Necromancer (Pathfinder Class)

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Necromancers study death and life, trying to manipulate what happens after death. Either they do this for power or to resurrect those they loved. Or perhaps they're in pursuit of immortality.

Making a Necromancer[edit]

Capable of creating undead to serve you and even take the frontline of battle. You cast your spells to manipulate the battlefield or even enhance your undead.

Abilities: Intelligence will allow you to use your spells, while charisma can help you with some of your Necromancer abilities.

Races: Any race that's capable of magic could definitely become a necromancer. Most civilized races would prefer not to use it because it's seems to defile the soul or body of those who have died. Crude races that are more savage would definitely use necromancy if they could happen to magic.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Gold: Same as wizard.

Starting Age: Same as wizard.


Hit Die: d6

Level Base
Special Spells per Day
0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Cantrips, Grave Touch, Power over Undead 3 1
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Necromancy perk 4 2
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 4 2 1
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Necromancy perk 4 3 2
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 4 3 2 1
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Necromancy perk 4 3 3 2
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 4 4 3 2 1
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Necromancy perk 4 4 3 3 2
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 4 4 4 3 2 1
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Necromancy perk 4 4 4 3 3 2
11th +5 +3 +3 +7 4 4 4 4 3 2 1
12th +6 +4 +4 +8 Necromancy perk 4 4 4 4 3 3 2
13th +6 +4 +4 +8 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1
14th +7 +4 +4 +9 Necromancy perk 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2
15th +7 +5 +5 +9 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1
16th +8 +5 +5 +10 Necromancy perk 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2
17th +8 +5 +5 +10 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1
18th +9 +6 +6 +11 Necromancy perk 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2
19th +9 +6 +6 +11 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3
20th +10 +6 +6 +12 Necromancy perk 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
The Necromancer's class skills are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex).

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Necromancer.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Necromancer's are proficient with simple weapons, but not with any type of armor or shield. Armor interferes with a necromancer’s movements, which can cause his spells with somatic components to fail.

Spells: <-Delete this section if this class does not cast spells. description of spellcasting abilities: on what stat save DCs are based, on what stat bonus spells are based, and what stat determines the highest level spell that can be cast.->. <-pluralized class name-> choose their spells from the following list:

0— Acid splash, Arcane mark, Bleed, Dancing lights, Daze, Detect magic, Detect poison, Disrupt undead, Ghost sound, Light, Mage hand, Message, Prestidigitation, Ray of frost, Read magic, Resistance, Scriveners chant, Sotto voce, Touch of fatigue.

1st— Alarm, Ant Haul, Authenticating gaze, Bed of iron, Bleeding strike, Blend with surroundings, Cause fear, Curse water, Charm person, Chill touch, Comprehend languages, Corrosive touch, Deathwatch, Decompose corpse, Depilate, Detect charm, Detect secret doors, Detect undead, Discern next of kin, Disguise self, Doom, Ear piercing scream, Endure elements, Enlarge person, Erase, Expeditious retreat, Floating disc, Fumblestep, Glue seal, Grasping corpse, Grease, Hide from undead, Icicle dagger, Identify, Implant urge, Inflict light wounds, Invisibility alarm, Interrogation, Itching curse, Know the enemy, Mage armor, Magic aura, Mudball, Murderous crow, Night blindness, Phantom blood, Planar orientation, Positive pulse, Preserve, Obscure mist, Obscure poison, Ray of enfeeblement, Ray of sickening, Reduce person, Remove fear, Remove sickness, Repair undead, Restore corpse, Rune trace, Sanctify corpse, Sculpt corpse, Shield, Skim, Skin tag, Sleep, Speachreader’s site, Stone shield, Sure Casting, Touch of blindness, Touch of combustion, Touch of Gracelessness, True skill, Udine’s curse, Unlock flesh, Unseen servant, Ventriloquism, Web bolt, Wizened appearance, Youthful appearance.

