Valgora (3.5e Campaign Setting)

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I come to bring light where there is darkness
Azule StrongArm, Soldier of Light
This page is part of the

Campaign Setting

Valgora: A New World Awaits. For the ancient pre-cataclysm Valgora, please see here. The official campaign setting of the Quilt City OgresWEB
Rating: 5 / 5
This is very comprehensive in most aspects.

What are the rating guidelines in more detail?
Why is Valgora (3.5e Campaign Setting) rated how it is?
What is the correct campaign setting formatting?
If you feel this campaign setting does not deserve the current rating, start a discussion and the rating will be discussed

Player Information

Player's Handbook
Advice on Creating Characters
The many races of Valgora.
Laws and Honor Codes
Typical laws of most lands.
Equipment Compendium
Valgorian items and equipment
Tome of Magic
Player's guide to valgorian magic
Military Compendium
Valgora for the military minded
Waste Walker's Handbook
A player's guide to life in the desert.
Seafarer's Handbook
The Seafarer & ocean dweller's guidebook
Planewalker's Handbook
A guidebook for players traversing Valgorian planes

World Reference

The history of Valgora.

About Valgora

Manual of the Planes
Information on the cosmology of Valgora
Valgorian Pantheon
Gods and other Immortals
Organizations and Societies
Notable Groups, Companies, and Organizations in Valgora.
This is the who's who of Valgora.

Running Valgora

Dungeon Master's Guide
Advice for implementing a valgorian campaign
Monster Manual
Savage Species of Valgora
Unearthed Arcana
Alternative rules and options for valgorian campaigns
Adventure Hooks
These adventure hooks are set in the Valgora setting.
The maps and geographic layout of Valgora

Valgora on D&Dwiki

About this Project
Basic info about the project
Adding to Valgora
About helping out.
Valgorian Image Collection
Collection of images used in the Valgora campaign pages
Things To Do

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