Mobility Harness (5e Equipment)

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The Mobility Harness is a sophisticated piece of equipment originally designed for airship maintenance crews. It consists of a robust full body harness featuring two retractable grappling hooks, each powered by a gas canister located on the wearers back. The harness is equipped with secure straps, ensuring the wearer can be safely pulled in different directions while in flight.



Weight: 15 lbs

Cost: 250 gp

Range: 60 feet (for the grappling hooks)

Charges: 5 charges, regaining 1d4+1 charges at dawn.

Usage: As a bonus action, you can fire one of the grappling hooks at a surface within range. If the hook finds purchase, you can use your movement to be pulled to the point where the hook is anchored. This movement can provoke opportunity attacks at disadvantage.


Climbing Aid: While wearing the Grappler’s Harness, you have advantage on Athletics checks made to climb.

Swift Escape: As a reaction, you can expend a charge to pull yourself 20 feet in any direction when an enemy comes within 5 feet of you, potentially avoiding an attack.

Aerial Stability: You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws to avoid being knocked prone or dislodged from a position while airborne.


Enhanced Gas Canisters[edit]

Description: Upgraded gas canisters with more potent magic-infused gas.

Effects: Increase the range of the grappling hooks to 90 feet. The harness now has 10 charges instead of 5.

Materials Needed: Rare enchanted gas, 100 gp worth.

Skill Check: DC 15 Intelligence (Alchemy) or DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana)

Quest Hook: The party needs to acquire rare enchanted gas from a dangerous alchemical laboratory or negotiate with a skilled alchemist.

Grappling Claws[edit]

Description: Hooks are replaced with enchanted claws that can attach to any surface, including magically warded ones.

Effects: The grappling hooks can now anchor to any surface, magical or non-magical. Additionally, you can use the harness to grab objects and pull them towards you, with a maximum weight of 200 lbs.

Materials Needed: Enchanted metal and claws, 150 gp worth.

Skill Check: DC 18 Dexterity (Smith’s Tools) or DC 18 Intelligence (Arcana)

Quest Hook: The party must seek out a master blacksmith or enchanter who can forge the claws, possibly requiring rare materials from a mystical forge.

Speed Boost[edit]

Description: Light, enchanted springs are added to the harness, enhancing the wearer’s speed.

Effects: Increase your movement speed by 10 feet while wearing the harness. Additionally, when using the harness to move, you gain an additional 10 feet of movement.

Materials Needed: Enchanted springs, 75 gp worth.

Skill Check: DC 15 Dexterity (Tinker’s Tools) or DC 15 Intelligence (Engineering)

Quest Hook: The party needs to obtain the springs from an ancient, clockwork automaton or a skilled gnome inventor.

Silent Mechanism[edit]

Description: The harness is enchanted to operate silently.

Effects: When using the grappling hooks, your movement is silent, granting you advantage on Stealth checks.

Materials Needed: Silencing enchantments and components, 50 gp worth.

Skill Check: DC 14 Dexterity (Tinker’s Tools) or DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana)

Quest Hook: The party must find a reclusive enchanter known for creating silent mechanisms, potentially helping him with a task in exchange for the enchantment.

Reinforced Straps[edit]

Description: The harness is reinforced with stronger materials.

Effects: The wearer gains a +1 bonus to AC. Additionally, the harness provides resistance to falling damage.

Materials Needed: Reinforced enchanted leather, 100 gp worth.

Skill Check: DC 15 Dexterity (Leatherworker’s Tools) or DC 15 Strength (Smith’s Tools)

Quest Hook: The party needs to hunt a magical beast for its hide or find an ancient guardian whose armor contains the needed materials.

Elemental Hooks[edit]

Description: The grappling hooks are enchanted with elemental magic.

Effects: When fired, the hooks deal an additional 1d6 damage of a chosen elemental type (fire, ice, lightning, or acid) to creatures they hit. The elemental damage type can be changed during a short rest.

Materials Needed: Elemental essence and metal, 200 gp worth.

Skill Check: DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) or DC 17 Wisdom (Nature)

Quest Hook: The party must harvest elemental essence from a powerful elemental creature or visit a place where elemental energy is abundant.

Wind Rider’s Harness[edit]

Description: The harness is enhanced to provide better maneuverability in high winds.

Effects: You gain advantage on checks to navigate or remain stable in strong winds or storms. Additionally, you can move at normal speed while flying or gliding in windy conditions.

Materials Needed: Wind-infused materials, 125 gp worth.

Skill Check: DC 16 Dexterity (Tinker’s Tools) or DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana)

Quest Hook: The party needs to obtain materials from an air elemental or an ancient wind temple.

