelligence score, Binding Vow feature , 8th Level Your understanding of the concepts of Binding Vows has provided an uncanny amount of insight. So much so that certain Binding Vows no longer strain the user and even one binding vow that you possess is far greater than those of other sorcerers. You will gain the following benefits:
Canon Feat Changes and Additions
While we can make most feats strong while keeping balance in check, some are just impossible to adapt without breaking the game. That's why we have canon feats for those who want the true JJK feeling.
Background Feats
Prerequisite: Must have two Ability Scores of 15 or higher, one of which is Charisma Design Note: This feature is extremely powerful, so take extreme care when handing this out to a player. Your potential is virtually limitless even when compared to other incredible Jujutsu Sorcerers or Cursed Spirits. You gain the following benefits: Endless Possibilities. One prerequisite that belongs to a feat or cursed feat may be ignored by you. You cannot ignore prerequisites that would require you to have another cursed feat, be a certain race, possess a certain innate technique, possess an innate technique, be a certain class or body feat prerequisites. For example, you can't pick the Reverse Cursed Technique if you are a Cursed Spirit.
Prerequisite: Must pick the Gojo Clan sorcerer family, must be a Human, and there must be a Star Plasma Vessel in the world. Design Note: This feature can only be given to one player per campaign. This feature is extremely powerful, so take extreme care when handing this out to a player. You have the gift granted only to the strongest of the Gojo Clan, the Six Eyes. You will gain the following benefits: Illuminated Vision. You will gain 60 ft. of Truesight. You may not have any penalties for seeing through any thin, light and non rigid object, such as a blindfold, towel, or scarf, allowing you to use it as a way of protecting your eyes from the sheer amount of information your eyes capture. You must gain 12 Infinity Optimization counters in order to get the Infinity Optimization feature. You no longer need to use reactions or spend cursed energy to nullify attacks using the technique when you gain this feature. Technique Analyzer. Your eyes allow you to uncover the secrets of techniques. As a reaction to seeing an Extension, Reversal, or Maximum technique be used while your eyes were uncovered, or as a bonus action within 1 minute of seeing them used while your eyes were uncovered, you may make a Intelligence(Arcana) check against its cursed energy DC. On a failure, you must wait to see the feature used again. On a success, you will learn the feature and its capabilities. Legendary Name. The Six Eyes are universally known throughout the jujutsu world as a symbol of ultimate power, and it naturally imposes such reputation over others. When a creature that has heard of the Six Eyes and it's reputation sees you for the first time, and knows you have the blessing, they must make a Wisdom saving throw against your cursed energy DC. On a failure, they are frightened by you, any creature affected that is forced to make a saving throw by them may do it with advantage, and the frightened creature can't concentrate on anything. On a success they don't need to make the saving throw ever again. An affected creature may repeat their saving throw at the end of their turns. Although if the creature's CR is lower than your Jujutsu Sorcerer level by a difference of 10 or more, on a failure they can't repeat the saving throw if the are within 120 ft. of you and aware of it, and on a success they are only immune for 24 hours. You may choose to not affect a creature with this feature. At 14th level, you can spend 6 Cursed Energy as a bonus action to expand your range of Truesight to 120 feet for 1 minute in initiative, or 1 hour out of initiative.
Prerequisites: Must be a Human. When you were still inside the womb, due to unknown circumstances, you ate your twin. Doing this has left you with an abnormal body due to you absorbing your twin. You have four arms, two faces, and two mouths, one being normal and the other being on your stomach. Due to the cursed nature of your birth you are overflowing in negative energy. You may now add your Charisma modifier and Proficiency bonus to your Cursed energy maximum an additional time. Your body has transformed as you begin to resemble the perfect form for sorcery. Your size increases by one category to a maximum of large, you gain advantage on Intimidation checks, and your Strength and Constitution scores and their maximums increase by 2. The extra pair of eyes that you have also allows for you to make Perception checks with advantage. Additionally, the 2 extra arms right below your original ones, as well as a mouth on your stomach are fully functional and can act independently of your original limbs. They give you the following benefits:
In addition, you can ignore 1 prerequisite for the Chanting cursed feat that is not the level requirement. Due to your mastery of this new form and its synergy with chanting, chanting is now a free action instead of an action for you and complex chanting is now an action.
