Artist (Pathfinder Class)

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Let the wonders of imagination come to life.

Making an Artist[edit]

Effectiveness similar to a bard.

Abilities: Charisma is mostly used, followed by Int as the Craft skill is used.

Races: Elves and humans are most known Artists.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Gold: 3d6->×10 gp (105 gp).

Starting Age: "Moderate".


Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Special Spells per Day
0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Main Style, Scribe Art, Enact Art, Cantrips 4 1
2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Main Style up, Keen Eyes 4 2
3rd +1 +1 +3 +3 Supporting Style 1 4 3
4th +2 +1 +4 +4 Main Style up 4 3 1
5th +2 +1 +4 +4 Supporting Style 2, Crafted Enactment 4 4 2
6th +3 +2 +5 +5 Main Style up, Supporting Style 1 up 4 4 3
7th +3 +2 +5 +5 --- 4 4 3 1
8th +4 +2 +6 +6 Main Style up 4 4 4 2
9th +4 +3 +6 +6 Supporting style 1 up 4 4 4 3
10th +5 +3 +7 +7 Main Style up, Supporting Style 2 up, Enduring Enactment 4 4 4 3 1
11th +5 +3 +7 +7 --- 4 4 4 4 2
12th +6/+1 +4 +8 +8 Main Style up, Supporting Style 1 up 4 4 4 4 3
13th +6/+1 +4 +8 +8 --- 4 4 4 4 3 1
14th +7/+2 +4 +9 +9 Main Style up 4 4 4 4 4 2
15th +7/+2 +5 +9 +9 Supporting Style 1 up, Supporting Style 2 up, Transfer Enactment 4 4 4 4 4 3
16th +8/+3 +5 +10 +10 Main Style up 4 4 4 4 4 3 1
17th +8/+3 +5 +10 +10 --- 4 4 4 4 4 4 2
18th +9/+4 +6 +11 +11 Main Style up, Supporting Style 1 up 4 4 4 4 4 4 3
19th +9/+4 +6 +11 +11 --- 4 4 4 4 4 4 3
20th +10/+5 +7 +12 +12 Main Style up, Supporting Style 2 up, Self enactment or Pursuit of Art 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level)
Acrobatics(Dex), Appraise(Int), Bluff(Cha), Climb(Str), Craft(Int), Diplomacy(cha), Disguise(Cha), Fly(Dex), Handle Animal(Cha), Intimidate(Cha), Knowledge(Arcana, engineering, Geography, Local, Nature, Nobility, Religion)(Cha), Perception(Wis), Profession(Wis), Ride(Dex), Sense Motive(Wis), Spellcraft(Int), Stealth(Dex), Survival(Wis), Use Magic Device(Cha).

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Artist.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: All Simple weapons, plus the longsword, rapier, sap, shortsword, shortbow, and whip. Artists are also proficient in light armor and shields (except towershields). An Artist may cast spells from the bard spell list while wearing light armor and wielding a shield without incurring the normal arcane failure chance. Like any other arcane caster, an Artist incurs a chance of arcane spell failure in medium or heavy armor, should the spell require somatic components. A multi-classed Artist still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells received from other classes.

Spells: An Artist casts arcane spells drawn from the Bard spell list. They may cast any spell they know without spending time to prepare. Every Artist spell replaces the verbal component (if any) with a somatic component, if the spell already has a somatic component, keep the verbal component. To learn or cast a spell, an Artist must have a Charisma score of at least 10+ the spell's level. An Artist's spell save DC = 10+spell level+Cha mod. An Artist begins play with 4 cantrips and 2 1st level spells known. The number of spells an Artist can know increases with each level. Upon reaching 5th level, and every 3 levels thereafter, an Artist may replace one spell known with a spell of equal level.

Table: Artist Spells Known
Level Spells Known
0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1st 4 2
2nd 5 3
3rd 6 4
4th 6 4 2
5th 6 4 3
6th 6 4 4
7th 6 5 4 2
8th 6 5 4 3
9th 6 5 4 4
10th 6 5 5 4 2
11th 6 6 5 4 3
12th 6 6 5 4 4
13th 6 6 5 5 4 2
14th 6 6 6 5 4 3
15th 6 6 6 5 4 4
16th 6 6 6 5 5 4 2
17th 6 6 6 6 5 4 3
18th 6 6 6 6 5 4 4
19th 6 6 6 6 5 5 4
20th 6 6 6 6 6 5 5

Main Style: As an Artist, you pursure the epitome of art. However, art is subjective, and provides many paths toward the end. At 1st level, choose a path your art will travel. Every even level, your Main Style will increase in rank.