2nd— Acid arrow, Alter self, Alter summoned monster, Animate dead Lesser, Ant haul communal, Arcane disruption, Arcane lock, Bears endurance, Blade Tutor’s spirit, Blindness/Deafness, Blood armor, Blood in the water, Bloodbath, Blood Description, Bloody tears and jagged smile, Boiling blood, Bonefish, Bone shaker, Book ward, Brow gasher, Build trust, Bull strength, Callback, calm spirit, Carrion compass, Cats grace, Cloud of sickness, Command Undead, Companion Life link, Compulsive liar, Corpse lanterns, Crafters nightmare, Crimson confession, Cursed terrain lesser, Darkness, Dark vision, Daze monster, Deathwine, Defending bone, Defoliate, Delay pain, Desecrate, Detect magic Greater, Detect thoughts, Diminished detection, Diminish resistance, Display aversion, Disrupt link, Dragon voice, Drain construct, Dress corpse, Eagle splendor, Early judgment, Escape alarm, Euphoric cloud, False life, Fleshcurdle, Fleshy facade, Fog cloud, Foxes cunning, Gentle repose, Ghostbane Dirge, Ghoul hunger, Ghoul touch, Gird ally, Glitterdust, Haunting reminder, Heckle, Hidden presence, Hideous laughter, Hoodwink, Identifiers eye, Inflict moderate wounds, Invisibility, Languid venom, Life packed, Limp lash, Lip stitch, Locate object, Locate portal, Knock, Mathematical curse, Mirror image, Miserable pity, Obscure object, Owls wisdom, Painful revelation, Pernicious poison, Resist energy, Retrieve item, Rope trick, Scare, Secret speech, Seducers eye, See invisibility, Sentry skull, Shared suffering, Share language, Skinsend, Spectral hand, Spell gouge, Splinter spell resistance, Steal size, Steal voice, Stricken heart, Suppress charms and compulsions, Touch of bloodletting, Touch of idiocy, Unnatural lust, Undeath sense, Unliving rage, Unsettling presence, Unshakable chill, Urgathoa’s Beacon.

3rd— Accused glare, Animate dead, Appearance of life, Arcane reinforcement, Arcane sight, Assume appearance, Aura of cannibalism, Bestow curse, Burrow haze, Black sword of war, Bleed glory, Blood Biography, Bone flense, Catatonia, Cauterizing weapon, Contagion, Create soul gem, Deadly judgment, Detect desires, Dispel magic, Displacement, Eldritch fever, Explosive runes, Find fault, Flesh puppet, Fly, Force anchor, Glimpse the hidden, Gloomblind bolts, Halt Undead, haste, Healing leak, Healing thief, Greater Hide from undead, Horrifying visage, Howling agony, Hydrophobia, Impede speech, Inflict serious wounds, Invisibility bubble giant, Invisibility purge, Invisibility sphere, Iron spine, Ki Leech, Loathsome veil, Locate weakness, Marionette Possession, Mark of buoyancy, Mark of spite, Necromatic burden, Necrostasis, Nondetection, Numerological resistance, Outbreak, Perfect placement, Phantom steed, Phase step, Protection from energy, Ray of exhaustion, Remove curse, Remove disease, Resist energy communal, Sands of time, Selective invisibility, Shrink item, Siphon might, Skeleton crew, Slow, Soul vault, Speak with dead, Stinking cloud, Suggestion, Summon ancestral guardian, Symbol of exhaustion, Tongues, Toxic gift, Toxic rupture, Twisted innards, Undead anatomy1, Unlife current, Vampiric hunger, Vampiric touch, Virulent Miasma, Wall of nausea, Waves of blood.