Prerequisites: Must be a Human. In addition to its regular benefits, your spirit will gain the following:
Cursed Technique Feats
Prerequisite: Ten Shadows Technique Cursed Technique, 14th level You will now be able to create totalities even when your Shikigami haven't been reduced to 0 hit points, and may use more than two on a totality. |
Prerequisites: Must have scored at least 3 critical hits in melee attack rolls in a single battle, Must have Cursed Strike or Cursed Weapon Enhancement You have become more connected with your cursed energy, now being able to use the famous Black Flash technique, where your attack is raised to the power it's original damage to the power of 2.5 (with the bare minimum being 2 from what Gege said). To use this feat, the creature must be able to use cursed energy and either Cursed Strike or Cursed Weapon Enhancement feature.
When you score a critical hit (It must be a Natural 20 for it to count) with a melee weapon attack that benefits from either Cursed Strike or Cursed Weapon Enhancement, or a ranged attack that benefits from Cursed Projectiles, you can choose to land a Black Flash. Before the damage calculation, roll a d6 to see how much additional Necrotic damage your Black Flash will add onto the damage roll using the table below:
In addition, the amount of dice you roll from your critical with this attack will increase by one additional damage die, and the Black Flash simply does not occur if the attack wouldn’t otherwise hit (such as if it was negated by an ability). After you land a Black Flash, it becomes easier to land another. Your next attack on the same turn will trigger a Black Flash on a Natural 15 or higher, known as a Black Flash DC. For every other Black Flash after the second, the Natural attack roll must be 1 higher than the previous. (Ex. Third Black Flash lands on a 16, the DC becomes 17. Fourth lands on a 17, the DC becomes 18.) Failing to land a consecutive Black Flash results in the DC being lost, requiring another Natural 20 to regain it, beginning at the starting DC. In The Zone. Hitting a Black Flash puts an individual in the zone, temporarily bringing out 120% of their potential. You will gain the following benefits for a number of minutes equal to the black flashes you hit in the turn; the benefits will last from during the turn you landed the Black Flash until those number of minutes after it:
After experiencing your first ever Black Flash, your understanding of cursed energy compared to those who have never landed one is like heaven and earth. When you use Black Flash for the first time, you learn a Cursed Energy or Cursed Energy Manipulation feat of your choice that you meet the prerequisites for. You can only benefit from this once during your first Black Flash. |
Cursed Energy Manipulation Feats
Prerequisites: Cursed Spirit, Special Grade or Pseudo-Special Grade, 18+ Charisma As a powerful cursed spirit you’ve figured out how to imprint your very soul on the world around you, manifesting your innate domain into reality. As an action for 5 cursed energy you manifest your innate domain in an enclosed space. Your innate domain fills the space and lasts until it is dispelled (which you can do at will with no action required), you fall unconscious, or you die. The area of your Innate Domain cannot overlap with the area of a Domain Expansion. You choose how the inside of your innate domain looks, though if you could acquire a Domain Expansion it should bear a heavy resemblance to that. Work with your DM to determine the effect of your innate domain, such as being bigger on the inside with constantly shifting terrain you control or forcing those inside to answer a specific question and inflicting ill effects on them depending on their answer. Additionally if you meet the requirements for a Complete Domain from the Domain Expansion feat minus the 400 domain refinement and level, as well as the prerequisites of the feat itself other than level, and are in a combat encounter where your life is at risk at 1/4th of your maximum hit points or lower you may roll a Charisma saving throw at the beginning of each of your turns, with a DC equal to 10 + how many levels you are below 20th level. On a success you gain the Domain Expansion feat and your domain is automatically completed. Finally if you gain a Domain Expansion you may replace this feat with a feat or cursed feat of your choice that you meet the prerequisites for that isn’t a Body, Taijutsu, or Background feat. |
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