Ghost Caller (5e Class)

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Ghost Caller[edit]

The Path of the Soul[edit]

A woman stands surrounded by her companions. They face off against a great many of foes, battling to the death. Gracefully drawing seemingly meaningless strokes in the air and speaking words from a foreign or ancient language, all grows still around her. Suddenly her allies call out with increased vigor and rampage through the horde of enemies. Later at the pub celebrating their deeds, she is not paraded as the hero, nor the strongest. She is, however, surrounded by the people she is closest to. Some that most can't even see.

Only standing due to the sword she uses as a cane, a woman is surrounded by fallen allies and by many foes. She knows she has very little hope to live, yet she presses on with no battle cry, no promises to gods or beings far stronger, nor of past regrets. She only chants words describing the worst horrors and makes a sad attempt to paint a picture around her in the dirt. Grinning at the woman seemingly going crazy in front of them, the foes laugh, but not for long. As the woman peers upward with a defeated smile, she says, "I hope you have enjoyed your life. We may be passing into our next one together." As she speaks, orbs of light emanate from her shoulders in a multitude of color and form circles on the ground. In the next instant, these circles explode into illumination, all eventually flying into the woman's chest. The ground around her has become littered with the bodies of her foes, drained of their life. As the survivors look to her in shock, horror, and awe, they see she is newly invigorated. She fights on in what could be her final battle.

Standing on the front lines of the battlefield, she gracefully slides in and out of danger. Though even when outside of her enemies reach, she rains down hell on their heads. Hardly looking to her companions for assistance, she chants a small passage and her blade glows brightly. Slashing through the enemies in front of her, she finds herself facing a new, monstrous enemy. She smiles and chants another indiscernible line. The enemy stares confused and begins to weaken. She starts to move faster than before. Taking advantage of this new agility, she leaps and single-handedly makes short work of the monster, creating fear in her companions as well as the dozens of enemies still surrounding her. She presses onward, continuing to slaughter all enemies in her wake.

Creating a Ghost Caller[edit]

How did you come to having a close affinity with ghosts? Are you perhaps a revived soul? Maybe you failed in becoming a necromancer and instead use the souls of the corpses to aid you? Or you were favored and protected by some spirits as a stroke of luck?

Quick Build

You can make a Ghost Caller quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by dexterity. Second choose the Acolyte, Archaeologist or Haunted One background. Thirdly, choose the Longsword, Leather Armor, Scholar’s Pack and Calligrapher's Supplies.

Class Features

As a Ghost Caller you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Ghost Caller level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Ghost Caller level after 1st


Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Long Sword, Short Sword, Rapier
Tools: Calligrapher's Supplies
Saving Throws: Intelligence and Dexterity
Skills: Choose 3 from the following: Acrobatics, Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Religion, Stealth


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

Table: The Ghost Caller

Level Proficiency
Features Boundary Limit
1st +2 Ethereal Sight, Ghost Slash -
2nd +2 Boundaries, Basic Boundary 1
3rd +2 Sword Soul 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2
5th +3 Elemental Boundary 3
6th +3 Basic Boundary improvement 3
7th +3 Support Boundaries, Blend 4
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4
9th +4 Elemental Boundary improvement 4
10th +4 Ghostly Influence, Basic Boundary improvement 4
11th +4 Support Boundary improvement 4
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 4
13th +5 Boundary Maker, Elemental Boundary improvement 5
14th +5 Basic Boundary improvement 5
15th +5 Support Boundary improvement 5
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 5
17th +6 Inscribe Blade, Elemental Boundary improvement 6
18th +6 Basic Boundary improvement 6
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement, Support Boundary improvement 6
20th +6 Ghost Feast 7

Ethereal Sight[edit]

At 1st level, your ghostly influences have granted you with some supernatural sight. As your bonus action, you see into the Ethereal Plane up to 15 feet until the start of your next turn.

Ghost Slash[edit]

At 1st level, you take insight from the spirits that grant you power, you can empower your attacks to hit harder. You may use a bonus action to imbue your sword with dark energy to deal an additional 1d8 necrotic damage for 1 minute. This damage becomes magical starting at 5th level to overcome resistances, and increases by 1 damage die at 10th level (2d8), 15th level (3d8), and 20th level (4d8). You may use this an amount of times equal to your Charisma modifier, regaining all expended uses after finishing a short or long rest.


You gain a spirit of your choice that guides you in your path of the Ghost Caller. You can have this spirit look however you wish, but it is always invisible to everyone but you and those you choose to allow to see it. Typically, this spirit resides in your head or your chest, unless it needs to guide you.

Summoning boundaries

At 2nd level, your spirit teaches you the basics of its knowledge, Boundaries (your special class features). You may use your bonus action to summon a Boundary up to 30 ft. Each Boundary creates a special effect within 20 ft radius of themselves. You can only have up to you Boundary limit of boundaries (listed in the Ghost Caller table) at the same time. If a new Boundary goes over that limit, you decide which Boundary ends.

Duration and maintaining boundaries

Each Boundaries can only last up to your Boundary limit (listed in the Ghost Caller table) turns. After the first turn (the turn that the Boundary was summoned), Boundary require you to spend a bonus action to maintain in existence. Failure to use Your bonus action to maintain will cause the boundaries disappear at the end of your turn. You can maintain multiple boundaries with the same bonus action. You can summon and maintain a boundary with the same bonus action.

Example: At level 5, you could do this. Turn 1: You use your bonus action to summon elemental boundary. Turn 2: You use your bonus action to summon support boundary AND maintain elemental boundary. Turn 3: You use your bonus action to summon basic boundary AND maintain elemental boundary AND maintain support boundary.

