5e Other Classes

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Nonvariant Classes

These are classes that: 1) don't act similarly to, or 2) fill niches not explored by, the core classes or other archetypal classes.

Classes which are not variants or mashups of archetypal classes.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Aberration A creature cursed by powerful entities. half
Abomination, 2nd Variant ever been unable to contain stress? let it consume you
Abomination, Variant ever been unable to contain stress? let it consume you
Aegis Paladin A Paladin of the Harvest Gods
Agent of Shadow
Animated Armor
Animatronic a fun robot created by fazbear corparation for the purpose of entertaining children
User:Animatronic fnaf class (5e class) a fun robot created by fazbear corparation for the purpose of entertaining children
Anomaly Glitched half
Apollyon Fearsome warriors who utilise their unparalleled strength to dominate their opponents.
Arcana Wild Summoner A class inspired by weird west style gunslingers and K6BD's Gun Witches; a spellcasting warrior that combines spells and ranged weapons into a deadly combination. half
Armored Pilot User of a magical armor that enhances its natural abilities. half
Armored Pilot, Variant User of a magical armor that enhances its natural abilities. half
Astral Projectionist Intelligent and Capable striker who specializes in astral projection control half
Astromancer full
Aura Guardian A mighty defender that manifests aspects from one's own soul to wield various powers.
Aura Warrior Aura warriors use the Aura Force for combat purposes, and they run on respect. They would not hesitate to lay down their life for the greater good.
Aviator Free-willed fighters who soar through the skies attacking from above.
Awaken Familiar Class for Familiars
Awakened Being soulbound to a legendary singer or an ancient demon may have its benefits. half
Biskmatar half
Blade Soul A support who is fragile, but can grant many unique bonuses. half
Blood Killer Cat Bloodclan from Warriors Cat
Boy Kisser
Caped Crusader A warrior on a path they designated. These warriors combine martial arts, stealth, and versatile equipment to take out their foes.
Chakra Wielder Ninja wielding chakra
Clairvoyant A perceptive warrior
Clairvoyant, Variant A perceptive warrior
Clan Eshin Acolyte A master assassin and cutthroat for hire the skaven of clan eshin are monsters when left to their own devices.
Commandment of Love Demon warrior who prevents his enemies from fighting with hatred.
Conjurophage Summoners who conjure spirits called Eidolon to fight alongside them. half
Crazed Uncle A Bioshock-themed insane anti-caster.
Dealer, Variant You weild a mystical other worldly deck of terrot cards as your weapon, gifted to you by a deity of luck, or fey agents of chaos. full
Deck Master
Delta Knight
Demon King The Demon King rules over fiends and uses their power to cause havoc on the material plane. half
Demon Slayer A swordsman/swordswoman who's joined the ranks of the Demon Slayer Corps.
Devil User Rebalanced A rebalance of the original Devil User class, based on the manga series Chainsaw Man.
Devourer Devourers are frightening warriors that eat monsters to gain their traits.
Dragonbound, Variant
Economist A charismatic provider of goods and services that functions around making deals. half
Eldritch Knight A warrior equally dedicated to magic and martial mastery.
Element Manipulator Element Manipulators are monks who manipulate elements to fight
Elemental Hawserer idk
Elementalist As an Elementalist, you gain the following class features. full
Empty Being
Encroacher The Encroacher is a martial class that makes wide swings, and disrupts enemies by getting in their personal space.
Fairy Contractor A charismatic master of bargains who uses fairies to complete tasks for them.
Fatesmith A studious spellcaster who prefers the raw power of fate itself over measly spell slots.
