Tools (Walls of Elisia Supplement)

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Tools and Kits[edit]

Here, you'll find all sorts of tool kits and other items

Artisan's tools are used for crafting items, what tool crafts what is for your GM to decide

Workman's Tools are used for farming, which coincides with settlement building

Kits are similar to artisan tools, but are more specialized.

Instruments are musical items that can be played

Other tools are everything that doesn't fit any other category

Artisan's Tools Cost Weight
Artificer's Tools 100 gp 10 pounds
Barber's Tools 3gp 1lb.
Brewer's Supplies 80gp 7 lbs
Dentist's Tools 32 gp 10 lb.
Doctor's Tools 50 gp 6 lb.
Dyer's Tools 25 gp 8 lb
Gemwright's Tools 50 gp 3 lb.
Land Surveyor's Tools 350 gp 35 pounds
Metallurgist's Tools, Variant 100 gp 10 lbs.
Mystic Tools 10 gp 1 lb.
Painter's Tools 65 gp 8 pounds
Scrimshawing Tools 1 gp 5 lb
Sewing Kit 5 gp 0.5 lbs
Tattooist's Tools 70gp 5lbs
Taxidermist's Kit 20 gp 4 lbs.
Witch's Gear 15 gp 15 lb.
Workman's Tools Cost Weight
Farm Implements 1 gp 1 to 3 lb.
Musical Instruments Cost Weight
Castanets 2 gp N/A
Death Whistle 1cp - 5gp (depending on material) 2/3 lbs
Didgeridoo 20 gp 8 lbs.
Electric Guitar 55 gp 9 lbs.
Euphonium 50-75 gp 30 lb
Grand Piano 400 gp 800 lb
Harp 35 gp - 100 gp 5 lb - 50 lb
Hurdy-Gurdy 30 gp 10 lb
Lisa Lisa 420gp 163lbs
Mountain Dulcimer 8 gp 3 lb
Rock Guitar 50gp 3lbs
Sackbut 20-60gp 8-14lb
Tambourine 2 gp N/A
Violin 15 gp - 60 gp 2 lbs - 5lbs
Kits Cost Weight
Engineering Kit 30 gp 25 pounds
Poison Kit 12 gp 4 pounds
Prospector's Kit 10 gp 10 lb
Warforged Repair Kit 30 gp 12 lb
Whaler's Kit 8 gp 10 lb.
Other Tools Cost Weight
Actor's Tools 5gp 2lbs
Alchemical Reagant Set 40 gp 3 lb
Archaeology Kit 25 gp 15 lbs
Azure Index 75g 6lb
Bookkeeper's Kit 50 gp 9 lb
Charging Kit 100 gold 40 lb.
Collection of Legendary Tales 500 gp 5 lb.
Cook's Utensils 110gp 7 lbs
Culinary Tools 100gp 6lb
Deaf Communication Tools 20 po 5 lb.
Deck of Yu-Gi-Oh Cards varies (Depending on what cards are in the deck) --
Digimon Deck Box 50 GP 3 Ibs.
Digivice 10 Ibs.
Dungeons and Dragons Advanced Kit 40gp 4lb.
Falconry Kit 4 gp 1 lb.
Fletching Tools 15 gp 4 lb.
Gunsmith's Kit
Harvester's Tools
Hymnal of the Alma Mater 25 gp 3 lbs.
Hymnal of the Ancestor 25 gp 3 lbs.
Hymnal of the Circle 25 gp (1st hymnal that a song meister chooses is free) 3 lbs.
Hymnal of the Contract 25 gp (1st hymnal that a song meister chooses is free) 3 lbs.
Hymnal of the Domain 25 gp (1st hymnal that a song meister chooses is free) 3 lbs.
Hymnal of the Hunter 25 gp (1st hymnal that a song meister chooses is free) 3 lbs.
Knapping Tools 1 gp 20 lb.
Metallurgist's Tools, Allomancy 25 2
Miniature Pyrophone 60-150 gp 60-100 lbs
Mobility Harness
Morse Walkie-Talkie 50 Gp 1 Lb
Nano Watch 2gp 3lbs
Old Gef
Ornithology Kit 10 gp 8 lbs.
Photographer's Tools 20 lb.
Soccer Ball 5 gp 1 lbs
Sportsman's Gear 350gp 10-12lb
Supernatural Index 60gp. 5lb
Tablet 256gp 1/2 lb.
Torture Tools 15 Gold Pieces 2 lbs.
Undertaker's Tools 15 gp 3.5 lb.
Weapon Cleaning Kit 30 gp 5 lbs

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