User Base Classes Moderate Spellcasting
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Members of this group don't get top-notch spells quickly, but they have other abilities to make up for their reduced progress.
Name | Type1 | Description2 | ||||
Abhorsen | Good Guy, Moderate Spellcaster, Undead Stalker, Combat Focussed (Undead) | A class based on Garth Nix's books Sabriel, Lirael and Abhorsen. An Abhorsen is a strong mage who hunts undead and sends them back into death, a necromancers that does the opposite of what other necromancers do. | ||||
Animal Dusk Blade | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Arcane Blade | Combat Focused, Skilled, Moderate Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting | Arcane Combat Hybrid that enhances its combat effectiveness through magical means, while also retaining a small set of utility spells. | ||||
Arcane Brute | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Arcane Deck Channeler | Support to Combat Oriented | Allows casting from three spells lists at the price of little control over when specific spells are cast. | ||||
Arcane Enforcer | Uses weapons and a few spells to subdue enemies. | The police force for a city of magic users. | ||||
Arcane Gunslinger | Combat Focused, Craftsman | The Arcane Gunslinger is the paragon of magic's destructive potential, wielding a personally crafted Gunstave to direct arcane power into blasts, beams, and barrages of deadly power. Many Arcane Gunslingers take up the Gunstave in answer to the threat of war, or as mercenaries, or even thieves, lending them a wide range of personalities and vast potential. Their immense power comes with the unfortunate effect of being somewhat fragile at lower levels; Arcane Gunslingers are a source of mighty damage and invaluable support, and with care can become impressive main-combatants. | ||||
Arcane Summoner | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Archmage | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Auger Mage | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Avenger | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Bard, Variant | Arcane Spellcasting, Moderate Spellcasting | A bard that someone might actually want to play... | ||||
Battle Shinigami | Combat-Focused, Moderate Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting | Hunters of ghosts and demons, they protect the living from things which lurk just beyond the edge of the world. These shinigami are focused on melee combat. | ||||
Battle Wizard | Combat & Moderate Spellcasting | A Battle Wizard hacks the opposition to pieces, then blasts the remains to ashes, making him good for people who like magic and might. | ||||
Bender of the Sanguine | Combat Focused, Moderate Caster | Constant motion, a single entity made of millions of smaller ones, fluid grace that could only be described as an art-form perfected by nature itself; these things and more describe a Heart, a Body, and a Bender of the Sanguine. Those unobservant, those who do not keep moving, and those which underestimate Blood Bender's will simply be Eviserated by them. | ||||
Binder | Arcane Caster | A mage that binds elementals & Outsiders to their will. | ||||
Blade Saint | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Bow Saint | Good Guy,Bad Guy,Combat-Focused | a rethought version of the blade saint | ||||
Brewmaster | Alcoholic, Support | Known to drink alcohol and spirits like a fish breathes water, these elusive masters (though more often then not called a town drunk) perfect the ways of fighting drunk, specializing in unpredictable movements and strikes. | ||||
Brimstone Warlock | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Champion of the Ferine | Neutral, Divine, Moderate Spellcaster, Combat-Focused | The Champion of the Ferine is a bestial warfighter who draws upon the raw Divine energy of animal ferocity by sheer willpower alone, transforming into a menacing force to be reckoned with over much spiritual maturation. Striking rapidly and relentlessly with a greatsword whilst shrugging off attacks in heavy armor, the Champion of the Ferine augments their martial prowess with animal ferocity via Empowerment effects, and can take on an Alternate Form to further their combat prowess. | ||||
Chaos Mage | <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> | A spellcaster that harnesses the power of the world's most unpredictable force: entropy. | ||||
Chronokeeper | Moderate Spellcasting, Skilled | A chronokeeper is an individual who's exceptionally attuned to the time flow. | ||||
Corruptor | Bad Guy, Moderate Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting | The Corruptor's job is not to fight like a fighter or sorcerer. Nor is it his job to strengthen his allies like a bard or a druid. The Corruptor weakens his enemies and lets his minions deal with them. He can also weaken objects and create hiveminds, but that's not as awesome. | ||||