4th— Aggressive affliction, Ancestral gift, Anti-Incorporeal shell, Arcane eye, Assume appearance greater, Aura of doom, Bloat bomb, Bloody arrows, Bone shatter, Calamitous flailing, Charon’s disposition, Conditional curse, Conjuration foil, Contagion venom, Curse of befouled fortune, Curse of dragonflies, Curse of unexpected death, Cursed terrain, Cursed treasure, Daemon Ward, Darkvision greater, Dead Man's contingency, Death knell aura, Death ward, Deathless, Detect scrying, Dimensional anchor, Dimension door, Earsend, Enervation, Enlarge person mass, Eyes of the void, Fleshworm infestation, False life Greater, Familiar melding, fear, Flesh puppet, frigid souls, Geb’s hammer, Hunger for flesh, Imbue with flight, Inflict critical wounds, Infused decay, Infuse effigy, Greater Invisibility, Locate creature, Masochistic Shadow, Masters escape, Mischievous Shadow, Mythic severance, Natures ravages, Nondetection communal, Object possession lesser, Phantom steed communal, Plague carrier, Positive Pulse greater, Project weakness, Protection from energy communal, Purge spirit, Reduce person mass, Rest eternal, Riding possession, Sadomasochism, Scrying, Sending, Shadow projection, Simulacrum lesser, Solid fog, Spell immunity, Temporary graft, Tongues communal, Triggered suggestion, Umbral infusion, Undeath inversion, Unholy blight, Vomit twin, Wall of Blindness/Deafness, Wall of bone.

5th— Absorb toxicity, Ancestral memory, Appearance of life greater, Astral projection lesser, Black spot, Blight, Blood boil, Blood tentacles, Boneshatter, Break enchantment, Breath of life, Callback greater, Call Spirit, Cloudkill, Contagion Greater, Contagious suggestion, Curse major, Daywalker, Decollate, Empathy conduit, Feast on fear, Flesh Puppet horde, Ghostbane Dirge mass, Inflict light wounds mass, Invigorating repose, Khain’s army, Magic jar, Mind probe, Nex’s secret workshop, Object possession, Overland flight, Permanency, Polymorph, Possess object, Possession, Possession trap, Raise dead, Red Hand of the killer, Repair undead mass, Slay living, Spawn ward, Soul switch, Spell immunity communal, Spell resistance, Sphere of warding, Steal power, Suffocation, Summon conduit, Symbol of pain, Teleport, Torpid reanimation, Trace teleport, True seeing, Truespeak, Undead anatomy 2, Vampiric Shadow shield, Wall of ectoplasm, Wall of sound, Waves of fatigue, Wracking ray.

6th— Acid fog, Analyze Dweomer, Antimagic field, Balance of suffering, Banshee blast, Bear’s endurance mass, Besmara’s grasping depths, Bull strength mass, Cats grace mass, Circle of death, Cloak of dreams, Create undead, Cruel jaunt, Curse terrain Greater, Death knell Aura grater, Disintegrate, Dispel magic greater, Eagles splendor mass, Epidemic, Eyebite, Flesh wall, Foxes cunning mass, Harm, Hasten judgment, Impart mind, Inflict moderate wounds mass, Inspiring recovery, Knock mass, Lash of the Astradaemon, Mislead, Move Earth, Open the dead roads, Owls wisdom mass, Phantasmal putrefaction. Phobia, Plague bearer, Plague storm, Speak with soul, Spectral Saluqi, Suggestion mass, Symbol of fear, Telepathy, Undead anatomy 3, Undeath to death, Unwilling shield, What grows within, Wither limb.

7th— Arcane sight greater, Bestow curse greater, Control undead, Create demiplane lesser, Create variant mummy, Destruction, Ethereal jaunt, Expel blood, False resurrection, Finger of death, Fly mass, Force cage, Grim stalker, Hunger for flesh Mass, Inflict serious wounds mass, Limited wish, Object possession greater, Phantasmal revenge, Plundered power, Polymorph greater, Recorporeal incarnation, Resurrection, Scrying greater, Simulacrum, Soul transfer, Symbol of weakness, Temporary resurrection, Teleport greater, Umbral strike, Waves of exhaustion.

8th— Clone, Create demiplane, Create greater undead, Curse of night, Curse terrain supreme, Death clutch, Demand, Dimensional lock, Discern, Entomb, Location, Heart of the mammoth, Horrid wilting, Inflict critical wounds mass, Mind blank, Natures ravages greater, Nine lives, orb of the Void, Polymorph any object, Possession greater, Screen, Soul Reaver, Soulseeker, Spell immunity Greater, Symbol of death, Temporal stasis, Tomb Legion, Trap the soul, Umbral infusion, Undead anatomy 4.

