Pathfinder Base Classes

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This page contains a the list of all user-submitted base classes.

Complete Classes

Base Classes without an improving, reviewing, or removing template present.

Name Type Description
Arcane Bowman
Arcanist Moderate Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting Augmentative Spellcaster that uses the various Tarot Cards to power their spell selection
Archaeologist Skilled A studious professor of ancient history, religion and archaeology by day, obtainer of rare antiquities by night. Scouring libraries and dungeons for a clue that will lead him to the artifact he seeks, the archaeologist is a scholar and an adventurer. The objects he seeks are often guarded by secrets, traps and hostile parties trying to find the same items. Through guile and smarts the archaeologist must survive any challenges that comes his way. His breadth of knowledge saves him from plenty of scrapes. His careful study and encyclopedic knowledge of creatures big and small give him a great advantage in knowing the weaknesses of any foe he faces. But sometimes knowledge isn't enough and it is time to take out the whip and pistol.
Argent Fist <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Armored Brawler Combat-Focused A street brawler who has learned that defense is the best offense.
Artist <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Ashen One <-Speciallist or Well Rounded-> <-"Only in truth, the Lords will abandon their thrones, and the -Ashen One- will rise. Nameless accursed undead, unfit even to be cinder. And so it is that ash seeketh embers..." -Darksouls 3 intro quote.->
Ballet Fencer Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused Trained to combat foes taller than they are, Ballet Fencer's use quick and precise strikes to handle their foes.
Basic Focus Magus Combat-Focused Magus are those who study the arcane. Somehowever, focus more on the basics than other spellcasters.
Beastshaper (Pathfinder Archetype) "Combat-Focused" What Shifters should have been from the beginning: Wild Shape, The Class.
Bender of Earth
Bender of Water
Blacksmith This class can craft non-magic weapons and armor beyond the power of masterwork items. Otherwise this class could be used for range combat or close quarter combat.
Blood Witch
Bloodmage <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Burst Brawler Combat Focused, Good Guy, Bad Guy Using weapons made from the minds of Dwarves and Gnomes, the Burst Brawler uses a set of ballistic gauntlets to batter opponents.
Celestial Barbarian Combat Focused Ragers using the bodies seen in the sky every day and night as fuel for their anger.
Discretionary Paladin (Pathfinder Archetype) <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Dread Necromancer
Energy Warper <Martial, Arcane> <-Everything in balance. That's what an energy warper thinks of the world. Without creating even the tiniest amount of energy, an energy warper can ignite mighty blazes, turn night into day, and revitalize a fallen friend. Without destroying energy, he can freeze lakes solid, turn brightest day into blackest night, and sap the very life essence from his foes. Everything he does has an equal and opposite reaction. Any energy he creates in one place must be taken from another. Heat is energy. Life is energy. Light is energy. All can be manipulated, moved from one place to another to the energy warper's will. But an energy warper cares only for balance in energy, not in emotion (though many seek balance in all parts of their lives). They can range from zealot to joker, guardian to tyrant, paragon to archvillain. The will of an energy warper is strong to manipulate energy, and once one is set in his path, it takes an act of divine intervention to sway him from it.->
Enlightened Samurai <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Flagellant <-Tank, Sub-healer, Generally lawful)-> <-There are many who look for salvation, redemption, satisfaction. These people may turn to confess their sin, to pursue justice, or even embrace depravity. These paths may describe the Flagellants, but for them, it is not enough. For those poor souls, they seek their path through discipline. This discipline, this act of punishment, releases them. This act, which others turn from, provides them with the strength to march forward, to end their pain.->
Gatherer of Souls <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Holy Knight of Purity Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused, Skilled A warrior of righteousness who views evil as something to be put down, even if it means becoming villainous themselves.
Hoodwink (Pathfinder Archetype)
Ionian Elemental Mage <-Versatile Spellblade Fore elemental Magic, Or Manipulators-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Isekai (Pathfinder Racial Class) <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Kensai (Pathfinder Archetype) Variant Monk A weapon specialist dedicated to perfection of skill in one single weapon. Based on the monk.
Magi Magic Focused Magi use a complicated web of spells in order to achieve effects
Mercy Striker Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused, Master of grapples, trips, and disarms to make sure his target never gets a chance to run.
Metamage Strong Spellcasting Metamagi seek to uncover the mysteries of the universe by blending magic and science.
Metamorph (Pathfinder Archetype)
Mord-Sith Bad Guy <-Paragraph description of the class->
Multiskill Brawler Combat-Focused A street brawler who has learned that similarity is the death of men.
Necromancer <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Percussion Reaper Good-Guy, Bad-Guy, Combat Focused Using the creation of a specially crafted weapon, the Percussion Reaper dances around the battlefield.
Pimp <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Poliblooded (spell less) Bloodrager (Pathfinder Archetype) Combat-Focused A warrior in whose blood vessels flows the power of three bloodlines. While most bloodragers manifest only one bloodline, there are some that, through some quirk of heredity or the conjunction of other powers, such as obscure pacts made with extraplanar entities, manifest three. This combination of three distinct bloodlines can create a versatile and powerful rager who stands out among the horde... Although at a cost.
Psionic Gambler
Psionic Ninja <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Ragefist Combat Focused A hybrid class between a Barbarian and a Monk that prioritizes martial combat and unarmored defenses, whilst working between the realms of civilization and nature.
Rakugo Storyteller
Roulette Caster Caster, Any A caster who isunusually powerful but is unaware of what spell they will cast until they are already in the process of it.
Rune Carver Magic There are those born with great magic, and no desire to control it.
Savage Hunter (Pathfinder Archetype) <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Savant <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Speedster Combat Focused Speedsters don't rely on true stealth, just running fast enough to not be seen, hopefully.
Survivor, Zombie Apocalypse Combat-Focused A survivor has one goal in her adventures: to live long enough to see the end.
Telekinetic Magic A different take on Kineticist
Time Sequencer
Time Sequencer Voice of Time (Pathfinder Archetype)
Time Walker
Truenamer Truenamer can fulfill the following roles of support, castor, combat character. You can speak the true name of every thing in existence and command, alter, and destroy through your speech.
Truthblade <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Vow of Poverty (Pathfinder Archetype) <-Paragraph description of the class->
Xilocent Sword-Knight <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->

Incomplete Classes

Base Classes with one or many improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template.

Base classes with balance issues
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