Gothic - Focus around Equipment of all kinds.

Realism - Let beings come to life.

Fantasy - Entrap them in spell-like wonder.

Abstract - Weaponize the portrayal of emotion.

Landscape - Shape the world to fit your vision.

You may enact these styles, manifesting your works, bringing your creations into the world. To do so, you must expend Creation points. You have a number of creation points equal to 4+ your Charisma mod+ your Artist level. These points recharge after a long rest, If enacting a work of art, you may withdraw those points to revert it into its WoA form as a swift action. (Consumables exempt)

   Gothic Table:

Cost required for enactment: 1 + Enhancement Grade. Equipment Created through enactment may have an enhancement higher than +5

You may choose to create equipment of lower ranks.

Below is a list of benefits given for each rank.

For each rank in Gothic, the duration of your equipment enactment is increased by 10 min.

Rank 1: You are proficient with any weapon you create.

Rank 2: The Equipment you create is inherently masterwork.

Rank 3: The equipment you create gains an enhancement bonus of +1. You may reduce the Enhancement bonus by 1 to add 1 Special quality to the Equipment.

Rank 4: The equipment you create gains an enhancement bonus of +2.

Rank 5: The equipment you create gains an enhancement bonus of +3. You may reduce the Enhancement bonus by an additional point to add a second Special quality.

Rank 6: The equipment you create gains an enhancement bonus of +4.

Rank 7: The equipment you create gains an enhancement bonus of +5. You may reduce the bonus by 3 to add a third Special quality.

Rank 8: The equipment you create gains an enhancement bonus of +6.

Rank 9: The equipment you create gains an enhancement bonus of +7. You may reduce the bonus by 4 to add a fourth Special quality.

Rank 10: The equipment you create gains an enhancement bonus of +8.

Equipment may include traps, increasing the damage by a die for each enhancement bonus, or the applicable DCs by 1.


With Realism as a Supporting Art, the point cost to enact equipment is reduced by 1 per rank of Realism (min 1).

With Fantasy as a Supporting Art, you may replace the enhancement bonus with enchantments of equal value. You may only have a total enchantment cost equal to your ranks in Fantasy. Ex. A corrosive, flaming speed sword would require rank 5 in Fantasy. (Corrosive=1, flaming=1, speed=3).

With Landscape as a Supporting Art, the duration for traps increases by 1 hour per rank in Landscape.

With Abstract as a Supporting Act, the equipment provides a +1 circumstance bonus to all class ability checks, all skill checks, and all combat maneuvers using the equipment for each rank in abstract. Ex. Swashbuckler's Parry, or a trip maneuver.

   Realism Table:

Cost Required for enactment: CR-1/2 Realism rank (min 1)

Rank 1: The Maximum CR you may enact increases to 1/2 Artist level +1.

Rank 2: The Maximum CR you may enact increases to 1/2 Artist level +2. The cost of Enacting beings is reduced by 1.

Rank 3: The Maximum CR you may enact increases to 1/2 Artist level +3.

Rank 4: The Maximum CR you may enact increases to 1/2 Artist level +4. The cost of Enacting beings is reduced by 1.

Rank 5: The Maximum CR you may enact increases to 1/2 Artist level +5.

Rank 6: The Maximum CR you may enact increases to 1/2 Artist level +6. The cost of Enacting beings is reduced by 1.

Rank 7: The Maximum CR you may enact increases to 1/2 Artist level +7.

Rank 8: The Maximum CR you may enact increases to 1/2 Artist level +8. The cost of Enacting beings is reduced by 1.

Rank 9: The Maximum CR you may enact increases to 1/2 Artist level +9.

Rank 10: The Maximum CR you may enact increases to 1/2 Artist level +10. The cost of Enacting beings is reduced by 1.


With Gothic as a Supporting Art, the creature's weapons and armor receive an upgrade, starting with masterwork at rank 1, +1 at rank 2 and so on. If the creature cannot wield weapons or armor, their natural attacks and natural armor receive the upgrades instead.

With Fantasy as a Supporting Art, the DCs of the creature's abilities increase by 1 per rank in fantasy. You may also enact creatures with magical capabilities, so long as their CR is at most 4x your ranks in Fantasy.

With Abstract as a Supporting Art, any attack or effect caused by the the creature imposes a will save, DC = 1/2 CR+ Abstract Ranks. On a failed save, the opponent is confused. You may also Enact creatures with sentience, so long as their CR is at most 4x your ranks in abstract.

