5e Variant Classes

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Subclasses which are different enough from the core class or archetype to be considered variants of those classes.

Subclasses which are essentially class variants.
Name Summary Spellcasting

Variant Classes

Classes which are variants of an archetypal or core class.


Alchemists - Wet-ware artificers.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Clan Eshin Acolyte A master assassin and cutthroat for hire the skaven of clan eshin are monsters when left to their own devices.
Drug Master A Drug Master is a master of crafting solutions and remedies, often being addictive in nature.
Red Artificer A redneck artificer
Rune Knight You use runes etched into the environment and your armor to lay hidden traps for would be perpetrators.
Scientist A physically weak crafter with weak casting abilities that supports the group through all kinds of potions and trinkets. half


Artificers - Builders of grand automatons and other deadly clever things.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Artificer, 2nd Variant In Eberron, magic is almost technology; and Artificers are the world's master inventors.
Artificer, 7th Variant As an artificer, you gain the following class features.
Artificer, Variant
The artificer's are the master of powers underlying magical constructions; spells and the creation of magical goods.
Clan Eshin Acolyte A master assassin and cutthroat for hire the skaven of clan eshin are monsters when left to their own devices.
Engineer Utilize technological devices to your advantage!
Grenadier An Expert in Explosives, a Grenadier is all about chucking explosives and hitting multiple enemies with AoE dmage
Machinamancer Machinamancer class features
Machinist half
Marionetista A peerless puppeteering master and manufacturer
Red Artificer A redneck artificer
Scientist A physically weak crafter with weak casting abilities that supports the group through all kinds of potions and trinkets. half


Barbarians - Fighters knowing the wild inside.
Name Summary Spellcasting
(SETTING NOT FULLY DEVELOPED) MC Origins: Ravager MC based barbarian substitute class; Ravagers are capable of dishing out extreme pain at the enemies savagely while absorbing many blows.
Avatar of War a stronger version of the barbarian
Avatar of War, Variant
Barbarian, "Old School" Variant An AD&D-style barbarian.
Barbarian, Alternative Variant Barbarian switched with monk
Beastblood Individuals raised by wild animals, giving them animal characteristics, in addition to great physical resistance.
Berserker Look at me Barbarian. I'm the tank now. Play a Viking of Norse Legend.
Berserker, Heroic Spirit A specialized class based of the Berserker Servants from the Fate series
Berserker, Variant Look at me Barbarian. I'm the tank now. Play a Viking of Norse Legend.
Berserker, Variant 2 Look at me Barbarian. I'm the tank now. Play a Viking of Norse Legend.
Clan Eshin Acolyte A master assassin and cutthroat for hire the skaven of clan eshin are monsters when left to their own devices.
Devil User Rebalanced A rebalance of the original Devil User class, based on the manga series Chainsaw Man.
Furserker Fearsome warriors who utilize their bestial strength to crush their foes. Furred races only.
Indomitable A extremely durable and unstoppable warrior.
Legendary Hero As a Legendary Hero, you gain the following features. half
New World Fighter (Grand Line Supplement)
Primal Fighter A fighter that relies on their primal instincts to battle instead of form and technique.
Son of Odin The Son of Odin is a warrior of the battlefield who calls upon the power of the Gods of War to slay his foes. This class is a Barbarian variant, and meant to be used with the barbarian subclasses.
The Fallen Monk A Fallen Monk on the path of retribution, deciding on whether to seek vengeance or forgive his enemies.
Vampire, Hellsing Use the souls of your enemies to gain great power.
Vampire, Hellsing, Variant Use the souls of your enemies to gain great power.


Bards - Practicing the music of all the worlds.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Audiomancer This cunning arcane warrior wields the forces of sound and vibration to fell its enemies. full
Bard, 3rd Variant Another extensive rework of the classic Bard class of 5th Edition. full
Bard, One Variant An extensive rework of the classic 5th edition Bard class based on One DnD. full
Bard, Variant An extensive rework of the classic Bard class of 5th Edition. three-quarters
Clan Eshin Acolyte A master assassin and cutthroat for hire the skaven of clan eshin are monsters when left to their own devices.
Empty Being
Gri-Gri Mystic (Wokan) A primitive casting class, able to learn casting spells through sacrifice, spellbooks or scrolls, or by being taught. full
Keyblade Guardian half
Melodist When music meets magic. Musical support class. Overhaul/Rework of Minstrel class. half
Minstral A swift artisan that combines cunning speed and empowering magic to strengthen those around them. half

