Barrier Techniques Feats[edit]
Barrier techniques are cursed techniques used to create barriers, most sorcerers can grasp the basics of barrier techniques, but only a few can truly master it.
- Domain Subtraction
Prerequisites: Must have a Charisma score of 20 Charisma or higher, Must have a Domain Expansion, and 800 Domain Refinement
Through great study of your domain and combative practices, you managed to combine the aspects of domain amplification and domain expansion to create a new type of technique, Domain subtraction.
A domain subtraction involves you covering yourself in your domain creating a physical manifestation centered on yourself, unlike domain amplification you may still use your innate technique with domain subtraction is active.
The effects of a domain subtraction are unique to every user, but they should all improve the user’s lapse technique or physical capabilities. You may activate your Domain Subtraction as a full turn action for 30 cursed energy, while it is active you gain a number of the following subtraction effects equal to your half your proficiency bonus + 1 (rounded down)to be part of your domain subtraction:
- Subtractive Physicals. Your domain’s energy has been redirected into your own body, empowering your athleticism. For the duration of your subtraction, your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution increase by your Charisma modifier.
- Impenetrable Barrier. Your domain’s barrier has greatly toughened due to its shrinking. Your armor class increases by your Charisma modifier or your proficiency bonus and you will gain a bonus to saving throws equal to your Charisma modifier.
- Improved Manipulation. Your symbiosis between your body and domain has greatly improved your manipulation of cursed energy. Whenever you use a Cursed Energy Enhancement it will count as if you’ve spent twice as much cursed energy, exceeding the normal maximum for the enhancement.
- Innate Economy. Your technique that’s normally found within your barrier has now gotten much closer to your soul, doubling your technique efficiency. Your lapse and extension techniques will always count as if you’d spent the maximum amount for it. Additionally, you may choose one of your techniques' action cost to be reduced by 1 and have its cost reduced to 0 (action -> bonus action -> reaction or free action (If you choose to reduce a technique to a reaction, you gain 1 additional reaction exclusively for using that technique)).
- Sure-Hit’s Power. Your domain’s sure hit effect has been negated during your domain subtraction, but its power has been diverted into your own techniques. Whenever you use your technique it will gain a number of additional damage die equal to twice your Charisma modifier.
- Domain Coating. Your weapon and cursed energy attacks targeting creatures or objects within 10ft of you will add your Charisma modifier to attack and damage rolls.
- Domain Difficulty. Your domain’s difficulty has translated to your subtraction, you cursed energy DC increases by your Charisma modifier.
- Cursed Aura. Creatures that start their turn within 30 ft of you must make a saving throw of your choice, or take a number of d6s equal to your level.
- Domain Durability. Your domain’s barrier has inverted, leaving the durable side facing away from you and leaving you greatly resisted from damage. You gain damage reduction equal to twice your Charisma modifier or gain resistance to all damage excluding psychic.
- Unique Subtraction. Your domain subtraction is different from all others, you may work with your DM to create a unique feature exclusive to your subtraction.
Your domain subtraction lasts for a number of minutes as your normal domain plus a number of rounds equal to your sorcerer level. Once your subtraction ends, you must make a Charisma saving throw with a DC equal to twice your level reduced by your Charisma modifier (or twice your Charisma modifier if you have Cursed Energy Reinforcement). If you fail this saving throw, you will suffer the effects of Technique Burnout but only with 1 level of exhaustion.
Due to the complexity of this technique, you may only do this once per day. Twice if you have Legendary Cursed Energy Output. If you attempt to do this more than your daily limit, you will make the save at the end of the subtraction at disadvantage, and take 4 points of exhaustion.
Cursed Energy Feats[edit]
Feats related to your Cursed Energy in it's pure and fundamental form, and also in how you use it.
- Enormous Cursed Energy
Prerequisites: Must have 19 Charisma or higher, Overflowing Cursed Energy
Your Cursed Energy reserves have become so expansive that you can use multiple high-level techniques in succession without breaking a sweat. You gain the following benefits:
- Your Charisma score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
- You will add your Charisma modifier + half your character level (rounded up) + your proficiency bonus when determining your cursed energy maximum.
- Gigantic Cursed Energy
Prerequisites: Must have 20 Charisma or higher, Enormous Cursed Energy
Your Cursed Energy reserves are at a point that they rival those of natural-born wells of cursed energy. You gain the following benefits:
- Your Charisma score increases by 1, to a maximum of 30.
- You will add your character level + Charisma modifier added twice when calculating your cursed energy maximum.
- Monstrous Cursed Energy
Prerequisites: Must have 21 Charisma or higher, Gigantic Cursed Energy
You are a legend of Cursed Energy, with your reserves being one of the highest in history. You gain the following benefits:
- Your Charisma score increases by 1, to a maximum of 30.
