Dentist (5e Class)
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A general anesthetic is given, a decaying tooth is removed, and the patient awakes feeling anew. Oral medicine is uncommon in most lands, but whether it's an aching fang, a cracked tusk, or missing teeth from a bar fight, a practitioner of dentistry can always cure what ails you.
"Don't be afraid, you're making things worse! I should know 'cause I'm the doctor here! Don't run away...I'll throw the treatment in reverse! Everything you need is prescribed by me. First of all, Let's establish one thing, a kind heart like me really doesn't have to do this! You don't deserve it. So, pay your fees with appreciation. You're in my debt for as long as you need medication for a chronic condition!"
(Lyrics from Creep-P and GHOST's NOVOCAINE)
Creating a Dentist[edit]
When making a Dentist, think about why they are going on adventures and quests? Were they hired as a field medic to help out an adventuring party? Are they out on their own in an attempt to study the medical practices of other cultures? Or, is there something more sinister going on?
- Quick Build
You can make a Dentist quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Charisma, then either Strength or Wisdom. Second, choose the Hermit or Sage background. Third, choose Perception and either Deception or Insight.
Class Features
As a Dentist you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Dentist level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Dentist level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light
Weapons: Simple melee and ranged weapons
Tools: Alchemist's Supplies, Healer’s Kit, Herbalism Kit, Surgery Kit, Dentist's Tools
Saving Throws: Intelligence and Charisma
Skills: Medicine and Choose two from the following: Deception, Insight, Nature, Perception, or Survival.
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) Shortsword or (b) 2 daggers or (c) a simple weapon of your choice.
- (a) Medical Clothes (Unarmored) or (b) Padded Armor or (c) Leather Armor
- (a) a light crossbow with 20 bolts or (b) a dagger or (c) Healer's Kit
- (a) Herbalism Kit or (b) Surgery Kit
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 5d4 × 10 gp in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features |
1st | +2 | Dental Tools, Anatomical Training, Medical Training |
2nd | +2 | Forced Extraction |
3rd | +2 | Practitioner's Approach |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Increase, Quick Patch |
5th | +3 | Quick Patch Increase |
6th | +3 | Practitioner's Approach Feature |
7th | +3 | Minor Anesthetic |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Increase |
9th | +4 | - |
10th | +4 | Studious Calling |
11th | +4 | Practitioner's Approach Feature, Quick Patch Increase |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Increase |
13th | +5 | Quicker Patching |
14th | +5 | - |
15th | +5 | Palette Cleanse |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Increase |
17th | +6 | Brush your Tongue, Quick Patch Increase |
18th | +6 | Practitioner's Approach Feature |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Increase |
20th | +6 | You’re Bleeding Because You Didn’t Floss. |
Dental Tools[edit]
At 1st level, you are granted a pair of seemingly standard tools for your medical practices. You are given a pair of dental pliers able to grasp small objects with a vice-like grip. When used as a melee weapon, your pliers deal 1d4 + your Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus Bludgeoning damage. Additionally, you are given an injection needle able to administer potions, or poisons. When used as a melee weapon, your needle deal 1d4 + your Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus piercing damage, and can hold up to 4 oz of liquid, which can be injected either after making a successful melee attack with the needle against the target, or safely with no damage against a willing creature, by making a DC 12 Medicine check against the target and by using a bonus action. Both tools have the Light and Undersized property (so you may use your Dexterity bonus instead of Strength, but they do not count as Finesse weapons), and you are Proficient with them.
Anatomical Training[edit]
At 1st level, you gain Advantage to all Medicine checks and double your Proficiency against your race and one other race of your choice. Knowing the basic anatomy of creature types allows you to have an advanced understanding of how they work. The difference in size and scale of creatures change, but their organs share great similarities. The types you may choose from are; Beasts, Celestials, Dragons, Feys, Fiends, Giants, Humanoids, Monstrosities, or Undead.
Medical Training[edit]
Your experience and medical training have made you more effective at healing. Whenever you use your Medicine skill on a 0 HP creature, the creature regains extra Hit Points equal to your Dentist level. You can't use this particular skill if you are or the target you are healing is next to an enemy at melee range. Additionally, anytime you make a Medicine check or save, you may use your Intelligence modifier for the roll.