Beast Masters

Beast Masters - Managers of monsters and other beastly things.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Beast Dominator You're a sorcerer that is specialized in conjuring beast to your side to protect you and defeat your enemy's. This class is a (almost) total remake of the sorcerer of the D&D 5e player manual. taking away all but his key features and giving it a couple extra abilities. full
Beast Master A warrior who specializes in taming vicious creatures to do their bidding.
Beast Tamer A scholar who prefers the company of beast over others of their kind.
Beast Twin A Beast Twin is someone who's bond with their animal companion has transcended the norm. They and their companions skills relate to, and complement each other, in life and in combat they're reliant on each other to cover for their relative weakness.
Clan Eshin Acolyte A master assassin and cutthroat for hire the skaven of clan eshin are monsters when left to their own devices.
Falconer Skilled wielders of the crossbow who have an inseparable bond with their bird companion.
Falconer, Variant Skilled fighters who bond with their feathery companion to soar to new heights.
Monster Trainer Doing almost nothing yourself, you get monsters to do it for you.
Spirit Conjurer


Clerics - God botherers extraordinaire.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Clan Eshin Acolyte A master assassin and cutthroat for hire the skaven of clan eshin are monsters when left to their own devices.
Eclipsemancer Harness the forces of light and darkness to shift the battle in your favor. full
Eclipses Harness the forces of light and darkness to shift the battle in your favor. full
Empty Being
Gri-Gri Mystic (Wokan) A primitive casting class, able to learn casting spells through sacrifice, spellbooks or scrolls, or by being taught. full
Hand of the Kraken A religious warrior that summons tentacles to control the battlefield. half
Holy Fighter Warriors blessed by the gods, using these divine gifts to defeat the forces of evil.
Martyr, Variant
User:MoDuckyMo/Shaman Summoners who are able to commune with and gain aid from helpful spirits half
Monochromancer Harness the forces of light and darkness to shift the battle in your favor. full


Commoners - What do you mean, you've got some actual hit points!?
Name Summary Spellcasting
Clan Eshin Acolyte A master assassin and cutthroat for hire the skaven of clan eshin are monsters when left to their own devices.
Corpse Just a dead guy
Dentist A practitioner of oral medicine, with several tools at their disposal.
Farmer As a Farmer, you do not need to strike with overwhelming force or wield mysterious magic. You are used to patience and perseverance, grinding down your enemies with relentless assaults and constant obstacles. Few can outlast you in a fight, as you have an unparalleled ability to absorb damage of damage and improvise many solutions.
Ghost Caller Support your allies, become a ghost
Ghostblade Buff your allies Debuff your enemies
Halfwit A hero empowered by their propensity for mistakes.
Merchant A greedy opportunist who uses money to its greatest effect.
Peasant A lowly peasant of no worth who, despite that, is out to get stuff done and solve some problems. Because sometimes you just need to take matters into your own hands.
Rugger A rough and tumble fighter with a strong team spirit
Scout "old school" An ultra-basic class which tries to make the party's life easier


Druids - Happy flower collectors.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Clan Eshin Acolyte A master assassin and cutthroat for hire the skaven of clan eshin are monsters when left to their own devices.
Eclipsemancer Harness the forces of light and darkness to shift the battle in your favor. full
Eclipses Harness the forces of light and darkness to shift the battle in your favor. full
Gri-Gri Mystic (Wokan) A primitive casting class, able to learn casting spells through sacrifice, spellbooks or scrolls, or by being taught. full
Hand of the Kraken A religious warrior that summons tentacles to control the battlefield. half
User:MoDuckyMo/Shaman Summoners who are able to commune with and gain aid from helpful spirits half
Primordial Shaman A Primordial Shaman acts as a conduit to the elemental planes, using said powers, Primordial Shamans can heal, support, and summon elementals to fight along side them. half
Spirit Conjurer
Wild Blade Wild blades are warriors for the druid circles, wielding the powers of nature, alongside with swords, in their battles to protect the wild. half
Wild Blade, 1st Variant Wild blades are warriors for the druid circles, wielding the powers of nature, alongside with swords, in their battles to protect the wild. half


Dilettantes - Couldn't make up your mind, could you?
Name Summary Spellcasting
Clan Eshin Acolyte A master assassin and cutthroat for hire the skaven of clan eshin are monsters when left to their own devices.
Devil User Rebalanced A rebalance of the original Devil User class, based on the manga series Chainsaw Man.
Gentleman, 3rd Variant Tip top, my fair lady!
Grimoire User A grimoire user is an unique type of mage, which uses a book to better canalize it's spells.
Hand of the Kraken A religious warrior that summons tentacles to control the battlefield. half
Jack-of-all-classes What happens if there was a way to change your own class at will? full
Legendary Hero As a Legendary Hero, you gain the following features. half
Monochromancer Harness the forces of light and darkness to shift the battle in your favor. full
Nen User, Variant People who learned how to use the aura inside them as a weapon.
Shadow Walker II A warrior that uses their internal shadow to cast spells.
Sunderblade half