Crusader of the Desert | Good Guy, Moderate Spellcasting | Crusaders of the Desert are essentially an arabian paladin most suited to desert campaigns, like Sandstorm. Focusing slightly less on melee combat and more on their spirituality, they have lower hit dice and attack bonuses than a Paladin, but their spiritual abilities are stronger. | ||||
Cryomancer | <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> | <-Paragraph description of the class-> | ||||
Deific Conjurer | Divine Spellcaster | A Deific Conjurer is a person who had the talent to become a a cleric or a druid, but he choose to use this power for something different. | ||||
Delver-mage | Skill-Focused, Moderate-Spellcasting | The Delvers are a clan of thieves and cheats, inhabitants of a stilted slumtown, and their proficiency with magic is a secret few outsiders know. | ||||
Demolitionist | Moderate Spellcasting | An alchemist who uses the power of transmutation to debilitate and damage his opponents. | ||||
Disciple of Music | Neutral, Bard-like, Musical | A Disciple of Music, an entertainer, a master maestro or musician. All are names for this class, one who has studied music thoroughly, and know well the power it holds to not only move people's hearts, but their bodies and minds as well. | ||||
Divine Commander | Good Guy, Bad Guy, Support, Moderate Casting | The master of rebuking and commanding foes. She may expend some her extensive pool of turning attempts to emulate cleric spells. | ||||
Divine Launcher | Good/Evil. Disciplined. Mid/Long Ranged. Minor Divine Caster. | Favored Souls and Sorcerers are not the only ones infused with power... The Divine Launcher too has been endowed with significant amounts of divinity and grace, to which extent they master in combination with ranged weaponry, primarily thrown weapons. With their divine grace, they can channel their energy into their weapon before releasing it at their targets for a variety of effects. | ||||
Dragon Bow | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Dragonslayer Monk | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Dragonslayer, 2nd Variant | Combat Focused, Strong Spellcasting | Powerful magic warriors who have learned their art under the tutelage of Dragons. | ||||
Drayon | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Druidic Warrior | Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Moderate Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting | Hailing from deep in the wilderness, druidic warriors are the standard fighters of the native tribes. They train from a young age to be deadly efficient with an assortment of primitive weapons, as well as how to use the wilderness to their advantage. They will fiercely protect their fellow tribesmen and women. They have a great love for the wilderness and the beings who reside there. However, occasionally, one may leave their tribe, either of their own prerogative or through exile, and join the "civilized" world. These outcasts sometimes become adventurers, seeking to strengthen themselves and their relationship with nature, as well as to help those in need. | ||||
Duskblade, 4th Variant | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Duskblade, Variant | Combat Focused, Minor Spellcasting | This class is a variant of the "Duskblade" class, made with abilities from both the "Duskblade" and the "Mystic Blade (Spencer Edition)" classes. | ||||
Eberith | Bad Guy, Combat-Focused, Divine Spell-Caster, Rogue, Leader | Evil priests that can fulfill any role in a party. | ||||
Ectomancer | Moderate Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting | One in touch with the void between the material plane and the plane of death,
The Ectomancer uses this to call forth spirits that fight by his side and become constant companions. He also has limited spellcasting ability for that little extra umph. | ||||
Eldritch scholar | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Electromancer | <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> | <-Paragraph description of the class-> | ||||
Electromaster | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Electromaster, Variant | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Elemental Bender, 2nd Variant | <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> | Elemental benders are individuals who have been born in sync with the natural world. | ||||
Enlightened Dread Necromancer | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Enochian Occultist | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Epurator | Good Guy,Bad Guy | The epurator is a melee class that relies on his powerful charms and his faithful staff to destroy his enemies and spread the word of his divinity | ||||