Forced Extraction[edit]
Some patients require a slightly more forceful approach during procedures. Starting at 2nd level, if a creature is successfully Grappled or Restrained by any means, you can make a melee weapon attack action against them as a bonus action to pull out one of their teeth. This attack must be made with your Dental Pliers, and require a free hand to use. This attack initially deals 1d4 + your Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus, and increases by 1d4 for every additional tooth extracted (5 teeth = 5d4 damage + modifiers). You may pull two teeth as a standard action (2d4 damage + modifiers), provided the target is still Grappled or Restrained. Creatures that do not have teeth or bones to extract, such as Oozes, Plants, and some Undead, can either be immune to this feature or affected in a different way, to the DM's discretion.
Practitioner's Approach[edit]
At 3rd level, you may choose a medical specialization. Choose between the Surgeon, the Opioidence, or the Malpractician, all are detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 11th, and 18th level.
Ability Score Increase[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Minor Anesthetic[edit]
Starting at 7th level, you may administer a nerve depressant to a willing creature of your choice, or unconscious allies and yourself. The anesthesia takes 10 minutes to prepare a single dosage, which is placed into your Injection Needle. As an action, you may pierce the target or yourself, and the following effects are received while the anesthetic is active..
- - The target has advantage on all Constitution saving throws
- - They cannot be Shaken/Wavered or Frightened while taking damage or after receiving damage (abilities like Shadow Talons does not Frighten, but abilities like Frightful Presence do).
- - They cannot be Exhausted and do not take Exhaustion Points
- - They do not feel most senses of pain, only small sensations when major injuries are inflicted.
Any features/abilities that end after losing a number of hit points do not end. The effects end after 10 minutes in combat, or after 1 hour out of combat, and the target must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or gain one exhaustion point, plus any they would’ve gained while the effects were active.
Studious Calling[edit]
By 10th level, you have learned much in your studies and have developed new skills in all manners of life. You may choose a new skill to gain proficiency in, or double your proficiency bonus in a skill you already possess.
Quicker Patching[edit]
You’ve practiced enough to be able to bind wounds and staunch bleeding without taking up valuable time. Starting at 13th level, you can use your Quick Patch ability as a bonus action.
Palette Cleanse[edit]
Years of working with disease and decay have given you the skills to prevent the spread and worsening of sickness. Starting at 15th level, you may make a Medicine check to remove the Poisoned condition and any effects of poison, as well as attempt to slow or cure a disease on a creature. The process takes up to one hour, and the chance of success is up to the DM’s discretion.
Brush your Tongue[edit]
By 17th level, you’ve developed a silver tongue, able to calm any patient under your care. After winning any positive Charisma check against an intelligent creature, it regards you as a friend and ally. This however does not effects creatures that cannot understand you, creatures with 5 or less intelligence, or hostile creatures of any form.
You’re Bleeding Because You Didn’t Floss.[edit]
Healing and fixing isn’t the extent of your capabilities and anyone who thinks so shall be punished by your bloodied hands. Starting at level 20, once per long rest, when you use your Forced Extraction ability, you may forcibly destroy the jaw of the creature you are targeting. If it can, the target must make a Strength check against a DC equal to your Medicine skill + your Strength modifier + your Proficiency bonus. On a success, it resists your force, but you may still use your Forced Extraction ability. On a failure, you manage to tear off the creature’s lower jaw completely. The creature takes 8d10 damage, and can no longer speak or make intelligible noises. Additionally, it takes 2d6 Bleeding damage at the start of each of its turns. (Creatures affected differently from the Forced Extraction ability may be immune or be affected differently by this ability, to the DM's discretion.)
The Surgeon[edit]
You’ve devoted your life to the study of anatomy and surgical practices, being able to quickly and painlessly perform both oral and bodily surgeries to ensure the survival, or the end, of your patients.
- Eyes On Me
Any practicer of the medicinal arts needs to have a calming and trustworthy face, and knows that medicine can sometimes warrant fear or panic. When you choose this Approach at 3rd level, you gain Proficiency with all positive Charisma checks, and anytime you make a Medicine check, you can add your Charisma bonus.