Fighters - The most common variant and mashup archetype. Adjustments to plain vanilla.
Name Summary Spellcasting
(SETTING NOT FULLY DEVELOPED) MC Origins: Veteran Grizzled Warrior that utilizes their uncanny accuracy and battle stances to get an edge against their enemies.
Arcane Fighter half
Artonian Warrior
Binate Duelist An experienced warrior, wielding two weapons with the skill most will never reach with one
Black Blood A vicious virus in the bloodstream has been weaponized and known to cause a special kind of madness.
Black Blood, Variant A vicious virus in the bloodstream has been weaponized and known to cause a special kind of madness.
Black Blood, Variant 2 A vicious virus in the bloodstream has been weaponized and known to cause a special kind of madness.
Black Blooded Vicious Virus in the bloodstream that has been weaponized.
Blade Dancer A fighter who uses their Dances, creating devastating combos
Blade Master, Variant A warrior with an inseparable bond to their blade.
Blade Savant A mystical fighter that can tap into arcane energies
Bladelinked Archer A dexterous dual-wielder with the ability to summon blade projections to attack enemies or defend allies. half
Body Guard, Whole Hog Huge walls of meat separating foes form the people they were hired to protect.
Bodyguard One bound to duty of the guard
Bright Lord A Strong, warm, merciful fighter imbued with powers generated from their own good energies. third
Bud Light Knight, Variant A warrior in service to a kingdom that uses the power of Bud Light to attack their enemies and help their allies.
Bulwark Towering shields of muscle and metal
Caster Breaker Caster breakers are warriors specialized in defeating spellcasters and destroying magic items. They rely on quick wits, fast reflexes, sturdy fortitude and a mighty will to protect themselves from the twisted corruption that is Magic.
Clan Eshin Acolyte A master assassin and cutthroat for hire the skaven of clan eshin are monsters when left to their own devices.
Combat Tactician Fighters who use their battlefield knowledge to complete the mission.
Combo Class Combo Enemies
Dark Knight, 2nd Variant
Devil Hunter, 2nd Variant Style on your enemies, Devil May Cry style.
Devil Hunter, 3rd Variant Style on your enemies, Devil May Cry style.
Devil Hunter, Variant Style on your enemies, Devil May Cry style.
Devil User Rebalanced A rebalance of the original Devil User class, based on the manga series Chainsaw Man.
Doom Slayer Fight the armies of Hell with barbarous cruelty
DoomSlayer, 5th Variant Rip and Tear, Until it is done
Dragon Fighter, Variant A swordmaster that fights with deadly grace, skill, and power
Dragoon Lancer Skillful warriors, that use powerful leaps and mastery with spears to defeat the strongest beasts in existence: the mighty dragons.
Fencer An ultra-basic melee focused class
Fighter, Alternative Variant fighters switched with rogues
Fighter, Switched Variant fighters switched with rogues
Fighter, Switched Variant 1 fighters switched with rogues
Fighter, TDM Variant A warrior heavily trained in the use of weapons and armor to fight and dispatch their foes.
Furious Blade
Ghoul King Incarnate Living in different worlds is chaotic, but someone who lives in both worlds has a better perspective of both sides of the coin.
Ghoul King Incarnate, Variant Living in different worlds is chaotic, but someone who lives in both worlds has a better perspective of both sides of the coin.
Ghoul King Incarnate, Variant 2 Living in different worlds is chaotic, but someone who lives in both worlds has a better perspective of both sides of the coin.
Gladiator, Variant
Halberdier A halberdier is a devoted spearman whose first duty is the protection of those in his jurisdiction. A core class meant to be used with the fighter subclasses.
Hand of the Kraken A religious warrior that summons tentacles to control the battlefield. half
Hitokiri A swordsman sent out by an important or powerful figure for the express purpose of assassinating others.
Hitokiri, Variant A swordsman sent out by an important or powerful figure for the express purpose of assassinating others.
Holy Fighter Warriors blessed by the gods, using these divine gifts to defeat the forces of evil.
Kamen Rider, Variant ¿Are you ready? ¡Henshin!
Labrys Knight A hardened warrior, wielding two battle axes with the skill most will never reach with one
Lance Master A warrior specialized in the use of spears, lances and similar polearms
Legendary Hero As a Legendary Hero, you gain the following features. half
Legionnaire Soldiers who rely on standard combat prowess in battle, rather than magic or maneuvers.
Luminary It's hero time third
Luminary, Variant It's hero time half
Magical Girl, Variant Wield the power of a magical girl to face witches.
New World Fighter (Grand Line Supplement)
Psi Templar Psi templars are cultists who worship psionic energy, using weapons made of this energy called psi blades.
Ranger of the North A Ranger of the North is a warrior who is trained rigorously, sometimes for years, before they are considered ready to venture beyond the wall. Until then, they do small work, training, of course, or standing watch on the wall. Tending the flames in the braziers that are used for warmth, polishing swords, working the kitchens, and many other things. After they are finished with their training is when they become a force to be reckoned with. After their training, they go beyond the wall, scouting, making maps, and hunting. Sometimes, they go on hunts for parties of wildlings whom are planning to go over the wall and raid, and most times, they do not come back. Scarcely is a ranger who survives one who is not greatly skilled.
Rogue, Alternative Variant Rouge switch with strength focus fighter.
Ruined King
Rune Knight You use runes etched into the environment and your armor to lay hidden traps for would be perpetrators.
Sanguimancy You are no normal caster. What other achieve by various difficult methods you reach by utilizing the essence of life itself. full
Saucy Brawler Fighter class adaptation to the DMC's "Stylish Ranks" system without hanging on any demonic heritage.
Sentinel One bound to duty of the guard
Shadow Walker II A warrior that uses their internal shadow to cast spells.
Silent Flame A unassuming sorcerer that can seal flames inside objects and/or creatures and detonate them at opportune times.
Silent Flame, Variant A unassuming sorcerer that can seal flames inside objects and/or creatures and detonate them at opportune times.
Slinger These men and women make masterful use of the humble Sling, raining death upon their enemies with stones or lead bullets.
Sunderblade half
Sword Saint, Variant Sword Saints are unrivaled under the heavens when it comes to melee combat. They boast such martial prowess and speed when in Focus, that they can blitz any enemy and turn any blow directed at them, and woe is any enemy that faces their unparalleled sword skills in bloody combat.
Tokyo Ghoul, 3rd Variant Living in different worlds is chaotic, but someone who lives in both worlds has a better perspective of both sides of the coin.
Totally Legally Distinct Camen Crider ¿Are you ready? ¡Henshin!
Umbra Witch, Variant
Universe Hopping Rogue-Like Rogue Like Universe hopper who picked up new skills on their travels.
Walker, Variant These men and women make masterful use of the humble Sling, raining death upon their enemies with stones or lead bullets.