Exile | Mixed role class | Cast out of their native plane, these individuals call upon the same warping powers as were used to destroy their home in battle. | ||||
Fairy Prince/Princess | Good Guy, Moderate Spellcasting, Skilled | A partial-casting skillmonkey with a talent for social situations, enchantments, and making animal friends. It combines many features of the Bard and Druid, along with some unique talents. | ||||
Faithful Sword | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Farmer | Skilled | Commoners of the world unite! Don't let the normal heroes have all the fun, someone's got to slay the dragon between harvest seasons. | ||||
Force Savant | Arcane Spellcasting, Moderate Spellcasting, Skilled, Spontaneous Spellcasting | A Force Savant is a form of mage with a natural inclination towards Force-type magic. This is often the result of draconic, fey, or fiendish influence upon their bloodline, similar to a Warlock or Sorceror. Taken far enough, a force savant can manipulate not only basic force magic but fundamental forces of the material and ethereal plains... chiefly gravity. | ||||
Gamer | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Grey Warden | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Grim | Moderate Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting | A supernatural warrior with a distaste for those who defy death. He transforms into a glowing otherworldly force of destruction, moving through solid walls and sending souls to the afterlife. | ||||
Gunslinger variant | Combat-Focused | Gunslingers use a combination of technology, alchemy, and magic to create and use primitive guns. They share an almost supernatural link with these weapons, and can prove to be a great asset to those looking for a mercenary. | ||||
Gusto | Combat-Focused, Moderate Spellcasting | A hunter/druid with a bird companion that uses some lightning spells. Can choose between 2 main ways of playstyle. | ||||
Gypsy | Skill-Focused, Moderate-Spellcasting | The gypsies are a nomadic group of peoples who dabble in magics both arcane, and physical. As such, they are skilled masters of trade and barter, while also keeping the mysteries of magic inside their minds. | ||||
Harrowed | Combat-Focused, Divine Spellcasting, Moderate Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting | Harrowed are those who have died and come back wrong, their souls broken by a flawed Resurrection. Half of their soul remains beyond the veil, which gives them strange powers over life and death. | ||||
Hazeknife | Skilled, Moderate Spellcasting, Rogue Offshoot | A skilled thief that uses magic and trickery augment their abilities. | ||||
Heavy Metal Bard | <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> | <-Paragraph description of the class-> | ||||
Hexxer | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Ioun Stone Ranger | Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused | A Ranger that can power their daily life with different effects via gems. | ||||
Isildarian Gunslinger | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Jack of Diamonds | Item Creation, Skilled | This is the class that makes items. It can eventually craft any magical item any other class can at a fraction of the cost and with greater efficiency. | ||||
Jewelmancer | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Keyblade Wielder | Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused, Moderate Spellcasting | Base class based on the Keyblade Bearer from the Kingdom Hearts Series (Kingdom Hearts and related terms (C) Disney and Square Enix). | ||||
Ki Master | Moderate Spellcasting | Based off the warriors of DBZ, this is a flavor of monk who possesses potent energy blasts to strike at the enemies from afar. | ||||
Kido Shinigami | Good Guy, Moderate Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting | Hunters of ghosts and demons, they protect the living from things which lurk just beyond the edge of the world. These shinigami are focused on their spiritual magic. | ||||
Lamia | "Bad Guy, Combat-Focused", "Moderate Spell casting", "Spontaneous Caster" | A class that focuses on the powers of the Vampire. | ||||
Lancer, Beast Master | Animal Companion, Versatile | Based of an Dragon Knight and Survivalist WoW Hunter, this class is about controlling your animal companion, being versatile about how can it be or tank or damage or support, alternating the pet whit the path chosen and the alignment chosen | ||||
Librarian | Arcane spell casting, Moderate spell casting, Highly adaptable | Librarians are arcane spell casters that devote their lives to knowledge and their devotion pays back as they advance in their class. | ||||
Lorechaser | Moderate Spellcasting | Lorechasers are one part rogue, one part sorcerer, and ten parts lucky. | ||||
