Mounts and Animals (Grisaire Supplement)

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This page contains animals that are usually domesticated or used for purposes of others, rather than living wild on their own. Some of them are extremely rare, while others may be already listed in trade goods as livestock or food. There is also a section on miscellaneous animals in the Grisaire bestiary that may include some entries that are not found here which can also be used.


Animals in this category are typically raised for food. They are usually harvest for their meat or used to produce edible secretions.


Animals in this category are specifically used for transport, whether as yoke-bearers or mules.


This subcategory of animals of burden are usually ridden instead of being used to carry stuff, due to their speed. They can carry loads, so the specification can be a bit blurry.


Exotic mounts are usually never found in your generic shop. Only specialized traders in niche corners of the world have these for sale to be ridden, and they are often not without their own risk. Their rarities can vary, as well as who provides them. Many are location specialties.

  • Bulettes are very rare mounts that are ridden usually through heated terrains by burying underground. They are known to be used as mounts only in Khaire, Kalim, and Edim
  • Camels are the primary method of transportation through many heated desert terrains, primarily in Kalim and Edim, though some do use them also in Khaire.
  • Giant scorpions are, similar to bulettes and camels, normally used within limited areas of Grisaire. Since ancient Kharimese times, they were recorded as royal mounts for the fiercest warriors. However, tlincalli that populate the Great Sands region do not always look so kindly upon the use of these creatures as beasts of burden.
  • Catoblepas are swamp dwellers who are used by niche tribes in the swamps of Engal to traverse certain treacherous loose ground and also reach higher trees.
  • Worg

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