Gunslingers - Dead shot wielders of artificial death.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Clan Eshin Acolyte A master assassin and cutthroat for hire the skaven of clan eshin are monsters when left to their own devices.
Devil User Rebalanced A rebalance of the original Devil User class, based on the manga series Chainsaw Man.
DoomSlayer, 5th Variant Rip and Tear, Until it is done
Gunfighter A specialist in combat and manufacturing of firearms.
Gungeoneer, Variant A dungeon delver who uses their wit and intellect to dip dive and dodgeroll through traps and enemies.
Gunslinger An adventurer who uses their intellect to create weaponry of mass destruction. Bang bang.
Gunslinger, 1st Variant With fire and steel, these people shall claim what's theirs through the barrel of a firearm.
Gunslinger, 3rd Variant third
Gunslinger, 5th Variant With fire and steel, these people shall claim what's theirs through the barrel of a firearm.
Gunslinger, 6th Variant With fire and steel, these people shall claim what's theirs through the barrel of a firearm.
Gunslinger, Historical Variant "I'm your huckleberry"
Gunslinger, Pathfinder Variant
Hitman A paid assassin, proficient in taking lives in exchange for Money
Umbra Witch, Variant


Healers - When you really really want your group to survive.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Aegis Paladin A Paladin of the Harvest Gods
Ascetic half
Battle Medic Battled hardened frontline fighter who also specialize in healing. half
Clan Eshin Acolyte A master assassin and cutthroat for hire the skaven of clan eshin are monsters when left to their own devices.
Empty Being
Field Medic Brave people who put their lives on the line to save the lives of others.
Free Spirit An individual who seeks freedom of body, mind and spirit, cultivating ki energy trough liberty and joy.
Hand of the Kraken A religious warrior that summons tentacles to control the battlefield. half
Keyblade Guardian half
Martyr, Variant
Nahobino Mortals who have fused with a celestial spirit to achieve a forbidden form more like gods than mortals. full
Primordial Shaman A Primordial Shaman acts as a conduit to the elemental planes, using said powers, Primordial Shamans can heal, support, and summon elementals to fight along side them. half


