Light Arise (3.5e Template)
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Light Arise[edit]
Light Arise is what a individual becomes if they underwent the ritual to become a Arise and were of the good alignment. They have become altered to have a more humble but attractive appearance for their race and are meant to be honest and trusting. They also lose pigment (gaining white hair and pale skin) except for their eyes which become gold. For more information on the Arise and becoming one go to the arise page.
Creating a Light Arise[edit]
"Light Arise" is an acquired template that can be added to any dragon, giant, humanoid, or monstrous humanoid creature. They have all of the base creature's statistics and special abilities except they are now of the deathless type and they gain the special abilities noted here.
Size and Type[edit]
The creature’s type changes to deathless and they gain all of the deathless traits. Do not recalculate base attack bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is unchanged.
Hit Dice[edit]
Increase all current and future Hit Dice to d12s.
Armor Class[edit]
A light arise's armor class is unchanged with their base.
Light arise do not gain any natural weapons and must either go into battle unarmed, wielding weapons or any base natural weapons.
Full Attack[edit]
Light arise do not gain any natural weapons and must either go into battle unarmed, wielding weapons or any base natural weapons.
Light arise do as much unarmed damage as they would with their base.
Special Attacks[edit]
Sunbeam (Su): When a light arise has reached 10HD they gain the ability to cast sunbeam once per day and they can cast it an extra time every four HD gained.
Special Qualities[edit]
Light arise retain all the base creature’s special qualities and gains those described below.
Resist Control (Ex): Light arise have a +2 bonus on their will saving throws against the control deathless spell.
Light arise have no constitution score but their new appearance make them look more trustworthy and honest than they were when alive. Base abilities + 4 to charisma.
Light arise have a + 6 racial bonus to diplomacy and bluff but a - 2 racial bonus to intimidation, due to their appearance, to base.
Challenge Rating[edit]
Same as the base creature.
Unchanged from base.
By character class.
Level Adjustment[edit]
Same as the base creature.
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