Fire Bender, Variant
Fire Soldier (Fire Force)
Flame Dancer Flame Dancers are pyromaniacs that release the flame within through dancing. half
Friendly Beast Awaken animal who desires to make others happy
Gem Knight, Variant This is a fan-made rework of the homebrew Gem Knight class that was originally created by DarpaLarpa. I loved the concept, but felt it needed some balancing and polish. Please check out the original version as well as this one!
Glacial Conjurer Use your inherit glacial abilities to destroy your foes.
God Saiyan A powerful saiyan choose by the god
Gore-igami A crafty and swift handed individual who prefers paper over the pen or sword.
Guard, Variant A protective shield-bearer that intercepts damage for those around them.
Guardian, 3rd Variant Instead of Dex your armor bonus is based of your Int
Hand of the Kraken A religious warrior that summons tentacles to control the battlefield. half
Hemomancer, 2nd Variant
Hojosa 2d Variant A class revolved around the character 'Ilpyo Park' from God of Highschool
Hojosa Alternate A class revolved around the character 'Ilpyo Park' from God of Highschool
Hollow Knight Become a Hollow Knight in D&D 5e!
Honkai Valkyrie A Superhuman soldier who fight against Houkai.
Invoker An Invoker draws power from a concept which they are tied to. This power is neither nature or divine. It is more like a glitch in reality.
Ixtal Assassin As an Elementalist, you gain the following class features. full
Jujutsu Sorcerer 0 The only Jujutsu Sorcerer class you'll ever need.
Keyblade Guardian half
Legendary Devil Hunter
Life-fiber Hybrid
Light Monarch A reclusive order of warriors, the Light Monarchs have pledged to scour darkness from the world wherever they encounter it, and to destroy all those who choose to dwell within such darkness.
Living Curse
Loner Cat Barbarian modified to fit better in a low magic world
Magical A͖̚̚n͎̭͍̮̻̯ͭͬͭͯ̒̆ͪo̖̭͂̐̑̔m̘̬͖͍͎̾a͖̹̹̱̠l̲̰͈̱̫̝̖̄̈̓̈̊y̤̤̅́̌͑ͥ Glitched Magic half
Magical Child half
Majorelle Scholars of monsterkind who wield a variety of learned powers.
Martyr This Constitution-based half-caster's powers are derived from sacrifices of hit dice. half
Mary Sue half
Mistborn, Mistborn RPG Variant Allomancer with ability to burn all metals
Monkey King Variant (For Akira Campaign) A class based on the character Jin Mori from God of highschool
Monkey King, Variant 3 A class based on the character Jin Mori from God of highschool
Monochromancer Harness the forces of light and darkness to shift the battle in your favor. full
Moon Knight
Nahobino Mortals who have fused with a celestial spirit to achieve a forbidden form more like gods than mortals. full
Nano Spider If you ever wanted to be Spider-Man but with the ability to control nanobots, well then this is the class for you.
New World Fighter (Grand Line Supplement)
Nightbringer The nightbringer is freedom, darkness, and chaos incarnate half
Northern Bowmaster A northern traditional bowmaster
Nova Masters of the elite Thornwood Guards and embracers of the icy darkness
Oil Mage Magicians who specialize in Petrolkinesis. full
Operative A strategist, both fighting and providing utility.
Pact Summoner Pact Summoner fight with creature they create a pact with. half
Pact Summoner, Variant Pact Summoner fight with creature they create a pact with. half
Para-Elementalist Para-elementalists manipulate both the para-elements they are gifted with and the two elements from which they are derived. full
Paradox As a Paradox, you may be in it for yourself or for the gods. Though at the end of the day you will manipulate Time and Space.
Planewalker A person with an innate connection to the planes of existence. half
Psionic: Scarlet Nexus
Puppetmaster Puppeteers seamlessly blend craftsmanship with occult practices, intricately weaving threads of magic. Entrusting fragments of their own souls into their animated creations, they gain the ability to manipulate their enchanted puppets.