Monks - Fighters without armor. More dangerous than they look.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Aegis Paladin A Paladin of the Harvest Gods
Ascetic half
Aspect A cosmic embodiment who fights to maintain a balance, heralding major events that reshape worlds.
B-Baller Come on and Slam, and Welcome to the Jam!
B-Baller Variant Come on and Slam, and Welcome to the Jam!
Barbarian, Alternative Variant Barbarian switched with monk
Basketball Player A breed of competitive sportsmen known for their absurd physical feats.
Brother Superior A mostly-traditional monk, but as it SHOULD be, encompassing the Six Deviant Disciplines (tweaks detailed on Discussion page).
Buddhist Monk A martial artist who uses the mystical force of ki to enhance their natural fighting abilities.
Caped Crusader A warrior on a path they designated. These warriors combine martial arts, stealth, and versatile equipment to take out their foes.
Clan Eshin Acolyte A master assassin and cutthroat for hire the skaven of clan eshin are monsters when left to their own devices.
Dayman Dayman! Aaah! Fighter of the Nightman! Aaah!
Demon of the Order You were a human that was turned into a demon by Muzan.
Devil User Rebalanced A rebalance of the original Devil User class, based on the manga series Chainsaw Man.
Dragon Slayer, Fairy Tail Variant Individuals who use lost magic that grants them the power of dragons.
Flying General A exceptionally mighty warrior.
Free Spirit An individual who seeks freedom of body, mind and spirit, cultivating ki energy trough liberty and joy.
Frost Demon An all-out offensive class with powerful energy attacks, transformations, and telekinesis.
Gri-Gri Mystic (Wokan) A primitive casting class, able to learn casting spells through sacrifice, spellbooks or scrolls, or by being taught. full
Grimoire User A grimoire user is an unique type of mage, which uses a book to better canalize it's spells.
Hamon/Ripple User Hamon/Ripple Users use The Ripple to hurt enemies and assist themselves.
Hardening A quirk that hardens your skin to be super tough.
Hitokiri A swordsman sent out by an important or powerful figure for the express purpose of assassinating others.
Hitokiri, Variant A swordsman sent out by an important or powerful figure for the express purpose of assassinating others.
Ki Fighter Martial artists capable of harnessing their own life energy.
Ki Fighter, 2nd variant
Ki Fighter, Variant
Ki Warrior
Kickboxer A melee fighter who utilizes ever part of their body
Kokushibou Slayer An elite warrior who has devoted their life to slaying the powerful demon Kokushibou.
Masked Assassin
Masked Assassin, Variant
Monk, 3rd Variant A martial artist who uses the mystical force of ki to enhance their natural fighting abilities.
Monk, 5th Variant A martial artist who uses the mystical force of ki to enhance their natural fighting abilities.
Monk, 6th Variant A martial artist who uses the mystical force of ki to enhance their natural fighting abilities.
Monk, 7th Variant A martial artist who uses the mystical force of ki to enhance their natural fighting abilities.
Monk, Bone Wizard Variant Coming from monasteries, monks are masters of martial arts combat and meditators with the ki living forces.
Monk, Rework
Monk, Simple Variant An unarmed martial artists capable of weaving a mysterious energy known as Ki into their strikes to perform spectacular feats.
Monk, Treantmonk Variant Coming from monasteries, monks are masters of martial arts combat and meditators with the ki living forces.
Monk, Variant A martial artist who uses the mystical force of ki to enhance their natural fighting abilities.
Muzan Demon You were a human that was turned into a demon by Muzan.
Nen User People who learned how to use the aura inside them as a weapon.
Nen User, Variant People who learned how to use the aura inside them as a weapon.
Night Stalker A Stealthy Warrior Who Moves Through The Underside Of The City.
Saiyan Fighter, 2nd Variant Powerful warriors capable of surpassing their limits with powerful transformations.
Saiyan Fighter, 4th Variant Powerful warriors capable of surpassing their limits with powerful transformations.
Saiyan Fighter, Variant Powerful warriors capable of surpassing their limits with powerful transformations.
Sendo Monk Warriors that use Ki in inventive new ways
The Fallen Monk A Fallen Monk on the path of retribution, deciding on whether to seek vengeance or forgive his enemies.
True Monk A martial artist who uses the mystical force of ki to enhance their natural abilities.
Vanguard of Humanity A exceptionally mighty warrior.
Viz-Jaq'taar Assassin Coming from monasteries established by the Vizjerei Clan of Mages, these monks are masters of martial arts and shadow disciplines with the Chi living forces.
Wanderer, Variant A Wandering swordsman who has learned to manipulate Ki into their fighting style.
Xenokai Fighter An unarmed fighter that uses intense training, focus, and mediation to empower themselves beyond their usual limits in combat. This is a variant of the Monk class, and meant to work with conventional monk subclasses.