- You will add your character level + Charisma modifier added twice + proficiency bonus added twice when calculating your cursed energy maximum.
- Titanic Cursed Energy
Prerequisites: Must have 23 Charisma or higher, Monstrous Cursed Energy
You are a true titan of Cursed Energy, your reserves of the highest ever recorded, surpassing even the levels of Ryomen Sukuna himself. You gain the following benefits:
- Your Charisma score increases by 1, to a maximum of 30.
- You will add your character level + half your character level again (rounded up) + Charisma modifier added twice + proficiency bonus added twice when calculating your cursed energy maximum.
- Godly Cursed Energy
Prerequisites: Must have 25 Charisma or higher, Titanic Cursed Energy
Your Cursed Energy reserves are considered godly, surpassing anything thought possible previously. You gain the following benefits:
- Your Charisma score increases by 1, to a maximum of 30.
- You will add your character level + half your character level again (rounded up) + three times your Charisma modifier + three times your proficiency bonus when calculating your cursed energy maximum.
- Mountainous Cursed Energy
Prerequisites: Must have 27 Charisma or higher, Godly Cursed Energy
Your Cursed Energy reserves are so absurdly massive that it is more than the collective Cursed Energy reserves of the entire population of the nation combined. You gain the following benefits:
- Your Charisma score increases by 1, to a maximum of 30.
- You will add twice your character level + three times your Charisma modifier + three times your proficiency bonus when calculating your cursed energy maximum.
- Planetary Cursed Energy
Prerequisites: Must have 29 Charisma or higher, Mountainous Cursed Energy
Your Cursed Energy reserves are larger than the collective reserves of everyone else on Earth together. You gain the following benefits:
- Your Charisma score increases by 1, to a maximum of 30.
- You will add three times your character level + four times your Charisma modifier + four times your proficiency bonus when calculating your cursed energy maximum.
- Cosmic Cursed Energy
Prerequisites: Must have 30 Charisma or higher, Planetary Cursed Energy
Your Cursed Energy reserves are comparable to the masses of celestial bodies. You gain the following benefits:
- When a creature attempts to sense cursed energy while you are in range, they are unable to detect any other cursed energy signatures besides yours.
- You will add four times your character level + five times your Charisma modifier + fives times your proficiency bonus when calculating your cursed energy maximum.
- Endless Cursed Energy
Prerequisites: Must have 30 Charisma or higher, Cosmic Cursed Energy
Your Cursed Energy reserves are endless and near infinite. You gain the following benefits:
- You will add four times your character level + five times your Charisma modifier + fives times your proficiency bonus when calculating your cursed energy maximum.
You may take this feat multiple times.
- Cursed Partner Variant
Prerequisites: Must be a Human
Due to a traumatic event in your past, a loved one has since come to haunt you. You were unable to cope with their death and now they have returned as a curse.
You have a Vengeful Spirit bound to you at all times, however the majority of the time it will be in a dormant, non physical state.
Summoning Energy. Summoning and maintaining a creature requires you draw on their reserves. You gain a number of summoning points equal to twice your proficiency bonus times your Charisma modifier. After summoning your Cursed Partner, you lose 1 summoning point per round at the end of your turn. When your Cursed Partner manifests as Berserk, all drain from this pool is doubled. You regain half your maximum at the end of a short rest, and all points at the end of a long rest.
Innate Technique. If your Vengeful Spirit possessed an Innate Technique in its life, even if it had been a non-sorcerer, it will still possess one as a spirit. Work with your DM to determine it’s innate technique, with your DM determining a level for your vengeful spirit to be for the purposes of it using its innate technique.
When your spirit is not dormant, it has two forms:
Partially Manifested. While in this form, the spirit has a physical form that is partly a shadowy visage, and it is not at full power. It takes double the damage from all sources, and any damage it deals is halved (rounded down), and it cannot use its Innate Technique if it possesses one. Your vengeful spirit can be partially manifested in the following ways:
Danger Manifestation. Your life is very stressful, being a sorcerer is filled with danger and trouble. When these times of danger come, your Vengeful Spirit may manifest into the physical world.
Whenever you take damage from one instance of damage above your level + twice your Charisma modifier (minimum of 2), or are otherwise shown hostility, you must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw. This damage must reduce your hit points, not taking into account any temporary hit points that are reduced.
On a success, you can handle yourself and don't let your spirit get out. On a failure however, your Vengeful Spirit will partially manifest itself into the world to protect you.
At 11th level, you no longer are forced to make the Wisdom saving throw, and you may call upon your spirit to appear in its partially manifested form as a bonus action for 4 summoning points, appearing within 10 feet of you. You may summon the spirit to be partially manifested a number of times equal to half of your proficiency bonus(rounded down), regaining all uses after a long rest.
If your spirit is reduced to 0 hit points in its partially manifested form, it is desummoned, returning to its dormant state. You may call upon it again, with it regaining 1 hit point when being summoned.