With Landscape as a Supporting Art, creatures may be enacted at a distance of 5ft/landscape rank. They also gain a +1 to AC vs Attacks of Opportunity per rank in Landscape.

   Fantasy Table:

Cost Required for enactment: 2x Spell level (Reduced to 1x Spell level with a scroll.

Rank 1: The Caster level, and caster level limit for spells you enact is increased by 1.

Rank 2: The Caster level, and caster level limit for spells you enact is increased by 2. To a minimum equal to the spell level, the penalty for enacting spells without a scroll is reduced by 1. Ex. 3rd level spell cost 6. Now 5.

Rank 3: The Caster level, and caster level limit for spells you enact is increased by 3.

Rank 4: The Caster level, and caster level limit for spells you enact is increased by 4. To a minimum equal to the spell level, the penalty for enacting spells without a scroll is reduced by 2.

Rank 5: The Caster level, and caster level limit for spells you enact is increased by 5.

Rank 6: The Caster level, and caster level limit for spells you enact is increased by 6. To a minimum equal to the spell level, the penalty for enacting spells without a scroll is reduced by 3.

Rank 7: The Caster level, and caster level limit for spells you enact is increased by 7.

Rank 8: The Caster level, and caster level limit for spells you enact is increased by 8. To a minimum equal to the spell level, the penalty for enacting spells without a scroll is reduced by 4.

Rank 9: The Caster level, and caster level limit for spells you enact is increased by 9.

Rank 10: The Caster level, and caster level limit for spells you enact is increased by 10. To a minimum equal to the spell level, the penalty for enacting spells without a scroll is reduced by 5.

Spell slots are not consumed with enactments.


With Gothic as a Supporting Art, enacted equipment may store spells equal to 1 spell level per rank in Gothic. Casting these spells crumbles the equipment. The trigger to cast these spells is decided upon creation.

With Realism as a Supporting Art, you may designate targets to be unaffected by your spells equal to 1 target per rank.

With Abstract as a Supporting Art, any DC imposed by your enacted spells increases by 1 per rank in Abstract.

With Landscape as a Supporting Art, your enacted spells ignore 25% concealment per rank in landscape, half cover at rank 5, and full cover at rank 6. With this bonus, you can target, opponents so long as you know they are there.

   Abstract Table:

There is no cost associated with the effects of abstract.

Rank 1: You may inflict status ailments among the list below upon the effected targets of your enactments. The status ailment is chosen upon enactment, it 'carries' the ailment. DC=Spell save, or 10+Cha mod

Rank 2: Increase the DC of the afflicted status ailment to +1.

Rank 3: Increase the DC of the afflicted status ailment to +2. Targets attacking your enactments must succeed the will save.

Rank 4: Increase the DC of the afflicted status ailment to +3.

Rank 5: Increase the DC of the afflicted status ailment to +4. Your enactments may 'carry' 2 status ailments to inflict.

Rank 6: Increase the DC of the afflicted status ailment to +5.

Rank 7: Increase the DC of the afflicted status ailment to +6. Creatures immune to the status ailments instead receive a +5 to resist.

Rank 8: Increase the DC of the afflicted status ailment to +7.

Rank 9: Increase the DC of the afflicted status ailment to +8. Your enactments now 'carry' 3 status ailments.

Rank 10: Increase the DC of the afflicted status ailment to +9.

List of status Ailments: Antagonize, Confuse, Daze, Dazzle, Fascinate, Fatigue, Flat-foot, Shaken, Sicken.

Aside from Bleed given by Gothic, the duration of the ailments is 1 Round. Any creature that has recovered, or successfully saved, is unaffected by the same ailment for 1d4 rounds.


With Gothic as a Supporting Art, you gain access to the Bleed condition, the damage equaling your ranks in Gothic. This bleed effect stacks with itself.

With Realism as a Supporting Art, you may designate targets to be unaffected by your enactments, up to 1 target per rank in realism.

With Fantasy as a Supporting Art, targets afflicted by your ailments receive a -1 penalty to AC for each rank in Fantasy.

With Landscape as a Supporting Art, your enactments become incorporeal for a number of attacks equal to your ranks in Landscape.

   Landscape Table:

The cost for enactment is equal to the rank of area in use.

The dimensions of the change may be shaped before if specified.

Rank 1: You may enact changes to the landscape without the use of a scroll. You may affect a 5ft­³­ area.