Mystics - They give me a headache.
Name Summary Spellcasting


Necromancers - Attuned to the ways of death and undeath.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Clan Eshin Acolyte A master assassin and cutthroat for hire the skaven of clan eshin are monsters when left to their own devices.
Death Dealer Life is so overrated...why not cause more death to flourish full
Death Monarch A spellcaster able to draw power from the shadowfell, using this dark energy as a weapon, a refuge and to exert control over dead creatures. half
Deathslinger A mercenary for the grave to ensure that no one escapes when death comes knocking half
Devil User Rebalanced A rebalance of the original Devil User class, based on the manga series Chainsaw Man.
Ghost Caller Support your allies, become a ghost
Ghostblade Buff your allies Debuff your enemies
Martyr, Variant
Medium Command armies of ghosts from the rear or from the frontlines of battle (Spirit Commander Variant). third
Necromancer, 3rd Variant A master of life and death can be a wonderful companion or a terrible enemy full
Necromancer, 6th Variant A master of life and death can be a wonderful companion or a terrible enemy full
Necromancer, 7th Variant Some call them glorified graverobbers, some fear them, and others despise them. The Necromancer raises undead minions for use on the battlefield. half
Nekomancer Those who form contracts with the Ancient fey Nekomata aren’t warlocks but instead Nekomancers
Night Blood A Night Blood is a vampire cousin: fewer weaknesses at the tradeoff of being less powerful. half
Pure Necromancer A dedicated student of the secrets of death.
Ruined King
Sanguimancy You are no normal caster. What other achieve by various difficult methods you reach by utilizing the essence of life itself. full
Shadow Lord Death's representative, given authority to reap souls at will. half
Shadow Stalker Death's representative, given authority to reap souls at will. full
Soul Keeper
Vampire, Hellsing Use the souls of your enemies to gain great power.
Vampire, Hellsing, Variant Use the souls of your enemies to gain great power.


Paladins - Heroes for a cause. Heroes for a nickel.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Aegis Paladin A Paladin of the Harvest Gods
Ascetic half
Bright Lord A Strong, warm, merciful fighter imbued with powers generated from their own good energies. third
Chair's Inquisitor Inquisitors are agents of gods who hunt down enemies of the faith with divine judgement and magic. half
Clan Eshin Acolyte A master assassin and cutthroat for hire the skaven of clan eshin are monsters when left to their own devices.
Cosmos User Powerful Knights that uses the cosmos of the universe to fight.
Crimson Templar a being who has been stained in blood through battle or trickery half
Crusader, Variant Warriors of faith who inspire bravery.
Dark Knight A knight who obliterates enemies through the powers of darkness. So like a paladin, but so very different. half
Dark Knight, 2nd Variant
Demonic Knight A servant of darkness. half
DoomSlayer, Variant A warrior bent on vengeance and the destruction of all things demonic and cruel.
Dragon Fighter, Variant A swordmaster that fights with deadly grace, skill, and power
Fanatic a being who has been stained in blood through battle or trickery
Godslayer One forsaken seeks revenge on that which hath left them stranded
Gri-Gri Mystic (Wokan) A primitive casting class, able to learn casting spells through sacrifice, spellbooks or scrolls, or by being taught. full
Hand of the Kraken A religious warrior that summons tentacles to control the battlefield. half
Herald Champions of greatness who use their raw force of personality to empower their allies. half
Holy Crusader As the will of god, charge.
Holy Fighter Warriors blessed by the gods, using these divine gifts to defeat the forces of evil.
Hunter (Bloodborne)
Huntsman A versatile fighting class that makes use of a transforming weapon and mitigates damage with Aura (RWBY).
Huntsman/Huntress As a Huntsmen you gain the following class features.
Iron Solari
Keyblade Guardian half
Legendary Hero As a Legendary Hero, you gain the following features. half
Lord Paladin
Martyr, Variant
Master of Ceremonies A valiant champion who calls upon divine powers to smite their foes and protect their allies.
Prime Guardian A powerful warrior who wields massive shields and raw divine power.
User:Roxxx A warrior bent on vengeance and the destruction of all things demonic and cruel.
Son of Odin The Son of Odin is a warrior of the battlefield who calls upon the power of the Gods of War to slay his foes. This class is a Barbarian variant, and meant to be used with the barbarian subclasses.
Sovereign A being that has been genetically altered to handle the collective will of a planet. half
Sunderblade half
Sword Saint Different fighters choose different approaches to perfecting their fighting prowess, but they all end up perfecting it.


Rangers - Fighters knowing the ways of the wild.
Name Summary Spellcasting
(SETTING NOT FULLY DEVELOPED) MC Origins: Harrier A deft, skilled combatant that has exceptional instincts and can utilize them in either destruction and arson or in wilderness trekking and hunting.
Clan Eshin Acolyte A master assassin and cutthroat for hire the skaven of clan eshin are monsters when left to their own devices.
Hitman A paid assassin, proficient in taking lives in exchange for Money
User:MoDuckyMo/Shaman Summoners who are able to commune with and gain aid from helpful spirits half
Monster/Beast Hunter A Guardian of nature and people equally.
New World Fighter (Grand Line Supplement)
Ranger "old school" Variant An ultra-basic ranger/archer class
Ranger, 2nd Variant Acting as a bulwark between civilization and the terrors of the wilderness, rangers study, track, and hunt their favored enemies. half
Ranger, Non-Magical Variant As the name might suggest, this class is a non-magical variant of the existing "Ranger" class.
Ranger, Variant An extensive rework of the classic Ranger class of 5th Edition.
Wild Blade Wild blades are warriors for the druid circles, wielding the powers of nature, alongside with swords, in their battles to protect the wild. half
Wild Blade, 1st Variant Wild blades are warriors for the druid circles, wielding the powers of nature, alongside with swords, in their battles to protect the wild. half