Lunari | good guy, divine spellcaster | Great warriors wielding and channeling the power of the upper realms and the Weave to perform great magical feats and augment their combative abilities | ||||
Mageknight | Moderate Spellcasting, Arcana Spellcasting | Mageknights serve the roles of Healers, Spellcasters and Fighters all in one. | ||||
Mageknight, Tirr | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Marrow Priest | Skilled, Moderate Spellcasting | Marrow Priests are shamanistic magicians that originated amongst the Cherufe. They specialize in the manipulation of blood and bone, and although they possess some directly offensive abilities, they best fill a supportive role. | ||||
Master Hunter | Combat-Focused | Cross between a Ranger and Druid. The Master Hunter is a Druidic path instead of a Druidic Prestige. | ||||
Memory-Make | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Mime, Variant | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Misteltein Mage | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Mongolian Warrior | Combat-Focused, Mounted, Good Guy | The Mongolian Warriors are brutally skilled archers and lance-men. They combine their ranged attacks with great mobility, deceptive tactics, and psychological warfare to slaughter their enemies without a scratch. Their training has raised their skills to a level above the physical norm, and they can preform extraordinary actions in battle. | ||||
Mutant | Good Guy, Bad Guy, Omnipotent | Humans are at their base form, summed up to one words: Universal. They can be any number of different things because of their simple forms, master magic, might, faith, ruling kingdoms, the list goes on and on. These Mutants, exemplify this trait by evolving. That is, taking what latent powers and forms dwell within their bodies and bringing them to the surface. | ||||
Mystic Blade | Combat Focused, Minor Spellcasting | If you don't want to wait for the spellsword prestige class, the mystic blade offers an alternative combination of sorcery and steel. | ||||
Mystic Blade (Spencer Edition) | Combat Focused, Minor Spellcasting | This class is a variant of the "Mystic Blade" class, made with abilities from both the "Duskblade" and the "Mystic Blade" classes along with other new abilities. | ||||
Mystic Warden | Boss Slayer, Team Player, All-Rounder, Sluggish | a brutal boss slaying/support class with the capability of immense single target damage but this comes at the cost of a slow movement speed and a near total lack of aoe capabilities with a strict code of conduct | ||||
Mystic Warrior | Moderate Spellcasting | The Mystic Warrior blurs the line between mage and warrior. They are a deadly combination of martial prowess and arcane spellcasting. | ||||
Naruto Ninja, Variant | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Naruto Shinobi, Variant | Skilled, Spontaneous Spellcasting, Magic Backup | Ninja class based on the ninja from the hit anime and manga, Naruto. | ||||
Necro Blade | Bad Guy, Moderate Spellcasting | A necro blade combines the might of a martial class with the spellcasting ability of a necromancer. They kill anyone who opposes them and command their undead bodies. | ||||
Necroblade | Bad Guy, Moderate Spellcasting | A necro blade combines the might of a martial class with the spellcasting ability of a necromancer. They kill anyone who opposes them and command their undead bodies. | ||||
Nimble Duskblade | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Okami Amaterasu | <The Sun God Amaterasu in the form of an Okami, wielding the powers of Amaterasu herself.> | |||||
Old Hunter | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Old Hunter, Variant | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Paleblessed | Divine Spellcasting | The Paleblessed are people have been blessed by the Pale Tree. Recipients of this blessing gain the ability to control plants and light exceptionally well. A common feature of the Paleblessed is a large white flower growing right behind the blessed one's right or left shoulder. | ||||
Paper-Folder | Combat Focused | Constant motion, a single entity made of millions of smaller ones, fluid grace that could only be described as an art-form perfected by nature itself; these things and more describe a Paper-Folder. Those unobservant, those who do not keep moving, and those which underestimate Paper-folders will simply be swept away or crushed by them. | ||||
Paraphrys | Paraphrys are focused upon Chaos. They use chaotic energy to power powerful paraphryia, similar to spells, to defeat foes. | |||||
Pentewyn | Combat-Focused, Divine Spellcasting, Moderate Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting, Good Guy | From the Welsh word for "firebrand"; a version of the "Chaotic Good Paladin" that emphasizes Intelligence over Charisma | ||||
