Boy Kisser (5e Class)
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Boy Kisser
Boy kisser's. The Kisser of boys. We do not know their motives yet but we do know that they Kiss boys. Girls hate them, Boys love them, but does This Boy Kisser loves both, hate girls, or loves boys and is fine with girls. We will have to find out. Boy kisser's are known for their strange ability to make boys fall in love with him. But they can always improve their kissing abilities. Some take loving boys to the extreme and grow a deep hatred of girls. some use their strengths of kissing boys and use it to kiss . . . GIRLS *gasp*. Few though take the path of balancing the love of boys with the understanding of girls.
Are you here to hate girls? are here because you love both genders? or are you here to kiss boys? you have to choose you path as you dwell into the life of a boy kisser and explore the ways of the boy kisser. what are you motives? are you gonna destroy all girls? are you gonna date everyone? will you put bards to shame? or will you kiss all the boys the world offers? these and many more questions we ask, For the boy kisser is a path of many possibilities. Do you have your morale compass to guide? will you be lawful and ask for consent first? or chaotic and dive headfirst into kissing? will you be good and treat the people around you right? or will you be evil and harm all those around you? will you use you new found abilities to manipulate boys to your will? or will you use it for love and love only?. keep these questions in mind when you make you character as I see them as important question for The Boy kisser to Ponder about before his adventure.
Creating a Boy kisser
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- Quick Build
You can make a Boy Kisser quickly by following these suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity. Second, choose the any background.
Class Features
As a Boy Kisser you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Boy Kisser level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Boy Kisser level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: light armor
Weapons: dagger and whip
Tools: a musical instrument of choice
Saving Throws: charisma and constitusion
Skills: insight and persuasion
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 5d4 x 10gp in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features |
1st | +2 | Kisser of Boys |
2nd | +2 | Thigh highs |
3rd | +2 | Boy Kisser style |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement |
5th | +3 | Feminine Look |
6th | +3 | Head Rubs |
7th | +3 | Boy Kisser style |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement |
9th | +4 | Make Outer of Boys |
10th | +4 | Nothing??? |
11th | +4 | Baggy Hoodie |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement |
13th | +5 | Femboy Look |
14th | +5 | Nothing??? |
15th | +5 | Boy Kisser Photo |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement |
17th | +6 | True Femboy |
18th | +6 | Nothing???/F**ker of Boys |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement |
20th | +6 | Final Boy Kisser style |
Kisser of Boys
At 1st level, you are imbued with the attractiveness and the confidence to kiss boys. you have advantage on kissing boys. The kissed boy will roll for their reaction or the DM will determine their reaction. If rolled then the DM will set the DC.
Thigh Highs
At 2nd level, you granted a pair of thigh highs. They are treated as equipment but have no armor class. When worn they give the user +1 to their charisma score. The Thigh Highs can be given to others. if the Thigh Highs are damaged they lose their bonus until you perform a ritual to summon a new pair. When the Thigh Highs are worn, they also increase your maximum Charisma score by 1. The ritual can only be performed once per short/long rest.
Boy Kisser Style (Explained)
At 3rd level you can choose what type of Boy Kisser you are. To see more about this go to the bottom and you find the Sub Class section. Thank you.
Final Boy Kisser Style
At 3rd level, you get your first bonus to your Boy Kisser Style.
Feminine Look
At 5th level, you have noticed that you body looks kind of of feminine. You also realize that you can use this to your advantage. You can now disguise as a girl. When you're in the "Girl" disguise, you can pass as a girl. If a boy rolls investigation on you, they take disadvantage. If a girl rolls investigation on you, they get advantage. You also get advantage on Charisma rolls (Deception, Intimidation, Performance, and Persuasion) against straight boys. ATTENTION, beyond this point the feature gets into 13+ addition. First, ask your DM if you are able to use this addition. Second, if you are below the age of 13 then this addition of the feature is unavailable for you to use.(I hate how I have to take this into to account) If you roll to seduce a male character while in the "Girl" disguise, you have to roll both Performance and Deception. The DM will set the DC and If you fail your disguise is imminently revealed. The DM will also decided the reaction of the boy. If you are successful, . . . do I really need to specify what happens . . . fine. You have a "wrestling match" with the boy and get whatever you need out of the "interaction".