Rogues - Sneaky sons of beauty (SOBs).
Name Summary Spellcasting
Arcane Rogue A rogue capable of stealing abilities from others to his advantage
Blade of Darkness Assassins capable of manipulating the darkness itself, both to conceal their presence and to slay their targets.
Caped Crusader A warrior on a path they designated. These warriors combine martial arts, stealth, and versatile equipment to take out their foes.
Clan Eshin Acolyte A master assassin and cutthroat for hire the skaven of clan eshin are monsters when left to their own devices.
Con Artist A con artist is to social interactions as a barbarian is to combat. A largely non-violent class who uses their charm and panache to get through life.
Con Artist, Variant A criminal mastermind, devoted to the art of thievery, using cunning and agility to better their opponents.
Fighter, Alternative Variant fighters switched with rogues
Fighter, Switched Variant fighters switched with rogues
Fighter, Switched Variant 1 fighters switched with rogues
Gentleman, 3rd Variant Tip top, my fair lady!
Hacker A hacker stealthy rogue class
Hacker Rogue An ultra-basic stealthy rogue class
Hitman A paid assassin, proficient in taking lives in exchange for Money
Infiltrator Next to you, a shadow on the wall, inside your head. Infiltrators excel at hiding and at revealing anything which is hidden.
Infiltrator, Variant
Kage Literally translating to “shadow”, these are assassins who are strongest unseen.
Masked Assassin
Masked Assassin, Variant
Night Stalker A Stealthy Warrior Who Moves Through The Underside Of The City.
Not Enough Stabs Keep stabbing with your large collection of daggers them until they are dead
Phantom Looming in the darkness, the Phantom hunts its prey and prepares to kill.
Rogue, "Old School" Variant An ultra-basic stealthy rogue class
Rogue, Alternative Variant Rouge switch with strength focus fighter.
Rogue, Pathfinder Edition Rogues have many features in common, including their emphasis on perfecting their skills, their precise and deadly approach to combat, and their increasingly quick reflexes.
Shadow Rogue This is a variant of the rogue core class, meant to be used with the rogue subclasses.
Shadow Walker II A warrior that uses their internal shadow to cast spells.
Spellthief A thief who grew up using card tricks to get ahead in life. Infuses cards with magic.
Stalker Hidden in the shadows, the Stalker watches, waiting for the right moment to strike.
Universe Hopping Rogue-Like Rogue Like Universe hopper who picked up new skills on their travels.


Sorcerers - Internally powered full spell casters.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Beast Conjurer A spellcaster specialized in conjuring animals for help.
Blue Mage A blue mage specializes in hunting monsters and absorbing part of their essence to learn new spells. Through their power of observation they can analyze the essences of monsters and spellcasters to mimic their spells and abilities.
Clan Eshin Acolyte A master assassin and cutthroat for hire the skaven of clan eshin are monsters when left to their own devices.
Curseslinger A spellcaster who can add ruinous effects to their own spells. full
Empty Being
Gri-Gri Mystic (Wokan) A primitive casting class, able to learn casting spells through sacrifice, spellbooks or scrolls, or by being taught. full
Hiemalis [hi.ɛˈmaː.lɪs] latin, adjective = winter time/rainy season, stormy, wintry (Weapon focused spell caster centered around ice, water and lightning, with a summon.)
Inheritor (DndNext Sorcerer Variant) Half Caster becomes a martial character as they run out of mana
Mage Mages are spellcasters that often don't have the time or patience to prepare spells every day but lack the innate abilities of a sorcerer. full
Magical Born Mages are spellcasters that often don't have the time or patience to prepare spells every day but lack the innate abilities of a sorcerer. full
Mercurial Potent spellcaster with limited control of spell choice
Nahobino Mortals who have fused with a celestial spirit to achieve a forbidden form more like gods than mortals. full
Saviour Sorcerer who specialize in mastering the use of Arcane and Divine Magic. full
Sorcerer, Low Magic Variant A sorcerer adapted to a low magic world half
Sorcerer, Variant (5e Class Feature) full
Sovereign A being that has been genetically altered to handle the collective will of a planet. half
Spectrum Mage Mages who specialize in the lesser used arcane magic to great effectiveness.