Perfect Performer | Strong Spellcasting | This is a great tribute to the best performers of every era. With aspects of various classes, it contains a wealth of options and special abilities that will aid the wily performer. A paragon of his craft if you will. | ||||
Planar Guardian | Good Guy, Neutral, Diminished Casting | A guardian that masters a plane of existence that they designate their own. From this plane of existence, they can seek sanctuary and reinforcements. | ||||
Planeswalker | Moderate Spellcasting, Skilled | Planeswalkers are the source of an infinite energy, called the Planeswalker's Spark. This Spark allows them to absorb the mana of a plane, and use it as though it were a tool or weapon. Planeswalkers are able to traverse the planes freely, and without restriction; this is called Planeswalking. | ||||
Primalist Shaman | Good Guy, Elemental Focus, Melee Heavy. Multiple roles available. | A warrior attuned to the elemental forces of the world to enhance themselves through battle trances to defend, attack, or even potentially heal allies. | ||||
Proteus | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Psionic Claw | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Pyromancer | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Rapstar | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Red Gunner | Combat Focused, Support, DPS | Strong ranged magic support, with GUNS! Strike true Scorching Ray! | ||||
Red Mage, 2nd Variant | Combat-Focused | A class that is a jack-of-all-trades in melee combat, healing, and spellcasting, but a master of none. | ||||
Ritualist | <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> | Ritualists are capable of a number of different roles, from providing defensive support and protection to buffing allies to providing steady damage. They summon bound spirits to do their bidding, and channel the chaotic energy from the underworld. | ||||
Rune Sage | Good Guy, Melee, Minor Spellcasting, Rune Master | After countless years of training and meditating to understand the patterns of the world, the flows of arcane energies through lands known as Ley Lines, a Rune Sage develops ways of inscribing magical, physical, or sometimes something beyond either, runes into their body, strengthening them in various ways to help them as they journey to understand more of the world then what they were taught at the beginning. | ||||
Rune Singer | Combat-Focused, spell-casting | Rune Singers are individuals who have undergone a unique initiation ritual. This initiation has granted the Rune Singer the innate ability to known the hidden names of runes, and then project them into song or poem form, effectively singing the magic. Rune Singers are primarily a combat class with thick, spontaneous arcane magic to empower themselves. | ||||
Sandbender | Combat Focused | Constant motion, a single entity made of millions of smaller ones, fluid grace that could only be described as an art-form perfected by nature itself; these things and more describe a desert, a sand dune, and a sandbender. Those unobservant, those who do not keep moving, and those which underestimate sandbenders will simply be swept away or crushed by them. | ||||
Sandbox Warrior | Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused, Stealth-Focused, Minor Spellcasting. | A generic blank slate for many different adventures. | ||||
Scarred Knight | Combat-Focused | A melee combatant split by the duality of protecting others and succumbing to the madness that is constant war. | ||||
Seer-Variant | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Sentinel | Strong Spellcasting | A caster who draws their invocations from their connection to the land rather than from affiliation with a more sinister power. | ||||
Sentinel (Variant) | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Servant | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Shamanic Dominator | <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> | <-Paragraph description of the class-> | ||||
Shingami | <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> | <-Paragraph description of the class-> | ||||
Shinigami | Good Guy, Moderate Spellcasting | Hunters of ghosts and demons, they protect the living from things which lurk just beyond the edge of the world. | ||||
Shinigami Stealth Squad | <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> | <-Paragraph description of the class-> | ||||
Shinigami, Variant | <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> | <-Paragraph description of the class-> | ||||
Soul Reaver | Bad Guy, Combat-Focused | Souls are a fickle thing. But not too many times occur when a person is born with the ability to weaponize morality. Everyone is their own worst nightmare around this guy. | ||||
