Other Goods and Services (Hyrule Supplement)

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Whether it be hiring a coach to travel through a city or paying the fair for a ship's passage, sometimes adventurers need to move faster than their feet can carry them. In most large settlements, drivers, sailors, or crew can be hired to conduct passengers to their destinations.

Service Cost
Coach between Settlements 10 rupees per day
Coach within Settlements 5 rupees
Exotic Travel (Sand Seal, Loftwing, etc) 100 rupees per day
Ship's Passage 30 rupees per day

Food and Lodging[edit]

Most of the time, the wealth a character has will dwarf the cost for food and lodging. Although prices for such things are included, they should only need to be considered when adventurers are particularly strapped for rupees. However, some establishments offer special food and/or beds that can rejuvenate an adventurer in their journey.
Most items on the following table only serve one person, however a Double Room serves two people, and a Banquet serves 7.

Good/Service Cost Bonus Effect
Simple Meal 1 rupee N/A
Banquet 5 rupees N/A
Single Room 5 rupees N/A
Double Room 8 rupees N/A
Exquisite Meal 50 rupees 2d4 temporary hit points
Extra Soft Bed 80 rupees 1d4 Temporary Stamina Points (See Below)

Temporary Stamina Points can be used as Stamina Points, with the following differences. Temporary Stamina Points are expended in place of your actual Stamina Points, and can be stored on top of your normal Stamina Point maximum. Temporary Stamina Points last until they're depleted or you finish a Long Rest. If you have Temporary Stamina Points and receive more of them, you decide whether to keep the ones you have or to gain the new ones. Finally, Temporary Stamina Points cannot be expended in place of Magic Points.

Spellcasting Services[edit]

Most large settlements contain spellcasters who make their services available to those willing to foot the bill. This might be a local sage that will render aid in exchange for a donation to their church, a court researcher who will take time out of their busy schedule for the right price, or even a fledgling scion who barely knows what they're doing. Whatever the source, the higher level a spell has, the harder it is to find someone willing to cast it.

Spell Level Cost
Cantrip 50 rupees
1st 100 rupees
2nd 500 rupees
3rd 2,000 rupees
4th 10,000 rupees
5th 25,000 rupees

If a spell has a material component that is consumed, the value of that material component is added to cost of casting that spell.

Spellcasters capable of casting spells of 6th level or higher are much more difficult to find. They might reside in a lonely tower, a mountain cave, or some other location on the fringes of society. Instead of rupees, these individuals will often ask for the completion of a task in exchange for their services. Such "tasks" can be long and arduous adventurers in and of themselves.

Hirelings and Mercenaries[edit]

Hirelings are people hired to perform a service that involves a tool or skill proficiency: an artisan, a scribe, a musician, or the like. Likewise, Mercenaries are persons skilled with weapons and armor and are capable of defending whoever hired them in most common circumstances. However they might struggle to be of much help to adventurers, who often engage in combats that are anything but common.
The pay shown on the following table is a minimum; some expert hirelings and mercenaries require more pay. Untrained hirelings are hired for work that requires no particular proficiencies; they include laborers and porters. Messengers work to deliver letters and parcels within or between settlements. Each Messenger travels at a rate of 30 miles per day.

Mercenary 50 rupees per day
Skilled Hireling 20 rupees per day
Unskilled Hireling 2 rupees per day
Messenger 4 rupees per day

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