Name Summary Spellcasting
Ascendant Ascendants are cursed or blessed with the ability to transform their body to gain the powers of monsters. Some of them sought this power themselves, and obtained it through occult rituals or pacts with powerful beings, others were subjected to such rituals by others or received the power as a blessing or curse from a powerful being. No matter how they obtained the power, most ascendants are outcasts from society due to their monstrous abilities, and many of them ultimately gain the ability to transform completely.
Clan Eshin Acolyte A master assassin and cutthroat for hire the skaven of clan eshin are monsters when left to their own devices.
Dragon's Blood
Metamorph Shapeshifter
Metamorph, Variant Shapeshifter
Mimic A creature that can change into a variety of different creatures.
Nomu An unnatural fusion of quirks.
Omnitrix Wielder A warrior attached to a powerful device known as the Omnitrix.
Prototype You were infected by a virulent virus, mutating your genetic code and allowing you to freely manipulate your own biomass for your own use.
Ruined King
Shapechanger A powerful entity, constantly shifting, never the same man who walked down the street two weeks ago.
Shapeshifter A creature that can change into a variety of different creatures.
Shapeshifter, Variant A being that has a strange ability to become almost any other creature.


Sorcery - Multifarious magical abilities sourced from everywhere.
Name Summary Spellcasting
(SETTING NOT FULLY DEVELOPED) MC Origins: enchantress An agile, less of a caster and more of a fighter sorcerer that have imbuement agic coarsing through their veins, allowing them to enchant weapons they are holding in their hands.
Clan Eshin Acolyte A master assassin and cutthroat for hire the skaven of clan eshin are monsters when left to their own devices.
Dark Shadow A quirk based on using a shadow emitted from your body to enhance your abilities inside and outside of combat.
Element Bender A wielder of one of the primordial forms of magic.
Empty Being
Gambler A master of cards and deception, weaving in and out of combat while slinging cards to support allies and slay foes.
Grimoire User A grimoire user is an unique type of mage, which uses a book to better canalize it's spells.
Guardian Chronomancer A defender, or corrupter, of time tasked by the gods of Time and Fate to maintain the Prime Timelines
Half Ghost Wieldng a power given to you from a realm called The Ghost Zone, you now decide who gets sent to their grave
Half-Cold Half-Hot A quirk based on creating ice and fire with different sides of your body.
Inferno Wield the flames of blue or red and show entire kingdoms that no matter how solid their shields are your flames are hotter.
Keyblade Guardian half
Kineticist A wielder of elemental energies using their own bodies to fuel their power.
Magical Girl, Variant Wield the power of a magical girl to face witches.
Mythical Beast The Mythical Beast is a living creature serving as a vessel for its inner Beast who builds up a bond with its host
Nen User, Variant People who learned how to use the aura inside them as a weapon.
Rune Knight You use runes etched into the environment and your armor to lay hidden traps for would be perpetrators.
Shadow Walker II A warrior that uses their internal shadow to cast spells.
Vampire, Hellsing Use the souls of your enemies to gain great power.
Vampire, Hellsing, Variant Use the souls of your enemies to gain great power.


Warlocks - Pact wielding arcanists.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Channeler A divine variant of the warlock class, channelers have made a sacred covenant with an archangel or other celestial being.
Dark Knight, 2nd Variant
Eclipsemancer Harness the forces of light and darkness to shift the battle in your favor. full
Eclipses Harness the forces of light and darkness to shift the battle in your favor. full
Empty Being
Gri-Gri Mystic (Wokan) A primitive casting class, able to learn casting spells through sacrifice, spellbooks or scrolls, or by being taught. full
Keyblade Guardian half
Legendary Hero As a Legendary Hero, you gain the following features. half
Magical Girl, Variant Wield the power of a magical girl to face witches.
Monochromancer Harness the forces of light and darkness to shift the battle in your favor. full
Sovereign A being that has been genetically altered to handle the collective will of a planet. half
Spirit Conjurer
Warlock, Low Magic Variant You struck a bargain with an otherworldly being of your choice: the Archfey, the Fiend, or the Great Old One who has imbued you with mystical powers, granted you knowledge of occult lore, bestowed arcane research and magic on you and thus has given you facility with spells.


Wizards - Bookish magic blasters.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Black Mage A agent of pure magical destruction. full
User:Buddha77/Space-Time Wizard The ruler of space and time, able to manipulate fate and reality with just the power of their eyes...
Clan Eshin Acolyte A master assassin and cutthroat for hire the skaven of clan eshin are monsters when left to their own devices.
Empty Being
Gri-Gri Mystic (Wokan) A primitive casting class, able to learn casting spells through sacrifice, spellbooks or scrolls, or by being taught. full
Grimoire User A grimoire user is an unique type of mage, which uses a book to better canalize it's spells.
Medium Command armies of ghosts from the rear or from the frontlines of battle (Spirit Commander Variant). third
Sanguimancy You are no normal caster. What other achieve by various difficult methods you reach by utilizing the essence of life itself. full
Spirit Conjurer
Stormborn full
Wizard, Low Magic Variant Wizard adapted to low magic world


Yookoohoos - Magic shape shifters.
Name Summary Spellcasting

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