Rank 2: You may affect a 10 ft² x 5ft area. You may Enact anything at a range of 10ft.

Rank 3: You may affect a 15ft² x 5ft area.

Rank 4: You may affect a 20ft² x 5ft area. You may Enact anything at a range of 15ft.

Rank 5: You may affect a 25ft² x 5ft area.

Rank 6: You may affect a 30ft² x 5ft area. You may Enact anything at a range of 20ft.

Rank 7: You may affect a 35ft² x 5ft area.

Rank 8: You may affect a 40ft² x 5ft area. You may Enact anything at a range of 25ft.

Rank 9: You may affect a 45ft² x 5ft area.

Rank 10: You may affect a 50ft² x 5ft area. You may Enact anything at a range of 30ft.

Landscaping does not only change elevation. Landscaping also involves changing terrain and producing obstacles.


With Gothic as a Supporting Art, you may decorate your landscape with trapes. One trap per rank of landscape used with a max equal to your ranks in Gothic. The CR of these traps is equal to your Gothic Rank.

With Realism as a Supporting Art, you may make buildings with dimensions equaling the volume enactable without a scroll multiplied by your ranks in realism. The hardness of the structures is increased by twice your ranks in Realism.

With Fantasy as a Supporting Art, you may cause the environment to entangle targets within. The DC=10+Cha mod+1 per rank in Fantasy.

With Abstract as a Supporting Art, you may makea moving enviroment, the moving sections travel at a speed of 5ft per round and shift, tripping those on the shift. DC=10+Cha mod+ Ranks in abstract. If you adjust the air, the winds will have a wind strength increasing with your ranks in abstract. Light, Moderate, Strong, Severe, Windstorm, Excessive.

Scribe Art: Using rules similar to the Scribe scrolls feat, you may create works of art which can replicate the image upon enactment. A number of enactments, equal to your Cha mod, may be active at a time. Activating further Enactments reverts the first enactment, refunding the points, if a work of art was used. Craft check or Spell craft.

For any work of art created without a visual example (be it the aftermath, or the subject itself), and/or proper understanding of any magical properties it may have, there is a chance if improper portrayal equal to 100%-your artist level-your related craft check or spell craft. Any work of art with an improper portrayal will be destroyed upon enactment. If a work of art was on a creature, the creature takes 1d4 damage for each 2 hour increment taken to create the work. The DC to successfully finish a work of art, regardless of improper portrayal, is equal to creating a magic item of equal value. Scribing creatures is scribing a scroll of summon monster.

The DC to find a flaw in the Work is equal to the number of 2 hour increments taken to create it vs your appraisal skill. Enacting any work of art is a swift action.

   Scribing equipment:

If the cost is 250 GP or less, scribing the item takes 2 hours. For every 1000 GP in the item, scribing takes an additional 24 hours.

If the item possesses sentience, the time required to scribe increases by 24 hours x twice the level of ego.

If the item possesses magical properties, add 120 hours to the time required to scribe for each property.

The time required to scribe is halved for every 5 ranks in Spellcraft or craft.

If a Piece of equipment becomes broken, it reverts to a work of art, and must be restored, taking 2 hours for every 1000 GP in value. Every 5 ranks in Spellcraft halves this time. Dc=Work of art craft DC-5

   Scribing Beings:

If the CR is 1/2 or less, lacks spellcasting/spell-like abilities or supernatural abilities, and lacks sentience, the time required to scribe is 2 hours. For every 1 CR increase, scribing the being takes an additional 24 hours.

The Size of the work must be the size of the creature.

If the being possesses spellcasting/spell-like abilities, the time required to scribe doubles.

If the being possesses sentience, the time required doubles.

If the being dies, it reverts to its work of art and must be restored, requiring 4x the CR of the being in 2 hour increments.

The size and time requirements are halved for every 5 ranks in Spellcraft or craft.

   Scribe Spells:

To scribe spells, review the Scribe Scroll feat, and

You may scribe any spell, even those not contained within the Bard spell list.

The cost of enacting a spell through the scroll is a number of points equal to the spell level.

   Scribe Land:

The maximum volume possible to scribe is equal to 10 times your level cubed, with level 20 being a 200"x200"x200" cube. This zone is also the limits in direction the scroll may alster with the scroll as the center point. The start of change will begin in a square adjacent to the scroll of your choice.

The time required to scribe land is equal to 1 day for every 10ft³ you wish to affect. This time is reduced by half for every 5 ranks in craft or spellcraft.