Head Pats
At 6th level, you are in love with getting your head pat. You love it so much that if someone promises to give you Head Pats, you get a inspiration dice. But if the player who promised Head Pats does not give you Head Pats, your inspiration dice turns into Sad dice. Sad dice are similar to inspiration dice but instead of give a bonus, the rolled amount is removed from you regular roll (ex-player does not give Head Pats, you roll 14 on your hit roll, you then roll the normal inspiration dice roll, you now remove that amount from you 14.). For the player to give Head Pats they have spend a action giving you it. If the player is interrupted while giving you Head Pats, you still get inspiration dice and you get advantage on your next turn against the creature who interrupted the Head Pats. You can only use this ability 3 times before you have to take a long rest( if the player takes a short rest, instead of getting 3 Head Pats, you get only 1 Head Pats).
Boy Kisser Style
At 7th level, you get your second bonus to your Boy Kisser Style.
Make Outer of Boys
At 9th level, you have learn from your experience of kissing boys that some like it to be taken farther. You now always passed the kissing action, and if you pass they reaction DC, then you can take it further and roll to make out with the same boy. You do not need to roll to see if you successfully kiss the boy as you always are successful. If you ask for consent before hand and the answer is yes then you do not need to roll for the boys reaction. if you did not ask for consent before hand, then you roll for reaction for their reaction to you making out with them. If you are successful then the boy will now do whatever command you want, as long as they do not put themselves in danger. If you fail the reaction roll, then you and the boy will roll for strength. If you roll the highest, you are given the choice to either keep the making out with the boy or willing eject from the session. If you keep making out with boy, when you are done you now get advantage next time the you roll for making out. If you choose to end the making out, then you don't get the advantage but the boy will treat you the same as if you didn't try to make out with him. If the boy is successful, then the DM decides what the boy does and the reaction of the action.
At 10th level, you get . . . Nothing sry. Their too many features so I had to remove two.
Baggie Hoodie
At 11th level, you are gifted from a random boyfriend (or if the DM decides, one of your boyfriends) a pair of Baggie Hoodie. When worn you get +2 AC, +2 Charisma, your Charisma Ability Max is increased by +2, and you get advantage when stealing. In exchange, when wearing the Baggie Hoodie if a NPC successfully rolls a investigation on you, your Baggie Hoodie will be removed till you either exit the town (in which, a pentagram will form at your feet and your Baggie Hoodie will be given back) or your DM decides you have to go and retrieve it. The Baggie Hoodie can be worn by another player (if playing "The Femboy" style then they'll only get base stats). When you wear the Baggie hoodie then you cannot wear any other armor. The Baggie Hoodie gets the same stats as Light Armor. The Baggie Hoodie can be removed but cannot be destroyed.
Femboy Look
At 12th level, you start to pull of the Femboy Look, you replace the feature "Feminine Look" with "Femboy Look". "Femboy Look" has the same features as "Feminine Look" but now if a girl rolls investigation on you they roll straight instead of rolling with advantage. If wearing the Baggie Hoodie while in a hot climate, then anyone can ask you why your wearing the Baggie Hoodie. You have to either explain via roleplay(ex-"I think its just cute".) or you have to roll deception. If you fail then the DM will determine the reaction. ATTENTION, beyond this point the feature gets into 13+ addition. First, ask your DM if you are able to use this addition. Second, if you are below the age of 13+ then this addition of the feature is unavailable for you to use. In addition to the features that "Feminine Look" gives, you also get advantage on seduction rolls and if you fail then you're are allowed to quickly perform one action before the DM explains the boys reaction.
Head pats
At 14th level, you have taught the party optimum head pat strats. When a party member uses the Head Rubs action, will now instead of use a action, can choose to either use a reaction or still use their action. In addition you now get two Inspiration dice instead of one. If the Head Pats are interrupted then you now instead of get "Sad Dice" you instead just lose one inspiration dice( you now, no matter what always get one inspiration dice).
At 14th level, you get nothing . . . sry. Their were to many features so had to remove two.
Boy Kisser Photo
At 15th level, you a photo of . . . you yah. You can give this photo to any boy you just made out with but only one boy may have this photo. On the back is your . . . phonenumber??? Eh, anyways. If you need asstiance in battle you can call the boy and he'll come to your aid in battle. After battle if you want they can stay for one (in game) hour but then they have to leave. Only one photo exist so only one person can have it. So choose wisely or you'll have to steal the photo back.
ATTENTION Beyond this point the Features end if either your DM doesn't allow 18+ features or you under the age of 13. If any of these apply then either scroll past the next two features or don't go any further.
True Femboy
At 17th level, you have mastered the art of being a Femboy. Now if anyone rolls Investigation while you in "Girl" disguise, they get disadvantage. When . . . lets say what it is. When Fucking boys you don't have to roll Deception. You may if you wish reveal the truth if you want tho.