Fully Manifested. In its full form, the spirit is now at its full power, and can act with its full might.
In order to fully manifest your spirit, you must directly call on it, attempting to channel the curse’s power. As an action for 10 summoning points, you may make a DC 25 Charisma saving throw. On a failure, nothing happens. On a success, your spirit is summoned in its Fully Manifested form, appearing within 10 feet of you. If you have the Cursed Partner Variant feat, then your spirit may only be Fully Manifested for at most five minutes a day, after which it cannot be Fully Manifested again until you finish a long rest.
So long as the curse that binds you and your spirit together persists, your spirit cannot be exorcised. If it is reduced to 0 hit points or killed, it will regain 1 hit point and become stable, going back into its dormant state, and being unable to manifest again in any way until you complete a long rest, including additional maneuvers such as Vengeful Spirit Protection.
If you die or the curse is broken in some other way, your spirit can be exorcised.
Regardless of which form the curse is in, it will act in the following ways:
The spirit will prioritize your safety, possessing the Berserk condition. The spirit will remain berserk even if unable to see a target. It acts on the same turn as you do, it is charmed by you (ignoring the immunity to the condition), and it follows your orders as long as they do not contradict the Berserk condition. The spirit will not attack any creatures that are friendly to you.
As a free action, you may make a DC 20 Charisma(Persuasion check against it, on a success it will stop attacking and go back to its dormant state, on a failure it will keep attacking until there are no more creatures but you in sight.
Spirit Persuasion. At 5th level, your control over your curse has improved. The Charisma (Persuasion) check is lowered to a 15.
Spirit Extensions. At 6th level, if you use the Extension technique variant rule, you can now make extensions that use your vengeful curse. If your spirit possesses an innate technique, you cannot make extensions that directly intertwine your innate technique with its innate technique.
Spirit Control. At 11th level, you have gained more control over your cursed spirit. The spirit is now Bloodlusted against any creatures showing you hostility rather than Berserk. It will follow your orders as long as it does not go against the Bloodlusted condition.
Tamed Spirit. At 17th level, your spirit now fully obeys you. You can now desummon your spirit as a reaction to it being attacked, and they obey your orders even if it goes against the Bloodlusted condition.
Conduit. A curse is in its most stable form when possessing an item. Determine an item or medium that is significant between you and your spirit in its life. This item serves as a channel for you to control the curse.
When you have the conduit in your possession, you can manifest your vengeful spirit easier, calling upon it to fully manifest for 4 summoning points instead of 10, and you will automatically pass the Charisma saving throw.
Additionally, if you possess Cursed Weapon Enhancement, then when using it while you have the conduit in your possession you may spend your Vengeful spirit’s cursed energy instead, and if your spirit would otherwise possess the ability to spend more cursed energy on the enhancement than you, you can instead spend that amount.
As you grow in power, you may find new ways to utilize your spirit's energy with your Conduit. Work with your DM to come up with ways you can use your vengeful spirit’s cursed energy with your ‘’’Conduit’’’.
Vengeful Spirit Strike. Once per round on your turn, (no action required), you may call upon this spirit to aid you in combat by spending 1 summoning point. Make a melee attack roll against a creature within 10 feet of you. This additional attack inflicts slashing damage equal to your currently-wielded weapon's damage die. If you are not wielding any weapons, they take damage equal to your unarmed strike or martial arts (Whichever is higher). This cannot be used while your spirit is Fully Manifested or Partially Manifested.
Vengeful Spirit Protection. As a reaction to a melee attack roll for 1 summoning point, your spirit can manifest and protect you, granting you a +2 to your armor class for this attack. This cannot be used while your spirit is fully manifested. If the spirit is partially manifested it must spend its movement speed in order to get in front of you for the purposes of this reaction.
Additionally, at 14th level, your spirit will gain the Cursed Biology feat.
- Freed Spirit Variant
Prerequisites: Vengeful Cursed Spirit Innate Technique or Cursed Partner Variant, and 14th level
You and your spirit have finally made amends, making it finally pass on to the afterlife. However, the spirit left you its cursed body to continue fighting alongside you. You gain the following:
- Your Vengeful Spirit is now fully under your control, not being counted as berserk when you summon it.
- When using you would use summoning points, you may instead use an equal amount of Cursed Energy from your Spirit's pool.
- You can use your Spirits Cursed Energy pool to substitute Cursed Energy and Stamina Points.
- Your spirit’s type is now monstrosity (shikigami) and it loses the vulnerability to radiant damage.
Additionally, if you have both the Vengeful Cursed Spirit Innate Technique and Cursed Partner Variant background feat, then your spirit now gains an aspect of your sorcerer path if you have one. The spirit counts as your path for meeting feat prerequisites and ignores level prerequisites.
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