9th— Aroden’s spellbane, Ascension, Astral projection, Canopy conversation, Cursed earth, Dominate monster, Echean’s Excellent Enclosure, Energy drain, Etherealness, False resurrection greater, Implosion, Imprisonment, Management undone, Massacre, Mind blank communal, Parasitic soul, Polar midnight, Power word kill, Scourge of the horsemen, Shades, Soul bind, Spell immunity greater communal, Suffocation mass, Teleportation circle, Time stop, Transmute blood to acid, True resurrection, Wail of the banshee, Wish.

Table: Necromancer Spells Known
Level Spells Known
0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th

Cantrips: Necromancers can prepare a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on Table 3–16 under “Spells per Day.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again.

Grave Touch: As a standard action, you can make a melee touch attack that causes a living creature to become shaken for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your necromancer level (minimum 1). If you touch a shaken creature with this ability, it becomes frightened for 1 round if it has fewer Hit Dice than your necromancer level. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

Power over Undead: You receive Command Undead or Turn Undead as a bonus feat. You can channel energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier, but only to use the selected feat. You can take other feats to add to this ability, such as Extra Channel and Improved Channel, but not feats that alter this ability, such as Elemental Channel and Alignment Channel. The DC to save against these feats is equal to 10 + 1/2 your necromancer level + your Intelligence modifier. At 20th level, undead cannot add their channel resistance to the save against this ability.

Necromancy perk: You gain necromancy perks every even level of Necromancer. At the bottom of each necromancy perk, there is a requirement. These necromancy perks can help you flavor the different abilities that you have as a Necromancer. There are certain perks that will only be allowed if your DM permits it. Those perks are mainly for large scale battles.

Bone armor and weapons: You can create shields, weapons and armor by sacrificing skeletons that are undead or just bones. A sacrificed skeleton or pile of bones must equal the size of the object in question. A medium sized skeleton could be sacrificed to create armor for a medium sized creature. Same equivalence for other types of armor for different sized creatures. Some weapons may not require an entire skeleton. It is up to the GM to decide how much bone is required for each item. Bone armor and weapons get a + 1 enchantment bonus per 4 levels of Necromancer. This bonus will only be given to weapons and armor and other items when they are being created. They will not increase with your level, only when you create the item then you create them with bonus in question. Must be a necromancer of level 4.

Corpse Companion: With a ritual requiring 8 hours, an necromancer can animate a single skeleton or zombie whose Hit Dice do not exceed her necromancer level. This corpse companion automatically follows her commands and does not need to be controlled by her. She cannot have more than one corpse companion at a time. It does not count against the number of Hit Dice of undead controlled by other methods. She can use this ability to create a variant skeleton such as a bloody or burning skeleton, but its Hit Dice cannot exceed half her necromancer level. She can dismiss her companion as a standard action, which destroys it.

Corpse bomb: You can force a corpse to explode on command. The explosion will be depending on your necromancer level. It takes 1 standard action to force a corpse to explode. The radius of the explosion will be 10 feet plus five feet per 2 necromancer levels. All those caught in the explosion radius must make a reflex save for half damage. DC 10 + half necromancers level + intelligence modifier. 1D6 damage per 2 necromancer levels. Once the corpse explodes, it is reduced to ashes and can no longer be used for revival or to reanimate undead. Must be a necromancer of level 4.

Corpse revival: As an immediate action, you can restore a skeleton or zombie under your command. You can sacrifice 10HP as an immediate action when a skeleton or zombie is defeated. It can be restored with 10HP. The undead won't make a move until it's your turn. Must be a necromancer of level 12.

Dead explosion: You may select your undead that are under your control. As a standard action, and if they were destroyed, they immediately will explode using the same corpse bomb effect. You must be a level 14 Necromancer and must have corpse bomb Necromancy perk.

Death’s Embrace: You heal damage instead of taking damage from channeled negative energy or harm spells such as Inflict Wounds & Harm. Must be a necromancer of level 8.