Creating dimensional pockets requires 1 rank in Fantasy and Landscape for every 5ft³.

The duration of the scribed land lasts until dismissed, or the scroll is destroyed.

The point cost of enacting scribed land increases by 1 for every levels worth. Ex. 10ft³ =1, 20ft³=2.

  Scribing Materials and Consumables:

The time taken is equal to a scroll. DC=10+1/250GP

Enact Art (Su): You gain a number if Creation points equal to 4+Cha mod+Artist level, which recharge after a long rest. You may use these points to manifest anything you can think of... within reason.

If you use a Work of Art, crafted by you, for the image you wish to manifest, and that image is not a consumable, the points may be withdrawn as a swift action, turning your creation back into the Work of Art.

You may cancel any Enactment as a Swift action.

   Enacting Equipment:

Any equipment you enact requires 1 point and is basic in quality. Upon reaching 2 ranks in Gothic, all equipment you enact is Masterwork.

If the equipment you wish to enact possesses sentience, you must have Ranks in Abstract equal to its Ego.

If the equipment possesses magical qualities, you must have ranks in Fantasy equal to the Enhancement cost. Enacting Wonderous items requires a Fantasy rank of 10. Enacting magical equipment cost a number of points equal to the enchantment cost.

Enacting equipment with an enhancement bonus can only be done with Gothic as the Main Style.

The duration of enacted equipment is 10 min x Gothic Rank +1 min x level.

   Enacting Beings:

The Cost of any being you enact is equal to its CR(min 1).

The CR of any being you can enact is limited to, at most 1/2 your level+your ranks in realism.

If the creature possesses sentience, you must have ranks in Abstract equal to 1/4 its CR.

If the creature possesses spellcasting/spell-like abilities, you must have ranks in Fantasy equal to 1/4 its CR.

The duration of Enactment is equal to Your artist level + the CR(min 1) in rounds.

Extra points may be allocated to the enactment, extending its duration by 2 rounds per point.

   Enacting Spells:

The cost to enact a spell is equal to twice it's spell level,

You may enact spells from any spell list, so long as you have a recorded example of the spell.

You may use your related Craft check interchangeably with your Spellcraft check. Spells Created, learned, or modified using your related craft check cannot be cast with spell slots, and must be enacted for use.

   Enacting Land:

Unless you have Landscape as your Main Style, you must have a scroll to enact land.

   Enacting Materials:

Cost of enactment = 1 point per 1000 gp(min 1)

The duration of this enactment is equal to ` day per level. Any effect caused by the enactment will not be reverted.

To process materials enacted, without the materials disappearing after the time limit ends, ex. forging a sword with enacted iron., you must scribe the materials.

Keen Eyes (Ex): Starting Level 2, you may take 10 on any appraisal and perception check. You also gain a +4 vs. mind altering effects and illusions.

You've seen, created, too much to be fooled.

Supporting style Number 1: At level 3, choose a Supporting Art style listed under your main style. Its yours now. Level 3 = rank 1, level 6= rank 2, you know the drill.

Supporting styles are NOT main styles.

Over time, Art changes. Influenced by others, the artist picks up the quirks of those around.

Supporting style number 2: Choose another supporting style listed under your main style. it's yours now. It increases every 5th level.

Crafted Enactment (Ex): Level 5. If you wish to craft, or create, the image within a work of art you have successfully enacted, you receive a bonus to your craft and spellcraft equal to your level.

As if you've done it countless times.

Enduring Enactment (Su): As a ritual, you may choose 1 enactment to endure time. This enactment has no duration limit.

If the enactment is Land, and a scroll was used, this enactment consumes 0 points.

If the enactment was a spell, the use of this spell does not consume points once per day. If a scroll was used, the scroll regenerates once per day.

If the enactment was a material or consumable, the cost if enactment is 0.

Transfer Enactment (Sp): Level 15. You may, as a free action, dismiss enactments, and enact a number of enactments equal in point value. Additional points are not consumed as if you withdrew them. ex. Dismiss a 20 point enactment, enact 4 5-point enactments.

Art Flows, unpredictable, unstoppable.

Self Enactment or Pursuit of Art (Su): Level 20. Self enactment - Enact yourself for 20 points. Duration=until cancelled. The enactment can maintain itself, reducing its point's by 20. If you die, it lives.

Let the Origin of Art Blur.

Pursuit of art - Gain 5 Ranks in a ne Main Style. Main Styles work as supportive styles for eachother.

Insatiably, the pursuit of art continues.

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