- Practical Surgeries
Your surgical knowledge has expanded from just the oral region, allowing you to treat injured patients in many ways. Starting at 6th level, you can spend a short rest performing surgery on a single injured creature. You must make a Medicine roll against a DC determined by the injuries of the creature (the DC can be set at the DM’s discretion). On a success, during a short rest, you heal the creature by an amount equal to half their total hit dice rounded up + your Medicine skill. (Ex. 5th level Fighter + Example number = 3d10 + 10 hit points). (Creatures may still use their own hit dice to heal during these rests if allowed by the DM)
- Sealant
At 11th level, you’ve developed a type of liquidized bandage that hardens on contact, able to quickly and temporarily seal wounds when there’s no time for surgery. As an action, you may use the sealant on an injured creature within 5ft of you. This halts the effects of Bleeding and closes up the wound, healing the creature by an amount equal to your Medicine skill + your Proficiency bonus. The sealant, however, cannot heal a target with no external injuries, or that is not affected by external injuries, such as Oozes and Undead. Portions covered by the sealant have Resistance against Slashing and Piercing damage when targeted, and cannot be severed. The sealant crumbles and peels away after one hour.
- Throw the Treatment in Reverse
You know how to fix and mend, all you have to do is reverse that process, and you learn how to fracture and maim. Starting at 18th level, if you have a creature Grappled, Incapacitated, Restrained, Paralyzed, or Unconscious, you may spend an action to begin ripping and opening portions of their body. If it can, the creature can make a Strength check to resist your attempts. The DC is equal to 8 + your Medicine skill, and on a successful save, the creature manages to writhe out of the way of your blades and tools. On a failed save, you deal 8d6 Slashing damage to the creature as your tear at flesh and tissue. This damage cannot be increased by any means of features or weapons, and cannot be made critical even if the creature is Paralyzed or Unconscious.
The Opioidence[edit]
You’ve perfected your own anesthetic liquid for use to help dull, or completely remove, the pain inflicted upon your patients, or yourself. Side effects may include; grogginess, headaches, fever, missing teeth, dismemberment, and death.
- It'll Only Hurt a Little
A reassuring smile and a harmless needle are a perfect combination. Some patients just need a bit of convincing to get through the procedure. When you choose this Approach at 3rd level, you gain Proficiency with Persuasion, or double Proficiency if you are already proficient, and anytime you make a Medicine check, you can add your Persuasion bonus to the roll.
- Unknown Extraction
Starting at 6th level, if you make a melee weapon attack against a creature that is Incapacitated or Unconscious, you roll with Advantage if you do not have it already, and deal an additional die of damage with the attack. The amount of additional damage dice increases by one at 10th, 15th, and 19th level. (Can be used in conjunction with Forced Extraction)
- Novocaine
Starting at 11th level, you’ve learned how to heighten the effects of your anesthetic for use in combat, being able to entirely incapacitate a target with a single dosage. The heightened anesthesia takes 5 minutes to prepare a single dosage, which is placed into your Injection Needle, which can be injected either after making a successful melee attack with the needle against a target, or safely with no damage against a willing creature, by making a DC 12 Medicine check against the target. If the target isn’t willing, it must make a Constitution save equal to 10 + your Medicine modifier, or be rendered Incapacitated. Additionally while in this state, the creature cannot feel pain, and has Disadvantage on all checks that rely on its senses (If the creature uses these senses to see, it is also considered Blinded). The creature can repeat this save on its subsequent turns, ending the effects on a success.
- Lights Out
At 18th level, you’ve developed your finest creation, a liquid that numbs the mind and body to all. You may spend an entire day to make a single dosage of this liquid, which is placed into your Injection Needle. You choose to either inject it into a target of your choice, or yourself. If the target is willing, or you’ve made a successful melee attack with the needle against the target, the target can make a Constitution save equal to 8 + your Medicine modifier, or fall unconscious. While in this state, the creature cannot awaken for 3 days, does not need to eat, drink, or breathe, and is considered dead if seen through a spell such as Detect Life/Dead. After 3 days, the creature may repeat the saving throw every hour until they awaken. After they wake, the creature suffers 5 points of exhaustion, but is immune to the liquid for an entire year. A creature can awaken early, however, if they are the target of a spell such as Greater Restoration, Revivify, or Wish. If you target yourself with this liquid, you take on an altered effect, as your body is accustomed to your own medicines. You must spend an action to target and inject yourself in this way, and only you may target yourself. Immediately after injecting yourself with the liquid, you go into a sadistic stupor, wishing to inflict as much pain to anyone as possible. If you have not already moved or used your bonus action in this turn, you must move towards the nearest creature and make an attack action against it as a bonus action. After your starting turn ends, you gain the following effects.
- - Your hit point maximum is doubled, and you have Resistance to non-magical Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage.
- - You have Immunity to Poison and Psychic damage, and cannot be Poisoned or targeted by psychic effects.
- - All attacks you make are made with Advantage.