Using their effigy as a conduit, puppeteers command their puppets to cast spells, engage in combat, and execute any other command issued by their master.

Raven Demon Ascendant Control your inner demon,
Recon soldier that uses geared up magical devices and exceptional reflex training to combat their enemies using unique tactics and advanced reactions.
River Warrior Cat Water and grappled class based on Riverclan from Warriors cat
Rolling Fortress Hulking war machine that hoists a large cannon to combat large, sloe monsters but has low manevouribility and performs poorly against agile swarms.
Runic Warrior
Score Maniac Your ability scores are now 3 times 10 to the 8th power. Congrats.
Score Maniac, 2nd Variant (5e class) Your ability scores are now 3 times 10 to the 8th power. Congrats.
Scourge Scourges are forces of destruction. Being a scourge does not necessitate being evil or notorious, but rather that you pull from a pool of energy, devoted to light, death, blood, fire, or frost. Some scourges could be in another category, but those are the major 5.
Sekiro A shinobi like class inspire by: Sekiro shadow die twice
Sentient Weapon An animated, sentient weapon
Sentinel Construct A humanoid soul, wiped of memory, bound to a body of steel and wood. Possesses a single eye lens crafted out of a gemstone, around which its abilities and strengths are based
Series 800 Terminator A dangerous mechanical assassin built in the future by the rogue AI 'Skynet'.
Shadow Walker II A warrior that uses their internal shadow to cast spells.
Shadowweaver A master of darkness and shadows, the Shadowweaver manipulates the essence of night to obscure, deceive, and strike fear into their enemies. Half
Shaman (spirit walker) A creature that goes in and out of the vale half
Shovel Knight A knight that lives by a holy code and uses a sacred blade: The Shovel Blade!
Shroomancer A class for a fungi or those who wield them.
Sky Warrior Cat Warriors that attack from the sky based from Skyclan from Warrior Cat
Soul Vessel Warriors who have learned to harness the power of soul, a magical force which resides within them.
Spawn of The Memory Superhuman with mental powers.
Spirit Conjurer
Stand User Variant Callout your inner spirit, and punch your enemies with it
Survivor half
Synthisit Cursed by a strange metal, by choice or by accident. Some call it Blessed.
Tarot Master
Technical Brawler Beat em down 'n' good, using any means necessary!
Teleporter Able to use teleportation instinctively, teleporters excel in hit-and-run combat and battlefield manipulation
The Defect The Defect practices ancient forms of combat, allowing the manipulation of raw magical energy in the form of Orbs. half
The Department of Inner Minds As a DIM student, you gain the following class features
The Department of Mysteries and Paranormal As a DMP student, you gain the following class features
The Drifter
The Hollow Hunter
The Knight, Variant Hated by this world. Completely devoid of talent.
The Monkey King A class based on the character Jin Mori from God of highschool
The Sealed Warrior
The Tormentor (Horrortale) Stronk
Timeless Sorcerer Unnoticed by time.
Transmutation Alchemist Alchemists are individuals capable of studying and practicing alchemy. As the craft of alchemy requires a full understanding of chemistry, physics and ancient alchemical theory, alchemists are closer to scientists than magicians, but the ability to perform alchemy is also tied to an inherent talent for manipulating matter and energy, so not all people can become competent alchemists merely by studying.
Valorant Agent As an Agent you gain the following features
Vampire, Hellsing Use the souls of your enemies to gain great power.
Vampire, Hellsing, Variant Use the souls of your enemies to gain great power.
Variant, Sekiro A shinobi like class inspire by: Sekiro shadow die twice
Vessel, Variant Creatures born of Wyrm and Void half
Vision Holder A Vision Holder is one who is granted an element and recognized by the Gods. Those with Visions have a chance of ascending to Celestia.
Vitalist half
War's Champion
War's Champion, Variant
Warcraft Death Knight, Variant
Weaver, 2nd Variant A mage that bends fate to their will, so that the odds are ever in their favor. full
Wind Warrior Cat Charging fighter from Windclan in Warrior Cat
Witch A practitioner of the old magics, and senses the spiritual bonds between all things. half
Witch, 3rd Variant A practitioner of the old magics, senses the spiritual bonds between all things, and light potion crafting and curse creation. half
Wrath, Deadly Sin Wrath is the gatekeeper to the Domains of the Nine Sins, and also keeps the boundaries firmly fixed so that the other Sins cannot escape and cause severe imbalance. It is up to you to maintain that balance between the Physical Realm, the Domains of the Nine Deadly Sins, and the Nine Hells so that they don't merge and create unbridled evil throughout the entire pocket Universe.
YoRHa Troop Soldiers for the Glory of Mankind

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