Fucker of Boys
At 18th level, you have realize that boys are so hot. You now always pass the reaction DC's for "Kissing" and "Making Out". You can now roll for seduction with advantage. You are not rolling for reaction your rolling to see if they consent( I will not explain what happens if you decided to seduce even tho you fail . . . That's fucking gross). If successful then you will have to take them to a nearby room, if the room requires payment then you have to pay. If you cant afford the amount then you'll have a negative GP. If you have negative GP then next time you are given GP, you substract negative GP to your given amount of GP.
Final Boy Kisser Style
At 20th level, you get your final bonus to your Boy Kisser Style.
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
The Femboy
You are a Femboy aren't you? well if want to play as one then here's your subclass. You will focused Alot on boys but not hate girls. You're fine with girls but you just like boys more. This Boy Kisser Style has a focus on the wearables "Thigh Highs" and "Baggie Hoodie". Once you choose this class you cant change until level 20. I advise that you also roleplay the idea of this subclass but it is not required.
(Just a Feminine Dude)
At 3rd level, you have decided to be more submissive, Your pair of Stockings look more pretty when you where them. When you wear your pair of stockings you get a bonus +1 to charisma. You also get a addition +1 to your Charisma Ability Max. You are the only person to get this bonus, if a another player wears them, they get the base stats.
(The Rising Femboy)
At 7th level, you are more in tune with your feminine side. Your pair of Thigh Highs now give you +1 AC. You also get a bonus +1 to charisma. You also get a addition +1 to your Charisma Ability Max. You are the only person to get this bonus, if a another player wears them, they get the base stats.
(The One and Only, Great Femboy)
At 20th level, you are the greatest Femboy that has ever walked. You always pass Seduction rolls, Thigh Highs now grant a addition +1 to Charisma, Thigh Highs now grant a additonal +1 Charisma Ability Max, and Baggie Hoodie now grants +2 AC. You now are able to switch to different Boy Kisser Styles. When switching you have to pay 100 GP. You'll perform a ritual which once finished you'll switch to the style you want to try. You get one day to switch free of charge. If 24 hours pass (in game) and you haven't switched then you have to pay the fee of switching. Each time you switch you the price of switching increase by +50 GP (this doesn't count switching during the free trial period.).
The Both Teams
You like kissing girls, don't you? You love boys and girls. This style give a bonus to both genders but these bonus are, by themselves, weaker then the other styles but now you able to fuck girls so yipee.
At 3rd level, you into both girls and boys. you now get the "Kisser of Girls" feature. This feature is the same as the "Kisser of Boys" feature but instead of boys, its girls.
("You look great honey bunny")
At 7th level, you start to learn to "romance", you now know that this can be inspiring to some. You now can roll Performance or Persuasion to try to romance a NPC. If successful, both the NPC and You will get advantage on a roll of their choice. For the NPC, the DM will be the one to use the NPC's advantage. You can only do this twice before having to take a long/short rest.
At 20th level, You have used your abilities with kissing boys and now kiss girls as if they're boys too. You get advantage on Charisma rolls involving both genders. You advantage on Seduction rolls. You now are able to switch to different Boy Kisser Styles. When switching you have to pay 100 GP. You'll perform a ritual which once finished you'll switch to the style you want to try. You get one day to switch free of charge. If 24 hours pass (in game) and you haven't switched then you have to pay the fee of switching. Each time you switch you the price of switching increase by +50 GP (this doesn't count switching during the free trial period.).
The Hater of Girls
You hate girls, don't you? You hatred of girls gives advantages but like a double edged sword, it hurts you too. The more you level up the more harder it becomes to talk to girls but you also get better at going against girls.
At 3rd level, you are so jealous of girls who have boyfriends that you have gotten better at stealing boyfriends. If a girl has a boyfriend, you now get advantage when talking to her boyfriend (Deception, Intimidation, Performance, and Persuasion).
("iM a NiCe GuY")
At 7th level, you are reaching a boiling point with girls, you get disadvantage on Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, Performance, and Persuasion) when you talk to girls. But you now get advantage when rolling attack rolls (initiative, attack roll, and hit rolls) against girls.
(Adolf Hitler of Girls)
At 20th level, You are cant stand girls any longer!!! you now cant interact with girls no matter what. If you do you roll Initiative and start battle. If you are in a populated area you are not going to roll Initiative but instead will be arrested. When in combat against a girl you get double damage. You now are able to switch to different Boy Kisser Styles. When switching you have to pay 100 GP. You'll perform a ritual which once finished you'll switch to the style you want to try. You get one day to switch free of charge. If 24 hours pass (in game) and you haven't switched then you have to pay the fee of switching. Each time you switch you the price of switching increase by +50 GP (this doesn't count switching during the free trial period.).
You cant multi class as you can only be one great Boy Kisser.
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