- - Your Strength and Constitution scores cannot be lowered past 15, and become 15 if they aren’t already.
- - You cannot feel any sense of pain, and cannot be Frightened, or Shaken/Wavered.
However, you suffer the following effects as a result of your destructive rage.
- - If there are no hostile targets that you can see, you must attack another target regardless if they’re a friend or neutral towards you.
- - You cannot use ranged weapons, tools, kits, or anything more complex than simple machines (levers, buttons, etc.).
- - You cannot use any features other than your Forced Extraction, nor can you cast spells if you have access to them.
The effects end by one of the following: one hour has passed after injection, you are reduced to 0 hit points, you are rendered Unconscious, or you are the target of the spell Greater Restoration, a stronger healing spell, or Wish. After the effects end, you suffer 5 points of exhaustion, and any damage dealt to you while the effects were active remains, but your doubled hit points are gone as a result. If the damage was enough to reduce you to 0 hit points, or kill you, you remain at 0 hit points, but are stabilized.
The Malpractitioner[edit]
If a patient complains about a toothache, remove the tooth entirely! No reason to doddle with practical medicine when the real solution is quicker and easier. Medical licenses are merely a precaution, and the Hippocratic Oath is merely a suggestion.
- "This Won't Hurt a Bit"
You’ve discovered that people will believe anything if it ensures their wellbeing and that the right words can keep anyone calm. When you choose this Approach at 3rd level, you gain Proficiency with Deception, or double Proficiency if you are already proficient, and anytime you make a Medicine check, you can add your Deception bonus to the roll.
- Unsanitary
All this cutting and pulling is busy work, and you haven’t the time, or the care, to clean off all your tools properly. Starting at 6th level, after making a successful attack against a creature, any additional attacks with the same weapon deal an additional 1d6 Poison damage. Additionally, after killing a creature, you may dirty your weapon further, increasing the damage to 2d8 Poison damage. These effects do not stack, and end after your weapon is cleaned. If it is one of your Dental Tools, you cannot use any abilities with them without dealing damage until they are cleaned. (Ex. administering a Healing Potion with your Injection Needle will deal the damage accumulated by this feature, but will also heal by the amount of the potion.)
- A Few Side Effects
Using the remnants of different medical liquids, you’ve developed an unstable and unpredictable solution to most issues. The poison takes 10 minutes to prepare a single dosage, which is placed into your Injection Needle. Afterward, you may make an attack action against a creature you can see with your Injection Needle, injecting the solution into the target’s veins. On a successful attack, the target must make a Constitution save equal to 8 + your Medicine modifier, or suffer one of the effects listed below after determining the effect.
- (1) The target is affected by the Command Duel spell, with you acting as the commander.
- (2-5) The target is Blinded and Deafened until the effect ends.
- (6-10) The target is Paralyzed until the effect ends.
- (11-12) The target is Poisoned until the effect ends.
- (13) The target becomes Petrified in 1d8 rounds and remains Petrified until cured.
- (14-16) The target is rendered incapable of speech until the effect ends.
- (17-19) The target suffers 1d6 Necrotic damage every round until the effect ends.
- (20) The target is reduced to half its total health until the effect ends.
These effects last until the creature succeeds its saving throw unless otherwise specified. Creatures that are Resistant to Poison damage have Advantage on the initial saving throw, and any subsequent saving throws. Creatures that are Immune to Poison are not affected, and creatures that do not have any sort of blood or internal liquid are not affected.
- Bound For Your Own Good
You’ve worked extensively with patients of all shapes, sizes, and strengths, and know how to keep them perfectly still during a procedure. Using your bandages, you can Restrain a Grappled, Incapacitated, Prone, or Unconscious creatures to prevent them from moving. If the creature is conscious it can attempt to resist your binding with a Strength save against a DC equal to 10 + your Strength Modifier + your Medicine Modifier. On a successful save, the creature breaks free of the binding, but still suffers the effects of their previous condition. On a failed save, they are permanently Restrained until the binding is removed. Additionally, you may use your Forced Extraction twice per turn on the bound creature. You may only have one bound creature at a time, and must spend an action unbinding the creature to bind another.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Dentist class, you must meet these prerequisites: 13 Intelligence and either 13 Wisdom or 13 Charisma.
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the dentist class, you gain the following proficiencies: Medicine, one skill from the Dentist’s skill proficiency list, and one tool from the Dentist’s tool proficiency list. Additionally, you gain both Dental Tools, and are proficient with them
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