Boundary recharge

Each separate Boundary features can be used up to 10 times. Different types of Boundaries do not share the same uses limit. You regain all uses at the end of a short or long rest.

Example: If you use 1 elemental boundary, you have 9 elemental boundaries left. All other boundaries, like support boundary, are unaffected and remain at 10 uses left.

Basic Boundary[edit]

At 2nd level, you gain a Basic boundary. Basic boundary acts like a normal Boundaries. Basic boundary gives all allies, including yourself, gains:

  • +1 AC
  • Pick two saving throws: it gets +1 bonus.

This increases at 6th, 10th, 14th and 18th level to be +2, +3, +4 and +5.

Unlike normal Boundaries, Basic boundaries only restore after end of a long rest.

Sword Soul[edit]

At 3rd level your spirits inspires allies with fervor in battle. Sword Soul boundary gives all allies within a 15 foot radius, not including yourself, add your Charisma modifier to all of their attack and damage rolls.

Ability Score Increase[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Elemental Boundary[edit]

At 5th level your familiarity with souls has increased to the point that two spirits are always surrounding you. Two tiny beings float over your shoulder's constantly, they are invisible to everyone but those you allow to see them. One is blue, while the other is red. Typically, they appear as just plain balls of color, but you may flavor this however you like. These spirits allow you to cast buffs depending on their own focus.

You can only have one elemental boundary at a time.

Fire Soul(Red)

Fire Soul boundary explodes in fiery flames. Unlike normal Boundaries, all enemies within 10 to 30 ft (your choice) radius of you make a dexterity saving throw VS DC=8+PROF+CHA. It deals 6d8 fire damage, on a failed save and half damage on a successful save.

Each turn after the first, enemies that enter or start in this boundary must make a dexterity saving throw VS DC=8+PROF+CHA. It take 2d4 fire damage on a fail save or half as much on a successful save.

Allies that start or enter this radius have their weapons or spells infused with the fire from the boundary. This adds an extra 1d6 fire damage to their damage rolls. This effect ends if they leave your boundary.

Ice Soul(Blue)

Ice Soul boundary act like normal Boundaries. Ice Soul boundary slows enemies in its area of effect by halving their movements speed when they enter or start their turns in the boundary. This effect ends if they leave your boundary.

All allies, not including you, gain 10 temporary HP when they enter or start their turn in the boundary. This effect ends if they leave your boundary.

Temporary HP is increased to 25 at 9th level, 40 at 13th level, and 55 at 17th level. At 13th level, after an enemy hits creature with this buff, that creature takes cold damage equal to the lost of temporary hit points.


At 7th level you begin to become one with the incorporeal, making it hard to see you in low light. In dim light or darkness you have advantage on stealth checks.

Support Boundary[edit]

Five new more souls circle around you. One is green and dripping, one is a pale shade of green and has wind flowing around it, one is sky blue, one is orange, and the last is purple. These souls are invisible to everyone except you and those you allow to see them. Typically these souls appear as blobs, but you may choose how they look.

At 7th level, your affinity with the spirits and souls grants you certain abilities of theirs to support your allies and weaken your enemies:

  • Acid Boundary - Reduces AC of creatures of your choice within the boundary by 2/3/4 at level 7/11/15.
  • Wind Boundary - Increases the movement speed of up to 6 allies by 10/20/30 feet at levels 7/11/15
  • Calm Boundary - Allows creatures of your choice to roll at advantage against mind altering effects, such as fear, magical sleep, charm, etc.
  • Haste Boundary - Grants a target with the benefit of the Haste spell for as long as you hold this boundary. At the end of your concentration, you suffer the consequences of the Haste spell as if you cast the spell normally.
  • Sloth Boundary - Curses a target of your choice with the affects of the Slow spell for as long as you hold this boundary.

Support Boundary act differently from a normal Boundaries. As an action, you may summon a boundary from this list with a radius of 25 feet within 60 feet of you.

Ghostly Influence[edit]

At 10th level you start to lose your physical form. You may cast Greater Invisibility once per long rest. At 14th level this increases to twice per long rest. At 18th level this increases to three times per long rest.

Boundary Maker[edit]

At 13th level you master the basics of you boundaries. You can use Calligrapher's supplies to make weaker versions of them for others to use. You must spend half an hour and 150 gp worth of rare inks to imbue the boundary into the object with a DC 20 - int mod with your calligrapher’s supplies. Once the boundary is used, it burns up the object it was drawn on. If it is a weapon or armor it is turned into scrap metal, if it is any piece of wood, it combusts, if it is stone or similar material, it is crumbled. This boundary marking can be broken or interrupted if the item holding the boundary is destroyed or damaged in any way that affects the mark. e.g. The paper is torn or drawn on. The metal is heated or chipped.

Inscribe Blade[edit]

At 17th level you take inspiration from your blade soul. At the end of a long rest, you may inscribe a sigil representing your Blade Soul to your weapon. When you make attack rolls made with Blade Soul weapon, you add your proficiency modifier.

Ghost Feast[edit]

At 20th level, you learn how to quickly form and explode your boundaries to deal massive damage to creatures of your choice within range. Using your action you can form as many of your boundaries in a 40 foot radius of yourself as you choose(up to your max of 10 boundaries), allowing them to overlap, Deal xd8 necrotic damage and xd6 force damage to enemies in any one of your boundaries. Heal yourself for 1/5 the total necrotic damage you dealt. X is the number of boundaries you summon. When a boundary is used this way it hurts your connection with the souls and requires time to properly apologize to them, so the boundaries go on a cooldown for 1 hour * number of boundaries used. You must finish a long rest before using this feature again.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Ghost Caller class, you must meet these prerequisites: 13 Intelligence Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Ghost Caller class, you gain the following proficiencies: Calligrapher's Supplies, Arcana

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