Intelligent undead: You have the power to reanimate the dead to be intelligent instead of a mindless corpse. When using the reanimate dead spell, you can make the corpse in question just as intelligent as it was in life. The new undead will only have the intelligence and wisdom and charisma of what it was when it was still alive. It does have its own free will, however it does take commands from you. These undead can use the same abilities that they were able to use in life. The only abilities they can't use is something if they get a power from a source, such as from the gods if they were a cleric, or from nature if they were a druid. Or other such similar abilities. Must be a necromancer of level 10.

Life Sight: You gain blindsight to a range of 10 feet for a number of rounds per day equal to your necromancer level. This ability only allows you to detect living creatures and undead creatures. This sight also tells you whether a creature is living or undead. Constructs and other creatures that are neither living nor undead cannot be seen with this ability. The range of this ability increases by 10 feet at 12th level, and by an additional 10 feet for every four levels beyond 12th. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. Must be a necromancer of level 8.

Necropolitan: A necromancer gains a bonus equal to half his necromancer level (minimum +1) on Diplomacy and Knowledge checks regarding undead creatures.

Stitcher: You have the ability to take different corpses and stitch them together to make a brand-new body for a new undead. For example, you could take a dead orc and combine the skin of a dragon that's been killed. The ORC undead will now have armored scales. That increases its AC and flatfoot AC as well as give the new undead resistance to the element that the dragon was resistant to. You can combine different body parts and with your DMS help you could determine what kind of bonuses that undead receives. Simply take the organs that are being taken from one body and put into another one to determine what kind of effects might be possible. Must be a necromancer of level 10.

Undead commander: You can create an undead that will be set as a commander. The undead commander must be an intelligent undead. Once this commander is created, that undead will be able to take hold of some undead that you have already reanimated, or new ones that you reanimate. Those undead will no longer be affected by your reanimate undead spell and will be controlled by the undead commander. The undead commander will only control enough undead that equals the same rules as reanimate dead. The undead commander can control more undead if you reanimated him while being in a place affected by the desecrate spell. This ability is mainly for campaigns where you're going to have large scale wars. DM's could reject this ability because most games require a small party to adventure. Must be a necromancer of level 12. Also must have the intelligent undead necromancy perk.

Undead dimension of holding: You can place all of your undead, including your undead familiar and corpse companion, inside of a pocket dimension. It takes one full round action to open or close the portal. Means undead that are linked to you through reanimate undead or other such spells. Plus, your corpse companion and undead familiar can enter or leave the dimension. Must be a necromancer of level 10.

Undead familiar: You can take the bones of a small animal that can become your familiar. However, you turn them into a zombie or a skeleton of that small animal. This undead will follow your commands. By concentrating on your familiar, you can see and hear everything you're. Undead familiar can experience.

Unlife Healer: The Necromancer’s spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities used to heal undead heal an extra 50% damage. At 16th level, these effects automatically heal the maximum possible damage for the effect + the extra 50%. This does not stack with abilities or feats such as Empower Spell or Maximize Spell. Must be a necromancer of level 8.

Ventriloquist corpse: As a standard action, this ability allows you to do the same effect as mislead spell. Except you are not invisible. You look exactly like one of the undead under your control that you have selected. The undead you have selected will look and sound exactly like you. You can see and hear everything that the undead is experiencing. Whenever you talk, the undead will sound just like you and will utter the words. If the undead is destroyed, then the effect of this ability is over. Abilities such as true seeing can see through this. You must be a necromancer of level 14.

Epic <-class name->[edit]

Table: The Epic <-class name->

Hit Die: d<-Die size for Hit Die->

Level Special
21st <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
22nd <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
23rd <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
24th <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
25th <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
26th <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
27th <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
28th <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
29th <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
30th <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->

<-number of skill points-> + Int modifier skill points per level.

<-existing class feature->: <-how this class feature increases or accumulates at epic levels->

<-another existing class feature->: <-how this class feature increases or accumulates at epic levels->

<-... repeat.->

Bonus Feats: The epic <-class name-> gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic <-class name-> bonus feats) every <-number of feats per level-> levels after 20th.

Epic <-class name-> Bonus Feat List: <-list of bonus epic feats->.

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