Backgrounds (Shard Ne'Vaal Supplement)

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The background is a handy roleplaying element. It helps the DM and player make potential hooks and interest in a character beyond a simple cookie-cutter hero. Originally, in 4th edition's player's handbook, it was solely a means of flavor, with a few generic questions. Thank goodness that they changed that in the second player's handbook, on page 178.

Backgrounds in Shard Ne'Vaal are primarily to help your character blend in with the world, and decide what you know, so that you aren't some alien thing without a grain of sense in the world despite having lived here. Thus, they are varied across the world to allow you to better customize your origin.

Official Backgrounds

These are the ones made in official 4e content, with some flavoring tweaks. Their benefits apply as usual.

Parentage Backgrounds

All the following are part of the parentage series, which is like your inheritance.



Shard Ne'Vaal Specific Backgrounds

Shard Ne'Vaal Navigation
Shard Ne'Vaal Campaign Settingv
Shardnevaal logo.png Players' Handbook Races, Languages, Classes, Backgrounds, Themes, Magic, Psionics, Religion, Literature, Legends and Lore
Shard Ne'Vaal Crash Course History, Geography, Climate, and the World, Bestiary, Flora, Factions, Calendar and Holidays, Cosmology and the Planes, Politics and Law
Dungeon Master's Guide About, Items of Legend, Campaign Ideas, Consumables, Sample Places, NPCS, Variant Rules
Mine sister Valia hath believeth. So long as the scourge yet remains, believe in her faith I shall.
He'Nth to a buyer, 100AG

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