Source Soul: Electricity | Combat Focused | Constant motion, a single entity made of millions of smaller ones, fluid grace that could only be described as an art-form perfected by nature itself; these things and more describe a desert, a sand dune, and a sandbender. Those unobservant, those who do not keep moving, and those which underestimate sandbenders will simply be swept away or crushed by them. | ||||
Spell Warper | Combat-Focused, Moderate Spellcasting | The Spell Warper uses their connection with the Spirit to gain martial and magical powers. Perhaps the most powerful ability they attain is partial control of an enemies magic. | ||||
Spellfire Warrior | Moderate Spellcasting | A magic user of another sort, Spellfire Warriors are people who take the raw energy of magic and control it. These people do not use magic in the normal sense of the word. Instead, they employ it in its raw form, as pure energy. Spellfire Warriors wield spellfire, an ability that should not be taken lightly. | ||||
Sphere Blade | Spontaneous Spellcasting, Combat-focused | The powerful fiends of the lower planes are and have been an inspiration to the spellcasters of all others for centuries, and their unique forms of sorcery and abilities have always been considered with the highest of envy. Few others without the means to draw on these same powers have ever succeeded. Those who have, find themselves able to draw upon the power of demonic 'Spheres', supplementing combat prowess with these energies to become the legends. | ||||
Stalwart Battle Sorcerer | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Stormbender | Combat Focused | Ever wondered what happens to an undead when it gets hit by lightning? The same thing that's about to happen to you. (Those of the electrically challenged need not apply.) | ||||
Sub Paladin | Good Guy, Paladin, Protector, Healer, Buffer | The Paladin class with many substitution levels applied (Ignores Specific Deity Prerequisites) | ||||
Supernaturalist | Combat Focused | Supernaturalists are the quintessential monster hunter, training their whole lives to kill unholy and unnatural beasts. | ||||
Sylvan Knight, Chekov's Variant | Divine Spellcasting, Combat-Focused | Sylvan Knights are protectors of the wild. Essentially a druid with martial weapon proficiencies. | ||||
Tainted Wretch | Bad Guy, Combat-Focused, Moderate Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting | When an average citizen is tainted by a great or lasting evil, he can become physically and magically stronger at the expense of his health and sanity. | ||||
Tarot Mage | Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting | Tarot mages have unlocked the potential and powers hiding beneath the surface of the cards, and use their Tarot to fuel unique and powerful magic. | ||||
Techno Wizard, Variant | ”Good Guy, Offensive Support, Moderate Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting” | ”Unpredictable, unstable, and often as dangerous to themselves as they are to their enemies – techno wizards use an improbable blend of technology and magic to accomplish what few can imagine.” | ||||
Telepath | Arcane, Spellcasting, Moderate Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting | (Non-Psionic) An individual able to control the thoughts of her opponents. | ||||
Trickster Duskblade | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Unliving Savant | Moderate Spellcasting | The Unliving Savant is a relatively weak Caster, who has transformed himself into state very similiar to undead called "Unlife". He speziales in Necromancy. | ||||
Vector Witch | Ranged Combat/Caster | <-Paragraph description of the class-> | ||||
Wand Mage | <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! | |||||
Warlock, Variant | Bad Guy, Spontaneous Spellcasting | A Warlock that doesn't suck. | ||||
Warrior Nun | Moderate Spellcasting, Good Guy, Spontaneous Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting | Hey if there are Clerics who are typically male, why not nuns? Hell Why not WARRIOR NUNS! | ||||
Weeper | Moderate Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting | A strange being able to bind their "guardian angel" as a mask and use their ghostly abilities. Basically a water-oriented necromancer. | ||||
Witch | Moderate Spellcasting | She looks like a wicccan, but can keep her party alive through the use of the potions and poultices which she creates from material she gathers in the wilderness. | ||||
Yandere Healer | <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> | A manga style healer with a nasty right hook. | ||||
Zephyr | Good Guy, Bad Guy | The Zephyr is a wizard of breath weaponry. With extensive knowledge of creatures that utilize such techniques, Zephyrs learn to use these breath weapons to a deadly effect. | ||||