Lore and Integration[edit]

Origin: The Sky Sailor’s Grappler Harness was initially developed by the renowned airship engineer, Captain Thalindra Windwhisper. Her designs revolutionized airship maintenance, allowing crews to perform repairs while in flight and giving airship pirates an edge in boarding actions.


Maintenance: Airship crews use the harness to traverse the exterior of their vessels, repairing sails, rigging, and hulls without needing to dock.

Piracy: Airship pirates employ the harness to swing from ship to ship during raids, enabling quick and unpredictable boarding maneuvers.

Example Scenarios

Airship Maintenance: The party, while traveling on an airship, needs to repair damage sustained in a storm. Using the Grappler’s Harness, they can safely reach and repair the outer hull.

Sky Pirate Ambush: The party is ambushed by sky pirates who use their own harnesses to board the party’s airship. The party must use their wits and skills to fend off the attackers.

Rescue Mission: A party member falls overboard during an airship battle. Using the harness, another member quickly grapples to them, preventing a deadly fall.

Narrative Hooks

Quest for Upgrades: The party might be tasked with finding rare components or ancient enchantments to upgrade their Grappler’s Harness, leading to adventures in lost ruins or dealings with powerful enchanters.

Rivalry: Introduce a recurring antagonist who is a masterful airship pirate, skilled in using a Grappler’s Harness. This rival could provide ongoing challenges and a personal stake in the airship conflicts.


Broken Mobility Harness[edit]

Description: This harness shows signs of heavy use and damage. The straps are frayed, the mechanisms are rusty, and the gas canisters leak. Despite its state of disrepair, the harness still holds some potential for use.


Weight: 18 lbs (due to added weight from damaged parts and makeshift repairs)

Range: 30 feet (due to weakened launch mechanisms)

Charges: 1d3 charges, regaining only 1 charge at dawn.

Usage: As a bonus action, you can attempt to fire one of the grappling hooks at a surface within range. Roll a d20; on a roll of 5 or lower, the mechanism jams and the action is wasted. If the hook finds purchase, you can use your movement to be pulled to the point where the hook is anchored. This movement can provoke opportunity attacks.


Unreliable Climbing Aid: While wearing the Broken Grappler’s Harness, you must roll a d20 when making Athletics checks to climb. On a roll of 5 or lower, the mechanism fails, causing you to make the climb check without advantage. Fragile Escape: As a reaction, you can attempt to pull yourself 10 feet in any direction when an enemy comes within 5 feet of you, potentially avoiding an attack. Roll a d20; on a roll of 5 or lower, the mechanism jams and the reaction is wasted.

Repairing the Broken Grappler's Harness[edit]

Repair Process: To fully repair the Broken Grappler's Harness, the following steps must be taken. Each step might involve finding specific materials, visiting an expert, or completing a quest.

Strap Replacement

Description: The frayed straps need to be replaced with sturdy, enchanted leather.

Materials Needed: 50 gp worth of enchanted leather.

Skill Check: DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) or DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check.

Effect: Restores stability and reduces the weight by 3 lbs.

Mechanism Overhaul

Description: The rusty and jam-prone launch mechanisms need a thorough cleaning and replacement of parts.

Materials Needed: 100 gp worth of fine mechanical parts.

Skill Check: DC 18 Dexterity (Tinker's Tools) or DC 18 Intelligence (Engineering) check.

Effect: Restores the range to 60 feet and eliminates the chance of jamming.

Gas Canister Refill

Description: Replace the leaking gas canisters with new, enchanted ones.

Materials Needed: 75 gp worth of enchanted gas canisters.

Skill Check: DC 15 Wisdom (Alchemy) or DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check.

Effect: Restores the charges to 5 and the recharge rate to 1d4+1 at dawn.

Structural Reinforcement

Description: Reinforce the harness with new, enchanted metal brackets.

Materials Needed: 50 gp worth of enchanted metal.

Skill Check: DC 16 Strength (Smith's Tools) or DC 16 Intelligence (Engineering) check.

Effect: Reduces weight by an additional 2 lbs and provides resistance to falling damage.

Integrating the Broken Variant[edit]

Acquisition: The party might find the Broken Grappler’s Harness in a ruined airship, as loot from defeated sky pirates, or as a hand-me-down from an older NPC who no longer needs it.

Usage: The broken harness can serve as a temporary tool, with the risk of failure adding tension to its use. It also provides a clear goal for the party to seek out the necessary components and skills to repair it.

Repair Quests: Each repair step can be turned into a quest. For example:

Strap Replacement: The party needs to hunt a magical beast known for its tough hide.

Mechanism Overhaul: The party seeks out a renowned tinker who requires a rare ingredient for his work.

Gas Canister Refill: The party needs to negotiate with an airship port merchant who specializes in enchanted goods.

Structural Reinforcement: The party must delve into a forgotten forge where the enchanted metal can be found.

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